1400-Word Essay Examples: Health & Medicine

A 1400-word essay about health care, medicine, or nursing requires effort to conduct research and read literature on the topic. A text of such a length is more of a short research paper than just an essay. While writing a 1400 words essay, you should work a lot on your outline and thesis statement. Remember: a well-thought-out structure is the key to success!

You might be assigned a 1400-word essay in almost any medical subdiscipline. For instance: pharmacology, urology, healthcare institution, cardiology, or pediatrics. Good luck with your paper! Check 1400 words essay examples below to get inspired.

Healthcare Research

Perinatal, Oncology and Geriatric Nursing Care

Anna, F. I. and Mander, R. (2011). The relationship between first-time mothers and care providers in the early postnatal phase: an ethnographic study in a Swiss postnatal unit. Midwifery, 27(5), 716-22. These authors highlight the role of ‘caring relationship’ as a therapeutic intervention between first-time mothers and caregivers. They concluded...


The HIV and AIDS Treatment in Children

Introduction Healthcare services, unfortunately, are not free of pre-existing bias against socially stigmatized illnesses. HIV and AIDS are among these conditions and carry an associated history of discrimination towards the affected due to the sexual transmission of a significant part of the disease cases. Yet, as any immune disorder, HIV...


Hepatitis A: Causes, Effects, Signs and Symptoms

Introduction The outbreak and prevalence of any disease in any part of the world arouse medical attention and research interests globally. Notably, before 1995, the outbreak, incidences, and the spread of Hepatitis A depicted an upward trend globally. For instance, in the US, the disease incidence rate was 6/100,000. However,...


Role of Professional Nurse in Healthcare Policy

Nurses constitute the largest single component of the healthcare workforce and play an integral role in the proper functionality of health management. These professionals have been viewed as the implementers of the policies which seek to foster and advance public health. However, nursing organizations have increasingly recognized that promoting patient...

1400 Word Essay FAQ

You can write a 1400-word essay about medicine, health care, and nursing on many topics. For example: infant, depression, wellness, heart attack, metabolic disorders, or chronic pain. It is worth choosing an inspiring topic because writing a 1400 words nursing essay requires time and effort.

Medicine is a quite a complicated topic to write about. Working on a 1400-word essay about health care or nursing will typically require time and effort to conduct research and read literature on the topic. Moreover, you’ll have to edit and format the text and probably prepare graphic materials. You’ll need not less than 7 hours for 1400 words.

A 1400-word essay, be it an academic paper on medicine or any other topic, typically contains 9 to 10 paragraphs. It is a rough estimate considering that an academic writing paragraph usually consists of about 100 words.

A 1400-word essay usually spans 6 pages, assuming that it is written in one of the common citation formats (APA, MLA, or Chicago). This means that the text is double-spaced and typed with a standard font (Times New Roman or Arial) of 12 points. The exact length of a 1400 words essay will depend on the formatting requirements.


Nursing Concepts for Curriculum Development

Nursing is a profession that faces significant changes, mainly because of technological advancement gradient. According to researchers, the nursing education curriculum’s design demands incorporating a dynamic perspective that appreciates the contribution of technology advancement (Delaune et al., 2019). In this case, it is essential to determine technological advancements that render...


Proposed Change in Patient Care Delivery

Introduction The current direct practice improvement (DPI) project is to reduce the prevalence of pressure injuries among patients of 75 years old and higher in a medical unit. There is no doubt that the desired outcome can be achieved if it is possible to change patient care delivery standards. It...


Facilitation of Changes in Nursing Practice

Evidence-based information and strategies integrated into nursing practice help to facilitate changes because of their robust decision-making approach. In this course, ways to deliver healthcare with the best clinical experiences data available were studied, and then used in the nursing activities. Moreover, the skills to use the evidence-based information within...

Healthcare Research

Preventing Pressure Ulcers: A Systematic Review

The PICOT question that this body of literature was selected to support is as follows: “In Medical inpatient units, how does turning and repositioning every two hours compared to every four hours prevent the occurrence of pressure injuries during the hospital stay?” There needs to be an in-depth analysis of...


Meaningful Use for Nurses: Implication and Recommendations

Introduction The improvement of the health condition of society has always been one of the priorities of the United States of America. Every individual has the right to health that is crucial for happy living. The government’s interest in the health condition of the society demonstrates the aim to make...


Emotional Intelligence and Biomarker Measurement in Nursing

Emotional intelligence(EI) In the ever-changing modern world, human life is intertwined with a spectrum of day-to-day requirements. Meeting challenging tasks by sustaining pressure or stress can be the major concern for individuals who are work- or job-oriented. Very often, the role of the brain in executing the job function under...


Nursing Care and Diagnosis in Emergency Department

Introduction Douglas Adams, a 51-year-old male, well-built and of 70 kg, a tall person of height 190 cm, has been brought to the emergency department by a friend who found him in a disoriented and confused state at home where he lived alone. His Glasgow Coma Score was 14 out...


Health Issues: Australian Indigenous Population

Introduction Although there have been a number of health promotion initiatives targeting the Indigenous people in Australia, their health status, compared to the rest of the population, is still low. The low health status of the Indigenous people is attributed to a combination of factors including socioeconomic status, income, employment,...


Nursing Education: Four Motivational Strategies That Can Be Used in the Classroom Setting

Four strategies that can be used to motivate students in the classroom setting include praise and constructive criticism, promotion of autonomy, rewards, and use of student-active teaching activities (Burden, 2000). One of the most destructive aspects of teaching is criticizing students inappropriately and offering negative feedback. Teachers should ensure that...


Genetics and Crisis Intervention Nursing

Introduction The crisis has been defined in various ways by different scholars, but the definition including three essential parts of a crisis is the most outstanding one. The three parts of the crisis include a precipitating event, a perception of the event that causes subjective distress, and the failure of...


Application: Planned Change in a Department

Introduction Healthcare organizations constantly experience new challenges, which compel them to respond positively through planned change. The respond constitutes planned change as it enables healthcare organizations to overcome their challenges and provide effective, safe, and quality services to the patients. Planned change does not occur accidentally as Marquis and Huston...


The Concept of Nursing

Introduction Human health is the most important aspect that determines the ability of people to do various activities to support their lives. The provision or availability of food, clothes and shelter is not guarantee that people will live comfortable lives because they face challenges that require expert assistance to ensure...


Importance of Level 1 Trauma Services in U.S. Hospitals

Introduction Currently, it is important for nurses to apply evidence-based practice when addressing health issues. Given that scientists are increasingly performing studies to improve on patient outcomes, it is important for nurses to have skills to analyze study reports to help them apply evidence-based practice. This paper is a critique...


Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council Competency Standards

Introduction The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ANMC) is an organization that was established with an objective of developing national standards in nursing. The organization came up with standards known as the ANMC Competency standards for registered nurses. These competency standards are the core elements that are used to assess...

Healthcare Research

Developing an Implementation Plan: Breastfeeding Problem in Young Mothers

Approval Before implementing the writer’s plan of action of ensuring that new mothers breastfeed their infants till the recommended period, approval would be obtained in writing from the supervisors. The message about the program would then be circulated among fellow staff and other health personnel coming into contact with the...


Research Critiques and PICOT Question Guidelines of Pressure Ulcers

Introduction Problem The phenomenon of pressure ulcers is unfortunately common in a significant portion of hospital patients. Due to immobility and the related issues, patients often suffer from pressure ulcers, which complicate the treatment process, contribute to comorbid issues and nosocomial infections, and increase the length of the hospital stay....

Healthcare Research

The Role of Research in the Advancement of the Health Professions

Introduction Physiotherapy also referred to as physical therapy dates back to early Greece at a period that was commonly associated with Hippocrates. From that period henceforth, physiotherapy has thus developed from just an ordinary message to a profession that is characterized by complex portfolios of treatments with several applications. Physiotherapy...


Learning Needs of Staff Nurses

Repper, J. (2000). Adjusting the focus of mental health nursing: incorporating service users’ experiences of recovery. Journal of mental health, 9(6)575 Recovering mental health patients in the medical-surgical setting need to have a wide range of nursing approaches to choose from during their treatment; this means that they should be...


Concepts of Student’s Philosophy of Nursing Education

Introduction Nursing like any other career involves the pursuit of knowledge that is not only valuable in the field of nursing, but also for the enhancement of one’s well-being in society. It is important to note here that, nurses serve the entire community in totality primarily because they help in...


An Ethical Dilemma in Practice as a Mental Health Nurse

The nursing practice is premised in ten framework of professional responsibilities , conventions, personal conscience and a framework that also includes legal, religious and philosophical perspective that govern and influence what must be done and how it must as well it must be done in any professional practice. Such a...


Why Not More Men in Nursing

Introduction Nursing is one of the professions that are asymmetrically represented in terms of gender. This may be due to several factors including legal restrictions, exclusionary policies, social stereotypes, and self-induced restrictions. The history of nursing dates back as far as 250 BC when the first nursing school was established...


Nursing Leadership: Budgeting Concepts

Leadership Budget Nurses are leaders in general and their leadership subsists in all spheres of their practice. Apportioned leadership bestows excellence in the function of healthcare provision. Available resources should support the operations within any organization, and this does not preclude nursing. This implies that there has to be proper...


Future Advances in Technology and Learning and Training Health Care Providers and Staff

Topic Description The current healthcare setting represents a significant departure from past approaches, which were deemed as obsolete after improved methods of managing public health issues had been developed. However, the present-day healthcare context still needs improvements due to the inconsistency between the pace of technological development and the rate...


Transformational Leadership in Nursing

Introduction Effective leadership is a prerequisite for any organization, and it is becoming increasingly important for the healthcare sector. Transformational leadership is an approach that is often recommended for application in healthcare settings. It allows influencing the basic attitudes and values of nurses by establishing a shared picture of reality...


Patricia Benner: From Novice to Expert Theory

The nursing field is a challenging area that requires substantial knowledge background and personal experience, which play a critical role in the expertise of the professionals. Besides, various theories represent a solid scientific foundation for nurses. According to Oshvandi et al. (2016), theoretical groundwork provides “a framework as well as...


Nursing: Today and Beyond. Obstacles and Competencies

In any medical facility, nurses are the doctor’s right hand and his most essential assistants. The skills acquired during the training give them the right to provide first aid, perform simple manipulations such as injections, measure temperature and pressure, perform simple procedures and make a description of the examination dictated...


Steps During the Interventions Phase

This intervention plan is based on the idea of the importance of a mindfulness meditation program for nurses who have to work with high mortality patients during a pandemic. It is expected to work for eight weeks; however, two additional weeks have to be considered as an opportunity for the...

Healthcare Research

Project Management for Health Care Professionals

Introduction Project Mission Statement To create a fast track clinic where non-urgent patients can be treated to reduce the number of patients in the Emergency Department (ED), improve quality of care and satisfaction rates. Project Objectives The objectives of the project are as follows: Establish a fast-track clinic for the...

Healthcare Research

Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: Properties and the Damage

Introduction Mycobacterium Tuberculosis or M. tb is a pathogen that causes tuberculosis (TB). It was first discovered a century ago by Robert Koch. TB continues to affect thousands of people in the United States, and there is a plethora of multidrug-resistant TB. M. tb differs from other bacteria in its...


Research Proposal African American Caregivers

Abstract There has been an increasing need for quality care for the aging population in this society. This makes professional caregivers very important in this society. Caregivers in this society play a vital role in offering quality care to the aging population. The African American caregivers form a section of...


The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Program

The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program lists several categories of competencies that a graduate should master; these categories are described by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing as part of the essentials of doctoral education for nurses (AACN, 2006). Helpful strategies for evaluating these competencies are self-assessment and...


New Employee Professional Development Programs in Hospital Setting

New Employee Orientation Blueprint Background Transition to a new workplace is associated with significant stress, together with decreased effectiveness and efficiency of employees (Strauss, Ovnat, Gonen, Lev-Ari, & Mizrahi, 2016). Stress may lead to a significant drop in the quality of care due to mistakes and missed treatments (Strauss et...


Online Nursing Education: Skills and Knowledge Development

Introduction The given research will primarily focus on the validity of online nursing education as well as analyze the main pitfalls of such an approach. The study is significant because modern education is shifting towards an online format under the current COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing measures. Therefore, it is...

Other Medical Specialties

Epidemiology of Substance Abuse and Treatment

For the longest time in history, marijuana has been considered not only a spiritual aid but also medicinal for many cultures. The therapeutic use of cannabis started back in 2900 BC when Emperor Fu accepted and effected its use as medicine. Medicinal use of marijuana has over the years found...


Acute Hemorrhagic Shock State Management in Urgent Patients

Abstract Patients in the ICU setting face a range of threats. Being extraordinarily vulnerable, they may fail to recover in case of another health problem development. Acute Hemorrhagic Shock (AHS) is one of the conditions that may lead to a rapid and uncontrollable increase in the number of lethal outcomes...


Sickle Cell Anemia Research

Introduction Sickle cell anemia (SCD) is an “autosomal recessive inherited hemoglobinopathy” that causes vaso-occlusive crises and hemolysis due to an abnormal substitution of amino and glutamic acids on the β-globin chain (Keikhaei, Yousefi, & Bahadoram, 2016, p. 252). Nowadays, hydroxyurea (HU) remains the only method that helps alleviate the symptoms...


Patient-Centered Care in Nursing

Introduction Healthcare practitioners increasingly acknowledge the need to make patient-centered care (PCC) a part of their everyday clinical practice. A growing recognition to embrace PCC as a core of new models of care delivery is also evident among governments, international healthcare organizations, and lobby groups (Kitson, Marshall, Bassett, & Zeitz,...


Addressing Hospital-Acquired Pressure Ulcers: A Critical Analysis

Introduction The need for cost-effective care is increasing as total healthcare expenditures grow. Healthcare providers are challenged with evaluating scientific evidence to inform a practice change aimed at improving patient outcomes. Being a costly yet mostly preventable complication, hospital-acquired pressure ulcers (hapus) cause much suffering to patients in acute care...


Books by Corey, Yalom and Leszcz: Group Therapy

Introduction The books by Corey (2016) and Yalom and Leszcz (2005) are dedicated to the topic of group therapy, including its theory and practice; they share similar titles. However, the authors do not agree on everything, and their positions differ when discussing “difficult” or “problem” clients. The present paper will...

Health IT

Efficiently Creating and Managing Research

Introduction The necessity to measure and assess the levels of glucose in patients is one of the key challenges that diabetes represents. Due to the need to respond to changes in a patient’s glucose levels rapidly to prevent the adverse effects caused by insulin loss from taking place (Kunttu, 2017)....


Quality and Sustainability: Descriptive Method

Introduction Today, much attention is paid to the development and improvement of nursing science due to its initial goal of promoting high-level patient-centered care. Nurses have to demonstrate their knowledge and make sure to apply different theories and frameworks in practice. Nursing theory is based on a group of interrelated...

Healthcare Research

Evidence-Based Practice Strategic Improvement Project

Introduction Problem Statement The wide spread of diabetes is noted worldwide, especially in the United States. The Hispanic population living in Miami-Dade County is twice more prone to developing diabetes compared to other ethnicities (Kenya et al., 2015). Since the symptoms and consequences of the mentioned disease are rather critical...

Healthcare Research

Pharmacist-Doctors Relationship in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Several studies have highlighted the role of inter-professional relationships in improving patient outcomes (Alhawassi et al., 2017; Isetts et al., 2016; Rathbone, Mansoor, Krass, Hamrosi, & Aslani, 2016). They suggest that interprofessional collaboration improves information sharing and quality checks. This paper discusses pharmacist-doctor relationships in Saudi Arabia and their...

Public Health

A Range of Risks of the Homeless Population Group

Introduction In general, Stanhope and Lancaster (2015) define vulnerable populations as large groups of people that are at greater risk due to their poor health status and access to health care. The variety of risks which are involved is considerably wide, and thus it is essential to develop a profound...

Public Health

Public Policy Against Public Smoking in the US

Introduction During the 19th century, not many people of the developing industrial era were in favor of restrictions and policies, which banned smoking. However, at the turn of the next century a number of moral and social reformers irritated and annoyed with the local people who used to consume tobacco...


Oral Hygiene for Underserved Community Members

Introduction Problem Background: Lack of Awareness Among the Target Audience The importance of oral hygiene cannot possibly be doubted, as it affects not only a patient’s digestive system, but also a range of other processes in the human body (Joseph & Shanila, 2014). However, due to poor economic and financial...


Treatment of Phobias as Anxiety Disorders with Paxil vs. Placebo Combined with Therapy

Introduction Background According to the nomenclature suggested by the DSM-V, phobias are referred to as a specimen of anxiety disorders. Moreover, the specified phenomenon is often compared to the social communication disorders since most of the symptoms overlap (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). According to the commentary provided by the American...

Health IT

Discussing Telehealth in Clinical Practice

Specifying a Clinical Problem A clinical problem of obesity is a global epidemic that prevails mostly in the Western world. In particular, the evidence reports about “641 million adults being obese in 2014 (266 million men and 375 million women) compared to 105 million adults in 1975 (34 million men...

Public Health

Medicinal Marijuana Industry in Colorado

Introduction The use of marijuana in the United States of America has faced criticism from various institutions and lobby groups. This is because it is seen as a drug that has serious health problems on the life of its users. Marijuana is a ‘weed’ with green, shredded leaves from the...

Administration and Regulation

Medical Information Systems. Best Practices

Introduction Medical information systems refer to a collection of methods used in the medical field for the purpose of compiling, evaluating, storing, and retrieving required data about a particular patient. These systems are usually standardized in order to meet the requirement of the user as well as give the expected...

Administration and Regulation

Disorganization Within the Sister Petrus Medical Staff

Problem St. Bruno is faced with the challenge of how to attain the institution’s already set objectives amidst the conflict amongst the employees. The hospital is faced with the challenge of how to form a formidable affiliation with other institutions for the benefit of the staff members. The hospital was...

Healthcare Research

Methods of Improving Worker Health and Safety in Japan

Introduction For a country’s economy to be successful its workforce must be healthy. A healthy nation is a prosperous nation. This should be both in terms of human and environmental health. Japan, our main concern for the discussion, has one of the most vibrant economies and this is as a...


Methylphenidate and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Definition Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a disorder manifested in preschool and early school children. These children often have difficulty controlling their behavior and/or pay attention. The prevalence of ADHD is estimated to be 3-5% (NIMH, 2006.) Etiology The exact etiology of this condition is...

Healthy Nutrition

Obesity: Health Risks

Introduction Obesity is a label given to people who are overweight. An obese person has weight that can posses various health risks. This condition affects both adults and teens. BMI “body mass index” uses weight and height to relate to an individuals body fat. Note that the method doesn’t calculate...

Administration and Regulation

Internal Medicine Residents in Six Core Competencies

Introduction and Background According to the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) competency is defined by focusing on six major areas. These are patient care, practice-based learning, professionalism, medical knowledge, communication and interpersonal skills and a system-based practice (Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education, 2002). This definition of competence...

Healthcare Research

Lack Sleep Effects on Teenagers

Introduction Sleep is one of the most important functions which help human body to have some rest and recover essential functions. Sleep deprivation means lack of sleep which influences the main psychological and physiological processes. Kushida (2005) claims: “The deprivation of sleep is the partial or near-complete removal of sleep...

Healthcare Research

Patient Satisfaction Influences Health Outcomes

Abstract Patient satisfaction is a direct measure of care quality that offers an insight into a variety of clinical aspects ranging from care effectiveness to the level of empathy. Dissatisfaction with care usually leads to a drop in the level of patients’ trust in their healthcare providers, which also adversely...

Healthcare Financing

US Healthcare System for Public and Insurance Firms

Introduction It is not a secret that healthcare remains an essential element of people’s lives. Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine a person who has never applied to medical institutions either for medical help or for immunization to prevent diseases. Therefore, access to healthcare is a crucial factor that defines...


Nursing History: Patricia Benner’s Theory

Introduction In medical sciences, nursing research is of particular importance. The history of nursing begins with the distant past, and during its existence, it has undergone many changes and revisions, especially in recent decades. One of the most prominent figures in this field is Patricia Benner, who has developed a...

Healthcare Research

Particulate Matter Size and Health Effects

Introduction The research question for this part of the study is, whether there is any relationship between the PM size and the health of Sun Coast staff? The statistical analysis aims to investigate whether the smaller size increases employees’ health safety. For this purpose, the hypothesizes are: H01: There is...


Lateral Violence in the Nursing Workplace

Introduction Healthcare professionals should exhibit desirable values and traits that can make it easier for them to achieve their aims. The wellbeing of nurses and caregivers is something essential if they are to transform the health outcomes of their patients. More often than not, challenges, abuses, and disagreements tend to...

Administration and Regulation

Manufacturing Principles in Healthcare

Introduction Manufacturing and healthcare may seem similar since they both aim at constant improvement. However, these two areas differ in the matter that healthcare focuses on people and their needs rather than on the product. Two contrasting trends of standardization and customization develop simultaneously due to the complex nature of...


HIV&AIDS Demographics and Health Determinants

Introduction The concepts of epidemiology and nursing are essential since they present evidence-based ideas for understanding the prevalence, distribution, incidence, and preventative measures for various diseases. Communicable illnesses are dangerous since they are transmitted from one person to another within a short period, thereby increasing the possibility of an epidemic....


Geriatric Depression and Alternative Therapies

People of different ages suffer from psychological and physiological issues throughout various stages of their lives. Depression is one of those problems, and it can have severe effects on one’s life and health. According to LeVine (2010), depression is “a transitory mood or emotion experiences at various times by all...

Public Health

Sentinel City’s Community Nursing and Health Factors

Demographics Assessment It is essential to start with demographic information analysis to provide a basis for a successful community needs assessment. The population of Sentinel City is 663,862 people whose ages vary from individuals under 5 years constituting 7.4%, under 18 years – 21.7%, and 65 years and older –...

Medical Ethics

Nonmaleficence as a Medical Ethics Consideration

Medical practice includes some issues that concern professional and other responsibilities, for instance, adherence to medical ethics. Those duties that the healthcare sector employees are to perform imply following the standards of assistance to the population while taking into account certain norms and principles, one of which is the concept...

Public Health

Obesity: Dietary and Physical Activity Habits

The increased level of comfort peculiar to modern society can be dangerous for people. There are already some signs of the gradual deterioration of the situation. The use of technologies along with the digitalization of the environment preconditioned the lack of physical activity needed for people to remain in good...


New Technology Systems Adopted in Nursing

Adoption of New Technology Systems One of the aspects of the role of a nurse facilitator is to prepare the team of nursing care providers for the adoption of a new electronic health records (EHR) system. It is expected that resistance from nurses can be faced in the process (Hyrkäs...

Public Health

Ebola Awareness Campaign’s Funding in Sierra Leone

Partnerships and Advocacy Potential Partners The success of the Ebola awareness campaign in Sierra Leone partly depends on gaining the support of major partners. One private partner that would be useful in the campaign would be community leaders. Alternatively, the Sierra Leone government is a public partner that would be...

Administration and Regulation

Queens Hospital Center’s Smoking Cessation Program

Let me start by expressing my gratitude for the honor of accepting to partner with Queens Hospital center in the quest to bring about positive changes in the organization. Queens Hospital Center is faced with several problems that affect the quality of services offered to clients. We have developed an...

Healthcare Financing

Economic Development and the Healthcare in the US

Abstract In the United States, the economy and health care are two critical issues. The two issues cannot be separated because they are mutually dependent. The increased spending on health care is the driving force to the local economy. The development of several towns and ICT infrastructures in the US...


Advanced Practice Nursing Regulation

Policy Involvement Advanced practice nurses are in a powerful position within a healthcare system as they spend much time in direct care for patients and know their challenges and needs. Nevertheless, according to the report by Heale and Rieck Buckley (2015), there is a lack of political strength of nurses...

Medical Ethics

Abortion: Arguments for the Defense

Proposal In this paper, I will argue that abortion is morally permissible and the argument on the immorality of abortion is essentially untenable. The essay will utilize the views of several authors who have contributed to the topic in the recent past. Most of these views are published in books...


Nursing Training Project in Cross-Cultural Setting

Introduction Evidence-based research will definitely improve the management and leadership skills of nurse leaders because it allows the professionals to cognize various theories and methods for improving the working setting and handle human resources. However, theoretical frameworks are useless unless they are effectively applied in practice. In this project proposal,...

Administration and Regulation

Inpatient and Outpatient Services

A Brief Description of Inpatient and Outpatient Settings Inpatient and outpatient services refer to analytical and therapeutic processes carried out on patients undergoing various forms and levels of treatment. Inpatient implies that the individual is admitted to the hospital where the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are conducted to ensure the...

Administration and Regulation

Case Management at Houston Methodist Healthcare Institution

Houston Methodist is a leading healthcare institution in the United States (About Houston Methodist, 2016). The organization provides “a wide range of health services to more patients in the Greater Houston Area” (About Houston Methodist, 2016, para. 2). The hospital’s major centers are characterized by qualified members of staff. The...


Role of Smoking in the Occurrence of Breast Cancer

Study Summary The Study Objective The objective of the study was to determine the role of active smoking in the occurrence of breast cancer among women. Specifically, the study aimed at establishing the extent to which active smoking increases the risk of breast cancer among Canadian women. Primary Exposure and...

Healthy Nutrition

Epidemiology and Diagnosis of Allergies

Risk Assessment on Allergens Case 1 In this case, the boy has hives and faints while running. Regarding the fact that these reactions are observed two hours after lunch but not six hours after eating, the diagnosis of food-dependent exercise-included anaphylaxis (FDEIA) may be given. It is an unusual reaction...


Urinary Tract Infections

Research Summary Table: Urinary Tract Infections Author (year) Purpose Sample/Number of Participants Design Level of Evidence Findings Limitations Blanck, Donahue, Brentlinger, Stinger, & Polito (2014) To investigate a bundled approach to catheter care practices and clarify its impact on patients with UTI. Two groups (18 years of age or more)...


HIV Treatment Compliance Among African American Women

The following chapter is created to illustrate the findings of the research paper in order to analyse and interpret the results. This chapter analyses the data through the regression analysis and descriptive statistics along with a model summary that can be used to determine the impact of the dependent variable...


Causal Health Care Processes for Heart Disease

Introduction: Defining the Process of Cause and Effect The process of cause and effect can be described as a relationship between issues where one is the outcome of the other. The principle of causation incorporates two interdependent elements: action and reaction. When only one cause is involved, the process is...


Evidence-Based Protocols in Nursing

Thesis “The nursing personnel contribute immensely towards the implementation and adoption of the evidence-based protocols which contribute towards the provision of quality care. The evaluation of the challenges that the nurses experience in implementing evidence-based protocols is critical to the achievement of the desired outcome of improving the quality of...

Healthcare Financing

Medicare, Medicaid, Accountable Care Organization

Medicare Payment Mechanism Today hospitals and physicians are reimbursed by a range of different public and private services. The payments they provide can be both direct and indirect. Today the government tries to control healthcare costs by reducing reimbursement and establishing managed care programs for Medicare and Medicaid (Banach and...