📝 Essays on Healthcare Research

Healthcare Research

Discussion on the Health Care System

Introduction The reasons for the underinsurance vary from income to ethnicity, age, and education. While several social factors can affect a person’s inability to be fully insured, the main of them are employment features and a high price of deductibles. The employment factor implies that citizens with a low-income employment...

Healthcare Research

Pregnancy and Ultrasound Effects on Fetus

Introduction An ultrasound refers to a clinical procedure of medical imaging, which uses frequency waves to view the unborn baby. Health practitioners conduct an ultrasound scan to examine the baby’s movements and physiology. The procedure helps them identify health conditions, which if addressed early; enables the baby to live long...

Healthcare Research

Health Care Cost and Quality Analysis

Introduction With the development of modern technology, specialists in the field of healthcare are expected to become able to improve the quality of health care without increasing costs. In the United States, the readiness to find appropriate resources to improve national health outcomes and avoid making healthcare less affordable is...

Healthcare Research

Healthcare Risk and Quality Management

Role of quality and risk management in healthcare outcomes Risk management is the limitation of mistakes. It seeks to reduce costly negative results towards an individual or organization. For an organization, this may be in form of reduction of gloomy financial performance. In an individual, management tackles bodily harm, anxiety,...

Healthcare Research

Psychological Aspects of Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a critical health problem in the United States and other developed countries. According to Massey, Feig, Duque-Serrano, and Huffman (2017), psychological distress and depression are frequent in patients with T2DM. Recent studies show that 13.8% of patients with diabetes are likely to have depression,...

Healthcare Research

Obesity and Fast Foods

Statistics on childhood obesity in the United States of America are startling indeed. When it comes to weight matters; anyone who is thirty percent heavier than their ideal weight is reckoned to be obese. Using data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Petrangelo observes that: “12.4 percent...

Healthcare Research

Holistic Health, Social Media, and Language Barriers

Introduction In recent decades, diabetes has become a worldwide epidemic. According to the estimations of the World Health Organization, around 8% of adults around the globe have some form of diabetes, either type I or type II (par. 1-2). Because diabetes is a serious health concern, primary attention should be...

Healthcare Research

Evaluating Family History in Terms of Healthcare

Introduction Writing a family history is a rather important procedure that can reveal key health concerns and enable someone to become more aware of any potential health threats. Such a history can show family members, as well as care providers, the areas that require greater attention. The determination of the...

Healthcare Research

Aspects of Genetic Counseling

Introduction Genetic counseling is important in cases where patients need to know about their predisposition to certain diseases depending on their family medical history. In addition, genetic counseling is often used when a family plans a pregnancy. This approach makes it possible for a person to understand different risk factors...

Healthcare Research

Critique of Quantitative and Qualitative Health Research

Each of the two critiqued articles describes a study related to the issues of cultural competence and cultural self-efficacy in health care. Hendson, Reis, and Nicholas (2015) present a qualitative study exploring health care providers’ perception of culturally competent care. Data in it are collected in focus groups and analyzed...

Healthcare Research

The Importance of Health Care Communication

Introduction Health care communication may be described as a method of exchanging information between members of a health care fraternity and also their clients. This process which can either be verbal or non-verbal is very crucial in improving thought sharing among the health fraternity. One of the main functions of...

Healthcare Research

Managing Health Care Quality

Improving the quality of care in a hospital is a major concern for the hospital administration. Devising a strategy that would lead to health care improvement requires an overall analysis of the present quality of hospital services. It is necessary to isolate the factors that are essential for the purposes...

Healthcare Research

Stem Cells Critically Engaging the Article

Introduction The article, Stem cells: what’s all the fuss about, delves into the current stem cell debate by focusing on the many misconceptions regarding stem cells and the general reactions of people towards their use in the medical field. This analysis supports the presented notion that too much appeal has...

Healthcare Research

MMR Vaccine. Benefits of MMR Vaccine

Introduction MMR is a popular vaccine developed to treat measles, mumps and rubella (“MMR Vaccines ” par. 1). The vaccine is generated from a mixture of three known live attenuated viruses. MMR vaccine was specifically developed for young children who are about 12 months old. The mode of administering the...

Healthcare Research

Vaccination for Children: Pros and Cons

Vaccination is a demonstrative example of how new technologies can save millions of lives. The first vaccine was invented by Edward Jenner more than 200 years ago, and now different vaccines are given to children throughout the country against 14 dreadful diseases (Bloom & Lambert, 2016). However, vaccination of newborns...

Healthcare Research

Ethics in Shift Work

Introduction The purpose of this study will be to assess ethical practices and principles within the field of shift work in the law enforcement industry. The study will seek to address the ethical practices that are used in governing the work duties of police officers who work in shifts and...

Healthcare Research

Trans-theoretical and Health Promotion Models

Research questions and study rationale The rationale for conducting the study was to use the Trans-theoretical model to examine the factors that are associated with the movement by high-risk adolescents towards or away from engaging inconsistent condom use behavior. The study aimed at narrowing the literature gap that exists among...

Healthcare Research

How You Can Ethically Improve the Brain

From recent studies and research it has been proved and justified that an individual can improve their brain through the use of health related measures, which ensure that the chemical balance and functionality of the brain are at their optimum level. Some of the causes of lowered mental capabilities especially...

Healthcare Research

Good Clinical Practices and Trials

Introduction Clinical trials were conducted in 63 different sites where the study aimed at comparing the effects of two different antibiotics in acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis. In one of the trial sites there were twenty specimens where the sputum had a rare organism and the antibiotic resistance patterns were...

Healthcare Research

The US Healthcare System: Debunking Myths

Introduction The US healthcare system is considered to be the best in the world. However, as illustrated by the article it turns out to be the most expensive and complex one in the world. Though vast funds have been spent in the improvement of the system, it has not been...

Healthcare Research

Importance of Exercise in Older Adults

The article “Effective Health Behavior in Older Adults” by Leventhal, Schaie and Willis, was written in 2002. This article provides detailed information on the importance of exercise for an individual. It also clarifies the physical and psychological benefits of exercise. According to Leventhal, Schaie & Willis (2002), acute cardiovascular disease...

Healthcare Research

Public Health Management and Leadership

The article focuses on the principles which can help a medical facility to overcome health inequity. As a matter of fact, the biggest challenge for a public health field is the lack of access to the health care services (Grenadier & Holtgrave, 2018). Some clinics might struggle to find a...

Healthcare Research

“Complications: A Surgeon’s Notes on an Imperfect Science” by Gawande

The practice of medicine has been one of the most intriguing forms of science because it deals with the complex and intricate anatomy of human beings. Initially, the physiological aspect of human beings remained a mystery as religion and other sociological aspects attempted to explain the complexity in terms of...

Healthcare Research

Healthcare Policy as the Most Challenging US Policy

One of the areas within the U.S public policy administration sphere which is affected and defective; is that of healthcare administration and healthcare policy administration. As was noted in the New York Times publication some times back; the real problem with the U.S health care system; and which is leading...

Healthcare Research

Abortion: Should Be It Legalized?

Introduction The issue of abortion has elicited one of the most heated debates in U.S history. On one side of the debate, there are those who support the legalization of abortion while on the other side there are those who support the outlawing of the same. The anti-abortionists claim that...

Healthcare Research

Public Policy and the National Health Care Legislation

Introduction The process of policymaking can be considered in terms of various approaches, reasons, and the primary beneficiaries. Some analysts believe the reasons and consequences to be the most important element while regarding the policymaking models; other political observers try to establish relations between the performers and the main beneficiaries...

Healthcare Research

“Hard Times” by Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens was a writer who focused on the lives of poor and unprotected people. He tried to provoke social and political changes by presenting the atrocities which people from the lower classes had to face on a daily basis. Hard Times is a novel that provides an insight into...

Healthcare Research

Animals’ Role in the Healthcare System

Animal ethics refers to the manner in which animals should be treated by human beings (Sandøe & Christiansen 2013). The term also refers to human-animal relationships. From a health care system perspective, the term involves various aspects, such as animal law, animal cognition and animal rights, among others (Korte, Olivier...

Healthcare Research

Opportunities and Risks for Holistic Diabetes Prevention Related to Language Barriers

Nowadays, diabetes has become an epidemic. According to the World Health Organization, more than 422 million people worldwide are suffering from diabetes, and more than 8% of adults over 18 years old have this disease (par. 1-2). That is why the prevention of diabetes requires a multidisciplinary approach that is...

Healthcare Research

Sweat Analysis: A Painless Alternative to Real-Time Vital Signs

Introduction Sweating is an essential body function that occurs spontaneously during exercise and other types of physical activity. The core reason for sweating is to assist the body in regulating temperature through the cooling effect of the excreted water (González‐Alonso & Kalsi 2015). In addition to water, sweat contains other...

Healthcare Research

Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Federal Funding

In the last few days, the controversy on whether embryonic stem cell research should be federally funded reached a defined stage. Such stage is represented through the federal court overturning an injunction that banned federal funding of embryonic stem cell research (MassDevice Staff, 2010). Whether this stage is final or...

Healthcare Research

“Human Genome” Project and Hereditary Diseases

The recent success of a Human Genome(1) project proved that a clear understanding of genetics and its influence on human health could lead to a breakthrough in healthcare improvements in the future. (2). Geneticists have argued that the study of genes is not only for the future but also serves...

Healthcare Research

Minority Groups in America Health Practices

Abstract The concept of health and health practices vary from one culture to another. This report looks at the health practices of the largest minority group in American society. The minority group in this community comprises Italian-Americans and Jewish- Americans. This group has different beliefs about health, diseases and their...

Healthcare Research

Occupational Health and Safety in Schools in Libya

Introduction to the Subject of the Study Introduction Libya is a relatively new and modern country that was developed after the Second World War. It is located in Northern Africa, bordering Egypt, Chad, Tunisia, Niger, Sudan, and Algeria, as well as the Mediterranean Sea. The country’s population has encountered poverty,...

Healthcare Research

Health Care Reform – Is This What America Needs?

Introduction In the recent past, the U.S has moved some strides toward providing affordable health care to all its citizens. Many efforts have been directed toward bringing some changes in health care insurance. The Obama administration wants health insurance reform that will cut costs, promising alternatives, and improve the quality...

Healthcare Research

Health Care Is a Human Right: The Issue of Universal Health Care

Introduction The issue of universal health care has always elicited heated debates in several countries over the last few decades. Most of these debates and criticisms have been witnessed in the United States due to the country’s inability to offer universal health care for all her citizens. This has been...

Healthcare Research

Location of Emergency Services and Response Time

Introduction Research on the impact of the location of EMS stations on EMS response time began almost 40 years ago. As the scope of the interest in EMS expanded, researchers were impelled to examine other spheres excluding location, which affect the response time. These included predicting the number of resources...

Healthcare Research

Marijuana Legalization: Pros and Cons

Marijuana is the processed cannabis plant that can be used as a psychoactive drug prohibited in most countries of the World. Nevertheless, it is still used by many people illegally, which stimulates the necessity to discuss the situation arisen. Marijuana legalization is an issue for perpetual discussion in modern society...

Healthcare Research

Medical Tourism in Jordan and International Competition

International Competition Evaluation of the challenge Despite the rapid and successful development of medical tourism in Jordan, international competition remains a serious challenge to deal with. The main competitors that the country faces within this industry are India, Thailand and Costa Rica, each of which is a well-known destination for...

Healthcare Research

Healthcare Policy Memorandum

Objective I am writing this memo to bring to your attention the need for universal healthcare for Americans. It analyzes the problems and providing necessary policy recommendations to address the needed changes in the general healthcare provision in the United States. Summary of Issue The weaknesses in the American healthcare...

Healthcare Research

Hospital Sector in the USA and Europe

Introduction A government-sponsored health insurance program does not exist in United States. As such, access to healthcare depends on the financial status of the patient. The forces of a free market play a major role in regulating drug prices (Gelband, Wiley and Laschober 10). These forces are determined by competition...

Healthcare Research

Medical Secretaries and Pastoral Care: How Far Apart Are They

Executive Summary Pastoral care is an important aspect of our spiritual formation and plays a vital role in shaping our lifestyle and society at large. It encompasses all approaches that aim at helping an individual interpret his or her life and see the “meaning” of suffering. By embracing pastoral care,...

Healthcare Research

Forecasting Taiwan’s Medical Tourism

Abstract Today, many old people have been faced with a number of health issues and complications. These complications arise as a result of the changing lifestyles in almost all cultures. There have been programs that are developed in order to address these problems faced by the elderly. In this paper,...

Healthcare Research

Stem Cell Research: Modern Perspective and Development

Introduction The benefits to society by the introduction of new medical technologies have been considerable. For example, the introduction of vaccines and antibiotics has significantly improved the well-being of people all over the globe. The science of stem cell treatments, potentially as or more significant as these other innovations, is...

Healthcare Research

Genetic Testing and the Prevention of Genetic Disease

Introduction It is usually the hope of any parent that their children are in a position to enjoy a better life than them. Although parents may work hard to provide them with material needs, nevertheless there may be genetic diseases that could affect their children, thereby totally shattering the dreams...

Healthcare Research

Methods of Improving Worker Health and Safety in Japan

Introduction For a country’s economy to be successful its workforce must be healthy. A healthy nation is a prosperous nation. This should be both in terms of human and environmental health. Japan, our main concern for the discussion, has one of the most vibrant economies and this is as a...

Healthcare Research

Reducing Anxiety and Depression with Exercise

Introduction Most people currently live a life full of problems. Their life is full of stress consequently, suffering from various health problems. Some of these problems could be solved through exercise. However, most people are busy to an extent that they can not afford to spare some time for exercise....

Healthcare Research

The Origins of Anorexia Nervosa

Joan Jacobs Brumberg tends in her case study to outline that anorexia nervosa became well-known only not so long ago due to the facts with popular top models, who died because of this disorder. Moreover, it is a result of fashion implications, which mankind faced in the twentieth century. With...

Healthcare Research

Behavior Explanations: The Capabilities of the Brain

Behavior of a student, who is studying at the language university, and has to study foreign language, is rather interesting for analysis. These students have to memorize unknown words every day. They have to study the culture and traditions of the country where the studied language is spoken. Tutor makes...

Healthcare Research

Connection Between Weight Gain and Alcohol Consumption

Introduction This systematic review focused on 25 studies that aimed to determine the connection between weight gain, amount and specifics of alcohol consumption, and other related factors, for instance, education or exercise levels. In general, the examined research varied in the number of studied individuals, factors that the researchers considered,...

Healthcare Research

Dietary Data Collection: Food Frequency Questionnaire

Abstract In the years between the 1950s and 1960s, nutritionists started developing a questionnaires as a technique for assessing habitual food intake based on recorded food consumed over a set time period because of the increasing health problems associated with nutritional risk factors in the elderly, adolescents, pregnant and adult...

Healthcare Research

Social Determinant of Indigenous Health

Introduction The general acceptance that social inequalities are implicated in the health inequality is not new. This notion that dates back at least to the medieval times in Europe, where observations were made of unusually high rates of diseases among miners has generated controversial concerns (Benzeval, Judge & Whitehead, 1995)....

Healthcare Research

The Effects of Insulin-Like Growth Factor

Abstract Maternal and embryonic factors greatly determine the development of the embryo. If it occurs outside the womb (in vitro), embryos produce growth factors that encourage their development. There is proof that insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) promotes growth in early development stages of embryos and creates a leeway in...

Healthcare Research

Healthcare Research and Design Methods

Introduction Bordens (et all, 2005) have explained the importance for using clear defined objectives and methodology while conducting research. The authors have commented about the fallacy in applying methodology without understanding the importance of the objective and wrong interpretations of the test results. The authors have emphasized the importance of...

Healthcare Research

Women Playing Golf and Improved Quality of Life

Abstract The inexorable ageing of the UK population – along with such facets of modern-day lifestyles as more prevalent obesity, increasingly sedentary lifestyles, and the standing of chronic heart disease among the leading causes of death – brings to the fore many health care issues. Foremost among these is the...

Healthcare Research

Academic Vocabulary Learning: Literature Review and Criticism

The present review of literature aims at summarizing and critically evaluating several scholarly studies focused on academic vocabulary learning. All of the articles under analysis investigate some aspects related to vocabulary learning strategies (VLSs). Whereas the general focus of scholars’ attention in on the same issue, each of the articles...

Healthcare Research

Psychological Research and Design Methods

Introduction The paper has provided two designs for experiments as an alternative for the diagnosis and treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) The paper has first presented the existing treatment, diagnosis and treatment of BPD and then provided two experiment designs. The first experiment is based on the Hamilton Depression...

Healthcare Research

Transitional Living Program: Research Design

Abstract This case study will investigate what constitutes survival skills and a supportive living environment from the perspective of the Transitional Living Program participants and support staff. Research questions that will guide this investigation are the following: (1) What survival skills do you need to live independent (self-sufficient, free) from...

Healthcare Research

Universal Healthcare System in the U.S

Introduction The universal healthcare system debate was kicked off by the former US president Bill Clinton. Though his proposal was largely a failure, he set the ball rolling among the American citizens ever since and has found its way in every election campaign according to Sage (2009, Para. 1). The...

Healthcare Research

Is There a Relationship Between Job Stress and Performance Among the Medical Interns

Introduction/Observation Job overload disrupts the synchronization that exists between the natural environment and the internal clock of our body. Due to this disruption, the medical interns suffer from social isolation, increased injuries, accidents, and sleep disturbances. They also suffer from various physiological effects like changes in, the rhythms of their...

Healthcare Research

Is Autism Good or Bad?

Introduction Autism refers to a mental disorder that is characterized by impaired social interaction and communication multifaceted by restricted and repetitive behavior. Symptoms of the ailment begin when a child is almost three years old and tend to continue through adulthood but in adulthood it gets muted McKean (1994). It...

Healthcare Research

Communication Exceptionality and Education

The study of communication exceptionalities has become one of the major concerns for educators, psychologists, and social workers. Children or adolescents, who are prone to them, are not always able to display good academic performance, acquire social skills and integrate themselves into the community. A great number of programs and...

Healthcare Research

Smoking, Motivation and the Brain

The link between motivation and brain functions and structures continues to baffle neuroscience and psychology alike. What elicits the brain to think in a given direction when faced with a certain situation? Is it biological or behavioral? These are common questions among scholars, but with evolution in technology, most of...

Healthcare Research

Good System of Providing Healthcare

Introduction Ida (2001) argues that a good system of providing healthcare ensures good health, is responsive to people expectation and very importantly is fair in terms of financing. It should seek to improve the health status at minimum cost. It must be responsive enough to meet the constantly changing peoples’...

Healthcare Research

Cultural Sensitivity Training Program

Introduction Neo-liberalism of today is a tag for economic laissez-faire that explains government policies intended to endorse liberated competition between trade firms inside market, particularly liberalization and monetarism, which is distinct from Globalization, which generally refers to greater international cultural exchange, dissemination of multiculturalism, and enhanced individual access to cultural...

Healthcare Research

Obesity: An Epidemic in the American Society

According to the American Medical Association, one is considered to be obese when 30 percent of your body weight is pure fat. Obesity occurs when one has an immense calorie intake that he/she can burn in a day. Obese people are known to be more prone to diseases than non-obese....

Healthcare Research

HIV/AIDS and Its Physical Problems

Introduction Living in contemporary society one cannot but hear different news about the risk of HIV/AIDS in the world. This tendency is terrific because too many people still have less idea about ways of AIDS prevention. The stronger emphasis on the reports about current official and supposed unofficial statistics is...

Healthcare Research

Pro-Legalization of Marijuana

Marijuana is a plant that is sometimes also referred to as ‘cannabis’. This plant is grown worldwide for different purposes; however, marijuana’s bud is used to smoke, for recreational or medicinal purposes. In most parts of the world, marijuana is an illegal drug; whereas in other parts, it can only...

Healthcare Research

Factors That Predetermine Dialect/Accent

Due to the language differences in the society, everyone is aware of the dialect differentiation. The term dialect is often refers to a variety of languages existed in this of that region. Since languages are inevitably revealed through the existed dialects and accents, it should be pointed out that to...

Healthcare Research

Combining Movement Activities With Learning Activities

Physical activity as an everyday process is inevitable. Anyway, people who do not have any disabilities are subjected to the necessity of physical activity. The only question is the amount of the activities, i.e. active or passive way of life. This paper aims to discuss the matters of physical activity...

Healthcare Research

Poor Sanitation in Slum Areas Effects

Introduction A slum can be defined as areas within the city where there is substandard housing, lack of land tenure, and no or inadequate provision of public utilities. The term slum may also refer to areas that were initially respectable and have deteriorated with time and thus their initial dwellers...

Healthcare Research

A New Healthcare System Proposal for the US

Introduction The U.S health care system is provided by private and public spending. This is a system that consumes more expenditure than that of any other country but it’s surprising that the usage of these health services within this system is lower than that of other nations and the cost...

Healthcare Research

The Obesity: Genetic Factors and Biological Causes

On the modern scale of diseases obesity appears to be one of the most alarming occurrences. Traditionally obesity has been defined through the BMI (body mass index) — the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters — with the BMI over 30 classified as obese,...

Healthcare Research

Behavioral Effects Associated With Marijuana

Introduction Marijuana is produced from foliage and flower heads of the hemp plant. A variety of hedonistic and pleasure-inducing drugs are extracted from this plant. The Cannabis sativa, the cut, and baked parts, and ground foliage are capable of producing a greenish-brown drug commonly termed as Marijuana. The principal constituent...

Healthcare Research

The Correlation Between Bipolar I Disorder and Body Mass Index

Among mood disorders, modern psychiatry singles out a group of bipolar disorders which are characterized by a single or multiple occurrence of abnormally elevated mood (mania or hypomania) giving place to depressive (mixed) episodes. Bipolar I disorder is diagnosed on the basis of presence of one or more manic or...

Healthcare Research

Ethical Issues in Stem Cell Research

The ethical problem behind stem cell research raises so many ethical dissuasions. Some say that human beings do not have the right to intervene on the duty of god. Some others say that stem cell research is against religious values. Some others say that stem cell research will lead to...

Healthcare Research

Massive Cerebral Air Embolism in a Peterm With Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Chen et al. (2009) described a preterm infant (33 weeks) born to an alcoholic mother. At birth, the infant showed facial dysmorphic features, optic atrophy, and sensorineural hearing loss characteristics of the fetal alcoholic syndrome (FAS). When the infant developed respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), it was put to CPAP therapy....

Healthcare Research

Signs of Eating Disorders: Types and Symptoms

While food is the staff of life for some individuals, for others it is a problem. Some people may want too little or too much of it. They may overindulge in particular food preferences or ingest unnatural substances. Some people eat too little. They may fear food will fatten them...

Healthcare Research

Tobacco Related Death: Issue Analysis

Abstract As a major health issue, tobacco use affects a majority part of the American population and other citizens worldwide. Tobacco-related deaths are the result of life-threatening sicknesses, and victims rarely survive to narrate their experiences. The number of tobacco-related deaths in America alone constitutes about 15% of the total...

Healthcare Research

Breast Cancer in Hispanic Women: Critique of Research

Purpose/Problem The research article of Hall and colleagues (2007) entitled “Effects of a culturally sensitive education program on the breast cancer knowledge and beliefs of Hispanic women” described the effectiveness of a particular breast cancer awareness effort on the beliefs and activities of women belonging to the ethnic group of...

Healthcare Research

Condom Use in Latino Adolescents: Nursing Research

Purpose/Problem The research article authored by Villaruel et al. (2007) entitled “Predicting condom use among sexually experienced Latino adolescents” describes the influence of gender, religious and family beliefs in the employment of condoms among teenagers of Latino descent. Literature Review The use of condoms has long been identified as a...

Healthcare Research

Bartonella Quintana: Health Problems and Prevention

Bartonella quintana is a gram-negative bacterium (Popa, et al., 2007). Bartonella species is an intracellular bacterium that is linked with several anthropozoonoses and has widespread vertebrate hosts such as humans and mammals. Bartonella Quintana is classified as a gram-negative rod-shaped bacterium and belongs to the phylum Proteobacteria. Since these cannot...

Healthcare Research

The Connection Between Autism and Childhood Vaccines

Autism is a condition experienced by kids such that the life they live is different from that of most normal kids. Autism is a mental disorder characterized by an inability to socialize, communicate, and repetitive behavior. For example, you may greet a child and instead of the child responding to...

Healthcare Research

Death Has No Domain

Death is the most indomitable phenomenon of a human life. It is considered as something most mysterious and cannot be avoided at all circumstances except for those who according to the myths and folklores attained immortality by the blessings of God. Different people have differing views on what constitutes death....

Healthcare Research

Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma and Back Pain

Abstract Papillary thyroid carcinoma is usually presented with a thyroid nodule or cervical lymph node enlargement. Presentation of papillary thyroid carcinoma with distant metastasis is rare. This is a case report of a case of papillary thyroid carcinoma of the follicular variety presenting with L3-4 metastases with back pain. Introduction...

Healthcare Research

Nano-Optics and Benefits: Possible Experiments

Abstract There is a dire need to produce targeted drug delivery vehicles for efficient treatment especially in the treatment of carcinogenic cells. The current proposal envisaged investigating the pathways of cellular internalization of shape and size-specific particles in different cancer cell types, employing modern optical imaging techniques. “A top-down particle...

Healthcare Research

“Jogging Is the Best Weapon Against “Obesity Genes” by Rettner

The analysis is centered around the article Jogging Is the Best Weapon Against ‘Obesity Genes’ by Rachael Rettner (2019). The article muses about the issue of obesity’s connection to the specific genes and counteracting the problem. The author presents recent scientific findings regarding the influence of exercise on obesity gene...

Healthcare Research

Cause and Consequences of a Nutrition-Related Polymorphism

Nutrition polymorphism definition According to the free dictionary, polymorphism is “discontinuous genetic variation that results in the occurrence of several different forms or types of individuals among the members of a single species” (the free dictionary, 2008). An instance of polymorphism is the genetic differences in members that exist in...

Healthcare Research

Healthcare Delivery Systems in American and Britain

This research paper will examine the health care and management systems of two nations; the United States of America and Britain. There is no perfect health care delivery and management system for any nation. While some models seem to work better than others, the truth is that each has its...

Healthcare Research

National Health Service Future

National Health Service emerged as the result of the population need to be provided with the necessary support, help in health care, and complete control of human health recourses. The world situation had been covered by unstable and uncontrolled functioning of this human aspect; nevertheless, hundreds of years after the...

Healthcare Research

Infant Reflexes Definition

Introduction A reflex pertains to a natural action that is observed in response to a particular stimulus. In the case of an infant, the reflexes portrayed are necessary in order for him to survive in the open world, as opposed to his cloistered surroundings while developing in his mother’s womb...

Healthcare Research

“Too Much of a Good Thing” by Greg Crister

Greg Crister in his article “Too much of a good thing” has discussed the problems related to childhood obesity, and had come out with very interesting issues in relation to obesity in children. Some critics believe that his arguments have a lot of flaws in examining the issues concerned. Crister...

Healthcare Research

Childhood Obesity: Review of Articles Related to the Topic

In recent years, childhood obesity becomes the main health problem that affected all social groups in the US. The articles selected for analysis, “Effectiveness of a Cardiovascular Health Promotion Education Intervention on the Attitudes of Urban African American School-Age Children” by Fleming et al (2000) and “Culture, Obesity Stereotypes, Self-Esteem,...

Healthcare Research

Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Introduction The employment of cloning and human embryonic stem cells is of the most significant innovations in medicine (Wobus 640). The discovery of the ability to manipulate embryonic stem cells has created the fields of regenerative medicine and cellular therapy, which aim to treat debilitating and/or fatal conditions that were...

Healthcare Research

Health Status and Provision Among the Aborigine People

Introduction The Stolen Generation refers to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. This group is made up of children who were forcibly removed from their families and communities. This practice was carried out by government, welfare or church authorities. The children were placed into institutional care or with non-Indigenous...

Healthcare Research

The Diverse Health Care Needs of People With HIV and AIDS

Introduction Scientists discovered HIV or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus in 1985. HIV may be transmitted to other people through exchange of body fluids like semen, blood, vaginal secretions and breast milk (Cichocki). The most common way of spreading HIV is sexual contact. Other means include needle sharing in injection of...

Healthcare Research

Is the Effect of Sleep Deprivation on Humans Overrated?

Introduction Sleep is a normal activity very important for our well-being. There are numerous theories, which try to explain why organisms sleep. The recuperative theory according to Milton (1994) states that “animals sleep so that physiological and biochemical repairs can take place”. As per the circadian theory, the normal wake-sleep...

Healthcare Research

American Healthcare System: Does It Need an Overhaul

In a recent survey by the Commonwealth Fund Commission reveals that 82 percent of US citizens are not satisfied with American healthcare system. It needs rejuvenation. According to the people participated in survey, the patient care can be improved if modern health information technology like personal health records is introduced...

Healthcare Research

Tailored Interventions to Prevent Osteoporosis in Women

Introduction The report under discussion is about the rising issue of osteoporosis in women, and the methods used to find out the amount of knowledge they possess. This paper tells about the quality of the various sections of the report, and is an analysis of how the researchers went about...

Healthcare Research

Reproductive Technologies

Is it helpful to women that reproductive technologies, such as hormonal contraception, egg selling and surrogacy, are available in the international marketplace? In this essay, I have shown that it is helpful to women that reproductive technologies are available in the international marketplace. Reproductive technology is the term used to...