10000-Word Essay Examples: Health & Medicine

A 10000-word essay is more of a full-scale research or term paper. To write a good 10000 words essay about health care, medicine, or nursing, you’ll have to conduct serious research and prepare a solid bibliography list. Most likely, writing such a lengthy text will take more than one evening. That’s why you should think carefully about the topic and choose the one that will inspire you.

You might be assigned a 10000-word essay in almost any medical subdiscipline. For instance: diagnostics, pediatrics, geriatrics, nursing, or venereology. Good luck with your paper! Check 10000 words essay examples below to get inspired.

Healthcare Research

Healthcare Facilities Total Quality Management Development

Acknowledgements The ability to complete this research could never have achieved without the encouragement and understanding of my family and specially Rayan my brother, who endured from did not back to home country for long time. I wish to express my gratitude to my supervisors Carol Holder and Nasser Khan,...


The Effect of Special Diet on Progress of Colon Cancer

Introduction Overview This part covers the study background, research questions, academic and practical relevance, previous studies, methodology, sources of data and information, and limitation of the study. Study background Currently, cancer is the cause of nearly 12 percent of deaths across the globe translating to over 9 million people per...

Medical Ethics

Preferences for End-of-Life Care in Developed Countries

Introduction Introduction and Background of the Problem The twenty first century has seen tremendous improvements in medical science and health care in the society. This has been marked by discovery of new drugs and improvement of existing ones, together with adoption of new medical practices to care for patients. This...

Healthcare Research

Centralization of Laboratory Information

Introduction Management is the effective coordination of the resources of an organization towards the achievements of the goals and objectives of the respective company or organization. There are several organizations in the global industry but competing for limited resources. This requires an effective management team. Although management is important in...

10000 Word Essay FAQ

You can write a 10000-word essay about medicine, health care, and nursing on many topics. For example: nursing theory, dementia, stroke, ebola, vaccination, or osteoporosis. It is worth choosing an inspiring topic because writing a 10000 words nursing essay requires time and effort.

Medicine is a quite a complicated topic to write about. Working on a 10000-word essay about health care or nursing will typically require time and effort to conduct research and read literature on the topic. Moreover, you’ll have to edit and format the text and probably prepare graphic materials. You’ll need not less than 50 hours for 10000 words.

A 10000-word essay, be it an academic paper on medicine or any other topic, typically contains 67 to 68 paragraphs. It is a rough estimate considering that an academic writing paragraph usually consists of about 100 words.

A 10000-word essay usually spans 40 pages, assuming that it is written in one of the common citation formats (APA, MLA, or Chicago). This means that the text is double-spaced and typed with a standard font (Times New Roman or Arial) of 12 points. The exact length of a 10000 words essay will depend on the formatting requirements.


Resuscitation Outcomes: The Role of Capnography in Critical Care Units

Abstract The presented project was devoted to capnography during resuscitation of patients in coronary care unit in frames of nursing practice and training. A randomized study conducted in coronary care unit in one of the American hospitals showed high potential of capnography as a tool for monitoring CO2 level while...


Reducing CAUTI With 2% Chlorhexidine Washcloths

Abstract Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) are among hospital-acquired infections, which makes their reduction in many healthcare settings a priority. Among other environments, nursing homes may experience significant rates of CAUTIs. A 100-bed unit was involved in a quality improvement project which was designed to reduce the relatively high CAUTI...

Healthcare Research

DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) From an Ethical Point of View

Introduction Advances in modern medicine have created methods of artificial respiration, resuscitation, as well as a plethora of techniques and technologies which have enabled doctors to prolong the life of patients well beyond the capacities of failing organs or a distinct inability to properly care for oneself as seen in...


Donor Blood vs. Non-Donor Blood Surgical Patients

Introduction Background Information With more than 7.65 followers all over the world, Jehovah’s Witnesses can be considered as one of the minor-stream religions in the world. According to Holden (2002), this religion can be described as a restorationist Christian denomination which is significantly different from mainstream Christianity. Unlike the mainstream...

Public Health

Impact of Outreach Programs on the Health Care Delivery

Executive Summary In Saudi Arabia, health outreach programs have emerged as the most effective ways for bridging some of the health gaps that exist in the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases. Particularly, their importance in the management of cancer has surpassed other groups of diseases because of the need...


Evolution of the Pharmacists in an Independent Prescribing Role

Abstract The thesis study aims at demonstrating that a career community pharmacist can practice as an effective clinician in a prescribing role treating patients in a primary care setting. The introduction of advanced and enhanced community pharmacy services enhances the need for pharmacists to integrate into primary care medical services....


Interprofessional Learning of Complicated Skills in Operating Room Environment

Abstract Essentially it is noted that inter-professional training is a crucial approach of teaching healthcare providers, especially in the nursing profession. In this regard, the inter-professional training that takes place in OR becomes of even greater importance since it facilitates observational learning and sharing ideas. Although there are such great...

Healthcare Research

Reducing Waiting Time in the Radiology Department at Bur Dubai

Abstract This dissertation is about organisational development and the processes and methods in instituting it. Organisations regard change as new and disturbing. However, change is inevitable in almost all aspects of human life and even in other organisms. Change is significant in this time of intense globalisation and dominance of...

Public Health

Ethical and Legal Implication of Informed Consent in Health Care

The modern life styles are the root cause of so many diseases that constitute a major share of health problems to us. In order to have a better understanding about the responsibilities involved in the health care it is necessary to analyse the current health care policies and practices instituted...

Healthcare Research

Mississippi Women Undergoing Hysterectomies and Informed Consent Law

Introduction to the Study Level Introduction The study focuses on women who have undergone a hysterectomy in Mississippi without comprehensive informed consent law. Hysterectomy is one of the most complicated surgical procedures that may result in serious damages to the woman’s reproductive system (Senie, 2013). In some severe cases, hysterectomy...


Drug Development in Paediatric Population

Abstract The pediatric population has suffered from Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) from medicinal formulations that are intended for adults. This practice of unlicensed and off-label prescription is most widespread in children, especially in neonates and cancer patients. This is due to the insufficient drug development and clinical trials conducted in...


Communication Development Training in Dental Education

Abstract This study has examined how Saudi Arabian dental practitioners perceive leadership and communication development programs in their field. The study utilized a researcher-administered survey questionnaire which includes closed and open questions. The questionnaire, called the Dentist Perception Survey Questionnaire, was initially developed by Victoroff et al. (2008). The data...

Health IT

Computer-Assisted Coding in the Healthcare

Abstract The technology that has become useful in healthcare organizations is Computer-Assisted Coding (CAC). This technology has saved time and revenueforfforr the organizations and achieved productivity in the industry. Generally, with its introduction into the system, the coders thought of it as their replacement but soon with its implementation realized...


Atrial Fibrillation: Symptoms & Treatment

Introduction Atrial fibrillation, the commonest arrhythmia in clinical practice, has a fatal ending leading to a rise in mortality. Sudden death, congestive heart failure and stroke are the usual consequences of atrial fibrillation and all are fatal or associated with a poor quality of life (1). The situation and understanding...

Healthy Nutrition

Vitamin D Deficiency and Calcium Metabolism

Abstract Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for the growth and development of all human beings. The most important function of vitamin D is to accelerate calcium absorption in the body. It regulates the body immune system and prevents diseases. This life giving vital vitamin is endogenously produced by exposure...


Conscious Sedation Methods Used for Adults in Dentistry

Introduction Application of local anaesthetics has prime importance in pain control and effective management of patients while dealing with dental care. This is because its use is very safe and convenient. The key contemporary practice of dentistry is to manage pain and apprehension. Patients who really are afraid of dental...

Healthcare Institution

The Degree to Which Clinicians Are Engaged in Health Care Anagement

Introduction The background of the management problem Health care management has been the preserve of qualified and trained managers since time immemorial. The advent of specialisation in health care has opened doors for the incorporation of professional health workers in management. Although little achievement has happened in this direction, debate...

Administration and Regulation

Impact of HIV-AIDS on the South African Healthcare System

Outline Introduction – background of the problem of HIV/AIDS in South Africa, extent of prevalence of the disease, what is HIV/AIDS, the impact of the disease on the health system of the company and structure of the dissertation Literature review – epidemiology of HIV and AIDS in SA; demographic features;...

Public Health

The Effectiveness of Palliative Day Care

Abstract The study is aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of palliative day care in improving the quality of life for end of life patients. This arises from the rise in cases of incurable diseases and conditions in the recent past all over the world. Despite the growth in day care,...

Health IT

Medical Devices Applying High Levels of Energy to Brain

Introduction The regulation of medical devices is considered to consist of some of the most important legislation written by governments. This is clearly due to the number of disciplines involved in the production of a single medical device. Medical device regulations affect both the safety of their users and the...


The Use of Stem Cells in the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease

Abstract Alzheimer’s disease is a multifactor neurodegenerative disorder characterised by dementia, cognitive and behavioural changes and has no treatment. The turn from neuropathological and psychological description of the disease to studying the molecular, genetics, and biochemical causes of neurone degeneration enhanced the scientific knowledge on possible new treatments. Stem cells...

Healthcare Research

Retinal Complications of Diabetes and Vascular Disease

Abstract Diabetes mellitus has several significant complications that can affect patients in various forms with some of the most profound changes affecting both the function and structure of the eye. The microvascular complications that affect the eye resulting from complications of diabetes include hypertension, vascular retinopathy, diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular...


Assessment and Care of Pressure Ulcers

Introduction The skin is the primary defense for the human body (Bluestein & Javaheri, 2008). Once this defense is breached, a person is open to a wide range of pathogens, some which were previously normal flora turning pathogenic. Therefore, at any one point, measures should be taken to enhance the...

Healthcare Research

Sweat Analysis: A Painless Alternative to Real-Time Vital Signs

Introduction Sweating is an essential body function that occurs spontaneously during exercise and other types of physical activity. The core reason for sweating is to assist the body in regulating temperature through the cooling effect of the excreted water (González‐Alonso & Kalsi 2015). In addition to water, sweat contains other...


Palliative Care: Promoting General Practice Participation

Abstract Palliative care is currently gaining more recognition and acceptability in medical fields as it is seen to be efficacious in reducing suffering of people in final stages of ailment and terminal stages of death. The objective of palliative care has always been to encourage, both the bodily and mental...

Healthcare Institution

King Faisal Specialist Hospital: Evaluation of Promotion System

Abstract The structure of incentives must be clear and simple enough to be easily understood by employees and should also provide measurable and realistic targets to be achieved. Promotion system helps improve services provision across a wide range of departments including health domains in terms of technical and allocative efficiency...

Public Health

The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the Black Community

Introduction to the study African-Americans represented nearly 51% of the newly diagnosed cases of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) within the United States between 2001 and 2004 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2006). Further, a report on HIV and AIDS diagnoses between the years...

Health IT

Greek Health Service and Networking Technologies

Summary The constant escalation of modernization and technological use in various aspects of Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) applications had projected them as an incredibly valuable instrument for the enhancement of numerous existing procedures. The diagnostic health industry, as an element of the Health Sector, represents a B2B market that...


Changing Role of the Health Visitors in the NHS

Abstract Health care industry is now actively working towards enhancing the roles of health workers and is trying to create leaders out of these skilled personnel. The need for leaders among health visitors is a requirement of the future, and will ensure the progression of the profession of nursing to...

Healthcare Research

Women Playing Golf and Improved Quality of Life

Abstract The inexorable ageing of the UK population – along with such facets of modern-day lifestyles as more prevalent obesity, increasingly sedentary lifestyles, and the standing of chronic heart disease among the leading causes of death – brings to the fore many health care issues. Foremost among these is the...


Sub-Saharan Africa: Security Implication of AIDS

Abstract Worldwide, HIV/AIDS affect the life of the people, especially the people of third world countries, more than war and terrorism. In the sub-Saharan countries, STD and HIV/AIDS cause problems in national security. The study assumes greater significance as the rate of HIV infected people in Sub Saharan Africa is...


Nursing Education and Advanced Practice Nurses

Introduction Nursing education requires one to consider different aspects of personal and professional growth as well as multiple disciplines related to health care. Prospective Masters-prepared advanced practice nurses (APNs) have to achieve many goals before obtaining the ability to practice independently. The objectives set in this course include the full...


Nursing Skill Mix for Professional Development

Abstract “Skill mix as the range of different skills possessed by the members of a group or required for a particular job” (Richards et al., 2000, p. 186). Its role in transferability of skills and knowledge in the community nursing context is highly debated among different stakeholders. While many agree...

Healthcare Research

Asthma and Smoking Among Africans in California

Abstract This paper aims to investigate the relationship between asthma and smoking among African immigrants in California. The research problem is founded on the failure of many health studies to include African immigrants as a minority group in health studies that investigate the relationship between asthma and smoking. From this...

Administration and Regulation

King Faisal Specialist Hospital’s Global Standards

Introduction The main role of global medical industry is to provide quality, reliable, and affordable medical care services; in above light, world Health Organization (WHO), European Union, United Nation bodies, and different regional and national bodies have continued to support programs that improve medical care provision. Jointly, the above bodies...

Public Health

Patient Satisfaction in Abu Dhabi Public Hospitals

Introduction In today’s competitive business scenario, it has become critical for organisations to give priority to customer service and satisfaction. Such priority is more crucial for the service industry such as health care. Due to increasing competition, private sector companies engaged in health care are forced to prioritise customer service....


Wearable Electroencephalography Device Design Improvement

Abstract The use of Electroencephalography (EEG) has become a core factor in determining the levels of aspect for growth and development in the management of mental health Over the years. Electroencephalography has been used by many health practitioners in the diagnosis of diverse brain conditions and ailments such as epilepsy,...


Novice Psychiatric Nurses’ Communication Strategies

Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore communication strategies that can enhance novice nurses’ capacity to work in acute care psychiatric settings. Methods: An integrative literature review was conducted to analyze selected research articles that studied the barriers to effective communication that novice nurses encounter. Findings: Nurses...

Healthcare Institution

Riyadh Private Hospitals’ Service Quality

Abstract Quality in service delivery is an important aspect of healthcare provision. This study was aimed at measuring the quality of services provided by three private hospitals in the city of Riyadh. Existing literature indicates that the SERVQUAL method has been used in measuring the quality of service in the...

Administration and Regulation

Sustainable Medical Waste Management

Abstract Sustainable management of medical waste is one of the major concerns that the Ministry of Health of Viet Nam and hospitals are trying to deal with. Most medical wastes are unique and cannot be disposed of in the same manner as normal wastes. They are infectious and can also...