2500-Word Essay Examples: Health & Medicine

A 2500-word essay is more of a full-scale research or term paper. To write a good 2500 words essay about health care, medicine, or nursing, you’ll have to conduct serious research and prepare a solid bibliography list. Most likely, writing such a lengthy text will take more than one evening. That’s why you should think carefully about the topic and choose the one that will inspire you.

You might be assigned a 2500-word essay in almost any medical subdiscipline. For instance: nursing, healthy nutrition, alternative medicine, immunology, or pulmonology. Good luck with your paper! Check 2500 words essay examples below to get inspired.


General Systems Theory and Nurse Turnover

Introduction The members of the baby boom generation are those that were born after World War II (Adams & Beehr, 2003). This is a significant number of people entering the latter stages of life. As a result many of them will begin to feel the effect of old age and...

Healthcare Research

Primary Prevention of Acute and Chronic Kidney Disease in Older Adults

Introduction Kidney disease is a health disparity that does not receive sufficient attention from the public and healthcare professionals. Despite this, it impacts millions of people in this country and leads to complications, among which there is kidney failure. The latter can be treated with transplantation, a cost-intensive and dangerous...


Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among Adolescents

This paper discusses the problem of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among adolescents in Atlantic City and Atlantic County in New Jersey. People of ages from 10 to 19 are increasingly engaging in sexual intercourse without necessarily following the proper safety guidelines. As a result, the rate of STD infection among...

Genetically Modified Food

Genetically Modified Foods: Key Aspects

Introduction Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are living organisms whose genetic components have been changed through new genetic engineering advances. Recombinant DNA technology is a new technological invention that introduces a new set of genes into an organism. Genetic engineering accurately and rapidly produces plants with improved traits. The GMO whose...

2500 Word Essay FAQ

You can write a 2500-word essay about medicine, health care, and nursing on many topics. For example: sleep, childhood obesity, patient safety, bipolar disorder, intensive care, or aging. It is worth choosing an inspiring topic because writing a 2500 words nursing essay requires time and effort.

Medicine is a quite a complicated topic to write about. Working on a 2500-word essay about health care or nursing will typically require time and effort to conduct research and read literature on the topic. Moreover, you’ll have to edit and format the text and probably prepare graphic materials. You’ll need not less than 12 hours and a half for 2500 words.

A 2500-word essay, be it an academic paper on medicine or any other topic, typically contains 17 to 18 paragraphs. It is a rough estimate considering that an academic writing paragraph usually consists of about 100 words.

A 2500-word essay usually spans 10 pages, assuming that it is written in one of the common citation formats (APA, MLA, or Chicago). This means that the text is double-spaced and typed with a standard font (Times New Roman or Arial) of 12 points. The exact length of a 2500 words essay will depend on the formatting requirements.

Healthcare Research

Technology in Healthcare Management

Introduction The following dissertation focuses on the issue of technology in healthcare management and career prospects in the area of technology. Technology is an imperative area in health management and its integration in the field of health has been an advantage. This essay will explore my career path plan, which...


Research Critique “Adopting Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Decision Making”

Study Purpose The purpose of this study is to evaluate an effective intervention that would facilitate successful implementation of Evidence Based Practice (EPB) in the Singapore’s clinical settings (Majid et al. 2011). In this article, the purpose of the study broadens and clarifies the aim of the study, as it...


Lateral Nursing Violence: How It Affects Patient Care and the Workplace

Introduction Violence in the workplace is a growing concern in the healthcare profession. Non-physical violence or lateral violence is synonymous with intimidation, disruption, and unprofessional-like attitude of nurses toward fellow nurses. This should not have a place in the healthcare profession that must bear culture of safety and care for...


Foundational Philosophical Sources and Experiences in Nursing

Introduction The human race has been grappling with a plethora of undesirable health conditions for a long time now. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) are prime examples of these undesirable health conditions. Its first official diagnosis was in 1981 in California, in the USA...


Nursing Theory: Adaptative Model of Calista Roy

Introduction Adaptation Theory, Development Theory and General System Theory are all theories of nursing. Roy’s theory is an Adaptation Theory. There are other theorists like Watson who stated that human beings were the central point of all the nursing theories. The nursing theories are further classified according to their theoretical...


Concept of Caring: Nature of Nursing Practice

The concept of caring is frequently put under study, via analytical and phenomenological methods, in order to provide the researchers with an understanding of human nature. The concept of caring has been applied in nursing, whereby the attitude of a nurse is evaluated by observing the moral, cognitive and emotional...


Criteria for Evaluation of Paper: Evaluating a Guideline

Introduction Despite the high developments attained in the 21st century, man is not yet relieved from deadly health complications. Medical and nursing researchers have indicated that the range of human diseases is magnifying day after day. This is closely associated with changing lifestyles. Most of the diseases and medical complications...


Educating Nurses in Operating Room Environment

Introduction: Patients’ Needs in the OR Environment Background Working in the environment of an operating room (OR) invites a plethora of challenges for a nurse as the patients in the specified area are especially vulnerable to the effects of external factors. Particularly, the fact that the patients are exposed to...


Comprehensive Assessment in Nursing

Introduction In the course of completing the practicum project, one has to deal with a number of cases within a day. As a result of this, it may be really difficult for that individual to carry out a comprehensive assessment on every patient seen in the course of the day....


Nursing: Family Centered Care

Introduction The information should be accurate between the patient, family members, and the care providers to ensure that quality service is offered. The care providers need to learn about family background and culture and traditions. This will enable them to create a conducive environment for the health care workers Much...


The Patient’s Narrative of a Tuberculosis Patient

This is a narrative or a journey of a tuberculosis patient (Abdi Adan – not his real name) who is a homeless person in London. The purpose of the narrative is to help us understand psychological, cultural, and sociological perspectives from the patient’s point of view. In the past few...

Healthy Nutrition

Risk Perception of Cardiovascular Diseases Among Saudi Women

Introduction Across the globe, cardiovascular diseases remain to be the leading cause of death among women. According to World Health Organization (2010), CVD accounts for one-third of deaths among women in the world. In developed countries such as the US, more women than men succumb to CVD every year (WHO,...


Risk Perception of Cardiovascular Disease Among Saudi Women

Introduction Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are non-communicable blood vessel, vascular, brain, and heart diseases (Shara, 2010). According to World Health Organization (WHO) (2012), in a year it is estimated that cardiovascular diseases cause over 17.4 million deaths, which translates to thirty percent of all deaths caused by non-communicable diseases. By the...


Nurse Staffing and Patient Safety

Introduction Nurse staffing is the most important factor in determining the quality of patient care offered in hospitals. Research has revealed that hospitals that experience low staffing levels have high rates of negative patient outcomes because of the poor quality of care offered (Patterson, 2011). Many hospitals face this problem...

Healthcare Research

The Quantitation of Anti-D by Flow Cytometry

Abstract It has been determined that the major causative factor for the haemolytic disease of the newborn is the maternal immunization against D and incompatibility. Medical research has developed a medication that can help to prevent this complication. In the D– incompatibility pregnancy cases, governments and health policies in many...

Healthcare Research

Principles of Support in Health and Social Care Practice

Principles of Support in Health and Social Care Practice How principles of support are applied to ensure that individuals are cared for in health and social care practice Healthcare is a professional area of practice which aims at improving the health and social well- being of individuals faced with physical,...

Public Health

Poor Indoor Air Quality in UK Traditional and Contemporary Housing

Abstract Traditionally, people used to stay in quite undemanding houses. Whenever peoplesuffered from any sickness, majority declared the conditions of the houses the cause of the sicknesses. As a result, houses have gone through some modifications, with those of the recent UK depicting a significant difference, not only in shape...


Postoperative Care for Cicek Olcay

Cicek Olcay, a Turkish woman of 53 years of age, had been admitted for acute right upper abdominal pain. She had elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy under general anesthesia. The surgery was uneventful and the patient was transferred to the post anesthetic recovery room (PARU). After monitoring her for 30 minutes she...


Compare & Contrast of Nursing Theeorists

Introduction Nursing theories are innovative and original ideologies that explain the uniqueness and associations in the nursing discipline. While learning about these theories, I noticed that they had one common goal i.e. solving the questions and anonymity in the nursing practice. Myra Levine, Jean Watson, Martha Rogers, and Dorothea Orem...


The Public’s Image of Nurses – Stereotypes

Introduction Nursing plays a major role in the health sector and delivery systems not only by offering care services but also by involvement in the disease management practices and set of guidelines for handling infections as well as influencing the level of professionalism accorded to nurses. Although the role of...


Evidenced Based Nursing

Article Krein, S., Heisler, M., Piette, J., Makki, F., & Kerr, E. (2005). The Effect of Chronic Pain on Diabetes Patients’ Self-Management, Diabetes Care 28(1), 65-70. Graphic of Article Article Krein, S., Heisler, M., Piette, J., Makki, F., & Kerr, E. (2005). The Effect of Chronic Pain on Diabetes Patients’...


The Advanced Practice Nurses in Arkansas

Introduction Since the beginning of 20th century, nursing profession has continued to evolve with development of technical machines and appropriate medicine. Nursing practice is no longer considered an occupation but a fully developed profession. The evolution has seen change of training mechanism and for APNs, a master’s degree is now...

Healthcare Research

A Study on the Oral Health Status

We should keep our teeth, tongue, and gum clean to prevent oral diseases and bad odors. Gum diseases and cavities are problems caused by poor oral hygiene. When teeth and gum are not properly cleaned after eating, plaque forms. This is a sticky layer where bacteria multiply and produce toxic...

Healthcare Research

Audit Proposal-Healthcare Waste Management

Effective disposal of healthcare waste products is a key element in ensuring that waste products from the industry do not result in environmental pollution. According to Johannessen, Dijkman, Bartone, Hanrahan, Boyer &Chandra, 2000, p.22), health care waste refers to all the waste which results from various healthcare establishments, laboratories, emergency...


Nursing and Economics: The Impacts of the Economic Principles

Introduction Economic principles are statements explaining how individuals make decisions, how economic actors interact; it generally explains how the economies work or should work as a whole ( Slembeck, 2006). According to Mankiw include; how people make decisions – trade-offs, cost choices etc.; how the economy operates as a whole...


Developing a Nursing Plan

Introduction The set of actions put up to take care of a patient who is suffering from a certain type of disease can simply be described as the nursing process. The steps are meant to guide the nurse or whoever is managing the patient to administer the right medication as...


Nurse Practitioner in Australia

Introduction Today, more than ever before, the potential for nurses to improve the quality of life for patients in primary care settings is well documented and acknowledged (Ventulato et al, 2006). This has necessitated many countries, especially in the developed world, to develop mechanisms through which nurses are encouraged to...

Healthcare Research

Chronic Diseases in Australia and Saudi Arabia

Introduction According to Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute report (2006), the World Health Organization defines chronic diseases as those diseases that have at least one of the following characteristics; Being permanent Their cause is non-reversible pathological alteration Leave behind residual disability The patient having any of these diseases need...


Enablers and Barriers to Pain Assessment and Management

Introduction Based on the World Health Organization (1996) definition, palliative care is the active care of patients afflicted with a chronic disease that will ultimately lead to their death. Palliative care focuses on the management of pain, other symptoms, psychological, spiritual, and social crisis. Thus, the objective of palliative care...


Critical Evaluation of Clinical Teaching

Introduction Clinical teaching has a different share of a challenge to its educators compared to normal classroom teaching. The main difference is that in clinical teaching, there is a lot to be put into practice at every stage of development. Moreover, there are completely varying approaches in clinical teaching. They...


Technology and Nursing: The Impact of Technology

Abstract The research paper will provide an overview of technology about the role of a nurse. As the days of manual charting become a thing of the past, new technology is paving the way into the 21st century. The research paper will explore the impact that technology has had not...


Discharging Mothers after Caesarian Births

The main purpose of this essay is to discuss the peculiarities of discharging plan, in particular, after the Cesarean section. It is of crucial importance for us to identify the major steps or probably, it is better to say evaluation criteria, on which medical workers base their judgment. Our task...


Analysis of Academic Nurse Educators Role

Recently, the world has seen an increase in the need for nurses. According to scientists, the US will need at least 260,000 more registered nurses by 2025 (Oermann et al., 2017). Despite the increased interest in the profession from people under 30, about one-third of the workforce are nurses over...

Healthcare Research

Medical Malpractice and Formation Medical Career

Introduction Medical malpractice has always been one of the most complicated investigation subjects due to a variety of pitfalls when resolving a court case. As a result, a single case can be addressed in court for several years, followed by a number of appeals. A prime example of such a...


Leadership and Their Application in Mental Health Nursing

Nursing is a multifaceted profession that encompasses a wide range of tasks and responsibilities one of which is being a nursing leader. Until recently, nursing literature had primarily focused on executive and other formal leadership roles when discussing nursing leadership (Huber, 2017). However, in recent years, the nursing leadership discourse...

Healthcare Research

Kuwait’s Healthcare System: Drivers and Barriers of Quality and Safety

Introduction to Kuwait’s Healthcare System Kuwait is one of the developing countries located in the Eastern Mediterranean region. Kuwait’s healthcare system denotes the entire healthcare facilities located in the country including its hospitals, clinics and other healthcare institutions. As a developing country, Kuwait’s healthcare system fairs well in terms of...


Quantitative Article Critique Intravenous Administration (IV) Of Drugs

Intravenous Administration (IV) of drugs is a common practice nowadays that involves several different stages, amongst which the phases of medication preparation and administration are frequently delegated to nurses. This procedure is potentially hazardous and carries with it a multitude of risks if any lapse in the proper administration of...


Clinical Nurse Specialists and Nurse Practitioners

Background The future of nursing practice is never stable because of a number of new regulations, constant improvements, and specific interventions. In the middle of the 20th century, the first categories of nurse specialists were introduced, provoking the importance of defining the scope of practice, certification requirements, and collaboration arrangements....


The Nursing Theories Comparison

Abstract Nursing theories are essential elements of the nursing field and practice because they directly shape the overall approach to the issues. The given comparative analysis will primarily focus on Abdellah’s grand nursing theory of patient-centered care and Kolcaba’s middle-range theory of comfort. The former author provides a complete and...


Improving Treatment Adherence in Hemodialysis Patients

Introduction Those patients who have chronic renal disease need regular hemodialysis procedures. However, the problem is that these patients often demonstrate non-adherence to treatment regimens because of certain barriers. The purpose of this literature review is to explore the phenomenon of non-adherence and identify obstacles that can be faced by...

Healthcare Research

Connection Between Asthma, Respiratory Disease and Climatic Variables

Problem definition Climatic changes are known to have a significant impact on the symptoms of asthma patients. Asthma is one of the chronic diseases that have become a worldwide pandemic affecting a substantial number of the world’s population. Asthma is caused by two medical conditions in a human’s lungs, constriction,...

Healthcare Research

Sustainability in Business: A Case of the Healthcare Industry

Executive Summary This report highlights contemporary issues, best practices and challenges associated with integrating the concept of sustainability in the healthcare industry. The document is divided into four main sections. The first one explains key sustainability issues in the healthcare industry and their impact on the adoption of the concept...


The Schema-Based Therapy Method

Introduction Young (2008) developed the schema-based therapy method as a treatment tool for patients who suffer from personality disorders. Usually, doctors use schema-based therapy for patients who have relapsed, or failed to respond to other treatment therapies (Reinecke, 2002, p. 291). Schema-based therapy relies on the assumption that complex personality...

Administration and Regulation

Effects of Fatigue on Paramedics Doing Night Shift

Introduction Paramedics who work on night shifts are faced with the problem of heavy workloads. These workloads are tiring physically, mentally, and psychologically to the paramedics. Working on night shift tampers with paramedics’ sleep patterns, bringing about fatigue. This jeopardizes the safety of patients under the care of the paramedics...

Administration and Regulation

Physical Strain on Paramedics in Working Night Shift

Introduction The contemporary world depends on staff members that work under irregular schedules throughout the day (Joyce et al., 2009). Most of these staff members are in crucial work divisions like the paramedic division. Paramedics work irregular shifts throughout the week. Consequently, they sleep for fewer hours than required, in...


Paramedic CPR: Ventilations With Bag Valve Mask and Laryngeal Mask Airway

Introduction In paramedic practice, the success of resuscitation depends on the maintenance of a patent airway and oxygenation. The return of a patient to the pre-morbid condition is therefore dependent on the efficiency of ventilation and oxygenation than any of the interventions that a paramedic may provide. The achievement of...

Healthcare Research

Tuberculosis and Healthcare Risk Factors

Research Question In this proposed research, the main question that the study would seek to establish is, “what is the relationship between tuberculosis and potential risk factors in the healthcare system, and whether the new cases of tuberculosis are more prevalent in persons visiting third world countries as opposed to...

Public Health

Health Issues of Aboriginal People in Australia

Introduction It is imperative to note that there are numerous health issues that exist among the aboriginal population in Australia (Thomas, 2012). In this case, this paper intends to present a hypothetical case study of the health issue facing the aboriginal group of people in Australia. Notably, studies have shown...

Healthcare Institution

Diabetes Consultants in Holistic Medicine

Introduction There is a significant challenge in the management of diabetes within the limits of the global population. Health stakeholders around the world are working hard to find out new methods of curbing the rising cases of diabetes around the world. That is why it is important to approach the...

Administration and Regulation

Psychsafe Corporation: Resource Management

Introduction PSYCHsafe Corporation is a for-profit organization that cooperates with various psychiatric clinics. In particular, it provides products that are critical to ensuring the safety of patients and employees. For instance, one should consider such goods as tracking bracelets and alarms showing that a person has left the room. Overall,...


Regulation of Professions and Occupations: Nursing Schools

Issue Identification Nursing Schools and Regulation Concerns The process of managing staff-related issues while opening and closing nursing schools, as well as handling problems associated with student debt, providing relevant information to students, and more, are admittedly complex since they require a perfect understanding of how a nursing school is...

Healthcare Research

Foot Neuropathy: the Effectiveness of Preventive Care

Introduction The diagnosis of diabetes mellitus creates new risks for patients that involve all spheres of people’s lives. Apart from causing the need for continuous medical assessment of one’s glucose levels, this condition also leads to several other complications. One of the most widespread issues that follow diabetes mellitus is...

Other Medical Specialties

The Use of Capnography in the CCU Setting

Introduction The process of resuscitation to encourage the return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) requires constant supervision in the setting of a Coronary Care Unit (CCU). Therefore, it is critical to study the opportunities that capnography provides for detecting the threat of heart failure and facilitating a successful. For this purpose,...


Nursing: History, Problems, Suggested Solutions

The history of nursing Nursing is the ability and science of supporting individuals in learning to care for them whenever possible and of caring for them when they are unable to meet their own needs. Nursing developed into a scientific profession from an unorganized way of caring for the ill,...


King Fahad Specialist Hospital: Education Need Assessment

Every professional requires his or her knowledge to be up-to-date to stay competent, which cannot be truer in the sphere of nursing (Dyson, Hedgecock, Tomkins, & Cooke, 2009). Rapid changes and the constant arrival of new challenges in practice and theory dictate the need for continuous data refreshment and replenishment...


Efficacy of Quetiapine With Bipolar Depression in Children and Adolescents

Introduction Bipolar Depressive Disorder is classified by the National Institute of Mental Health as a mental disease that significantly alters a person’s mood, energy, mental and social activity, as well as the capabilities for independence and performance of daily tasks (“Bipolar disorder,”2016). Typically, this disease appears in adults and is...

Healthy Nutrition

What Does the Research Say? Childhood Obesity and Parental

Involvement Over the last decade, childhood obesity has remained a serious global public health concern. This problem affects people at all levels, including the citizens of low- or middle-income countries or populations exhibiting high income levels. According to the World Health Organization (2017), the number of obese or overweight children...

Healthy Food

Nutrition: Cutting Board and Contamination

Abstract It is understood that food is necessary for keeping alive but there are certain hazards associated with the way food is prepared. Several hazards and food borne diseases are associated with the food preparation practices. Cutting board is a significant tool used during food preparation and the intensity of...

Other Medical Specialties

Information of Particulate Matter

Background of PM Particulate matter (PM) is often comprised of organic and inorganic matter (Perez, et al. 129). Experts often use their mass and composition to categorize them into two main groups – fine and coarse particles (The University of Texas at El Paso 4). Generally, fine particles are PM2.5,...

Healthcare Research

Holistic Health, Social Media, and Language Barriers

Introduction In recent decades, diabetes has become a worldwide epidemic. According to the estimations of the World Health Organization, around 8% of adults around the globe have some form of diabetes, either type I or type II (par. 1-2). Because diabetes is a serious health concern, primary attention should be...

Healthy Food

Aseptic Packaging Lines in the Food and Drink Industry Analysis

Packaging is one of the most crucial aspects of the food and drink industry. Food and drink should be packed in the most hygienic and safe techniques. Aseptic packaging lines play significant roles in ensuring that food and drink are packaged in technologies that inhibit the growth and spread of...

Public Health

Wellness and Well-Being of Humans

Introduction Health is critical for the normal functioning of human beings and hence needs to be managed well so that living is made more comfortable. All over the world, health concerns have risen considerably, mostly because of the fact that managing symptoms has dominated the field only for the disease...

Healthcare Research

Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Federal Funding

In the last few days, the controversy on whether embryonic stem cell research should be federally funded reached a defined stage. Such stage is represented through the federal court overturning an injunction that banned federal funding of embryonic stem cell research (MassDevice Staff, 2010). Whether this stage is final or...

Administration and Regulation

Capacity Planning at Shouldice Hospital

Executive Summary The Shouldice Hospital operating in Canada is a facility treating patients for external abdominal hernia in a unique way. The affordable charges coupled with speedy ambulation have earned a significant reputation among patients and the hospital is being recommended by word of mouth to others by the patients...


Prostate Cancer Treatment and Depression

Introduction The American Cancer Society, the umbrella body that brings together cancer patients and oncologist, prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States of America. Prostate cancer is most common in the United States of America than in other countries in the world such as...

Administration and Regulation

Sustainable Hospitality Management

Hospitality Management Hospitality management is taken as the academic study of managerial leadership how to run restaurants, hotels and tourism business by the concerning people. There are a lot of international institutes which are offering Bachelor and master degrees in Hospitality and Tourism Management (HTM) which has a great significance...

Healthy Food

A Life Cycle Assessment of Coconut-Based Cooking Oils

The Product Category Background This LCA investigates the general class of edible vegetable oils and, in particular, coconut/palm oils. Vegetable oils had gained in popularity in the latter part of the 20th century owing to dietary concerns about the high saturated fat content of animal fats like butter and that...


Organizational Structure Changes in Pfizer

The rapid development of science and technology and the organizational changes are some of the factors the challenge the survival and success of the pharmaceutical industries. The dynamics of this industry have been redefined through the combined forces of social, economic, political, and technological factors. Over the past many years,...

Healthy Nutrition

Connection Between Obesity and Alcohol

Introduction There is a range of contributing factors that increase the likelihood of obesity development in adults (National Institutes of Health, 2019). In general, such factors include physical activity, energy consumption, and macronutrient intake. As alcohol not only influences the total energy consumed by an individual but also has an...

Healthcare Research

The Effects of Insulin-Like Growth Factor

Abstract Maternal and embryonic factors greatly determine the development of the embryo. If it occurs outside the womb (in vitro), embryos produce growth factors that encourage their development. There is proof that insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) promotes growth in early development stages of embryos and creates a leeway in...

Healthy Nutrition

Obesity and Self-Esteem in Children and Adolescents

Obesity has reached epidemic proportion globally and childhood obesity is already epidemic in some areas and on the rise in others Research findings suggest that lack of physical activity, sedentary behavior, parental obesity, socioeconomic status, eating habits, and environmental factors, as well as genetic and metabolic conditions, are coincident with...

Healthcare Research

Combining Movement Activities With Learning Activities

Physical activity as an everyday process is inevitable. Anyway, people who do not have any disabilities are subjected to the necessity of physical activity. The only question is the amount of the activities, i.e. active or passive way of life. This paper aims to discuss the matters of physical activity...

Healthcare Research

Ethical Issues in Stem Cell Research

The ethical problem behind stem cell research raises so many ethical dissuasions. Some say that human beings do not have the right to intervene on the duty of god. Some others say that stem cell research is against religious values. Some others say that stem cell research will lead to...

Healthcare Research

Signs of Eating Disorders: Types and Symptoms

While food is the staff of life for some individuals, for others it is a problem. Some people may want too little or too much of it. They may overindulge in particular food preferences or ingest unnatural substances. Some people eat too little. They may fear food will fatten them...

Healthcare Research

Tobacco Related Death: Issue Analysis

Abstract As a major health issue, tobacco use affects a majority part of the American population and other citizens worldwide. Tobacco-related deaths are the result of life-threatening sicknesses, and victims rarely survive to narrate their experiences. The number of tobacco-related deaths in America alone constitutes about 15% of the total...

Medical Ethics

Abortion: Controversial Thoughts Analysis

Abortion has developed into a very controversial topic over these past few decades. Abortion is defined as “the expulsion of a fetus from the uterus before it has reached the stage of viability, in human beings, usually about the 20th week of gestation. An abortion may occur unexpectedly, in which...

Healthcare Research

Nano-Optics and Benefits: Possible Experiments

Abstract There is a dire need to produce targeted drug delivery vehicles for efficient treatment especially in the treatment of carcinogenic cells. The current proposal envisaged investigating the pathways of cellular internalization of shape and size-specific particles in different cancer cell types, employing modern optical imaging techniques. “A top-down particle...

Administration and Regulation

The Quality of Healthcare in Canada

Introduction In Canada, restructuring the health care systems has been common and is determined to affect the areas of quality, availability, and expediency of the people’s access to the services through the hospitals and long-term care facilities. One of the main objectives of the Canadian Health Care policy is that...


Communication with Patients in Mental Health Nursing

Introduction One of the most useful ways in which we can help other people is to listen and communicate with them in ways that enable them to share their troubles and feel better. During the following lines we will describe a number of listening, communication and helping skills. These skills...

Healthcare Research

Calcium Channels’ Role in Disease Development

Introduction Voltage-gated calcium channels belong to a family of calcium channel proteins that are integrated in the membranes of both excitable and non-excitable cells. In many cells an influx of calcium triggers depolarization which can increase excitability. Calcium is a known intracellular messenger which not only plays a role in...

Healthcare Research

Hydroxyurea-Based Therapy in Patients With Sickle Cell Disease

Introduction The purpose of this project is to examine medication adherence related to hydroxyurea-based (HU) therapy in patients with sickle cell disease (SCD). The focus of this project is on determining the outcomes of using pill compliance packaging on HU therapy for SCD patients in the context when non-compliance packaging...

Administration and Regulation

Implementing Socialized Healthcare in the United States

Socialized Health Care is one of the terms used to describe publicly0-funded healthcare facilities. Critics admit that US healthcare will benefit if the state introduces a socialized healthcare system for all citizens. The main problems that affected Americans are poor healthcare services for low social classes and racial minorities, immigrants,...


School Nurses’ Perception of Childhood Obesity

Today, United States is facing many health-related problems like breast cancer, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and others. Among these, obesity is one of the most serious health problems facing the youth of United States and evidence shows that the problem is getting worse. Childhood obesity represents a threat to the health...

Administration and Regulation

Emergency Room Overcrowding: How Far Have We Come?

Introduction The emergency department room sometimes called the emergency room (ER), emergency ward (EW), accident & emergency (A&E) section or known as casualty department is a hospital or primary care department that provides initial treatment to patients with a broad range of illnesses and injuries, some of which may be...

Healthcare Research

Three Perspectives on Childhood Development: Erikson, Piaget, and Vygotsky

The cognitive and emotional development of children is a unique and intricate process that demands careful consideration to understand the challenges that it entails and the opportunities that it contains. Since the phenomenon of childhood development is not homogenous and includes a sequence of changes that affect a child on...

Public Health

Social Problems of Health and Health Care

Abstract The article is aimed to provide a personal perspective regarding the current problems that are affecting the US healthcare system. The author highlights three main areas in the current US healthcare setup as the reasons for the decline. The first is the lack of direction in the allocation of...

Health IT

Health Information Improvement Proposal: Addressing the Concern of Stakeholder

Introduction Innovative solutions to the management of patients’ personal data have had a tremendous impact on the healthcare industry, causing a massive shift in the process of data collection, analysis, and storage. The Electronic Health Record (EHR) framework has become one of the most common tools for handling patient data,...

Administration and Regulation

Medical Trade Shows: A Business Event Brief

The Type of Event, Its Mission, and Objectives The business event to be described in this brief is the technological innovations trade show for healthcare specialists. The selected industry, thus, is the medical one, and the event will be interesting for a wide range of professionals. A trade show as...

Healthcare Research

Negative Impact of Technology on Children’s Growth

Abstract In America, over 50% of children below six years of age use technological devices for more than two hours each day. This study will be undertaken to pay special attention to the emotional and cognitive effects of digital technology on the development of infants and young children and offer...

Public Health

Big Data Management in Health Care

Introduction At the present, the healthcare system is facing many new challenges that require interdisciplinary solutions. It appears that without automating certain processes and making data-drive decisions, the system can stagger, depriving many people of medical help. As of now, the connectivity between health providers is insufficient, which leads to...

Administration and Regulation

Critical Analysis of Patient Care Information Systems in Australia

Introduction The purpose of the healthcare sector is to maximise the experiences and medical outcomes of the targeted population. The Australian government has implemented a powerful structure that ensures that majority of the citizens receive timely, reliable and affordable medical care. This goal has been achieved due to the presence...

Health IT

Electronic Health Record in the Independence Medical Center

Introduction The Independence Medical Center currently applies an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system that does not allow physicians and other medical professionals to collect and analyze patient data efficiently, which is reflected in the inadequate workflow and the need to avoid some processes outlined in the EHR. This proposal aims...

Medical Ethics

Occupational Therapy from the Christian Standpoint

Introduction Occupational therapy (OT) is a practice that implies the use of multiple assessment methods and interventions for developing, recovering, and maintaining meaningful activities for work among individuals, groups, and even communities. Those who required occupational therapy have usually undergone illness, injury, or have developed a disability that prevents them...

Healthcare Research

Hand Hygiene Compliance as a Practice Change

Healthcare Problem Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) constitute a serious problem in many healthcare organizations. They lower the quality of care for patients and expose visitors to life-threatening outcomes, complications, and unscheduled readmissions (Goldberg, 2017). This issue is closely connected to medical professionals’ adherence to hand hygiene practices described and suggested by...

Public Health

Hypertension and Health Advocacy for African Americans

Introduction Hypertension, as a disease more prevalent in African Americans, presents a serious public issue because current policies do not focus on the population from a culturally appropriate approach. The education of the population is based on accepted approaches that do not consider cultural specifics. The policy proposed in the...

Medical Ethics

Conscientious Objective in Medical Practice

Introduction The article, “Why Medical Professionals have no Moral Claim to Conscientious Objection Accommodation in Liberal Democracies” by Udo Schuklenk and Ricardo Smalling presents critical arguments that different stakeholders in the field of medicine should examine from an informed perspective. The authors begin by explaining why clinicians should be aware...


Diabetes Mellitus in the Pediatric Population

Introduction Diabetes mellitus is a relatively new clinical problem in the pediatric population. For instance, only a few decades ago, the prevalence of diabetes type 2 in children and adolescents was significantly low. Nevertheless, Reinehr (2013) notes that since the mid-1990s, researchers started to observe a growing incidence of diabetes...