800-Word Essay Examples: Health & Medicine

An 800-word essay is most commonly a five-paragraph essay. To write a paper of such a length, you should strictly follow the format and think of a clear thesis statement. Another typical genre for an 800 words essay about health care and medicine is a nursing reflective paper. In such an essay, one is expected to honestly share their experience, reflecting on their professional skills.

You might be assigned an 800-word essay in almost any medical subdiscipline. For instance: nephrology, geriatrics, immunology, surgery, or medical ethics. Good luck with your paper! Check 800 words essay examples below to get inspired.


Sharing Knowledge Learned From a Practicum Project

Knowledge and outcomes of practicum projects can be shared using various methods. They include communicating in front of the audience (e.g., podiums, panels, and round table formats) and using poster presentations and journal publications (Milner, 2016). Other ways of disseminating knowledge often consist of conducting clinical rounds, brief discussions, and...


Using Social Media Tools for Good in Nursing

The worldwide prevalence of social media platforms, as well as the extent to which people interact through social media on a daily basis, has inevitably led to the process of health professionals embracing various platforms in order to connect with the medical community and the general public. However, sometimes, when...

Healthcare Research

The Effect of COVID-19 on Adolescence

The COVID-19 pandemic has had unprecedented impact on humans since the first case was reported in late 2019, changing the way humans, as social beings, operate. Due to the dangers of the virus, many governments across the world have been putting stringent measures for curtailing the further spread of the...


Mandating Nurse: Patient Ratio

Nursing is one of the most challenging professions, as nurses work long hours and night shifts caring for severely ill and, sometimes, dying patients. Increasing the number of nurses taking care of patients in hospitals will greatly increase job satisfaction among nurses and make them more productive. It is, therefore,...

800 Word Essay FAQ

You can write an 800-word essay about medicine, health care, and nursing on many topics. For example: sleep, antibiotic, hygiene, chronic pain, syphilis, or illness. It is worth choosing an inspiring topic because writing an 800 words nursing essay requires time and effort.

Medicine is a quite a complicated topic to write about. Working on an 800-word essay about health care or nursing will typically require time and effort to conduct research and read literature on the topic. Moreover, you’ll have to edit and format the text and probably prepare graphic materials. You’ll need not less than 4 hours for 800 words.

An 800-word essay, be it an academic paper on medicine or any other topic, typically contains 6 to 7 paragraphs. It is a rough estimate considering that an academic writing paragraph usually consists of about 100 words.

An 800-word essay usually spans 3,5 pages, assuming that it is written in one of the common citation formats (APA, MLA, or Chicago). This means that the text is double-spaced and typed with a standard font (Times New Roman or Arial) of 12 points. The exact length of an 800 words essay will depend on the formatting requirements.

Healthcare Research

Access to Healthcare Indicator

Access to health care is the most critical factor that determines whether a state will achieve a Healthy People 2020 goal. It has an impact on the quality of one’s life, social, physical, and mental health status. Disparities in the economic status based on residential location, ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status,...


Nursing Shortage: Literature Review

The nursing shortage is a highly important issue and a critical challenge for national health care because it is one of the main causes of poor quality of medical services. The ratio of nurses to patients continues to decline, and there has been a plethora of authors addressing this issue...


Regulations for Nursing Practice in Virginia

Introduction “Every nurse in the U.S. is responsible for knowing the state’s NPA and regulatory requirements for nursing for every jurisdiction in which they hold a license” (NCSBN, 2018, p. 5). Numerous laws and regulations govern the nursing practice, and state boards of nursing carefully oversee nurses’ compliance with these...


Researching of Role Delineation in Nursing

Introduction Providing proper healthcare is important for the full recovery of patients. As such, hospitals assign patients to nurses who will ensure proper medical care and quick recovery. Nurse practitioners (NPs) help in preventing diseases, promoting health, diagnosis and health education. NPs play an essential role in patient recovery, although...


Communication-Related Situation at the Hospital

I witnessed a situation at the hospital entailing poor communication between the nurses and the patient. The patient failed to understand the challenging situation that encompassed an obese individual’s surgical operation and carried on with the practice smoothly that later resulted in complications. This situation contributed to the patient’s ability...


Kidney Stone Disease. Advances in Urology

Kidney stones is a disease affecting the urinary tract. The medical term for kidney stones is renal calculi, urolithiasis or nephrolithiasis (Alelign & Petros, 2018). Kidney stones are generally described as hard crystalline objects that consist of chemicals in the urine. There are four types of renal calculi, and the...


Renal Failure as Emergency Situation

Emergency Situation and Specific Criteria: Renal Acute kidney failure (AKF) is one of the scenarios that require immediate assistance. Seeing that the factors causing kidney failure are very numerous, it is crucial to diagnose the problem in a manner as accurate as possible; otherwise, the patient’s life may be in...


Protecting Oneself and Family From Foodborne Illness

Introduction Food-borne infections have drawn substantial attention among medical practitioners and society at large. According to Todd (2020), an estimated 76 million Americans fall sick from various consumables every year. Fundamentally, forborne illnesses are caused by 200 different microbes, which increases the rate of disease occurrence (Camino Feltes et al.,...

Family Planning

Health Risks of Having a Child at a Young Age

Teenage pregnancy or pregnancy at a very early stage is defined in different countries in different ways. For instance, in the United States it is defined as an under aged girl becoming pregnant where as in the United Kingdom, there is a legal definition whereby a woman is considered to...


Substance Use Disorders & Harm Reduction Programs

Introduction Drug abuse is one of the most troublesome societal issues in the modern world. Despite the decline of HIV/AIDS incidence across the globe, the number of people who contact the infection remains relatively high, with approximately 50,000 new annual cases in the United States alone (Kulikowski & Linder, 2018)....


What Are the Harmful Effects of Fast Food?

Introduction Fast food is a food trend that emerged and became globally fashionable in the post-industrial era. There is a widespread belief in society that fast food is unhealthy. The scientific community also thinks so, and numerous academic studies and researches confirm the statement. However, more and more people, including...


Raising Awareness of Food Poisoning Among Schoolchildren

Program evaluation plan for raising awareness of food poisoning among schoolchildren aged 8-15 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia by 40% over 3-years. Program evaluation is the step that follows monitoring. The information collected during monitoring the results of the project is evaluated (or compared and judged) in an analytical way against...


The Impact of Nursing Practice Act and Hospital Policies on Nursing Practice

Nurses have an essential role in helping patients undergo their treatment, recover from injuries, and improve their health. Performing these professional duties requires serious expertise, proper competence, specialized knowledge, and skills, which are obtained during prolonged periods of training and learning. The risks involved in the nursing occupation are high,...


Evidence-Based Nursing and Theory-Practice Gap

Introduction The idea of EBP was introduced a few decades ago to promote the use of empirical research in healthcare professions. Being a systematic approach to solving clinical problems, EBP is understood as a promising improvement for nursing practice, but its full-fledged implementation still raises concerns. This paper is aimed...


“Notes on Nursing” by Florence Nightingale

Introduction This reaction paper essentially focuses on giving a succinct analytical reaction to the book Notes on Nursing by Florence Nightingale which was first published in England in 1859 and 1860, in America. In this book, Florence describes nursing in a rather different way from the way people view it...


Nursing Roles in Addiction Care: Case Study

Patient History The patient history offers specific information on the client’s current situation. It is evident that the 21-year old female has been feeling weak and unwell for the past several weeks. In addition, she smokes an average of two packs of cigarettes a day, has a single meal a...


Nurse Practitioner Interview: Ms. Tess Case

Aspiring to be an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) is a dream goal for any student nurse in achieving academic excellence and quality nursing practice. Achieving and maintaining a top-notch level by being driven by passion, the ability to make personal decisions, and demonstrating great ambition for career development is a...


A Mindfulness Meditation for Nurses During Pandemic

The suggested evidence-based intervention will help to curb the levels of stress in nurses by offering them relaxation techniques that will lead to a drop in tension and work pressure. Previous studies have declared that mindful meditation has an ameliorating effect on the levels of depression, stress, and workplace burnout...


Nursing Career: Description of the Profession and Its Future

Background information Many misconceptions surround the nursing career. The myths surrounding nursing profession are so great that they dissuade people from pursuing this career. However, unlike what many people believe, nursing is the noblest career in the face of the world, without which many lives would be put to stake....


Development of the Personal Philosophy of Nursing

Introduction A nurse’s mission is to serve patients and address their needs, providing holistic and high-quality care. This purpose of a nurse’s work, knowledge, and experience usually form the development of a specific personal philosophy of nursing. However, it is also important to note that a nursing philosophy is not...


Child Abuse: Role of Nurses

Every child deserves to grow in a healthy environment that can guarantee a high standard of social, mental, and physical development. However, the wellbeing of children can suffer through neglect, mistreatment, and abuse from a quarter of parents/guardians (Kimberly & Brooks, 2009). If unchecked, child abuse will lead to an...


Future Nursing Report

The work of the committee of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative, made four recommendations aimed at improving and transforming nursing in the US. One of the recommendations made by the committee is that nurses should be allowed to discharge all the services, which are within the scope of their...


Pro-Self: The Pain Control Program

Introduction The article highlights the limited knowledge by patients regarding pain control therapies, which acts as a hindrance to managing pain during cancer intervention programs. A majority of patients experience inadequate treatment of their pain from various caregivers, which makes their recuperation difficult (Schmidt, 2012). The education programs that target...


The Privatization of Health Care in Canada

The Canadian health care system is notable for its public funding and availability to everyone, which has its benefits. However, it also limits the system’s resources and the patient’s choice, being an unfortunate price to pay. By expanding the private sector, the underlined issues can be resolved without damaging the...


Literature Review on Application of Nursing-Skill Mix

Nursing-skill mix involves the combination of employees in a specific post. This is often done amongst posts that are related in a particular way (“Nursingtimes.net,” 2004, p. 34). While nursing-mix has been applied in many instances within the medical field, its significance has continued to bear positive results in the...


Philosophy of Nursing and the CSU School of Nursing Conceptual Model

Introduction These models were introduced after World War 2 when the world had a shortage of nurses. Ginzberg filed a report that accelerated the implementation of the models. In his report, he advocated that nurses were to be trained for two years instead of four years to provide safe care....


Symptom Burdens and Labor of Burden

Summary Gapstur, R. (2007). Symptom burden: a concept analysis and implications for oncology nurses. Oncology Nursing Forum, 34(3), 673-680. This is an article on symptoms burden authored by Gapstur a director of nursing at Methodist Hospital in Louis Park Minnesota. According to the author, the concept of symptom burden has...


Nursing Leadership Position and Vision of Education

Introduction The vision of nursing, whether it is in the health care systems or education, is to guide those taking up the profession to acquire the skills and deliver the standardized care to the public as well as the organizations/institutions providing the skills and the health care. Policies are formed...


Personal Philosophy of Scholarship in Nursing

Introduction Philosophy serves as every person’s guide. The study delves into Boyer’s model of scholarship. Scholarship relates to the academic learning process. My personal philosophy includes continually gaining more knowledge and adapting to the needs of society, especially the students. Implementation of the Philosophy Within the nursing academe, the implementation...


Tenants of Florence Nightingale’s Theory

Introduction Nursing practice in the modern day has evolved from the known way of practice several decades ago. What was treated at that time as a simple work for women has now evolved into a twofold component involving both theory, practice, men and women. When compared to a building, nursing...


Personal Goals: SMART Approach

Introduction A SMART goal is an approach for establishing objectives and missions for activities or processes. The scope of the nursing profession that includes interaction with management teams in workplaces, patients as well as the work environment prompts for personal measures to improve the performance and adaptability of an individual...


Issues in the Nursing Policies

Issues into the mandatory nurse staffing ratio policy Reports of deteriorating working conditions and the quality of patient care are believed to have led to the creation and establishment of the mandatory nurse staffing ratio by the federal and states governments. Since it was established, there have been various debates...


Nursing in Global Community and Meaning Metaparadigms

Introduction Nursing is any form of activity that involves the issuance of medical treatment from the nurse to the patient. Nurses have several functions within the diverse community (global community) and this involves the translation of the knowledge in medical and social science into health care. The main role of...


Community and Public Health Nursing Study

Case Study Summary Wayne is a public health/community nurse who lives in South Texas. During the summer, Wayne’s community experienced uncontrollable wildfires that devastated the area. Because he lived in the area, Wayne was called upon to help triage and care for victims of the fires. Many of the wildfire...


Code of Ethics in Nursing: Summary and Applications

Code of ethics refers to a set of conduct principles within an organization, which are drafted with the aim of guiding behavior and decision making in accountability. Code of ethics is purposely designed to assist members of an organization in getting to know the difference between ‘what is right’ and...


Health Promotion: Term Definition

Introduction Good health is one of the goals medical practitioners and nurses desire to achieve. For this goal to be achieved, it is important to look at different aspects of enhancing good health through health promotion. Health promotion is an important strategy towards ensuring that everybody achieves good health. Nurses...


Needs of People With Learning Disabilities

Heller, Gibbons, and Fisher (2015) focus on the contribution that caregivers can make to the progress of people with learning disabilities (LD), as well as aging people. Therefore, testing the cross-platform tool can be viewed as the primary objective of the research. The research was conducted with the help of...


Nursing Education in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Nursing has become one of the most competitive professions globally. Providers of nursing education worldwide encounter numerous challenges in crafting effective learning experiences and providing constructive, objective evaluation of knowledge and skills in learners (Oermann, 2006). The Public tends to have an enhanced understanding of the safety of patients....


The Evidence-Based Patient-Falls-Reduction Protocol

Introduction The purpose of this study is to promote the use of an evidence-based patient-falls-reduction protocol. The proponent of the study will use the Re-Aim framework to determine evidence-based patient-falls-reduction protocol to reduce the incidence of patient-falls in hospitals. The proponent of the study is considering the use of hourly...


‘The Future of Nursing’: A Report by the Institute of Medicine

The report The Future of Nursing issued by the Institute of Medicine (2010) can have significant implications for the functioning of medical institutions. In particular, it is critical to discuss its implication for the education of nurses, their daily practices such as primary healthcare, and their role as leaders. Overall,...


Analysis of the Maternity-Related Issues

Introduction The paper introduces a sophisticated analysis of the maternity-related issues as well as childbearing policies in the USA. The American documentary “Born in the USA” serves as a material for the study. The film reveals some crucial specifications of pregnancy, giving birth to a child and raising an offspring...


Time Management – A Transformation Leader in Nursing

Indeed, the leadership theory that describes my leadership skills is a transformational theory. This theory has both professional and personal domains. Leadership in nursing is about understanding how to make visions become reality. Transformational leadership is depicted to be the process where leaders and followers motivate each other to make...


Transforming Nursing Practice Through Research

Introduction The unending demand for quality healthcare services by the population subjects nursing to serious challenges that affect the quality of services offered. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) was mandated to research to expose the challenges facing this profession and propose measures to correct the issues arising from the findings...


Personal Philosophy of Nursing: Integrating Compassion, Ethics, and Professionalism

Introduction The philosophy of nursing is a set of values and beliefs that stimulate one for productive work. According to Denehy (2007), modern educational programs that specialize in the subject include the strategy of writing the statement one personal philosophy. Due to the author, this practice assists the workers in...


Nursing Roles and Strategies in End-of-Life Decision-Making in Acute Care

Research Design The problem is clinically significant and relevant to the nursing profession. The main focus of the study is to determine the strategies required to improve end-of-Life decision making strategies. Thus, it is an important research question that requires immediate answers. Nevertheless, the purpose of the research was not...


Social Policy and Theory in Nursing: Social Responsibility

Social responsibility refers to specific guidelines for enforcing ethical behavior among professionals. It also promotes values that require organizations and professionals to strike a balance between making profits and creating sustainable ecosystems (Wilmot, 2012). Accordingly, social responsibility promotes values such as supporting welfare of the community and environmental conservation. The...


Core Unique Competencies of a Family Nurse

Introduction Advanced Role Practitioners (ARPs) must possess unique competencies in order to achieve their goals. Many ARPs have unique skills depending on their specialties. This approach will make it easier for them to focus on the best practices. The “core competencies of Nurse Practitioners (NPs) encourage them to support the...


Scholarly Letter to the Editor

To the Editor In your article, Immigrant Nurses Face New Hurdles with Ontario’s’ Licensing Changes, you assert that about 75% of immigrant nurses fail new screening exams for registered nurses because they have gaps in their careers, yet they do not find bridging programs to fill these gaps. Your assertion...


Interviews: Nurse Understaffing

Nurse understaffing has been cited in the mainstream scholarly literature as leading to a number of adverse effects including poor patient outcomes, increase in nurse workload and job dissatisfaction, as well as financial cost implications for healthcare institutions (Martin, 2015). This paper reports on the findings of interviews held with...


Managing the Frequent Falls in the Arizona Center for Specialized Treatment

Problem Identification While working as a skilled nurse at the Arizona Center for Specialized Treatment, I noted that the greatest risk in post-operation surgery is a decrease in mobility of the patient who is in the process of recovery. As a result of the reduced mobility, patients are exposed to...


Taking a Leadership Stand in Nursing Practice

Introduction Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and caregivers should support the health needs of their patients. Such NPs must also make accurate and professional decisions to achieve the best healthcare outcomes. Caregivers should be moral agents of positive health practices. Different “nursing leadership theories encourage healthcare professionals to use evidence-based practices and...


Nurses’ Role in the Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections

Introduction Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) refer to diseases that patients contract while undergoing medical or surgical treatment (Klevens et al, 2002). HAIs cause many deaths that are preventable if precautionary measures are implemented. Their effects have adverse implications on the health care sector because they lead to increase in health care...


Cultural Awareness in Nursing

How the nurse should respond to Mrs. Nasser’s Request This case study calls for cultural awareness and competence in nursing. The nurse should begin by agreeing with Mrs. Nasser because she is right about her cultural views. The best thing is to communicate and mentor the client. Mrs. Nasser should...


The Quality and Safety of Services in Healthcare

Introduction The quality revolution is currently transforming the health care sector (Cama, 2009). The health care sector and the public are now informed of the need to improve the health care processes. Equally, increased competition in the sector is now forcing health care institutions to improve the quality and safety...


The Community-as-Partner Model

Introduction Healthy people 2020 provides an outline of the fundamental aspects of community health (Healthy People 2020, 2013). Analysts use the eight subsystems to evaluate a community’s well-being and to determine their social status (Lundy & Janes, 2009). The paper gives recommendations on the areas that need improvement to make...


“A Guide to Taking a Patient’s Health History”: Article Summary and Evaluation

Introduction Hillary Lloyd and Stephen Craig (2007) wrote the article “A guide to taking a patient’s health history” to delineate the process and rationale through which a patient’s health history should be taken in a clinical setting. The article was published in ‘The Nursing Standard Journal’ in August 2007. Apart...


A Guide to Taking a Patients History

Introduction The process of taking history of patients is regarded as the most significant aspect of professional assessment of patients and is in most cases undertaken by nurses. Taking patients’ history enables the patients to provide a written overview of important information to the practitioner with regards to their ailments....


Integration of Evidence-Based Practice: Increasing Nurses’ Performance Efficiency

Conducting an evidence-based practice is one of the most efficient and at the same time complicated tasks for a nursing specialist, seeing how it presupposes that the best possible practice guidelines should be established for a particular clinical problem, as Hood (2010, p. 267) explains. It is important that an...


“A Guide to Taking a Patient’s History”: Article Review

Introduction The article reviewed here is a journal entitled “A guide to taking a patient’s history”, written by Hilary Lloyd and Stephen Craig. The Journal was published on 24th August 2007. Summary of the Article The Journal discusses the procedure of taking a patient’s history. It takes into consideration various...


Metabolic Syndrome, Type 2 Diabetes, and Blood Vessel Damage

Introduction Metabolic syndrome (MetSynd) is a pre-diabetes condition that predisposes individuals to type 2 diabetes mellitus (type 2 DM) and coronary heart disease. Fonseca (2005) lists its major medical characteristics as the increased waistline, increased triglyceride levels, high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar levels, and reduced cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein) levels....


Code of Ethics or Conduct Analysis for the Professional Nurse

Introduction Professionals in virtually all fields operate within a framework of what is known as Code of Ethics or Conduct. Usually the Code of Ethics entails the dos and the don’ts of the profession which all qualified and chartered practitioners in the field are supposed to abide with throughout their...

Healthcare Research

Intake of Proteins, Fats, Fiber, and Carbohydrates

Role of Protein in the body Proteins are also essential for generation of antibodies. The generated antibodies are responsible for fighting illnesses and other infections. Protein sources include shellfish, meat, fish, dairy produce and poultry (Schlosser, 2001). Professional nutritionists recommend that human beings should eat 2-3 servings of proteins per...

Healthcare Research

High Maternal Mortality Rates in Laos

Introduction Maternal mortality is also known as maternal death or “obstetrical death refers to the death of a woman during or shortly after a pregnancy” (Arkutu, 1995). Globally the maternal rate was approximated to stand at 345, 000 in 2008 down from 526, 350 in 1980 out of the total...

Healthcare Research

Peer-Mentored Older Adult Fitness Program

Introduction Written by Dorgo, Robinson, and Bader, The Effectiveness of a Peer- Mentored Older Adult Fitness Program on Perceived Physical, Mental, and Social Function is a research document that seeks to compare the changes perceived in physical, mental and social function by Short Form-36 (SF36vr2) in a group trained by...

Healthcare Research

Endocrine System: Diabetes Mellitus Pathophysiology

Introduction This article focuses on the endocrine system and its correlation with diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disorder characterized by either lack of insulin or lack of response to insulin in body tissues. Structure of the endocrine system The endocrine system and the nervous system have evolved principally...


Article Review Related to Public Health Topic

Problem Statement and Research Design The problem statement identified in the study is the existence of a disconnection between the policies made by government health economists and the application of the policies by health practitioners (Neumann, 2008, p. 2173). The study, therefore, sought to explain the dynamics leading to this...


Nursing Theories in Practice and Research

Taking care of patients and being compassionate to them is the primary role of a nurse. For years there have been major improvements in the nursing practice creating the best environment for the interaction of patients and nurses. The relationships that are established in the nursing practice are not just...


Human Resource Management: Nursing Shortage in the United States of America

Introduction In every organisation, whether service, goods, public or private, human resources is required for an effective operation. Broadly heath care industry, human resources teams contain physicians, doctors, nurses, and administrative staffs; shortage of either of the category affects the efficiency and quality of service offered (Bruce and Fottler 13)....


Stress in Nursing Practice Analysis

Nursing shortage ‘Many states and nations are already facing an impending shortage of nurses which is expected to go high as the year’s progress. However, communities, organizations, and individuals need to get together to address the issue of nurse shortage’. Introduction The issue of stress in the nursing practice that...

Healthcare Research

Long-Term Effects of Harmful Substances on the Respiratory System

Introduction The respiratory system is prone to harm that may result from hazardous substances that may be contained in the air. These harmful substances may come naturally from the environment, out of a polluted environment, due to risky lifestyles as well as in the form of occupational hazards. Exposure to...

Healthcare Research

Medicaid as the Essential Part of the U.S. Healthcare System

Medicaid has existed as a federal and state program aimed at cutting costs for low-income individuals since the 1960s. It is also the largest source of help for those who cannot afford health-related services, some of which are not covered by any other programs in the US. Although every state...


Theory & Nursing’s Social Policy Statement

Introduction Nursing’s Social Policy Statement has been an extremely influential text in recent nursing history. It is remarkable for the nursing profession to have a social policy statement. It potentially guides the social responsibilities of the nursing discipline and profession. However, nurses should support the view of the world it...


Delivery and Evaluation of Nursing Care

Nursing entails providing assistance to patients from the time they are admitted into a nursing home until they are discharged. Nursing may sound simple verbally but the act itself requires a lot of commitment. This paper focuses on how a nursing manager can monitor the performance of the nurses assigned...


The Use of Orem’s Theory of Self-Care Deficit in Antenatal Education on Obesity

Introduction Dorothea Orem’s theory of Self-Care Deficit was developed and introduced in 1971 (Denyes et al., 2001). It is a grand nursing theory that defines nursing as an act of assisting others in becoming autonomous and independent in their own care, thus improving the human functioning at adequate levels of...


Nursing Philosophy and Professional Nursing Theories

Nursing is an exceptional occupation related to the field of health care that has an arrangement of unique scientific knowledge and methods of their application in practice. In addition, it has its own philosophy, which is a system of views on the relationship between a nurse, a patient, society, and...


Family Care After Brain Injury in Bond et al.’s Article

What is the purpose of the study? The purpose of this article was to discover the needs of families of patients with severe traumatic brain injury during the families’ experience in a neurosurgical ICU and this was found in the introduction part (Bond et al., 2003). The articles used for...


Type 2 Diabetes: Symptoms, Prevention and Lifestyle

Introduction Type 2 diabetes is brought by different factors that relate to the insulin supply in the body. For instance, the insulin a patient has may be atypical causing it not to work effectively in the body, or the cells that usually react to the accomplishment of insulin refuse to...


Culturally Competent Care in Clinical Practice

Discussion Culture is everywhere around us. Cultural competence is one of the concepts invoked to explain aspects of human behavior and human misunderstanding. It is a concept that suggests ways for managing situations that involve people from different cultural backgrounds. Even though we are surrounded by cultural competence concepts, they...


The Issue of Compassion Fatigue Risk in Nurses

Introduction The article of Frank and Karioth concerns the issue of compassion fatigue risk in nurses. In the introduction of their study, the authors present the purpose of the research. Specifically, the research is aimed at studying the compassion fatigue level in nurses who worked with the victims of the...


Healthcare Delivery in Nursing Homes and Psychological Help for Elderly

The issues selected for analysis related to healthcare delivery in nursing homes and psychological help for the elderly. The article “Improving Psychosocial Care in Nursing Home Settings: The Next Challenge” by J. Zlotnik, B. Vourlekis and C. Galambos, C. (2006) describes the problems and challenges faced by nursing homes and...


Joanna Briggs Institute and Sigma Theta Tau International

Introduction Medical knowledge is in a state of continuous change every day. This is due to advances in technology, innovations, and the ever-ending demand to find solutions to our health problems. Many diseases which were thought to have been eradicated from the world have in the recent past re-emerged while...


The Personal Experience in Leadership Among Nursing

All workers, regardless of their positions, impact the organization’s development, but a leader has the principal contribution to the formation of corporate culture, employees’ engagement, and their overall performance. Nevertheless, there are different approaches and views, each of which determines its own set of skills and functions needed for effective...


Nursing History: Nightingale’s Influence on Values

There are many myths about the personality and the accomplishments of Florence Nightingale. These myths have been followed for many years, as these are comprehensive. However, the personality and the accomplishments of Florence Nightingale are much more complex. She was a towering figure in the Victorian age and still, there...


Nursing Informatics and Technology

Leadership Strong leadership is critical in the provision of safe and quality patient care in the healthcare system. The primary role of nurse leaders is to foster collaboration in the interprofessional team, oversee the integration of EBP in clinical care, and support frontline workers in achieving positive healthcare outcomes. The...


Problems of Knowing and Knowledge Acquisition in Nursing

The article “Ways of Knowing in Nursing” is devoted to problems of knowledge and knowledge acquisition in nursing. In nursing, the process of knowing means a whole person approach based on the principle of moral values and personalized treatment of all patients. The nursing professional should develop his environment through...


Quality Improvement: Healthcare Options

In nursing field, quality improvement involves monitoring of the care procedures results using the available data. It also involves the use of advanced techniques to design and test changes that will continuously increase the quality and safety of heath care system. The main purpose of improving the quality of health...


The Nursing Career Importance

Nursing is a critical profession within the healthcare sector that focuses on individual, family, and community care and health. Its main aim is to recover, maintain, and attain optimal health and subsequent high-quality of life among people in society. Understandably, nurses provide healthcare services independently, for example, the nursing professionals,...


Basic Life Support Training for School Teachers

The intention behind Basic Life Support (BLS) and the Heartsavers initiatives is to educate the target population, in this case, teachers, on the important life-saving skills necessary to respond to various emergencies caused by acute conditions. Within a Heartsavers course, understanding asthma and its potential adverse implications for young patients’...


Bowel and Urinary Incontinence Prevention and Care in ICU

Introduction BUI stands for bowel and urinary incontinence. It is a disease classified by the inability of the patient to control the movement of their bladder and bowels, resulting in an uncontrollable act of urination and defecation (Stokes et al., 2016). Such a condition can be caused by a variety...

Healthcare Research

Healthcare Privatization Issue

Healthcare privatization had become a topic for continuous discussion over the last years when people realized that there was a gap between the quality of healthcare and the cost of insurance in the US. People believe that the privatization of healthcare would improve the level of professional competence and patient...


The Issue of Evidence Based-nursing

Introduction Research has shown that, evidence-based nursing has had several reactions from professional colleagues as well as media where majority of the responses have been positive. However, some misgiving and misunderstanding regarding evidence-based nursing has been generated over time and this has led to research that addresses the criticism. Such...


Transcultural Nursing Model

Over the last few decades, transcultural nursing has advanced into an important aspect in the healthcare service delivery system. Dr. Madeleine Leininger, the founder, and other innovators have in the past worked relentlessly to integrate the model into the healthcare system. Currently, societies are becoming more diverse in terms of...


Nursing Science: Definition and Importance

It has now come to be believed that nursing is a unique health profession in being both a science and an art. It signifies caring for patients by professional practitioners and focusing on helping communities, groups, families, and individuals. Nurses also cater to wellness programs in optimizing their levels of...


Clinical Problems and Theoretical Nursing

It is worth noting that one of the important clinical problems is the limited scope of nursing practice. This is particularly damaging for patients in need of pain management. In some countries, nurses can function as anesthetists, which plays an important role in managing patients with acute pain. Doctors and...


Mindfullness Meditation Program for Nurses

PICOT The following PICOT question will serve as the basis for the proposed DNP project: “Among nurses who care for high morbidity/mortality patients during periods of pandemics (P), would a mindfulness meditation program (I) compared to no intervention (C) reduce the level of work stress (O) in two months (T)?”...


Overview of the Movie the Savages, 2007

Introduction One of the principal issues connected to the process of aging is dementia, and this condition has a significant impact on the ability of a person to perform daily tasks. The main character of the movie The Savages faces this disease after the death of his wife and needs...


Management Interviews by the Two Nurses

Background and training Nurses are central to health care deliveries in hospital, their duties involve delivery of health care, drug administration, and offering of care to the chronically ill patients. Career growth is vital in ensuring that they advance from their previous roles (West & Markiewicz, 2016). Health care team...


Professional Development of Nursing Professionals

Introduction The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) report contains four key messages that outline how nursing education and professional practice should be developed to achieve the healthcare goals of the nation. It is essential for nursing to practice because IOM’s report outlines the changes in nursing practice and how they can...