⚕️ Essays on Nursing


Patient-Centered Care in Nursing

Introduction Healthcare practitioners increasingly acknowledge the need to make patient-centered care (PCC) a part of their everyday clinical practice. A growing recognition to embrace PCC as a core of new models of care delivery is also evident among governments, international healthcare organizations, and lobby groups (Kitson, Marshall, Bassett, & Zeitz,...


The Effects of Using E-Learning Platforms in Emergency Triage in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Training opportunities are integral for nurses in all countries. Nurse knowledge and skills have to be constantly improved to provide patients with high-quality clinical care. This research proposal aims at developing a plan for a future project about the peculiarities of e-learning platforms, their application in emergency triage in...


Examining the State of the Medicine: Hospital Readmissions

Introduction As methods for analyzing concepts have proliferated in nursing, a critical method ological issue has arisen. Analytic techniques for examining conceptual meaning have incorporated varied strategies for advancing the concept under the rubric of concept analysis, concept development, and theory building. The authors argue that this evo lution has...


Nursing Health Care Informatics

Health care informatics is one of the aspects a qualified nurse should consider in working toward evidence-based practice and quality improvement (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2006). The American Medical Informatics Association (n.d.) defines nursing informatics as the “science and practice (that) integrates nursing, its information, and knowledge, with...


New Insights Into Nursing

Week 1: 8/30-9/5 The first week of applying the newly acquired skills to practice was admittedly the most difficult one due to the amount of information that I had to process and the range of issues that had to be addressed. It was clearly the most informative stage of my...


Advanced Practice Leadership: Ethics of Care Perspective

Introduction The present paper is devoted to the investigation of the advanced nursing practice (ANP) leadership from the perspective of the ethic of care (EC). The paper includes a discussion of EC, which is structured to demonstrate its difference from the ethic of justice (EJ). This comparison allows pinpointing the...


Addressing Hospital-Acquired Pressure Ulcers: A Critical Analysis

Introduction The need for cost-effective care is increasing as total healthcare expenditures grow. Healthcare providers are challenged with evaluating scientific evidence to inform a practice change aimed at improving patient outcomes. Being a costly yet mostly preventable complication, hospital-acquired pressure ulcers (hapus) cause much suffering to patients in acute care...


Course of Competencies Improvement as a Nurse Scholar

Week 1 The goal during the first week of the course was to investigate the strategies to ensure quality and safety in health care. One of the primary objectives was to critique and propose the best quality measures to improve patient safety. Here, it was vital for me to employ...


Defining and Exploring the Phenomenon of the EBR

Week 1: 10/25-10/31 As a DNP, being aware of the key roles that are relevant and are typically assigned to one is essential. Therefore, starting the implementation of the succession plan with setting priorities in line was critical to my further success. Indeed, by arranging the key objectives and determining...


Quality Improvement Program in a Nursing Home

Introduction The process of designing and implementing a quality improvement (QI) program in a nursing home requires significant effort from all involved specialists. Apart from financial needs that follow every QI initiative, members that want to enact change in an organization have to consider the theoretical framework behind their program’s...


The Development of Analysis of a Nursing Home

Introduction Sustainability in health care and nursing is an integral concept that defines the quality of care, directions of possible development, and appropriate changes. The relationships between quality outcomes, safety measures, and nursing science are close enough, so they determine the work of different facilities, including people, programs, and protocols....


Quality and Sustainability: Descriptive Method

Introduction Today, much attention is paid to the development and improvement of nursing science due to its initial goal of promoting high-level patient-centered care. Nurses have to demonstrate their knowledge and make sure to apply different theories and frameworks in practice. Nursing theory is based on a group of interrelated...


Nursing Student Success: Strategies

Social Inequality at School Each student enters an educational institution for a reason. Be it career, pleasure, new skills, or new acquaintances. In either scenario, students have to understand that in a few years, their education will be finished and there would come a time to plan everything anew. Therefore,...


Nurse Retention: Nature and Causes

Introduction In any organization, recruiting and retaining the right staff are the major issues facing the organization’s policymakers (Cosack 1). With the currently registered nurse shortages, concerns about nurse turnover and retention have heightened. To solve these challenges, health care organizations aim at improving their nurse retention. In so doing,...


SimChart EHR System Evaluation Framework

SimChart is an Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) system that was developed to teach nurses to work with EHRs (Elsevier, 2013). The evaluation framework should take the specifics of SimChart into account. It is noteworthy that there appears to be a shortage of frameworks meant for EHR simulations; the present research...


Bullying in the Nursing Workplace

The professionals in any occupation are exposed to a particular level of conflict inside the workplace. The tension and psychological oppression, or bullying from the side of managers or co-workers often become a reason for leaving the place of employment or the profession in general. When viewed from the perspective...


Nursing: History, Problems, Suggested Solutions

The history of nursing Nursing is the ability and science of supporting individuals in learning to care for them whenever possible and of caring for them when they are unable to meet their own needs. Nursing developed into a scientific profession from an unorganized way of caring for the ill,...


King Fahad Specialist Hospital: Education Need Assessment

Every professional requires his or her knowledge to be up-to-date to stay competent, which cannot be truer in the sphere of nursing (Dyson, Hedgecock, Tomkins, & Cooke, 2009). Rapid changes and the constant arrival of new challenges in practice and theory dictate the need for continuous data refreshment and replenishment...


Safety Together Training

Overview Safety Together Training is a workshop that has been developed by RWJBarnabas Health for clinical professionals in order to train them on how to avoid any preventable harm and provide the high-quality care without errors. This specific training is based on resolving clinical and non-clinical cases, problems, and examples...


Advanced Practice Nursing and New Initiatives

Introduction An advanced practice nurse must provide high standards of care for any patient. The utmost professionalism and personal approach to caregiving are expected from the advanced nursing staff (Carney, 2016). Therefore, I need to participate in the Medicare Reimbursement Program to be adequately prepared for the provision of care...


Nursing Management: Legislative Framework

Legislations on nursing practice Legislations on nursing practice.all countries have legislation to determine the practice of the health professions. Legislative and regulatory practices and mechanism vary between countries and within them, where regulation is the responsibility of a country or province. Countries such as Norway have detailed requirements for mandatory...


Professional Culture in Nursing

Almost every profession has its cultural peculiarities that are unique to each field of professional activity. Such characteristics include specific vocabulary, body language, behavioral patterns, ethics, rules, values, and many others. All of these are more or less present in each profession. In this paper, specific patterns of nursing group...


Nursing: Conceptual Operation Frameworks

Nurses are guided by nursing theories that are recognized as organized and systematic claims concerning principal issues in the nursing profession. Nursing models aim at describing relationships between nursing problems, predicting impacts, and improving care. In other words, a theory can be viewed as a way in which reality in...


Nursing Code: Confidentiality

Nurses use technology in the form of electronic health records to collect, manage, analyze, and communicate patients’ information. The chief goal of using nursing informatics is improving the care offered to clients. However, the use of technology in hospitals may result in ethical concerns that should wisely be handled by...


Nursing in United States of America

Introduction Nursing is part of the healthcare profession that deals with the care of individuals to ensure their optimal health and enjoyment of quality life (Faulkner, 1996, p.). In various parts of the world, various health care facilities are faced with the problem of inadequate number of nurses. Consequently, it...


Documentation Process in Professional Nursing

According to Charalambous and Goldberg (2016), professional nurses work in settings that require proper documentation for effective communication with other members within healthcare facilities. They prepare records that are utilized by doctors or other personnel providing care to patients or assistive workers whose primary role is to provide services that...


Nursing Interventions in Maternal Child Care

Stressful situations can slow down the flow of feel-good oxytocin hormones, which are essential for the nursing process (Smith, 2014). The stressful environment brought on by conflict in Juanita’s home means that she always mitigates or attends to conflict situations and is, therefore, less stimulated to produce breast milk. Breaking...


Stakeholder Analysis: Managing in Nursing

The key items in delivering high-quality patient care are excellent skills of health care professionals and detailed analysis of the incidents, resulting in better understanding of the current needs of the existing system. Therefore, all possible decisions should be taken into account to improve patient care. It is advisable to...


A Nurse School Graduation

The purpose of my essay is to identify several possible opportunities in a locale I’d like to work if I’d be graduating from nursing school in 90 days. Also I will highlight the most important factors in choosing an occupation and bring up some examples of questions that may help...


Organizing Framework and Program Outcomes RN-BSN

Introduction As conceptualized in the theories of nursing, self-care, and persons, the organizing framework is a tool that purposely reflects the necessary training and expected outcomes of students who enroll in the RN-BSN program (Campeau, 2015). A brief synopsis of the domains where the framework has been applied reflects outcomes...


Improving Nurse Performance in PVD Diagnosis

Theoretical Framework It is possible to examine the proposed question of using quality assurance scores as an early diagnosis measure for peripheral vascular disease (PVD) through two frameworks for health promotion. The first involves the Health Promotion Model (HPM) introduced in 1982 by Nola Pender (Khodaveisi, Omidi, Farokhi, & Soltanian,...


Dorothea Orem’s Theory of Self-Care

Introduction For the majority of the 20th century, nursing care was characterized by being nurse centered (Alligood, 2017). Patients were treated as passive observers and were not expected to take an active role in deciding their healthcare outcomes. Such an approach overburdens nurses while robbing patients of their agency. A...


Nursing Faculty Development Plan for Advancement

The term “scholarship in nursing” is used to denote activities aimed at advancement of teaching and nursing practice. Boyer (1990) put emphasis on discovery, teaching, application, and integration scholarship as four most important areas of academic work. The Faculty Development Plan should include activities required for faculty advancement in each...


Fiscal Year 2002 Hearings on Lifespan & Nursing Research

The 2002 hearings on lifespan report, prepared by Dr.Patricia A. Grady, discusses nursing research and how it helps address different health issues. “This study is an array of life span issues, starting from birth to old age” (National Institute of Heath, 2001). The report points out clearly that the best...


Ethics in Nursing Care Administration

Introduction When many contemporary nursing issues are measured applying principles and standards the reality of ethics forms the core of the debate. The great question of which elements constitute ethics becomes a major bone of contention in defining the boundaries it is expected to cover in terms of everyday interaction...


High Nursing Turnover in Northern Ontario

Types of Qualitative Research There are three types of qualitative research that are most suitable for DBA research, namely, case study method, grounded theory, and phenomenology. Their use has become very widespread for different reasons. For instance, grounded theory is an approach that enables a researcher to formulate a hypothesis...


Princeton College of Nursing: Mission and Philosophy

Mission Statement The mission of an online completion program for RNs seeking their BSN provided by Chamberlain College of Nursing is to transform healthcare in Florida by preparing highly qualified BSN nurses through evidence-based research, interprofessional collaboration practice, excellence in studies, and learning the practice of making partnerships with diverse...


Curos Disinfecting Port Protector Implementation for Preventing Clabsi in Hospitals

Introduction: CLABSI Causes and Consequences Bloodstream infections are becoming one of the most pressing problems in the modern health care environment. Central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) invades the bloodstream in several ways: as a result of neglecting aseptic measures when placing the central line; because of a violation of maintenance...


Evaluating the Conceptual-Theoretical-Empirical Framework in Nursing Research

Connecting theory and practice is an essential task in nursing since this endeavor causes a nurse to address the needs of patients more effectively while managing cases that involve handling the health issues of diverse patients. The theory to be evaluated is known as the Middle-Range Theory of Chronic Sorrow...


Health Issues for the Aging

In May 2017, Donald Trump’s administration tried to promote the American Health Care Act (AHCA), which had been approved by the U.S. House of Representatives, to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), but it was not passed by the U.S. Senate. The AHCA was intended to restructure and limit resources...


Nursing Stress Reduction: Evidence-Based Project

Introduction The potential project will address the issue of stress reduction among nurses. Stress is acknowledged as an inevitable component of nursing practice. However, it is a negative factor that can disrupt nurses’ work, affect their health, and ultimately damage the quality of provided health care overall. That is why...


Analysing the Concept of Uncertainty in Nursing

Identity of the Concept The uncertainty concept in nursing, and in fact in medicine as a whole, is one that is ever present. Because medicine deals with human beings in an ever changing environment even the most mundane cases can suddenly become something entirely different. Every human being is unique,...


Changing Role of the Health Visitors in the NHS

Abstract Health care industry is now actively working towards enhancing the roles of health workers and is trying to create leaders out of these skilled personnel. The need for leaders among health visitors is a requirement of the future, and will ensure the progression of the profession of nursing to...


Fundamentals of Nursing and Practice

Abstract Research utilization portrays imposing research in developing an evidence-based nursing practice both on organizational and individual levels. The paper highlights the meanings of both terms, how to utilize research in nursing evidence-based practice, and barriers and facilitators to the use of research in nursing practice. Finally, the paper will...


Becoming a Registered Professional Nurse

Introduction Nursing is a profound profession based on strong personal principles of personal and professional skills. There is little doubt that nursing practice has been forced to make severe accommodations within this larger societal context as knowledge has continued to increase and attitudes and values have shifted. Nursing is one...


Impact of Workplace Factors on Nurses Job Satisfaction and Retention

Abstract This paper intends to find out the factor which affects the satisfaction and retaining levels of nurses at their work places. For this purpose an introduction is provided which briefly introduces the topic to the readers, secondly the body of paper starts with the definitions of the key terms...


Child With Acute Lymphoid Leukemia

Introduction A student nurse plays a major role in maintaining the sound health of an individual and the family along with the other health care teams. In instances when there is a disturbance in the normal optimum level of functioning of these people, he or she has to take into...


Nursing Traditional Roles Should Be Expanded

In our contemporary times where everything better is characterized as modern and innovative, dealing with the word “traditional” seems to have a negative connotation because it can mean being not open to change or being trapped in the old-fashioned ways. In reading Newton’s article entitled “In Defence of the Traditional...


Quality of Care in Psychiatric Nursing

Introduction Various studies have defined the quality of care in severe psychiatric nursing. Few of them discussed below can support the view where a positive link between the psychiatric quality nursing and the corresponding impact on the mentally challenged people are figured out. One such study was undertaken in which...


Nursing Practice. Theoretical Basis.

Introduction Nursing theories are the creative products of nurses. They thoughtfully describe relationships and interactions within their nursing practice. Several theories have been propounded but there is no single theory which is more correct than the others. Theories have been classified into philosophies, grand theories and middle range. They aim...


Surgical Hand Wash

Surgical hand wash includes all the procedures and practices that limit the transfer of microorganisms that could cause infections in an individual. It is most common method of hand hygiene since it aims at killing and retarding the pathogenic microorganisms and reduces chances of wound contamination in case surgical gloves...


Holistic Care in Adult Nursing

In the case of a diabetic patient with an amputation below the knee, the multidisciplinary team acted in concordance to the needs of the client. A multidisciplinary team characteristically consists of nurses, surgeons, psychologists and physiotherapists. In the case of a patient who has just had amputation below the knee...


“Modeling Women’s Quality of Life After Cardiac Events”: Article Critique

Article for critique Beckie, Theresa M., Beckstead, Jason W. and Webb, Mary S.; “Modeling Women’s Quality of Life after Cardiac Events”, Western Journal of Nursing Research, 2001, 23(2), 179-194, Sage Publications DOI: 10.1177/019394590102300206. Purpose of study Beckie’s group of researchers intended to investigate the quality of life in women who...


End-of-Life Care in Advanced Practice Nurse’s View

Questions concerning end-of-life care are challenging to discuss with patients and their families for many reasons. Many people may feel uncomfortable talking about death, and some individuals find these conversations unnecessary or frightful. However, end-of-life care discussions are vital for ensuring that people will voice their opinions about their health....


Communication with Patients in Mental Health Nursing

Introduction One of the most useful ways in which we can help other people is to listen and communicate with them in ways that enable them to share their troubles and feel better. During the following lines we will describe a number of listening, communication and helping skills. These skills...


“Adapting Clinical Microsystems as an Evaluation Framework for Community-Based Nursing Education” by Kathleen M. Thies and Lea Ayers

The article entitled “Academic Microsystems: Adapting Clinical Microsystems as an Evaluation Framework for Community-Based Nursing Education” by Kathleen M. Thies, and Lea Ayers discusses and analyzes some major aspects of a partnership between a clinical agency, academic nursing program, and the community. The analysis reflects the above partnership from different...


Analyzing Paradigms of Positivism and Naturalism

The research follows a specific belief that examination of a phenomenon may be best understood by conducting an in-depth investigation of a certain process. The positivist paradigm of research prevails in the field of scientific research and it takes on the idea that research data is collected based on independent...


Jean Watson Nursing Theorist

The system of caring is undergoing several changes in modern society. Hospital care is changing and depends on the financial well-being of individuals and technological advancement. Professional nursing is an art and applied science. Nursing which is traditionally known as being a caring profession is also undergoing changes and has...


“Case for Learning-Centered. Curricula” by Candela et al.

This article provides readers with a comprehensive analysis of nurses’ role in permanently changing medical environment influenced by the dynamic transformation in technologies, methods of medical treatment, and the role that nurses play. New challenges require deep reformation of nurses programs and courses both at universities and other educational institutions...


Positivism and Naturalism Paradigms in Modern Nursing

Nursing has been influenced by such basic philosophical directions as positivism and naturalism. It should be stressed that these two dominant aspects built paradigms used in nursing practice. Scientists tend to use these basic aspects as the background for their medical researches and studies. The paradigm of naturalism takes the...


Caring For a Relative With Dementia: Family Caregiver Burden

Introduction The article was written by Papastavrou, Kalokerinou, Papacostas, Tsangari, and Sourtzi, and was published in 2007. It was about their study of various dimensions related to burden and stress experienced by families providing care to dementia patients. Description of the study The study aimed to investigate the burden and...


Role of Advanced Practice Nurse

Introduction Scientific and social changes of the 21st century have brought a radical change in the Health care delivery system. Nursing is an important component of the health care delivery system and the role of a nurse in inpatient welfare has no boundaries for praise. The Nursing profession has evolved...


Ensuring a Smooth and Risk-Free Life to the Patients

Over the past few decades, health care administration has achieved significant progress in ensuring a smooth and risk-free life for the patients. There are various nursing approaches identified to date in this regard that focus on evaluating the quality of life (QOL) following a major health problem. The present description...


“Information Literacy as the Foundation for Evidence-Based Practice in Graduate Nursing Education: A Curriculum-Integrated Approach” by Susan Jacobs

The article by Susan Jacobs, Peri Rosenfeld, and Judith Haber entitled “Information Literacy as the Foundation for Evidence-Based Practice in Graduate Nursing Education: A Curriculum-Integrated Approach” emphasizes an essential question: are the modern master’s nursing students able to sufficiently understand and use electronic information resources to make accurate clinical decisions....


Lung and Heart Diseases, Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus

The development of multiple conditions has a significant effect on a patient’s health. In the discussed case, M.K., a 45-year-old female has a history of Type II diabetes mellitus (T2D) and hypertension. Her current diagnosis is chronic bronchitis, as the patient experiences chronic cough with sputum, excessive peripheral edema, nocturia,...


Eye Infections: Patient Assessment and Care Plan

Patient Initials: JB Age: 68 Gender: F Subjective Data Chief Complaint (CC): “Yellow secretions from eyes.” History of Present Illness (HPI): A 68-year-old Caucasian female presents to the office with complaints of yellow discharge from her eyes. The symptoms occurred quickly about 3 days ago, and they continue to progress...


Safety Culture in Nursing Home Settings

In a nursing home setting, a safety culture should be focused on effective rehabilitation and appropriate transitions among care environments. A set of values and beliefs that is to be applied to challenges and overall organizational management reflects a home’s common understanding of safety. Sollecito and Johnson (2013) state that...


Plan-Do-Study-Act Approach in Healthcare Settings

Utilizing the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) approach to bettering healthcare environments may be possible within any surroundings. An essential part is sustaining its continuity by not stopping at a single rotation through the four steps and preparing for long-run revisions and innovations (DemingInstitute, 2012). As such, highlighting a potential PDSA process improvement...


Hip Replacement: Pre- and Postoperative Management

The procedures used in both preoperative and postoperative care are important aspects of any surgical interventions. The thorough preparation of patients for a certain operation and subsequent monitoring of the progress of recovery are the practices that are utilized in most medical institutions. The benefits of this work are significant...


“Hospital Nurse Staffing and Patient Mortality” by Halm et al.

Introduction The article chosen for critical analysis is Halm et al, 2005, ‘Hospital Nurse Staffing and Patient Mortality, Emotional Exhaustion, and Job Dissatisfaction’, from the Clinical Nurse Specialist. Summary of the Article The article is based on an in-house study at United Hospital in St. Paul Minnesota, similar to the...


Preparing for Professional Transitions in Nursing

Introduction In this paper, I will describe my professional aspirations and the role of my practicum experience in helping to achieve two of my professional objectives. The first one is to evaluate what I need to facilitate a career change from a nursing student to a leadership and management role...


Men in Nursing: Challenges and Difficulties

Introduction The nursing profession entails giving care be it physical, biological, or psychological to those with deficiencies in society. Nurses, therefore, need to have a sincere devotion to addressing their patients with compassion. Savings lives and reducing pain are some of the major objectives of nurses. Although the first nurses...


Autism Spectrum Disorders

According to World Health Organization (WHO), Autism is a complex set of developmental disorders with appearing in the early years of life mostly in the first 3 years of life. The condition sometimes referred to as autistic disorder describes many interrelating psychological conditions which result in abnormalities in the social...


Public Policy: Nurse-Patient Ratios and Care

To control the process of administering treatment to patients and keep the process of meeting their needs continuous, nurses have to engage with the dialogue with inpatients. However, given the broad range of responsibilities that nurses have in the hospital setting, the amount of time and extent of care that...


“End-of-Life Decision Making” by Debra Lacey

Introduction Nursing care for patients with end-stage dementia is one of the most complicated issues in nursing practice which requires special skills and knowledge of a nurse. Complex societal factors also have influenced the need for a comprehensive approach to chronic disabling conditions. End-stage dementia caused by brain damage is...


School Nurses’ Perception of Childhood Obesity

Today, United States is facing many health-related problems like breast cancer, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and others. Among these, obesity is one of the most serious health problems facing the youth of United States and evidence shows that the problem is getting worse. Childhood obesity represents a threat to the health...


Nurse’s License as a Way to Solve Problems

Introduction As healthcare in the United States evolves, advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) are beginning to play a critical role in improving patient outcomes. Despite the apparent benefits of advanced care nursing practice, there are significant barriers for APRNs to practice at the fullest extent of their training, experience, and...


Mentoring and Coaching in Nursing: Lobbying Funds

Lobbying Government for Funds to Support Nursing Issue The direct activities for health care improvement compose one of the key nursing profession essentials. Lobbying implies that a nurse is to speak out against or in support of a specific proposed or introduced legislation (Franck, 1997). To make a health care...


Personal Philosophy of Nursing and Leadership

Introduction Nursing remains one of the key fields that support the delivery of exemplary and timely medical services to patients with diverse needs. Those in this profession should develop powerful personal philosophies that will make it easier for them to act ethically, guide others, and create reliable environments for transforming...


DNP Essentials and AONE Competencies as Valuable Milestones of Nursing Practice

When providing care, nurses are guided by certain recommendations and regulations, as well as their personal philosophy. I use the essentials of doctoral education for advanced nursing practice and AONE competencies to guide my professional life. These standards are specifically helpful inpatient training, which is one of the most important...


Nursing Future: Leading Change, Advancing Health

Wood Johnson’s Foundation Work The Institute of Medicine (IOM report, titled “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” and made public in 2010 was the result of 2 years of hard work and collaboration between the IOM and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) (IOM, 2010a). The initiative sought to assess...


Acute Care Nurse Practitioners and Primary Care Nurse Practitioners Differences

ACNPs and PCNPCs differences Acute care nurse practitioners (ACNPs) and primary care nurse practitioners (PCNPs) differ in their scope of practice, training, and practice settings. PCNPs aims at providing continuous care with particular emphasis put on health promotion, treating chronic conditions, and creating long-term relationships with patients and their families...


Woodbridge High School Nurse’s Responsibilities

The observed site was the Woodbridge High School in Woodbridge, NJ where the school nurse was interviewed. The school nurse has a wide variety of responsibilities which cover primary, secondary, and tertiary care. Most often it is tertiary care by responding and administering care to students and staff as needed....


Nursing History: Patricia Benner’s Theory

Introduction In medical sciences, nursing research is of particular importance. The history of nursing begins with the distant past, and during its existence, it has undergone many changes and revisions, especially in recent decades. One of the most prominent figures in this field is Patricia Benner, who has developed a...


Nursing Education and Advanced Practice Nurses

Introduction Nursing education requires one to consider different aspects of personal and professional growth as well as multiple disciplines related to health care. Prospective Masters-prepared advanced practice nurses (APNs) have to achieve many goals before obtaining the ability to practice independently. The objectives set in this course include the full...


Males in Nursing

Abstract Nurse shortage is a considerable bother of the modern healthcare because it affects multiple stakeholders. The traditional methods of addressing nurse understaffing are designed using retention and hiring practices supported by empirical evidence. The present paper offers an innovative way of addressing understaffing by attracting more males to the...


KPI Analysis and Action Plan

Introduction Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a reliable tool for assessing how well a facility meets its goals. Calculating KPI is especially relevant for medical practices since accountability has become one of the important concepts of modern healthcare. For this assignment, KPI analysis was conducted at Temple University Hospital, Pennsylvania....


Nursing Leadership in Diabetes Management

One of the noteworthy observations made while working on this project up to date was that the literature on the subject rarely, if ever, focuses on the nurses’ role in the management of diabetes. For instance, an article by Schnell, Crocker, and Weng (2016) discusses the importance of conducting fasted...


Reflections on the DNP Essentials

Having read the AACN Information Systems/Technology Essentials for the DNP graduate, I thought that the use of information technology is important both for research-focused and practice-focused DNP scholars. Despite the fact that modern students feel comfortable in a technology-rich environment, this does not necessarily mean that they can use it...


Leadership Strategies in Nursing Practice

The leadership skills in the nursing practice are vitally significant for accomplishing the mandatory tasks. These include the education of the patients, obtaining the time management skills, and patient care that is carried out by the appropriate health care provider. However, the ability to lead might also have a harmful...


Lateral Violence in the Nursing Workplace

Introduction Healthcare professionals should exhibit desirable values and traits that can make it easier for them to achieve their aims. The wellbeing of nurses and caregivers is something essential if they are to transform the health outcomes of their patients. More often than not, challenges, abuses, and disagreements tend to...


Lippitt’s and Lewin’s Change Theories for Nursing

Changes occur gradually, so the results are not always immediately noticeable. The situation can become complicated if the participants have different ideas about the proposed changes, methods, and strategies for achieving them. The same is valid for nursing practice, as the nurses are the primary agents in delivering care and...


Nurse Understaffing in Healthcare

Problem Statement and Proposed Solution The ultimate goal of healthcare is to provide quality care based on a patient’s needs and recent evidence. The quality of care depends upon many factors, including the level of staffing among frontline care providers. According to Martsolf et al. (2016), nurse staffing level positively...


Oncology Nursing Society

Introduction The Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) is a professional nursing organization dedicated to promoting excellence in oncology nursing in the U.S. and globally. They work with researchers, health care professionals, and legislators, to improve cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment (Oncology Nursing Society [ONS], 2019a). As a part of their policy...


The Main Issues of Medicare

Introduction The main two issues with Medicare are manifested in the fact that it is vulnerable and adjusted for an ever-growing older population. This means that there will be an increased number of people with chronic conditions, which require inpatient services, outpatient options, and prescription drugs or medications. As an...


Quality and Safety Measures in the Contemporary Nursing Science

Introduction Nursing science has advanced extensively over the past few decades due to the introduction of innovative technologies, the creation of new theories, and the identification of other tools that allow improving patient outcomes. Among the key changes, the shift toward quality combined with sustainability should be deemed as the...


Quality and Sustainability in Nursing Science

The improvement of the quality of healthcare service is one of the priorities for nursing researchers and practitioners. The US healthcare system is characterized by considerable impairments that lead to people’s death, their health deterioration, the country’s financial losses, and the emergence of numerous issues related to public health. For...


End-of-Life Care

Introduction This paper presents an analysis of the role of advanced practice nurses in the management of end-of-life care. It discusses the aspects associated with end-of-life care and the decision-making process. The paper suggests the approach that can be used while communicating with the patient’s family and addresses the appropriateness...


Nurse Leaders Characteristics

The role of nursing practitioners has grown considerably as these healthcare professionals have been empowered to provide a wide range of services to patients and make diverse decisions. Nurse leaders can now address numerous issues and improve the quality of delivered care. Handoffs and associated quality of care can be...


Application of Quality and Safety Concepts: Preventing Medical Errors

The problem of medical errors has been persistent in the nursing and healthcare setting for a while, causing numerous negative outcomes and endangering the lives of many patients. Medical errors occur at several levels and lead to injuries, traumas, nosocomial infections, and other consequences that affect patients negatively. However, from...


TMMC: Quality and Sustainability

Change Theory In order to promote change in the TMMC context, one should deploy Kurt Lewin’s change theory (LCT) as one of the most common frameworks in nursing. Specifically, the proposed theoretical approach implies the use of three stages (freezing, moving, and unfreezing). The identified approach is deemed as particularly...