500-Word Essay Examples: Health & Medicine - Page 2


Nurse-Led Interventions With Populations Experiencing Homelessness

How Do We Know This is a Problem or Issue? Homelessness is a critical socioeconomic issue that has been affecting the lives of millions of U.S. residents. Despite multiple attempts at shaping the existing healthcare framework to address the needs of homeless people, the lack of effective services is evident....


Implementation Processes in Project Planning

Communication One of the goals of a DNP project is to improve clinical nursing practice by means of recognizing existing problems, promoting effective care delivery, and assessing quality outcomes. To make the correct choices and identify major problematic areas, communication is required. According to Shogren (2020), communication and teamwork are...


My Philosophy of Nursing: Metaparadigm

This paper will contain a final review of my nursing philosophy in the form of my definition of the concepts involving the metaparadigm of nursing. It will also explore how my views have been challenged throughout the course. Finally, it will compare the ways in which my personal philosophy of...


Article Appraisal About the Lack of Support for the Patients With SCIS

The Case or Problem that Attracted Me to the Study The problem that was attractive in the analyzed study is the lack of support for the patients with traumatic spinal cord injuries (SCIs) whose treatment remains incomplete despite the need for rehabilitation in working ability (Alcobendas-Maestro et al., 2012). Study...


The Nurse Interview Analysis

For this paper, the author interviewed a nurse at a local hospital. They have been working there for five years as a registered nurse, throughout which they have performed well. However, they have chosen not to advance their career for now due to personal circumstances, remaining in their current position....


Nursing: Delegation and Scope of Practice in Georgia

The nursing practice represents a field that continuously goes through various changes, new implementations, and improvements. The Georgia Board of Nursing (Board) recognizes those features and states that due to diverse backgrounds and levels of expertise among the nurses, they should use sound judgment in decisions (Georgia Board of Nursing,...


Nursing Malpractice: The Problem of Low-Quality Health Care

Nursing malpractice is a problem that accounts for low-quality health care. Nurses have to familiarize themselves with the laws and doctrines and use them in everyday practice. This essay will analyze two nursing malpractice cases according to the elements of negligence. These elements include duty, breach of duty, foreseeability, causation,...


Nursing: An Ethical Dilemma and Moral Dilemma

Is this an ethical dilemma or a moral dilemma? In this dilemma, ethical and moral principles are closely linked. Nurses have a responsibility to follow a code of ethical conduct, which includes moral principles such as loyalty, beneficence, and respect for patients’ dignity and self-determination (Fowler, 2015, 4.2). Ethics oblige...


Credibility in a Nursing Work Environment

Introduction Without trust between workers, management, and their clients, it is impossible to establish a healthy work environment, which is one of the key points in achieving the best possible outcome in service-providing institutions. The results can be drastic, ranging from a simple disappointment or argument to life-threatening mistakes due...


The Hispanics’ Health Care Beliefs and Nursing

Hispanics are one of the largest racial-ethnical groups that represent diversity in the United States. Although they live among American cultural convictions, habits, and traditions, the Hispanic community still holds their own beliefs and lifestyle foundations. The Hispanic group’s culture vastly influences their health care approaches, disease awareness, and the...

Healthcare Research

Protected Health Information Assessment: Addressing Phi Breaches

Introduction The issue of managing patients’ data has become substantially more complicated in the healthcare setting., Due to the rise in the number of external threats to which patients’ personal information may be subjected, the necessity to introduce more effective tools for handling information has emerged (Kuek & Hakkennes, 2020)....


Leininger’s Theory of Cultural Competence

Abstract Leininger’s Theory of Cultural Competence seeks to bridge the gap in providing care for patients from different cultural backgrounds. In her professional practice, Madeleine Leininger witnessed a chronic lack of cultural understanding that can negatively influence the quality of patient care (Busher Betancourt, 2016). The theorist described cultural competence...


Humanistic Nature of Nursing. Working with Patients

Nurses are viewed as health care providers that work closely with patients and ensure the prevention of diseases and the treatment of adverse health conditions. On top of all day-to-day tasks, the ultimate goal of nursing is to provide the best patient care. Different approaches to the concept of care...


Nursing Practice Change

The fields of nursing and health care undergo considerable changes and improvements all the time. Many areas could influence the progress of nursing practice and determine the quality of achievements. In this paper, the culture of safety, quality measures, and HCAHPS, as well as change strategies based on Lewin’s and...


The Joint Commission and the Accredited Health Care Facilities

The Joint Commission (JC) is a self-governing non-profit institution that oversees accreditation plans for healthcare institutions in the United States (US). The role is achieved by establishing performance standards that look into the fundamental features of operation like safety in medication, infection control, patient care, and the rights of consumers...


Labor Union Issues in Nursing Practice

An organization that is formed to benefit its workers in the sphere of working is called a labor union. Nurses are believed to be the only professional occupation in the healthcare industry to be represented by a union (Cherry & Jacob, 2017). Over the past decade, labor unions for nurses...


Medication Errors Analysis

Case Facts The case concerning a patient who was prescribed an unusually large dosage of insulin, 80 instead of 8.0, is a medication mistake issue that requires immediate attention both from staff and leadership. The problem is alarming because the administration of a large insulin dosage can result in nausea,...

Healthcare Research

Medical Errors: Consequences for Human Lives

Medical errors are regarded to be very expensive, especially when it comes to human lives. Unfortunately, they tend to be common and cause many unexpected complications. Thus, it is crucial to encourage patient safety movements to prevent medical errors. One of such movements is presented at the website of the...


Influence of Political and Economic Changes on Domains of Nursing Practice

Introduction The political and economic environment seems to greatly affect the nursing practice. There are several domains of nursing that can be influenced by changes in those spheres, namely: interprofessional healthcare, nursing management, and interpersonal relationships. Identifying how these areas can be affected by changes in the political and economic...

Administration and Regulation

Socioeconomic Status and Health Care Access

Introduction Health care is one of the most important institutions that provide health care services to people. Unfortunately, it seems that access to health care is not equal for all people, and multiple factors have contributed to such differences, but the most relevant factor is the financial status which includes...

Healthcare Research

Receptor Activity and Receptor Super Families

The activity of receptors in the human body depends on their type and the specificity of their functions. Receptors are located in the membranes of the cells and directly interact with ligands, bind with them, and stimulate the immune system responses. When the receptors bind with drugs, they respond in...

Healthcare Research

The NIH Case Study Analysis

Two different projects were offered for the analysis. Both relate to saving lives and enhancing people’s overall health and welfare. Ethics are an integral part of decision-making; consequently, any resolute decision can mean a great deal of liability. A decision thus requires a rational approach, where a responsible person is...

Healthcare Research

The Danger of Tobacco on Human

A human being is exposed to various harmful influences has many bad habits. Some of them are caused by the objective conditions and some emerge solely because of person’s choice. Smoking nowadays is one of the most destructive habits that claims millions of lives every year. Tobacco exerts a deadly...

Healthcare Research

International Health: Primary Healthcare Model

Primary Health Care vs. Biomedical Model Some of the key principles of the primary health care model (PHC) are equitable care distribution, community participation, and the utilization of appropriate technologies. The first aspect considers the economic and social aspects of healthcare, whereas the biomedical principle does not consider them at...

Healthcare Research

End-Stage Renal Disease in Peer-Led Intervention Programs

Research Question In End-Stage Renal Disease, the kidneys remove a large amount of water and waste than required from the body. In the U.S., the majority of the ESRD victims are high blood pressure and diabetes patients. These two diseases greatly lead to kidney failure in the end. Pathology is...

Healthcare Research

Temporal Trend in Diabetes Among Adults in America

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most prevalent chronic ailment affecting children, adolescents and adults. Recent studies conducted in America indicate that type 1 diabetes (T1D) is the most predominant form of the disease, while type 2 diabetes is increasingly being recorded among the youth of racial/ethnic minority groups...

Healthcare Research

Lyme Disease Description and Analysis

Introduction Lyme disease is an “infectious disease caused by three species of Borrelia. Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato is the main cause of Lyme disease in the US, Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia garinii” are responsible for most European cases of Lyme disease (Higgins, 2004). Lyme is one of the most prevalent...


Nurse Retention: Nature and Causes

Introduction In any organization, recruiting and retaining the right staff are the major issues facing the organization’s policymakers (Cosack 1). With the currently registered nurse shortages, concerns about nurse turnover and retention have heightened. To solve these challenges, health care organizations aim at improving their nurse retention. In so doing,...


SimChart EHR System Evaluation Framework

SimChart is an Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) system that was developed to teach nurses to work with EHRs (Elsevier, 2013). The evaluation framework should take the specifics of SimChart into account. It is noteworthy that there appears to be a shortage of frameworks meant for EHR simulations; the present research...


Professional Culture in Nursing

Almost every profession has its cultural peculiarities that are unique to each field of professional activity. Such characteristics include specific vocabulary, body language, behavioral patterns, ethics, rules, values, and many others. All of these are more or less present in each profession. In this paper, specific patterns of nursing group...


A Nurse School Graduation

The purpose of my essay is to identify several possible opportunities in a locale I’d like to work if I’d be graduating from nursing school in 90 days. Also I will highlight the most important factors in choosing an occupation and bring up some examples of questions that may help...

Healthcare Research

Choosing the Right Methodology

Answering the Research Questions To effectively test the research hypothesis and answer the research questions that touch on the need to create environmental awareness and scarcity in the Australian health sector, the proposed study will utilize a mixed methods approach in which both quantitative and qualitative methods are applied contemporaneously....

Healthcare Research

Exponential Error Reduction in Pre-Transfusion

Blood transfusion is an important part of healthcare. It is one of the common interventions applied to save lives. South, Casina, and Li explain that in any health facility providing transfusion services, the top priority is always to make the transfusion process safe (81). Blood transfusion involves a process that...


Nursing Faculty Development Plan for Advancement

The term “scholarship in nursing” is used to denote activities aimed at advancement of teaching and nursing practice. Boyer (1990) put emphasis on discovery, teaching, application, and integration scholarship as four most important areas of academic work. The Faculty Development Plan should include activities required for faculty advancement in each...

Public Health

Breastfeeding and Female Circumcision

Breastfeeding a public health issue In the article “Breastfeeding a public health” issue posted in savvy consumer April 12 2010, the author Sally Greenberg looks at the importance of breastfeeding babies during their first six months. It could save up to 900 babies and billions of dollars every year. Many...

Public Health

Public Health Program and “Mountains Beyond Mountains” by T. Kidder

Farmer emphasized the creation of a public health system from “scratch” due to the realization that Haiti was just recovering from political turmoil. A public health system is primarily dependent on government policies. Developing countries like Haiti do not share the established private health sectors like most developed countries. Therefore,...

Administration and Regulation

Implementation for Medicare and Medicaid and Its Payment Mechanism

The payment methods for Medicare and Medicaid have over the years been criticized for being rigid and cumbersome. Physicians have faced numerous challenges in their attempts to get reimbursements. These challenges have affected the delivery of health services by physicians especially those in private practice. To normalize the situations, solutions...

Healthy Nutrition

Food Log, Nutrition Plan and Healthy Diet Principles

The Diet vs. Recommended Servings The report showed that my diet slightly differed from the norm and did not correspond to the recommended servings in several cases. According to the attained data, I was not obtaining enough fruits and vegetables. Recommended nutritional patterns turned out to be rather hard to...

Healthcare Research

Importance of Exercise in Older Adults

The article “Effective Health Behavior in Older Adults” by Leventhal, Schaie and Willis, was written in 2002. This article provides detailed information on the importance of exercise for an individual. It also clarifies the physical and psychological benefits of exercise. According to Leventhal, Schaie & Willis (2002), acute cardiovascular disease...

Healthcare Research

Public Health Management and Leadership

The article focuses on the principles which can help a medical facility to overcome health inequity. As a matter of fact, the biggest challenge for a public health field is the lack of access to the health care services (Grenadier & Holtgrave, 2018). Some clinics might struggle to find a...

Healthcare Research

“Complications: A Surgeon’s Notes on an Imperfect Science” by Gawande

The practice of medicine has been one of the most intriguing forms of science because it deals with the complex and intricate anatomy of human beings. Initially, the physiological aspect of human beings remained a mystery as religion and other sociological aspects attempted to explain the complexity in terms of...

Healthcare Research

Public Policy and the National Health Care Legislation

Introduction The process of policymaking can be considered in terms of various approaches, reasons, and the primary beneficiaries. Some analysts believe the reasons and consequences to be the most important element while regarding the policymaking models; other political observers try to establish relations between the performers and the main beneficiaries...

Public Health

The Shawnee Indians’ Health Culture in Ohio

The Shawnee Indians of Ohio have become an important part of Ohio culture. Their numbers have multiplied to about 8000 over the past centuries since the first census in 1835. Their name comes from the Algonquin word “Shawun” which means Southerner and they are the largest groups living in Ohio...


Ethnicity Studies in Counseling for Schizophrenia

Donald is suffering from Schizophrenia and Ann has been counseling him for several months with no tangible results and both the patient and the counselor are complaining. The major issue, in this case, is that there is a cultural barrier that Ann has been unable to break due to perceptible...

Healthcare Research

“Human Genome” Project and Hereditary Diseases

The recent success of a Human Genome(1) project proved that a clear understanding of genetics and its influence on human health could lead to a breakthrough in healthcare improvements in the future. (2). Geneticists have argued that the study of genes is not only for the future but also serves...

Administration and Regulation

Impact of Different Aspects on Healthcare

Culture There are wide economic and cultural gaps between patients and healthcare workers and hence moral judgments are often made in regard to the actions of patients. Essentially healthcare workers should not rigidly stick to the western health care system only in dealing with patients since there are other means...

Administration and Regulation

Health Care Reforms Of Australian Government

Problems of health care and ways of their solution are very important in every country. Every government tries to perform as many reforms as possible in order to improve the situation with the health care system. These reforms, different points of view of their supporters and opponents are widely depicted...

Healthcare Research

Behavior Explanations: The Capabilities of the Brain

Behavior of a student, who is studying at the language university, and has to study foreign language, is rather interesting for analysis. These students have to memorize unknown words every day. They have to study the culture and traditions of the country where the studied language is spoken. Tutor makes...


Treatment-Emergent Suicidality in Younger Patients

Psychological health of human beings is a rather controversial matter for discussion. Special complexity is added to this matter when it is considered in younger children and adolescents. In this context, the issue of suicidality is the most dangerous one, especially taking into consideration the fact that one of its...

Healthcare Research

Is the Effect of Sleep Deprivation on Humans Overrated?

Introduction Sleep is a normal activity very important for our well-being. There are numerous theories, which try to explain why organisms sleep. The recuperative theory according to Milton (1994) states that “animals sleep so that physiological and biochemical repairs can take place”. As per the circadian theory, the normal wake-sleep...


“Adapting Clinical Microsystems as an Evaluation Framework for Community-Based Nursing Education” by Kathleen M. Thies and Lea Ayers

The article entitled “Academic Microsystems: Adapting Clinical Microsystems as an Evaluation Framework for Community-Based Nursing Education” by Kathleen M. Thies, and Lea Ayers discusses and analyzes some major aspects of a partnership between a clinical agency, academic nursing program, and the community. The analysis reflects the above partnership from different...


“Case for Learning-Centered. Curricula” by Candela et al.

This article provides readers with a comprehensive analysis of nurses’ role in permanently changing medical environment influenced by the dynamic transformation in technologies, methods of medical treatment, and the role that nurses play. New challenges require deep reformation of nurses programs and courses both at universities and other educational institutions...


“Information Literacy as the Foundation for Evidence-Based Practice in Graduate Nursing Education: A Curriculum-Integrated Approach” by Susan Jacobs

The article by Susan Jacobs, Peri Rosenfeld, and Judith Haber entitled “Information Literacy as the Foundation for Evidence-Based Practice in Graduate Nursing Education: A Curriculum-Integrated Approach” emphasizes an essential question: are the modern master’s nursing students able to sufficiently understand and use electronic information resources to make accurate clinical decisions....

Administration and Regulation

Affordable Care Act Analysis

The competition in the field of US healthcare leads to the undoubtedly high innovativeness of the medical technologies and medicines used at almost all levels of its provision. Even though such a private system responds to the American ideals, it remains quite expensive despite the Affordable Care Act (ACA) initiatives....

Administration and Regulation

Ethical Issues Concerning Patients

The validity of informed consent Informed consent is often perceived as a solution to all the possible problems that may occur during research. While it is supposed to protect patients’ rights and ensure a positive outcome of research, it does not always live up to the expectations. In reality, informed...


Preparing for Professional Transitions in Nursing

Introduction In this paper, I will describe my professional aspirations and the role of my practicum experience in helping to achieve two of my professional objectives. The first one is to evaluate what I need to facilitate a career change from a nursing student to a leadership and management role...

Public Health

Smoking Marijuana and Its Negative Outcomes

Today, many debates about the idea of smoking marijuana (cannabis) are raised to identify its positive and negative aspects. According to the investigations offered by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, approximately 24 million Americans aged 12 and older use marijuana regularly, and the increase is still observed....

Healthcare Research

The Neuman Systems Model Theory: Strengths and Limitations

Background Betty M. Neuman was an American researcher specialized in nursing, clinical psychology, and mental and public health. She was born in 1924 in Ohio, in a family of a farmer and a housewife. After graduation from high school, she completed a nursing program in the hospital of Ohio in...

Healthcare Research

Patient Satisfaction with the Quality of Nursing Care

This paper presents the evaluation of a nursing article “Patient Satisfaction with the Quality of Nursing Care” that was written by Anita Karaca and Zehra Durna. In that article, the authors discuss the importance of measuring patients’ satisfaction and its potential drivers. The research aimed to identify and examine key...

Healthcare Research

Hand Hygiene Adherence for Hospital-Acquired Infections Prevention

Introduction Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are a cause of significant morbidity and mortality among patients in primary and intensive care units. Moreover, HAIs are associated with an increased cost of care for patients, hospitals, and the healthcare system in general. According to King et al. (2016), a substantial number of HAIs...


DNP Essentials and AONE Competencies as Valuable Milestones of Nursing Practice

When providing care, nurses are guided by certain recommendations and regulations, as well as their personal philosophy. I use the essentials of doctoral education for advanced nursing practice and AONE competencies to guide my professional life. These standards are specifically helpful inpatient training, which is one of the most important...

Health IT

Protected Health Information in Social Media

Introduction In modern healthcare environment, technology provides easy access to digital communication, and nurses apply social media for a wide range of purposes. With such advantages as information sharing and learning, there comes great responsibility for protecting patients’ sensitive data. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)...

Healthcare Research

Discussion of the European Countries Health Care Systems

Introduction The United States healthcare system has been a subject of public debate for a long time. US hospitals possess some of the most technologically advanced instruments in the world, but due to the extremely expensive cost, only a limited number of patients can afford to use them. The experience...

Public Health

Health Maintenance and Screening Plans

Preventive medicine is a practice aimed at reducing morbidity and mortality using disease screening and immunization. Even though all types of health insurance cover the majority of preventive services, a considerable part of the US population does not undergo scheduled preventive procedures. A study by DeVoe, Roberts, Davis, and Wallace-Brodeur...


Nursing Leadership in Diabetes Management

One of the noteworthy observations made while working on this project up to date was that the literature on the subject rarely, if ever, focuses on the nurses’ role in the management of diabetes. For instance, an article by Schnell, Crocker, and Weng (2016) discusses the importance of conducting fasted...

Public Health

Hand Hygiene. How Germs Spread

The single best way to prevent the spread of illnesses such as the common cold is simple handwashing. Germs may get onto hands in many ways, such as after using a toilet, handling raw meat, touching various objects in public places, etc. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2016)....


Reflections on the DNP Essentials

Having read the AACN Information Systems/Technology Essentials for the DNP graduate, I thought that the use of information technology is important both for research-focused and practice-focused DNP scholars. Despite the fact that modern students feel comfortable in a technology-rich environment, this does not necessarily mean that they can use it...

Public Health

Interprofessional Practice and Collaboration

The importance of interprofessional practice is hard to overstate in current conditions since it has been closely connected to improved patient outcomes. However, the role of nurse practitioners (NPs) in interdisciplinary teams remains unclear since it is perceived to be somewhere between a physician and a nurse. The present paper...

Healthcare Research

Sally’s Headache: Acute and Chronic Presentation

Subjective Findings and Questions In this case study, Sally is a 45-year-old female patient with a chief complaint of a headache that has been lasting during the last 30 days. The main subjective findings of the condition include a generalized and bilateral headache that is localized around the neck and...

Healthcare Research

Sport Exercises Stages and Their Importance

The performance of athletes depends on various factors, including their physical and mental states, the level of their preparedness, their ability to concentrate and learn. It is important to pay sufficient attention to all these aspects as well as have a clear understanding of the exact ways they affect people’s...

Healthcare Financing

Obamacare: Health Finance & Delivery Policy

One of the most crucial indicators of any country’s state of the art is its healthcare policy and related legislation regulating the mentioned sphere. Citizens’ health might be a vital aspect of national harmony within a state. Hence, when people need treatment, they should be provided with high-quality medical services,...

Healthcare Research

Exclusive Breastfeeding: Theoretical Framework Discussion

Introduction Exclusive breastfeeding is among the highly recommended practices associated with the proper and timely development of infants since antibodies in breast milk help newborn babies to develop immunity to common infections and viruses. Because of its health benefits, exclusive breastfeeding is promoted among expecting and new mothers in different...


Nurse Leaders Characteristics

The role of nursing practitioners has grown considerably as these healthcare professionals have been empowered to provide a wide range of services to patients and make diverse decisions. Nurse leaders can now address numerous issues and improve the quality of delivered care. Handoffs and associated quality of care can be...


Interprofessional Health Care Team

Interprofessional Team Negotiations The issue to be negotiated revolved around the best nursing care model to use in our team. The interests that influenced me included empathy, teamwork, justice, and integrity. My colleague wanted us to embrace the power of a primary nursing care delivery model. However, I preferred a...


HCAHPS Survey to Measure Pain Communication

Pain management in a geriatric nursing unit is a measure that significantly affects the overall performance indicators of the hospital. Thus, it is vital to address new ways in which patients’ satisfaction may be improved. The scenario’s details reveal some information about the unit’s activities on their path to quality...

Health IT

Nursing Informatics and Medical Technologies

Resistance and Solutions Resistance Medical technologies are presently empowering many practitioners to identify their patients’ health needs and provide exemplary services to them. Such information systems support clinical decision-making and ensure that patients incur reduced costs. However, the use of health informatics and technologies is something that continues to encounter...

Health IT

Technologies in Health Care: Electronic Health Record and Culture of Safety

Benefits of Implementing an Electronic Health Record An electronic health record (EHR) is one of the latest digital versions of how patient’s information is stored. A chart with records is available to hospital workers or other authorized users in real-time. The main reason for its implementation is to improve the...

Health IT

Information Systems as a Key to Innovative Healthcare

Considering that technological progress actively influences changes in processes in all professional spheres, this should separately emphasize the importance of introducing modern technologies in the healthcare field. It is necessary to note that the use of information systems play a crucial role in the successful work of nurses and healthcare...


Ageing Bias in Nursing Practice

Introduction The work of a nurse presupposes dealing with multiple patients who possess various qualities and characteristics. For this reason, in many situations, it can be difficult to adapt to new conditions and provide care in ways that will meet clients’ requirements. However, the positive relations between a nurse and...


Improving Patients’ Health Outcomes

Nurse practitioners can consider various concepts, technologies, and ideas to address the health needs of their patients. This paper gives a detailed analysis of the major barriers to the use of evidence-based practice (EBP), issues surrounding the 12-hour nursing shift, and the concept of connected health. The paper outlines ideas...

Administration and Regulation

Patient Waiting in Pharmacy: Process Improvement

Waiting in pharmacy lines is a problem that increases patient dissatisfaction and decreases convenience when purchasing prescribed medication. Thus, the goals of the current DMAIC project are to reduce wait times and to educate patients on the effective and time-efficient procedures of getting a prescription. At the moment, the process...

Health IT

Interoperability of Healthcare Information Systems

The purpose of healthcare information systems is to enhance the quality of medical services and reduce costs. The interoperability allows healthcare professionals to interact with each other and make responsible decisions about individuals’ regimen considering all significant factors. One of the possible barriers to the interoperability of these systems is...

Public Health

Hypertension Prevalence in American Population

Introduction When implementing any research, it is essential to understand the peculiarities of data and different ways to manage information. Researchers should make sure their studies are based on the analysis of the appropriate sample; otherwise, the reliability of the findings can be doubtful. It is important to set clear...


De-Escalation Techniques in Psychiatry

Mental health issues or the impact of stress factors often manifest themselves in aggressive behavior (both verbal and physical aggression), touchiness, and increased communication needs. The ability to reduce unwanted behaviors remains extremely important when it comes to psychiatric settings. There is a range of recommended de-escalation techniques that help...

Medical Ethics

Prescribing Drugs: Ethical and Legal Implications

Errors and accidents can happen in virtually any type of workplace. However, in the field of healthcare, a wrong action may lead to devastating outcomes, damaging patients or workers’ well-being. Thus, all medical professionals need to understand that the process of error reporting is an essential part of their practice...


Cardiovascular Disorders Pathophysiology and Alteration

Cardiovascular disorders are a global problem that affects people in different parts of the world. Hypertension is a condition that is most often diagnosed in US patients (Huether & McCance, 2017). Thus, every medical professional need to understand the pathophysiology of such diseases and know what actions and characteristics can...


Vaccination is Not a Disputable Issue

Vaccination becomes a disputable issue these days. Society is divided into two camps: those who support this practice and those who are sure that it can pose a threat to the health of their children. To understand the problem better, you should realize the arguments offered by both sides and...


Lung and Breast Cancer Prevention

Cancer is a fairly common disease in the modern world that appears because of the bad habits of people and environmental factors. Sometimes cancer occurs due to genetic or other reasons unrelated to a person’s lifestyle; however, most often, men and women themselves increase the risk of developing this disease...


Transcultural Nursing of Jewish Religious Group

Introduction Religion, as an integral component of society, has an impact on nearly every aspect of its life. Together with the cultural peculiarities of different ethnic groups, religion can have a significant impact on the process of care as well as communication with patients and their relatives. Therefore, a nurse...

Public Health

Cardiovascular Diseases in California

Cardiovascular diseases (CD) compose one of the most critical health concerns in the US, and California is not an exception. The search on the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) website revealed that Hispanic and Latino populations of California are at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. In particular, 26...


Soft Robot as an Elderly Fall Prevention Instrument

Introduction Fall prevention is one of the major health concerns regarding the provision of geriatric care. Falls remain the major factor leading to injury in the elderly that can have diverse negative effects on patients’ wellbeing. Soft robotics is one of the solutions to address the problem and improve older...


Theory of Goal Attainment in Nursing

According to Imogene King, nurses are supposed to attain, maintain, and regain a healthy state of the patient. Theory of goal Attainment discusses how the main goals of a client are achieved through nurse-patient interaction and are based on her own nursing philosophy and experience. Born on January 30, 1923,...

Healthcare Research

Microdermabrasion-Aesthetic Courses

Introduction: Microdermabrasion ─ Types and Indications Microdermabrasion (MDA) is one of the newest methods of facial treatment applied in modern esthetic courses to remove dead skin cells. This safe and non-invasive skin rejuvenation tool works by “mechanical exfoliation of the stratum corneum” (Papazian and Saba 55). After the procedure, the...

Alternative Medicine

Complementary Therapy: Massage

Nowadays, a range of approaches to the treatment of medical conditions is used in countries with developed economies such as Canada. In this regard, complementary and alternative therapies should not be confused since the former are not in conflict with the existing knowledge in the field of medicine, whereas the...

Healthcare Research

Family-Professional Collaboration in Healthcare

Introduction In order to achieve the positive outcomes of medical interventions and implement all the therapeutic tasks efficiently, it is required to ensure high-quality interaction among caregivers and families. Such contacts contribute to complete understanding between two parties and allow obtaining the most accurate picture of a particular health problem....


Depression as a Suicide Factor

The topic of suicide and mental health has always been a complicated one because of the variability in opinions as well as the sensitivity of the subject at hand. Exploring the effect of psychological conditions, such as depression, on suicide is essential in order to understand the nature of the...

Public Health

Alcoholics Anonymous Organization and Community Education

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is an international organization aimed at helping people with alcoholism overcome their addiction. It was established in the US in 1938, and since then expanded to include other countries across the world. To achieve their goal, they employ group meetings and a Twelve-Step Program. As a part...

Medical Ethics

Abortion: Medical Ethics and Criminalization

The debate around abortion and its legal and ethical properties have been dominating the spheres of medicine and law for many decades. The supporters of abortion legalization refer to the omnipresence of such procedures in all countries regardless of their legality, and the illegal methods of pregnancy termination are hazardous....


High Blood Pressure and Heart Attack Relationship

Heart attack, also known as a myocardial infarction, is one of the most common cardiovascular diseases with high mortality rates in the US. According to the Centers for Control Disease and Prevention, approximately 11% of adults have been diagnosed with heart attack, estimating to 28.2 million Americans (“Heart disease,” 2017)....


Mental Illness and Healthcare Initiatives

Introduction Holistic healthcare systems focus on all aspects of a person, including mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and social wellbeing. Experts in different clinical fields apply their competencies to ensure that all patients record positive experiences and lead high-quality lives. This paper gives a definition of mental illness and explains why...