600-Word Essay Examples: Health & Medicine - Page 2


Psychological Disorders: Key Points

The lecture makes use of a number of clips. The first clip is used by the lecturer to illustrate the point that people with mental disorders react in unexpected ways. These unexpected reactions scare normal people, and therefore make them avoid mentally disturbed individuals. In the clip, a man teaches...


Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Natural Treatment

Attention-deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral and developmental disorder that affects many school- age children (Domino 132). Research has it that an estimated 8-10% of all children in the US currently suffer from this disorder. This highlights the prevalence of the condition and hence need for a better understanding...

Healthcare Research

Behavioral Effects Associated With Marijuana

Introduction Marijuana is produced from foliage and flower heads of the hemp plant. A variety of hedonistic and pleasure-inducing drugs are extracted from this plant. The Cannabis sativa, the cut, and baked parts, and ground foliage are capable of producing a greenish-brown drug commonly termed as Marijuana. The principal constituent...

Healthcare Research

Infant Reflexes Definition

Introduction A reflex pertains to a natural action that is observed in response to a particular stimulus. In the case of an infant, the reflexes portrayed are necessary in order for him to survive in the open world, as opposed to his cloistered surroundings while developing in his mother’s womb...


Holistic Care in Adult Nursing

In the case of a diabetic patient with an amputation below the knee, the multidisciplinary team acted in concordance to the needs of the client. A multidisciplinary team characteristically consists of nurses, surgeons, psychologists and physiotherapists. In the case of a patient who has just had amputation below the knee...


End-of-Life Care in Advanced Practice Nurse’s View

Questions concerning end-of-life care are challenging to discuss with patients and their families for many reasons. Many people may feel uncomfortable talking about death, and some individuals find these conversations unnecessary or frightful. However, end-of-life care discussions are vital for ensuring that people will voice their opinions about their health....

Healthcare Research

Quantitative Research Article Critical Appraisal

The title of the article is good as it suggests the key variables (primary care diabetes, primary care physicians, and nurse practitioners) and the study population (Medicare patients) (Lutfiyya et al., 2016). Similarly, the abstract is clear and it concisely summarizes the main features of the report including aims, background,...

Public Health

Why Smoking Should Be Banned In Public Places

The American Surgeon General has been warning people about the hazards of first hand and second-hand smoking but it seems that these warnings, studies, and polls do not affect smokers. They continue to fight for their right to smoke in public places and feel that their rights have been trampled...

Healthcare Research

Primary Care Diabetes Research Critique

Introductory Elements The quality of diabetes management in primary care remains a critical question in many countries. In their study conducted in the United States, Lutfiyya et al. (2017) examine the presence of differences in care related to the type of provider. In general, the paper’s title adequately represents its...

Healthcare Research

Theory of Equal Access to Care

Disparities in access to care among minority populations directly affect health care outcomes – diabetes rates are 30% higher in Native Americans and Latinos, infant mortality is 2.5 times higher for black babies than for white, while life expectancy for black men and women is 10 years fewer compared to...


Nurse’s License as a Way to Solve Problems

Introduction As healthcare in the United States evolves, advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) are beginning to play a critical role in improving patient outcomes. Despite the apparent benefits of advanced care nursing practice, there are significant barriers for APRNs to practice at the fullest extent of their training, experience, and...

Public Health

The Impact of Chronic Disease Management

Introduction The proposed project deals with the issue of chronic disease management and strategies for approaching the problem that Anthem as an insurer can implement. The argument is that nearly a half of the United State’s population has at least one chronic condition and this element of care provision is...

Healthcare Research

Sociodemographic and Cultural Factors of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Introduction The research topic of the current study is sociodemographic and cultural factors of attention hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The planned research will investigate socioeconomic and cultural factors the possible causes of ADHD and will design the research following the recommendations of Jacobsen (2016). The study is concentrated on this topic...


Woodbridge High School Nurse’s Responsibilities

The observed site was the Woodbridge High School in Woodbridge, NJ where the school nurse was interviewed. The school nurse has a wide variety of responsibilities which cover primary, secondary, and tertiary care. Most often it is tertiary care by responding and administering care to students and staff as needed....

Healthcare Research

Increased Rate of Hospital-Acquired Pressure Ulcers

Introduction The topic of the given capstone project is the increased rate of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers (HAPUs) in the US. I am studying the practice problem of HAPUs so that I can help my organization make a difference for patients and their families attempting to address this issue. This topic...

Administration and Regulation

“Improving Resiliency in Healthcare Employees” by Werneburg et al.

The article “Improving resiliency in healthcare employees” by Werneburg et al. (2018) examines the influence of a specific training program on increasing resiliency and improving health behaviors in healthcare employees. This article was published in the American Journal of Health Behavior in 2018. The research conducted by these authors involved...

Healthcare Research

Enhancing the Sustainability of EBP Initiatives

Evidence-based practice (EBP) initiatives applied in health care settings allow for the implementation of the most efficient strategies and practices to address patients’ needs and contribute to their health outcomes. Currently, much attention is paid to the application of EBP initiatives in the most sustainable manner to minimize negative effects...

Administration and Regulation

The Doctor of Nursing Practice

Introduction The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) empowers nurses to become skilled providers of evidence-based, high-quality, and personalized care. It guides them to develop and apply superior leadership models that can eventually transform clinical practice. This paper gives a personal reflection of my performance and realization of the outlined outcomes...

Public Health

Social Determinants of Community Health

Introduction Social determinants of health are various conditions that affect human well-being and that are not related to individual attributes of people. These factors are not the same for different countries and regions but are shaped by income distribution, access to health services and information, local and global politics, and...

Healthcare Research

Research and Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-based practice (EBP) and research are the two essential components of the nursing profession that promote quality in a professional setting and identify excellence in the service delivery process. To better understand their roles and contribution, nurses should be able to distinguish between these components. While EBP aims to translate...

Healthcare Research

Adolescent Psychiatric Evaluation

Mental health illness is a potentially sensitive topic; hence, it is susceptible to factors affecting the reliability and validity of patient self-report. In this case, David appears to be anxious and withdrawn; thus, he will need considerable support in discussing his current problem(s). Therefore, there are specific communication techniques that...

Healthcare Research

Applied Behavior Analysis Dimensions

Introduction Out of a variety of spheres in which scholars perform research, applied analysis occupies an important place. In 1968, Baer, Wolf, and Risley identified seven dimensions of applied behavior analysis (ABA). Baer et al. (1968) argued that there was more to the difference between basic and applied research than...


Endocrine, Metabolic, and Hematologic Disorders

Introduction Endocrine, metabolic, and hematological conditions can significantly affect people’s lifestyle and health. In the case study, an 82-year-old female comes into the office with complaints of dizziness, fatigue, weakness, and dyspnea that increases after physical activity. The patient’s previous medical history includes hyperlipidemia, atrial fibrillation, and hypertension. Her medications...


Autoimmune Diseases: Type 1 Diabetes

Introduction Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that affects the pancreas, causing disruptions in the production of insulin. As a result, patients with this autoimmune condition have high blood glucose and other metabolic issues, which can have a severe impact on health. Like most other autoimmune diseases, type 1...


Neuroblastoma, Its Causes and Treatment

Introduction According to multiple sources, neuroblastoma is one of the most common childhood tumors (Zaoutis & Chiang, 2017). In the majority of cases, this form of cancer is diagnosed before the child reaches the age of five (until the formation of the sympathetic ganglia). The complexity of the disease lies...

Administration and Regulation

Clinic’s Early Screen for Discharge Planning Tool

Healthcare specialists have a huge variety of tasks, including evaluating patients’ conditions, monitoring treatment outcomes, and helping clients deal with their health issues. However, to guarantee further improvement in patients’ health and facilitate home health agencies’ work, thorough planning after a hospital discharge is required. Problem Statement The absence of...

Administration and Regulation

Hospital Safety Survey

Introducing the principles of quality performance into the healthcare environment is critical for managing patients’ needs and preventing medical errors from occurring in the clinical context. A set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will have to be developed to evaluate the quality of delivered services (Al-Shdaifat, 2015). The areas of...


End-of-Life Care

Introduction This paper presents an analysis of the role of advanced practice nurses in the management of end-of-life care. It discusses the aspects associated with end-of-life care and the decision-making process. The paper suggests the approach that can be used while communicating with the patient’s family and addresses the appropriateness...

Medical Ethics

Ethical Situation Related to the Division of Family and Children Services of Georgia

The Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) of Georgia is responsible for providing support and assistance for children in need living in the state while following the legal norms and standards. It is important to analyze an ethical situation related to the DFCS’s activities according to the ETHIC Decision-Making...

Administration and Regulation

International Health Policy for the United States

Introduction The characteristics of different approaches to addressing health care policies for citizens vary across countries. Braithwaite et al. (2017) state that the Commonwealth Fund determines promising practices that contribute to creating a high-performing healthcare system in the United States. A comparative analysis based upon its report might provide a...

Public Health

Sexually Transmitted Infections in the United States

As infectious diseases are a significant concern in the United States, it is vital to enhance patients’ awareness of the significance of prevention and testing. This report presents a case study that features a female patient concerned about white vaginal discharge. The paper presents the primary diagnosis, as well as...

Administration and Regulation

FOCUS-PDSA: Applying Process Improvement Models

One of the most useful models for quality improvement initiatives in healthcare is PDSA (plan-do-study-act). The necessary four steps give nurses an ability to collect and analyze information and turn it into practical knowledge and a strategy that can be implemented in the unit and the organization (Agency for Healthcare...

Health IT

New Technologies and Information Literacy in Health Care

Section One: Resistance to New Technologies in Health Care Resistance to new technologies among patients, caregivers, and nurses is a burning topic in health care. During the last several decades, in the United States, many healthcare facilities succeed in transitioning from a paper record system to an electronic one. It...


Prescriptive Authority of a Nurse in New Jersey

Introduction Prescribing is an essential issue in nursing that requires the attention of care providers and regulatory bodies. In order to provide the best service to patients, nurses have to be aware of their state’s regulations regarding prescribing authority and have the necessary licenses to prescribe medications. The present post...

Healthcare Financing

Affordable Care Act and Its Microeconomics

Introduction For more than seven decades, the U.S. health care system was dominated by market relations that determined the basic principles of the entire system. Namely, those were unregulated state voluntary medical insurance for the majority of the population, unregulated prices for medical services, and patient freedom of choice of...


Basic Concepts in the Context of Nursing

Introduction In the context of nursing, understanding the difference between basic concepts of values, morals, ethics, and bioethics is essential for building a responsible background for practice. This paper will focus on differentiation between the terms and providing an overview of their application to nursing. Values Values refer to the...


How Does Vaccination Affect the Cardiovascular System?

Each year people suffer or even die from diseases that could be prevented by vaccinating. Vaccination is a medical achievement representing an optimal treatment preventing from some virus. Evidence suggests that people suffering from cardiovascular system diseases are exposed to a higher risk of triggering complications from certain illnesses. It...


Breast and Prostate Cancer and Treatment

Introduction Cancer refers to a group of diseases that arise due to unprecedented cell growth with a possibility of spreading to different parts of the body. The various types of cancer are distinguished based on the part of the body that they affect. Breast cancer is most prevalent among women....

Healthcare Institution

Healthcare Delivery Changes for Nursing Practice

Recent healthcare reforms have focused on disease prevention, population health, access, cost control, and quality. These changes have significant implications for nursing practice and roles. This essay examines how changes in the healthcare delivery system could transform nursing practice, compares and contrasts the US model to that of another country,...


Analysis of Anatomical and Physiological Cardiovascular Systems

Cardiovascular, nervous, and endocrine systems are essential for the human body because they regulate the functioning of various mechanisms that transmit signals and impulses about the environment to a person. Without these systems, the flow of information from a human’s brain to nerves and cells would not be possible. This...

Other Medical Specialties

Pain: Pathophysiology, Age and Gender Factors

Introduction People often seek medical assistance with one common symptom – pain. However, the classification of this phenomenon shows how challenging it may be for a medical professional to diagnose pain accurately. Pain can be classified as acute, referred, or chronic according to its pathophysiology. It is vital for clinicians...

Medical Ethics

Parent Refusal of Life-Saving Treatments

Family plays an important role in every aspect of a person’s life including healthcare. On the one hand, the family can provide the necessary support for patients and have a positive impact on treatment compliance, which is frequently used as a tool of impact on the patients’ decision by healthcare...


Cardiovascular System, Endocrine System, and Homeostasis

Homeostasis is the state of equilibrium that is necessary for the functioning of a living organism. Several systems within the human body, such as the endocrine and the cardiovascular system, maintain it. These systems’ function is critical to survival, as disruptions to their ability to maintain this equilibrium can cause...


Physiological Implications of Bariatric Surgery

One should imagine how a dose of food passes through the entire system. Any bolus starts its journey from the mouth where the jaw breaks down the food into pieces. Next shredded food goes through a windpipe, the so-called esophagus, to the stomach. The stomach works like a container that...

Public Health

Canadian Aboriginal Approaches to Health

Within the aboriginal Canadian population, there are many distinct cultural groups and nations. Inuit peoples, who are considered to be the “original inhabitants of the Arctic regions,” are one of them (National Collaborating Center for Aboriginal Health [NCCAH], 2013, p. 2). The total size of the given ethnic group is...


Respiratory System and Its Contribution to Homeostasis

It should be noted that the respiratory system consists of a set of organs that support the function of a person’s external respiration (gas exchange between the inhaled atmospheric air and the circulating blood). Gas exchange occurs in the lungs, and it implies that oxygen from the inhaled air is...

Healthcare Research

“To ‘Get By’ or ‘Get Help’?” the Article by Parsons, J. A., et al

Introduction/ Literature Review The research question that Parsons, Baker, Smith-Gorvie, and Hudak (2014) elaborated for the study sounds as follows: “In a situation of language discordance, do Canadian physicians prefer to manage emerging problems independently or seek help from language professionals?” Even though Parson et al. did not specifically study...

Healthcare Research

Scholarly vs. Popular Sources for Medical Research

Introduction It is critical for a person conducting research to have the ability to distinguish the key differences between scholarly and popular sources of information. The biggest difference lies in the fact that the overall perspective of academic studies is to be informative, whereas popular sources present their outlook through...

Public Health

TomoWork Launch Event for People with Disabilities

This essay is an analysis of the transcript of the TomoWork launch event that tries to extract information about people with disabilities (PWDs) and the various issues they face as they find jobs and adjust to various workplaces throughout their careers. It was written by a notetaker hired by TomoWork...

Healthcare Financing

Importance of Health-Care Cost Management

Health-care cost management has become important because an increase in inflation has pushed the price of health care even higher. A lot of people were optimistic that the different programs and policies implemented by employers, insurers, and the government during the 1990s to manage the rising costs would help to...

Public Health

Ebola Cure in Kenya: Stakeholders’ Viewpoints

The promotion of a new program requires many changes and certain evaluations. Cooperation with different people plays an important role in our work. At this moment, the opinions of several groups of people matter to the potential progress of our company. Lobbyists Lobbyists are activists whose role is to influence...


Diabetes Treatment

Treatment Type 1 Diabetes Type 1 diabetes implies insulin deficiency; To compensate for it, insulin replacement therapy is necessary; Treatment with sugar-reducing pills is contraindicated even during remission; The main course of treatment is exogenous insulin administration (National Health Service, 2016); Without insulin, patients will develop hyperglycemic ketoacidosis; The objective...

Administration and Regulation

Health Care Reform, Finances and Productivity

Healthcare Reform Legislation Obama Care targets to reduce the increments of cost in the healthcare system. The legislation has impacts on the national expenses and the insurances. The extension of insurances of health promotes an increment in medical expenditures within the short run. In meeting its obligations, the legislation may...

Administration and Regulation

Process Flow Analysis in Healthcare

Process Flow Chart: Emergency Department Patient Admission Process Flow Analysis The process analyzed in this process flow chart is the admission of patients in a hospital. Patients enter through the emergency department (ED), where they undergo registration upon arrival before being sorted to establish the priority of different cases. If...


Schizoaffective Disorder

Modern psychiatry has many different diseases to diagnose patients with. Some of them have almost the same symptoms. One of them is a schizoaffective disorder. This paper aims to discuss the illness and answer the question whether to withdraw it from the next edition of the DSM. To start with,...

Healthcare Financing

Long-Term Care Insurance and Its Sources

Introduction Insurance is a promise of indemnity for specific future losses in exchange for periodic payments (premiums). There are several covers that insurance companies offer to their clients. Among them is long-term care insurance which is provided at the expense of the cost of long-term care beyond predestined time. Young...


Panic Attacks and Mental Disorder

Definition Anxiety and panic are natural human feelings that serve as protection mechanisms. However, “it is abnormal to feel strong chronic anxiety without cause. Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive fear in the absence of true danger” (Grison et al. 505). This report will investigate the nature of the panic...


Teaching Effectiveness in Nursing Education

Introduction It is important to improve the nursing curriculum with regard to evidence-based practice and information literacy. The curriculum also requires the nursing educators to look for and make use of relevant nursing research while focusing on their teaching objectives, nursing practice, research interests, and the students’ practical necessities. The...


Holocaust: Intergenerational Effects on FKBP5 Methylation

Summary of the Source The holocaust was a very traumatizing event that affected many Jews who were lucky enough to escape from the concentration camps. The study focused on the impact of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among the affected population and how the problem affected their offspring. The study analyzed...

Administration and Regulation

Rising Costs as a Challenge Affecting the Healthcare Sector

Developing a Strategic Plan Rising healthcare costs affect access to medical services. Budget cuts from government agencies have made matters worse because practitioners are struggling to deliver quality services with few resources (Houston, Bradham, Muñoz, & Guignard, 2011). The purpose of this paper is to understand the rising costs as...

Alternative Medicine

Music Therapy and Its Effects on Elderly People

Introduction Music plays a significant role in many aspects of our lives. Listening to favorite music can help to relax, energize, motivate, or calm a person. Music has always been an attractive topic for researchers. For instance, recent research suggests that music can lift one’s mood, enhance the level of...

Healthcare Financing

Demand and Elasticity in Health Care

Write the formula for price elasticity of demand and describe what it means The formula that should be used whenever calculating the price elasticity of demand is presented below. According to this formula, Q0 is the demanded quantity (initial) at the time when the price is P0 (or unchanged). The...


Clinical Education and Nursing Programs

Is clinical a time for teaching or for evaluation of students? Or for both? Clinical placement experience should be a time for both teaching and evaluating the students. Clinical placement experience is a chance for nursing students to utilize the skills and theories learned in the laboratory settings and in...

Public Health

CDC and Healthcare: Disaster Management Lessons

What is the role of CDC in detection, diagnosis, and mitigation of illness and injury caused by biological and chemical terrorism? Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) plays a major role in cases of large emergencies related to epidemics and chemical weapon attacks. Among the key roles of the...

Healthcare Research

Improving Patient Care

Evidence-based practice: step by step: igniting a spirit of inquiry: an essential foundation for evidence-based practice. Evidence-based practice (EBP) plays a critical role in enhancing the nursing profession. Nurses execute their duties under the guidance of practices hinged on evidence as opposed to traditions and protocols. Consequently, patient outcomes improve,...


Importance of “The Black Family” Course for Nurses

Abstract Sociology is one of the core courses undertaken by many nursing students. This paper explains why “The Black Family” is an important course for nursing students. The paper identifies the best sociological lessons towards a better nursing practice. Nurses should use different sociological theories to support the health needs...

Administration and Regulation

Nursing Leadership Development Needs Assessment

Introduction There is a propensity toward conflating the notions of leadership and management in many business settings (Rokstad, Vatne, Engedal, & Selbæk, 2015). Although the notions are very close, there is a major difference between them. While management is primarily task-oriented, leadership is supposed to change employees’ attitudes toward their...

Administration and Regulation

Quality and Risk Management in Health Care

Quality Management Quality management is the act of managing all activities and responsibilities required to uphold a desired level of quality. This consists of evolving and executing quality planning and reassurance, in addition to control of quality and quality development. It is also termed TQM. By definition, it does not...

Administration and Regulation

The UK National Health Service

After reviewing the United Kingdom’s healthcare system, how does it compare to the United States. What are the similarities? What are the differences? Each of the countries that make up the United Kingdom has its own National Health Service. Access to healthcare is a basic right to all citizens and...

Administration and Regulation

Canadian Healthcare System: Leadership and Management

Ethics is clearly one of the basic issues in healthcare. Without a proper ethical code, healthcare industry will not be able to provide its patients with high quality services. However, ethics depends heavily on leadership issues, and the case study conducted by Lawrence and Morris (2009) is a graphic example...


Pain Management in Nursing

It is essential for the healthcare team to exercise effective communication. Professional nurses should strive to assist patients as much as they can. The comfort goals of a patient are very important and hence, it should be the focus of a nurse. Pain management for patients is usually the main...

Medical Ethics

Ethical Issues in Healthcare Management

Introduction The institutionalization of healthcare is a major source of ethical conflicts. When looking at ethics, we consider the question; what do we owe to the other person? Today, healthcare management is an arrangement among the following groups: consumers or the patients, the providers who are the physicians and other...

Healthy Nutrition

The Importance of Healthy Eating

Purpose Statement To inform my audience about healthy eating and the way they can benefit from it. The positive evaluation of the topic presupposes a persuasive element. Thesis Statement Healthy eating habits can significantly improve one’s health which means that they should be promoted. Introduction Attention Getter: We all know...


Epidemiological Measures: MMR Vaccination and Autism

Calculating Measure of Association Case One When the data provided in the first case is sorted, the organization of both the vaccinated and autistic conditions is shown in this table. With Autism Without Autism Total Vaccinated 263 440,392 440,655 Non-Vaccinated 53 96,595 96,648 Total 316 536,987 537,303 Using this table,...


Health Care Model

Hypothetical Case M. J. is a 54 years old male who was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Initially, he has experienced symptoms of limb weakness in his arms, which progressed to the lower part of his body. In addition, he has difficulty walking due to stiffness in his legs....

Other Medical Specialties

The Clinical Experience Course Reflection

Clinical Experience Review My clinical experience includes diverse patient encounters. While practicing family medicine, I had an opportunity to observe some cases of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, ADHD, COPD, STD’s, skin diseases, depression, anxiety, and chronic back pain among adult patients aged from 23 to 92. Moreover, I encountered children aged...

Medical Ethics

Euthanasia: An Ethical Issue

Summary The video Euthanasia considers the ethical issue from the point of view of the law, ethics, religion, and philosophy. It does not appear to take a stance, but it portrays euthanasia as a phenomenon that is unlikely to disappear. The film offers a comprehensive overview of various attitudes as...


Decreased Cardiac Output: Nursing Process

Assessing While assessing decreased cardiac output, it is important to gather both objective and subjective data from the patient. Subjective data includes numerous symptoms, such as fatigue, anxiety and agitation, changes in mental condition (e.g., hyperactivity or confusion), fainting, and so on (de Souza et al., 2014). Objective data includes...

Healthcare Research

Pain Management Strategies: Drugs and Exercises

The first article under analysis – Care Seeking for Pain in Young Adults with Sickle Cell Disease – was authored by Jenerette, Brewer, and Ataga (2014). The first two are professional nurses while the last one is a doctor of medicine. The article is of recent publication and in circulation...


Gold Coats Career in Psychiatry

Explain the concept of professionalism about the “Gold Coats” “A large part of achieving recognition as a professional has to do with the way that you present yourself to others. It is a mindset that becomes easier to apply as you progress further and becomes an inspiration to others to...


Nurse-to-Patient Ratio Increase and Change Models

Introduction Although a drop in the nurse-to-patient ratio (NPR) is typically viewed as a reason for concern in the healthcare system, high NPR can also affect patient outcomes negatively (Jarrar, Rahman, & Shamsudin, 2015). With the rise in the number of nurses per patient, the threat of mismanaging patient information...

Healthcare Research

Future Issues of the Health Care

Medical and technological innovations, as well as changes in health care policy, have produced radical advancements in the delivery of health care services. Notwithstanding these robust improvements, health care leaders are hard-pressed to find solutions to complex challenges which the US health care system is going to face. Over the...


Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

Evidence-based practice is the incorporation of the finest research evidence in medical proficiency and patient ethics. It includes categorizing sturdily researched discoveries and applying them in everyday practices so as to upsurge the excellence of patient care and bring the most profitable nursing care. Nurse managers must pay attention to...

Healthcare Financing

American Healthcare Costs and Reasons Behind Them

Today, the United States is one of the industrialized countries that spend a lot of money on healthcare. However, it has not been in a position to extend healthcare services to all its citizens. It has been observed that a lot of money is spent on health services per capita...

Health IT

Health Information Exchange and Electronic Health Records

Many modern trends in health care are associated with technological progress. Two examples are exchanging health information and using personal health records. In both areas, researchers observe serious challenges, but also propose possible solutions. The present-day development of technology opens new perspectives for the exchange of information among health care...

Health IT

Electronic Health Records and Patients’ Assessment

Introduction Electronic health records (EHR) refer to the use of IT to store the patients’ data. The need to provide better quality services to patients at an affordable cost has highly contributed to the increased adoption of EHR. Data stored in the electronic version is accessible to all the medical...