💻 Essays on Health IT

Before you start your academic essay on health IT, you should understand the basics of the field. Health IT is a way to use technology to improve healthcare. It involves everything from electronic medical records to apps that help patients monitor their health.

By studying health IT, you’ll understand how technology is changing the healthcare industry and how it can improve patient care in the future. Additionally, you will be able to explore the different types of health IT systems and how they work. This knowledge will be beneficial when you’re writing your essay, as you’ll be able to comprehend the material better and ensure that your paper is well-informed.

Finally, studying health IT will provide valuable insights into health care’s ethical and privacy concerns. With this information, your essay on health IT will turn out nuanced and thoughtful.

Health IT

The Need to Aggregate Data in Health Care

The primary reason and the need to aggregate data in health care is the normalization of the data and unification of it; subsequently, the queries, alerts, and reports are made possible. The main condition of this possibility is that the data is unified in a single format. For instance, the...

Health IT

Use of Technology in Health and Caring Part of Nursing

I think that the increasing use of technology in health care has improved the caring part of nursing. Technology can improve the level of communication. Modern medical technologies have the potential to transform the nature of care. Nurses and medical practitioners can use such digital technologies to support the changing...

Health IT

Electronic Health Records Implementation

The implementation of electronic health records, or EHR, poses both advantages and disadvantages when introduced on both a regional and national scale. EHR can benefit the overall quality of care, as it allows medical professionals to observe better accuracy in the documentation of clinical information. Similarly, such a system allows...

Health IT

Health Information Technology & Electronic Records

Introduction The increasing role of information systems keeps impacting the nursing practice and all of its derivatives. The main reason for it is that healthcare providers have to store and manage a vast amount of patient data that keeps increasing. Therefore, health information technologies serve as an instrument to facilitate...

Health IT

Barcode Medication Administration (BCMA) Presentation

Summary Healthcare information technology has played a critical role in enhancing the quality of service delivery and assuring positive results from interventions. Unfortunately, most healthcare practitioners do not know the scope of some technologies and how to adapt them for effective medical practices. However, a bar-code medication administration system is...

Health IT

HITECH Act: Nursing Practice

HITECH act, or Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, is an important part of current nursing practice. Signed into practice by President Obama in 2009, the program aimed to establish the use of new technology in medical practice (What is the Hitech act, 2021). In particular, the...

Health IT

Electronic Medical Recordkeeping System Features

Features to include Physical security Electronic medical records should occupy limited physical space available. Computers should occupy limited space within health facilities where patients can interact with physicians nicely and update the status of their health profiles. Medical practitioners are the only qualified people to interpret or manipulate the medical...

Health IT

Digitizing Patient Records: Pros and Cons

The safekeeping of medical records entails the task of compiling, storing, typing, and retrieving patients’ data in health institutions. Data is documented from different sources for the purpose of facilitating ongoing medication to various patients. Patients’ data is not only important in supporting sustainable medication; it also facilitates proper health...

Health IT

Patient Privacy Issues, Electronic Health Records, and De-Identified Data

Annotated Bibliography Kayaalp, M. (2018). Patient privacy in the era of big data. Balkan Medical Journal, 35(1), 8-17. Web. The author has a Ph.D. degree in computer science and vast research interests, ranging from the implications of machine learning for medical informatics to cybersecurity issues within the healthcare field. His...

Health IT

Category I in Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)

Introduction Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) is used to record health, remedial, and analytical processes and services to parties such as clinicians, indemnity companies, and certification organizations. The term ‘category’ in CPT refers to how the code set is divided, and these codes are classified into three groups (Kirouac, 2018). Within...

Health IT

Clinical Decision Support: Goals and Aims

Introduction When making a decision concerning one’s diagnosis and potential treatment, clinical professionals often address alternative opinions, including other clinicians and scholarly research. In order to facilitate the process of these decisions, clinical decision support (CDS) was created. CDS stands for “any system that assists health personnel in clinical decision...

Health IT

Virtual Visit Application in Healthcare

Introduction Background Information The medical industry is one of the most important parts of society, and an incremental part of people’s lives, safeguarding their wellbeing and ensuring continued prosperity. The healthcare sphere is constantly changing and developing, creating better outcomes and solutions for problems present in modern times. Historically, modern...

Health IT

The Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set

Electronic health records enable healthcare professionals to provide high-quality and cost-effective care. Nevertheless, this technological advancement is not utilized in some facilities, so healthcare practitioners may need to use diverse instruments to elicit the necessary data. The Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) is one of the measurements that...

Health IT

Improvement Strategy: Transforming Care Delivery Through Virtual Health

Introduction The current medical scene develops and grows at an unprecedented pace, allowing it to re-adjust and better meet the demands of the public. By continuously changing for the better and implementing newer technology in healthcare, Medical companies are able to maintain and improve their standards of care. The adoption...

Health IT

Regulation Related to Patient Safety in Healthcare

The Safe Staffing for Nurse and Patient Safety Act of 2018 may serve as an example of the regulation that can successfully lead to improving patient safety and care. This regulation is currently implemented in several states in the United States. The Act was initially oriented toward improving the nurse-to-patient...

Health IT

Health Information Technology: The Problem of Cyber Attacks

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) website provides a journal of reports on technology impacts on healthcare provision and cyber-attacks. On 17th November 2021, a report argues that the Protected Health Information of about 127,800 patients may have been compromised after a ransomware cyber-attack, according to a notification...

Health IT

Telemedicine Solution of Shortage of Physicians

Executive Summary Telemedicine is one of the technological developments in the healthcare sector, which can aid physicians to do a remote assessment, arrangement of meetings, do follow-up to patients, among others. Grand Hospital, which is a propriety organization located in a rural setting, can adopt this innovation to solve the...

Health IT

Data Management in the Nursing Setting

Understanding how information flows in the hospital setting is crucial for a nurse to be able to identify patients’ needs, evaluate them, and meet them in the environment of the clinical setting and with the resources available at the time. Therefore, the role of healthcare informatics is paramount to the...

Health IT

Technology and Informatics for Quality Nursing Care

Introduction Technology in healthcare is defined as applying knowledge or skills in digital electronic tools to solve healthcare problems. In the healthcare community, technology has placed various potent tools on improving care, including the integration of electronic health records. In medicine, digital technologies help to transform unstable care systems into...

Health IT

Benefits and Comparison of Neural Networks

In modern world, information technologies are widely used in the different areas of human activity. The main purpose of such systems is to make the process of work easier, faster and high-quality. Recently, artificial neural networks have been increasingly used to solve practical problems. They have a number of advantages...

Health IT

Information Technology to Support Improved Quality in Primary Care

This white paper explores the use of information technology for quality improvement in the primary health care setting. Accustomed to addressing the needs of the health industry, which is the audience for this paper, we developed the findings from a targeted review of published reports and expert analysis. Comprehensively, we...

Health IT

Security and Privacy in Healthcare Databases

When dealing with databases containing health information about patients treated in a certain facility, the question of data quality is inevitable. The need for the data to meet the set requirements is primarily caused by the fact that the health information generally consists of immerse chalks of sensitive information. Thus,...

Health IT

Reducing Medical Errors in Obstetric Care

Introduction Hospital settings are known to have complex care actions, which can lead to confusion and medical errors. For instance, patients admitted for delivery may be transferred to the surgery department for a cesarean. Patients are transferred between numerous units, which might increase the chances of medical errors (Ting et...

Health IT

Roles That Health Information Systems Play in the Work of a Physician

Introduction Health Information Systems are revolutionizing the way people access medical services. The information revolution brought about by the development of Information Technology in the last half of the twentieth century is responsible for this phenomenon. The advantages of Health Information Systems in medical services include the use of decision...

Health IT

Eliminating the Disparities in the Health

The health care system should be improved to achieve the best results. Spreading of information concerning health care is considered to be an essential element that will minimize costs and will significantly improve the health care system. Many successful implementations of the IT technology in the health care system prove...

Health IT

Development of Integrated Health Systems

Introduction The high demand for healthcare services coupled with staff shortages has made it necessary for healthcare systems to be integrated. The scarce resources in the healthcare sector mean that the available resources should be utilized in the most efficient way (Smith, 2007). Integrated healthcare systems are supposed to enhance...

Health IT

Timeline for Health Information System Implementation

The implementation of the health information system will be performed for the hospital staff training, and its configuration will be performed by hospital needs. The following table presents the timeline for system training and implementation. Phase task Milestone and deliverables Start date End date Responsible role Installation and initial training...

Health IT

Cerebral Blood Flow in Children Arterial Spin Labelling

Introduction Background Information The brain is an integral part of any living organism. The brain receives blood from the heart and this blood contains oxygen and nutrients that nourish it. At the same time, it carries away any metabolic waste that result from breakdown of the nutrients. Of all the...

Health IT

Computer-Assisted Coding in the Healthcare

Abstract The technology that has become useful in healthcare organizations is Computer-Assisted Coding (CAC). This technology has saved time and revenueforfforr the organizations and achieved productivity in the industry. Generally, with its introduction into the system, the coders thought of it as their replacement but soon with its implementation realized...

Health IT

Medical Devices Applying High Levels of Energy to Brain

Introduction The regulation of medical devices is considered to consist of some of the most important legislation written by governments. This is clearly due to the number of disciplines involved in the production of a single medical device. Medical device regulations affect both the safety of their users and the...

Health IT

First Aid Alert Project

Abstract A project to cater to the customer specifications for a first aid response system has been conceived. This was implemented using paging electronics in addition to the software that works in sync with it. The software was designed to gradually expand with the response of the people who are...

Health IT

Use of Artificial Intelligence to Improve Leadership in Healthcare Management

Healthcare sector has been under a lot of pressure to deliver quality healthcare to patients whenever they visit these facilities. This pressure has been massive among nurses taking care of patients who are at critical stages. According to Bramer1, nurses always find themselves in very awkward situation when there is...

Health IT

Examining Methodology and Design: Capnography During Resuscitation

The evaluation of the use of capnography during resuscitation among patients of a coronary care unit (CCU) may be developed in a variety of ways, including qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods studies. Pantazopoulos et al. (2015) define capnography as a method to measure the level of end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) and...

Health IT

Efficiently Creating and Managing Research

Introduction The necessity to measure and assess the levels of glucose in patients is one of the key challenges that diabetes represents. Due to the need to respond to changes in a patient’s glucose levels rapidly to prevent the adverse effects caused by insulin loss from taking place (Kunttu, 2017)....

Health IT

Springfield General Hospital’s Information Technology

Introduction According to the majority of the research studies, information technology is believed to improve patient safety and increase the accuracy of diagnosis (Bowles, 2015). Nevertheless, the case of Springfield General Hospital clearly showed that implementation of IT system only “made it worse”, and a computerized physician order entry (CPOE)...

Health IT

Discussing Telehealth in Clinical Practice

Specifying a Clinical Problem A clinical problem of obesity is a global epidemic that prevails mostly in the Western world. In particular, the evidence reports about “641 million adults being obese in 2014 (266 million men and 375 million women) compared to 105 million adults in 1975 (34 million men...

Health IT

Greek Health Service and Networking Technologies

Summary The constant escalation of modernization and technological use in various aspects of Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) applications had projected them as an incredibly valuable instrument for the enhancement of numerous existing procedures. The diagnostic health industry, as an element of the Health Sector, represents a B2B market that...

Health IT

Personal Health Records: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction Personal health records are a technology that enables patients to access, document, and monitor health-related information. The California Health Care Foundation (CHCF, 2019) notes that PHRs are often confused with patient portals. While connected PHRs may take the form of patient portals, but standalone PHRs are not linked to...

Health IT

Electronic Medical Record Review

The electronic medical record (EMR) is at the forefront of medical technology. Numerous companies are making it available, and physician groups and hospitals are investigating the potential benefits it can provide. The push to get there has now entered the political arena, with candidates from both parties proclaiming how the...

Health IT

Information Technology Professional Job Description

Executive Summary Informatics in healthcare is becoming increasingly important, which is emphasized by the regulations and a shift towards using Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems. The Independence Medical Center, although it possesses an EHR system, does not benefit from its capabilities due to improper use that leads to financial and...

Health IT

Analysis of Stakeholder Involvement: Health Information Systems

Relevant Stakeholders Related to Impact Analysis Hospital leaders play an essential role in the management of electronic health record (EHR) systems at Vila Health. Their responsibilities include operations management, the oversee of direct business services, the maintenance of medical records, as well as general leadership efforts associated with CEO and...

Health IT

Protected Health Information in Social Media

Introduction In modern healthcare environment, technology provides easy access to digital communication, and nurses apply social media for a wide range of purposes. With such advantages as information sharing and learning, there comes great responsibility for protecting patients’ sensitive data. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)...

Health IT

Analysis of Electronic Health Records System

Need for a Health Information Professional The introduction of an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system into the environment of a healthcare organization is a crucial step needed to ensure that patient data is promptly and effectively managed without being lost in the process. Studies show that the use of the...

Health IT

The Concept of Surface and Fine Wire EMG

Differences Between Surface EMG and Fine Wire (or Needle) EMG Electromyography (EMG) is a technique used to measure the action of muscles, thereby producing data that enable the comprehension of muscle coordination during movement. Two modes of EMG exist, namely invasive and noninvasive. Surface EMG is an adaptable and non-invasive...

Health IT

Advanced Information Management and the Application of Technology

Introduction A health information system (HIS) supports integrated functions such as patient data collection, compilation, management, and transmission. Hospitals use HIS to ensure patient-centered care and improve quality and safety (Sittig & Singh, 2017). This paper discusses a HIS project implemented in a satellite facility in compliance with current HITECH...

Health IT

Health Information Improvement Proposal: Addressing the Concern of Stakeholder

Introduction Innovative solutions to the management of patients’ personal data have had a tremendous impact on the healthcare industry, causing a massive shift in the process of data collection, analysis, and storage. The Electronic Health Record (EHR) framework has become one of the most common tools for handling patient data,...

Health IT

E-Health Implementation Factors in Zimbabwe

Abstract E-health technologies can have a positive influence on access to care and contribute to public health. However, in many contexts, the implementation of e-health is stalled by internal and external barriers that affect users’ experiences and adoption rates. The present paper reviews a study into e-health adoption in Zimbabwe...

Health IT

Information Systems in Genomic Medicine

Computer science provides humans with multiple useful tools to work with large amounts of information, and it is used in all spheres of human activity. Genomic medicine is a new discipline that can apply this technology to study human genetics and treat genetic diseases more efficiently. Clinicians can utilize information...

Health IT

Intelligent Hospital Pavilion and Improvements

Introduction Innovation becomes an integral part of all spheres of human activity as it helps to achieve higher performance levels and better outcomes. These advantages are critical for the healthcare sector as its primary goal is to promote the health of the nation and improve the quality of people’s lives....

Health IT

New Technology in Nursing: Interview

Implementing new technology is a laborious endeavor for the executive staff of healthcare facilities. Annette Brown, Director of Nursing Informatics in Eisenhower Health, has experience leading the transition process from paper charting to electronic health record (EHR) system provided McKesson in 2008 and then to EPIC in 2017. Eisenhower Health...

Health IT

Telehealth: Scheduled Video Visit Program

Telehealth technology can change the strategies that hospitals use to deliver care to their patients. The introduction of video- and Internet-based devices provides many benefits to people who cannot access treatment in traditional ways. For example, many individuals live in areas without hospitals and have to spend significant time and...

Health IT

Electronic Health Records Database Design: Drug-to-Drug Interactions

Drug-to-drug interactions (DDIs) cause significant patient problems while treating comorbid conditions. Even though these problems are often predictable and preventable, a systematic approach is needed to avoid adverse drug events (ADEs). A clinical database can become an efficient solution for addressing the problem of DDIs. The present paper offers a...

Health IT

Electronic Health Record in the Independence Medical Center

Introduction The Independence Medical Center currently applies an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system that does not allow physicians and other medical professionals to collect and analyze patient data efficiently, which is reflected in the inadequate workflow and the need to avoid some processes outlined in the EHR. This proposal aims...

Health IT

Health Information Technology and Care Coordination

It is considered that high costs of care primarily stem from it being largely uncoordinated. In turn, the growing prevalence of chronic diseases increases the expenses incurred to deliver healthcare services to patients. Health information technology (IT) is expected to enable an organization to coordinate care better and reduce healthcare...

Health IT

Importance of Healthcare Data Reporting

Introduction Healthcare data reporting (DR) is a crucial component of modern healthcare since it grants publicity to information about patient outcomes and other statistics concerning hospitals’ efficiency. Eisenhower Health Center, Desert Regional Medical Center, and John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital provide data about its structure, care process, and patient outcomes...

Health IT

Decision Support Systems in Healthcare

Introduction Informatics in the modern healthcare system is the mechanism that makes it possible to simplify the mode of operation of both junior and senior medical personnel. Various innovative systems that are designed to store, systematize, and transform certain information contribute to speeding up many procedures, for instance, control over...

Health IT

Electronic Health Record Adoption in U.S. Hospitals

Paper Review: Purple Group The interest in interoperability and its features are explained in detail, and one can understand that interoperability has many potential benefits for the healthcare industry. However, there exists a lack of information about standardization – an essential requirement not only for separate programs but for the...

Health IT

Electronic Health Records System in Nursing Homes

Technology has played a pivotal role in improving the delivery of health services, as well as patient outcomes. Electronic health records system is one such technology that has had a considerable impact on the way hospitals and nursing homes manage the data of their patients. Electronic health records refer to...

Health IT

Nurse Informatics and Its Role in an Organization

Today’s healthcare systems are dynamic: technology has played a significant role in both education and practice. The nursing field is among the many areas that have integrated technology into education and practice to keep up with the ever-increasing pace of current trends. Therefore, nurses at the baccalaureate level are equipped...

Health IT

Nursing Informatics and Medical Technologies

Resistance and Solutions Resistance Medical technologies are presently empowering many practitioners to identify their patients’ health needs and provide exemplary services to them. Such information systems support clinical decision-making and ensure that patients incur reduced costs. However, the use of health informatics and technologies is something that continues to encounter...

Health IT

New Technologies and Information Literacy in Health Care

Section One: Resistance to New Technologies in Health Care Resistance to new technologies among patients, caregivers, and nurses is a burning topic in health care. During the last several decades, in the United States, many healthcare facilities succeed in transitioning from a paper record system to an electronic one. It...

Health IT

Technologies in Health Care: Electronic Health Record and Culture of Safety

Benefits of Implementing an Electronic Health Record An electronic health record (EHR) is one of the latest digital versions of how patient’s information is stored. A chart with records is available to hospital workers or other authorized users in real-time. The main reason for its implementation is to improve the...

Health IT

Information Systems as a Key to Innovative Healthcare

Considering that technological progress actively influences changes in processes in all professional spheres, this should separately emphasize the importance of introducing modern technologies in the healthcare field. It is necessary to note that the use of information systems play a crucial role in the successful work of nurses and healthcare...

Health IT

Advanced Information Management in Healthcare

Health Information Systems: Discussion and Analysis Advantages and Disadvantages of a System Health information systems (HISs) are tools designed for enhanced management of healthcare data. Processes incorporated in HISs include the collection of patients’ healthcare information, its storage, management, and dissemination. Thus, HISs involve electronic health records (EHRs) and healthcare...

Health IT

Digital Technology Safety in the Healthcare Industry

Introduction Information technology has become an integral part of the healthcare industry these days. Healthcare practitioners can access detailed information concerning patients’ health within seconds with the help of easy-to-use devices. This efficiency has a positive impact on patient outcomes as the medical staff can make evidence-based decisions quickly (Kruse,...

Health IT

Interoperability of Healthcare Information Systems

The purpose of healthcare information systems is to enhance the quality of medical services and reduce costs. The interoperability allows healthcare professionals to interact with each other and make responsible decisions about individuals’ regimen considering all significant factors. One of the possible barriers to the interoperability of these systems is...

Health IT

Building Control Systems Technology in a Hospital

Introduction In a modern hospital with a complex technological network, building control systems (BCS) are able to oversee and automate many functions. BCS can monitor and adjust environmental controls such as lighting, temperature, pressurization, humidity, and life support systems. Nurses can use BCS to keep maintain the bed and patient...

Health IT

Remote Patient Monitoring Technology and Its Risks

Introduction Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is a healthcare technology meant to monitor patients in their homes which allows increasing accessibility and quality of care while decreasing its cost. This digital technology often collects medical and other data about patients such as location and vitals, using patient health data (Ph.D.) in...

Health IT

Confidentiality and Data Security in the Healthcare

Introduction Failures to incorporate security measures may occur in handling patient information and/or the usage of computer systems in the workplace. These cases may create threats and vulnerabilities, which are ultimately attributed to the employee. To avoid becoming a culprit in the irresponsible handling of patient information, an employee should...

Health IT

Health Information Technology for Care Delivery

Health information technology (HIT) refers to the use of computerized or digital systems and health information management across the process of healthcare delivery and for a secure collection, storage, and exchange of health-related information. Common examples include electronic health records (EHR), clinical decision support, computerized provider order entry (CPOE), and...

Health IT

Google’s Electronic Medical Records Project

Google is one of the largest companies in the world with many products and services satisfying various needs of customers. One of the latest projects is the cloud storage of electronic medical records (Rosenbaum, 2020). Google’s goal is to create a repository and search tool in which doctors can easily...

Health IT

Chief Information Officer Survey for Health Industry

The Health Data Management 2008 is a CIO survey that was partially conducted by Quammen Group, a consulting firm, and it refers to the future trends of the Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) industry. HMIS and CIO executives positively evaluate the potential of HMIS growth, discuss budget changes, and emphasize...

Health IT

Health Information Technology in Asia and Africa

Information technology (IT) is an integral part of all segments of life today. Since its first sprouts in the 1940s with the development of the electronic computer, the field has expanded to become a dominant player in every industry imaginable. From finance to agriculture, IT systems have interspersed into the...

Health IT

Difficulties in Hospital Database Architecture

Diagram ER Diagram Schema Data Dictionary Table Name Attribute Name Contents Type Format Range Required PK or FK FK reference table substance sub_id Identification number of a substance integer ###### 1-999999 Y PK sub_name Name of the substance Varchar(24) Xxxxxxxxxx N/A Y sub_mng Substance management rules Varchar(255) Xxxxxxxxxx N/A sub_therind...

Health IT

Healthcare Data: Cloud Computing Security Concerns

Cloud computing (CC) is a powerful, cost-effective, and easy-to-maintain opportunity for small and medium businesses to fulfill their IT needs. However, companies dealing with security-sensitive matters, such as innovations and private information, may choose to avoid CC due to real and perceived security concerns. The most common concern is the...

Health IT

Telehealth: Diabetes Self-Management Education

Introduction Diabetes is a highly prevalent and costly chronic disease affecting millions of people. It requires ongoing clinical and self-management. For this reason, the education of patients on self-management practices is an integral part of the disease intervention. While traditionally, clinicians instructed their patients about various health and disorder-related issues...

Health IT

Benefits and Disadvantages of ER Diagrams

What are the benefits or disadvantages of ER diagrams? Why bother with a logical design and not just create tables and columns (physical design) directly? Entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs) are a logical representation of data that describes the relationships among entities and attributes. The central reasons for choosing an entity relation...

Health IT

Professions of Database Design, Integration and Management

Discuss the professions involved in database design, integration, and management. Include who the major stakeholders are and who you’d like to work with and why? At first, the answer to the question may seem obvious, because any uninformed person would say that professions connected with databases (DBs) are DB developers...

Health IT

Ways of Information Validation from SQL Queries

Can you think of ways to validate the information from SQL queries or reports, to assure a level of accuracy in the results? When, if at all, is it better to extract raw data instead of summary information, and what are the best ways to present any retrieved information (e.g.,...

Health IT

Improving Sepsis Collaboration Through Computer Documentation

This paper is about “Improving Sepsis Collaboration through computer documentation.” Preventing and treating the life-threatening infection that is sepsis requires one of the most rapid reactions from healthcare professionals regarding time. Thus, identifying and documenting sepsis cases becomes another critical step in the patient’s healing process, requiring a specific set...

Health IT

Healthcare Informatics: Foundations, Challenges, and Opportunities

With the implementation of the Affordable Health Care Act, there is a growing number of people to be given cost-effective healthcare. Healthcare providers and government are promoting online health services, including electronic health records (EHRs) and patient portals (PPs) to give high-quality care to active and more demanding people. The...

Health IT

Paper Health Records and Electronic Records Comparison

Compare traditional paper health records to electronic records. What can one do that the other cannot? Some of the formats of electronic data include spreadsheets and databases. What are some of the trade-offs between using a spreadsheet versus a database to record, analyze, and retrieve data in a health care...

Health IT

Enterprise EHR System

Consider the following scenario: You are in a hospital setting that uses an enterprise EHR system with multiple interfaces to other health information platforms. What types of data would be kept in each system and what steps would be needed to allow for analytics to be performed across multiple disparate...

Health IT

Medical Technology in the Operating Room

General Problem Trying new equipment in the operating room and its effectiveness will depend on the amount of training offered by the manufacturing company and “the spectrum of abilities” acquired by the staff (Gallagher, O’Sullivan & Traynor, 2014, p. 296). Specific Problem Doctors and all operating room team members are...

Health IT

Information Technology in Medical Institutions

Introduction Health care has been improving over the past decades, and patients expect quality services and products from medical institutions. This is only possible if these institutions maintain good records about their patients. Health information for use by the medical personnel should also be available to ensure that personnel is...

Health IT

Geographical Information Systems in Healthcare

Description of Map and Health Data it Represents The Centre for Disease Control (CDC) developed the chosen GIS map as an interactive atlas showing the incidence of avoidable heart disease and stroke in America. It did so by highlighting the death rates per 100,000 people. The data cut across all...

Health IT

Database Design: Information Retrieval and Analytics

How does understanding the database design assist with information retrieval and analytics? Database design is a crucial aspect of working with databases (DBs), which refers to a complex of procedures aimed at creating a structure that will be used to store and manage end-user data. If the end-user realizes the...

Health IT

Aggregation Data in Health Care

What are the primary reason and the need to aggregate data in health care? Explain your answer with examples Data aggregation in health care means collecting many different types of information into one unified data asset. The primary reason for the practice is that it allows an organization, such as...

Health IT

Biomedical Informatics: Dr. Patricia Abbott and Roy Simpson

Roy Simpson Professional accomplishments Roy Simpson is an informatics pioneer who is the current Deputy President for the Cerner Corporation. He is also the Senior Executive for the Corporation. In the early 1970s, he worked as an assistant to a Chief Nursing Officer in a community-based hospital owned by a...

Health IT

Electronic Health Record Software Solutions

In today’s world, organizations are expected to use the latest technologies to improve customer experiences. Leasing mobile devices instead of purchasing them allows organizations to cut their expenses while also enhancing the quality of services provided to customers. A Request for Proposal is a useful document that allows sharing the...

Health IT

Foundations and Concepts of Healthcare Informatics

National Infrastructures Within the past decade, the US government has been focusing on the best approaches to transform the country’s healthcare sector. One of the strategies entails the use of modern technologies. This objective has led to the establishment of efficient Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Health Information Exchange (HIE)...

Health IT

Mobile Computing and Networking in Healthcare

Introduction Tiny, portable gadgets, such as pocket digital assistants (PDAs) and mobile phones, have been pushed on the mark in recent years. Mobile or ubiquitous computing and handy gadgets are changing the relations between computers and humans. There is an introduction of a new communication approach based on context. This...

Health IT

Human-Computer Interaction in Health Care

How important is it to involve users and in what aspect(s) of the design or what stage of the selection process would you seek their involvement? Potential users of computers in a health care facility setting should be involved in all decisions regarding the introduction of computers in their workplace...

Health IT

Electronic Health Record Types and Workflow

Literature Review Electronic health record (EHR) is an application of information technology in the collection, storage, retrieval, and utilization of data derived from patients or the general population. Hayrinen, Saranto, and Nykanen (2008) define EHR as “a means of repository of patient data in a digital form, stored, and exchanged...

Health IT

Electronic Health Records in Medical Facilities

Introduction The ever-changing technology has transformed several sectors of humanity that include education, business, and health. Notably, the wise implementation of technological advancements introduces beneficial outcomes for consumers and service providers in various entities. One of the sectors that have enjoyed the benefits accrued from technology is healthcare. Calvillo, Román,...

Health IT

Electronic Health Records and Clinical Decision Support

Abstract The realization of effective and efficient processes in the health-care sector is a critical aspect of bolstering the delivery of high-standard services. Incorporating technological innovations into the field of health care is identified as a critical approach to facilitating positive results in the sector. The topic of electronic health...

Health IT

Information Technology System in Health Facilities

Introduction Living in the era of technology highly affects the medical sphere. Nonetheless, despite the benefits of technological advantages, some medical institutions remain reluctant to using electronic health records (EHR). There are several reasons for this decision. One of the causes is the fact that using electronic system might increase...

Health IT

Healthcare Information Systems and Technologies

Technology has a critical impact on different spheres of life including medical providers. Continuous innovation tends to change the healthcare system. These concepts not only increase the availability of the services but also improve the quality of the provided care (Bowman, 2013). Consequently, the critical goals of this paper are...

Health IT

Health Information Exchange and Electronic Health Records

Many modern trends in health care are associated with technological progress. Two examples are exchanging health information and using personal health records. In both areas, researchers observe serious challenges, but also propose possible solutions. The present-day development of technology opens new perspectives for the exchange of information among health care...

Health IT

Electronic Health Records’ Impacts on Healthcare

Impacts of EHRs in the Health Sector Technological advancements are unstoppable and unpredictable. All sectors of humanity have experienced the effects occasioned by the advancements of technology. The health sector is one of the sectors that have experienced the effects of technological advancements. Electronic Health Records (EHR) is one of...

Health IT

Health Information Systems: Types and Usage

The research by Torloni et al. (2009, p. 599) “Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology” is integrative or secondary research that tries to draw conclusions from studies in various electronic databases, unpublished literature and reference lists. The studies from which conclusions were drawn were observational and clinical trials, which evaluated short-term...

Health IT

Electronic Health Records and Patients’ Assessment

Introduction Electronic health records (EHR) refer to the use of IT to store the patients’ data. The need to provide better quality services to patients at an affordable cost has highly contributed to the increased adoption of EHR. Data stored in the electronic version is accessible to all the medical...