⚕️ Essays on Nursing


Behavioral System Model of Nursing

Johnson’s model is focused primarily on the behavior of patients and only then on their needs. Nursing care is divided into two important stages in theory under consideration, discussed later. During the first stage of observation and care of patients, the nurse should assess their condition. She should determine the...


A Nursing Dilemma of a Patient’s Dog in a Hospital

My hospital patient is an 82- year-old woman with no immediate family. According to the provided information, she lives alone with her dog. She asked me to let her bring the dog to the hospital to accompany her. My decision is based on Nightingale’s canons of nursing and caring. According...


The Concept of Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Both qualitative and quantitative research can serve as contributors to evidence-based practice (EBP) in nursing. Qualitative projects promote nursing EBP by producing evidence that eventually gives rise to empirically supported EBP interventions inspired by qualitative findings and theoretical assumptions about care processes, whereas quantitative ones add specificity and evidential value...


Establishment of Primary Stroke Centers

Introduction Primary stroke centers are special healthcare facilities that treat acute stroke patients and determine patients who require transfer to a higher level of care, such as comprehensive stroke centers. Primary stroke centers are certified by the Joint Commission if they meet standards for assessing, diagnosing, and treating stroke patients....


Advocacy for Health Care Professionals

Legislative advocacy emphasizes legislative development, implementation, and iteration. It can range from modest chores like working directly with a politician on bill wording to significant efforts like rallying tens of thousands of stakeholders or fans to call a legislator about a particular issue. It involves airing out views and taking...


Charging for Convalescent Care in Nursing

Nurses have different duties that they should combine at work, and not all of them are recognized by patients, their relatives, or the hospital. Nurses have official prices for their professional skills, but people typically disregard the fact that working with patients with psychological problems requires numerous emotional efforts from...


Diabetes Management and Solutions

Introduction Diabetes diagnosis and management seriously impact the healthcare system due to this disease’s increasing number. It is critically important to investigate the field, define current ethical and organizational problems, and offer effective solutions for diabetic patients. In this project, ethics, leadership, change management strategies, lack of knowledge about lifestyle...


Equipment for Children’s Ward in a Nursing Facility

Retention in healthcare and nursing facilities allows for the design of change in most hospital facilities, which have inclusivity of equipment considered for children’s wards and its effect on patient safety. To address some of the equipment required in any nursing facility, there is the need for fundamental changes used...


Nurse Next Door Company as Nursing Care Provider

Nurse Next Door is a company whose primary role is to deliver home-based care services – especially to seniors. Their services could range from providing some company to the seniors to offering full-time nursing care to the seniors when needed. At the moment, the franchise has more than 200 locations...


Roles of Healthcare Professionals

The healthcare system is grappling globally with rising costs and uneven quality of healthcare services. Previously, quality healthcare service was only available to those who could afford it in the facility. As a result, many people have suffered significant losses in terms of healthcare, which resulted in a progressive reduction...


Laryngectomy Assessment and Nursing Care

Summary M. is a 65-year-old male admitted to the ICU following a radical neck dissection and tracheostomy for treatment of laryngeal cancer. P.M. is currently on a mechanical ventilator and sedated. However, he does open his eyes and squeeze your hand on command. Auscultation of his lungs reveals bilateral wheezes....


TeamSTEPPS Strategies of Communication in Healthcare

Teamwork is where a group of people collaborate to achieve the desired goal. Unity is essential because it helps people build working friendships as they work, understands each other, and do jobs correctly. Collaboration is critical when used in hospitals since it enables the patients to receive the best services...


The Significance of Nurses Describing the Phenomena Based on the Theories

Introduction To begin with, it seems crucial for the health sector’s workers to acquire skills of using data, experience, and knowledge to describe patients’ phenomena they encounter. In other words, nurses need to utilize the theories efficiently and base their own facts on the statistics and information they receive during...


Advocacy for Advanced Practice Nurses

Advocacy is fundamental for advanced practice nurses (APNS) to promote solutions to health concerns in society. Hassmiller and Pulcini (2020) suggest that APNs should advocate broadly to influence the legislative and regulative barriers. Hence, in the U.S., advocacy is a crucial part of graduate education for APNs. APNs should be...


Nurse Practitioners in California

California is the only Western state with the red color of the practice environment. This means that nurse practitioners (NPs) are prohibited from providing care to patients without the supervision of a physician. What is more, in such states, the work experience of NPs does not matter because the NP...


Nursing Philosophy: Definition, Foundation, and Personal Philisophy

A nursing philosophy is a declaration that terms a nurse’s values, views, and morals and their incentive for joining the arena. It deliberates a nurse’s education, practice, and patient maintenance morals from their perspective. Nursing philosophy can help someone recognize the theories and beliefs that impact their choices on the...


Nursing Burnout and Fatigue in the National Context

Problem Statement Budget cuts and decreased resources affected Sarah’s RN’s job at the hospital where she worked. Nurses, who comprise most healthcare workers, are particularly vulnerable to cost-cutting measures. Economic downturns can disrupt the nursing labor market, resulting in long-term shortages of qualified nurses. Nurse burnout and fatigue can be...


Potential Impact of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners on Health Care

Nursing is the largest healthcare profession in the USA, but there are only about 12,000 Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners (PMHNP), and America experiences a shortage of professionals in this field. Two leading authorities regulate nurse practitioners’ work in the USA – The Joint Subcommittee of the Medical Board and...


Consensus Model for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses Regulation

It is hard to disagree that advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) still face many challenges in their practice, which may influence on their overall performance and experiences with clients. The necessity of addressing the issues and structuring the different systems in the advanced nursing practice is recognized, and there were...


Nurse-Client Relationship and Mental Health Knowledge

Nursing students often encounter patients with mental health issues; thus, prerequisite knowledge about mental health and illness is essential. Background in mental health deprives the fear and uncertainties nurses might encounter in hospitals. I do not fear anything about mental health nursing because it is inseparable from nursing practice. I...


Alzheimer’s Disease Imposed on Family Members

As the age of family members increases, so do the chances of developing neurological illnesses like Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s association estimated that 5.7 million Americans had Alzheimer’s dementia in 2018 (367). When one of the family members develops such an illness, it may have detrimental effects not only on the...


Caring for a Difficult Nursing Home Resident

Introduction Working in an elderly care facility as a nurse aide, I am assigned a 75-year-old male patient who had recently lost his wife. Mr. James is labeled a difficult resident and constantly clashes with the nurses and other patients. He is also an insulin dependent diabetic with severe hypertension...


The Variance of a Practicing Doctor

The variance of a practicing doctor is a severe problem in medicine, as it carries serious consequences, although the reason may be insignificant. The variance of the practitioner is often associated with laziness or the unwillingness of the medical service provider to work, in connection with which various incidents may...


The Elderly Living in Nursing Homes

Introduction This paper highlights the experiences of elderly people living in nursing homes. The interviewees were a couple married for 56 years and living in a nursing home for the last five years. Mrs. Brown is a black woman married to a white man who has stood by her and...


Access & Cost of Quality Environments in Healthcare

It is hard to disagree that healthcare plays an essential role in modern society. Although all people require quality, cost-effective, accessible, and timely care, many weaknesses and gaps in this sphere may prevent some patients from receiving it. For example, there is a lack of healthcare providers, including advanced practice...


The Burn Scars Physical Treatment Options

Video Johns Hopkins Clinic suggests that a multidisciplinary team is the best type of team to treat burn victims. Thus, it is worth mentioning that the clinic has world-renowned nurses and physical therapists who provide professional assistance to people who have received scars (Johns Hopkins Medicine, 2019). This is related...


COVID-19 Pandemic and Mental Health Nurses in the UK

Introduction The ongoing coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) has affected many people in the United Kingdom (UK), including mental health nurses, psychologists, and therapists. The first months of the pandemic triggered unprecedented changes in care delivery in the country. The level of panic also increased since the global community was...


Start and End of Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”

Looking at literary works from the perspective of the concept of point of view, one can determine how the author’s perceptions affect the narrative. In particular, it should be remembered that fiction is not a report of facts but rather represents the author’s view of described events and their interpretation....


Communication Skills in Mental Health Nursing: Issues and Their Management

Need Statement Communication skills are a specific set of verbal and non-verbal ways of constructive communication by a nurse, necessary in a typical clinical situation, including with patients, patients’ relatives, doctors, and colleagues. Thus, basic communication skills include establishing contact, gathering information, active listening, empathy, commenting, informing, and ending a...


Reliability and Validity: Caring for the Caregivers

Reliability alongside validity is a key determinant of the quality of research. The former primarily focuses on the consistency of the findings in regards to the reproducibility of the results (Gitomer et al., 2021). In other words, reliability highlights whether or not an outcome of the research can be replicated...


Nurses’ Role in the Coordination and Continuum of Care

Care coordination refers to the type of service that is provided to patients outside of the healthcare facility. The between-visit care has a positive impact on health and reduces the risk of disease progression. Care coordination and continuum of care are based on the notion of person-centered assessment and care....


Reduction of Burnout Rates Among Hospital Nurses Through Group Therapy

Introduction High burnout rates are detrimental for the United States healthcare system, causing major losses in both finances and lives. The most suitable approach to their reduction can play a critical part in uplifting the quality of care to the desired standards, especially considering the current increase in pressure on...


A Particular Type of Dysfunctional Conflict

It is hard to disagree that all people face different conflicts, and sometimes it may happen on a daily basis. Although some consider conflicts entirely negative and distressing, they can actually be positive and enhance future communication. Of course, the condition under which the conflict will not be destructive is...


Doctors’ Use of Medical Terminology and Communication

The article Doctors’ Use of Medical Terminology Can Leave Patients Poorly Informed (2014) states that doctors have utilized jargon to keep patients in the dark recently. Yet, there is no justification for poor communication since patients are more concerned about their treatment than ever before. Hence, the article emphasizes that...


Nursing Communication and Its Main Aspects

The importance of efficient and productive interprofessional communication in a multidisciplinary team cannot be stressed enough. According to Al-Hamdan et al. (2018), “communication is one of the mechanisms that can specify how a positive nursing work environment can contribute to nurses’ job satisfaction” (p. 714). Nurses are the first line...


Aspects of Professionalism of Nurses

Introduction Nurses are not heroes or angels but vastly trained workers who play an essential role in patient safety. Professionalism in healthcare is defined as operating under principles that improve a patient’s quality of life and health by caring for and controlling the patient’s current illness. Nurses are governed by...


Cultural Self-Assessment of a Nurse

Introduction The Staircase Model represents important characteristics of the nurse at various stages of cultural competence development; nevertheless, that individual comprehends these characteristics. As a result, it is critical that nurses accurately evaluate themselves in this self-assessment. The assessment also suggests a possible reason for the attributes considered and regular...


The Competencies That Nurse Practitioners Have

The first step is to educate the patient about the competencies and skills that Nurse Practitioners (NPs) have. It is important to articulate to the patient that NPs are competent in a comprehensive health assessment, in prescribing the medication needed, and in designing therapeutic interventions (Dunphy et al., 2019). It...


Nurses’ Challenges in Pressure Ulcers Prevention

Introduction There are hundreds of studies on healthcare interventions in the literature, and the number is expanding yearly. There are numerous studies for persons involved in providing care to identify and evaluate when making decisions in most healthcare areas; this topic also. The nursing staff has a critical role in...


Gerontological Nursing: Providing High-Quality Care For Older Adults

Introduction Gerontological nursing is a specific field that must consider the age of the patients. Moreover, multiple factors have to be included when building the plan for caring for senior adults. This field is patient-based, but nurses can take into consideration family members as active participants. Furthermore, intentional learning can...


Education of Immersion Swaddle Bathing Increase Knowledge and Nurse Satisfaction

Executive summary Annually, pregnant women and their children are at a higher risk of developing illnesses and even dying due to pregnancy and delivery difficulties. As a result, there is a need to create preventative, diagnostic, and prompt treatment strategies to address this issue. According to AHWONN and WHO, a...


Professional Internship and Volunteering Opportunities for Nurses

The healthcare system requires clinicians and nurses to constantly develop their skills and knowledge to provide high-quality treatment for patients. In order to continue my professional development as a nurse, I am considering joining particular medical organizations as a volunteer or seeking internship programs. Such activities will help me gain...


“Nursing During the COVID‐19 Outbreak”: Study Aims, and Key Characteristics

For today’s discussion, I want to offer a review of a phenomenological study by Arcadi et al. (2021) titled Nursing during the COVID‐19 outbreak: A phenomenological study. The study aimed at examining the phenomenon of nursing and changes in the understanding of the concept of nursing during the pandemic. The...


Advanced Clinical Assessment and Decision-Making

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to provide an overall assessment of a patient’s case and discuss some aspects of overall care. According to Lamar University (2018), the goal of nursing has always been the healing of not only the physical symptoms but also the mind and soul of...


Nursing in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah Region

Background The growing availability of information resources has led to distance learning being used more often, especially for postgraduate education. It is especially relevant in those areas characterized by regular updating of knowledge, which includes health care. Therefore, the highest quality, at the current level of world knowledge, training, and...


The Attainment of Nursing Certification

Literature review is an essential part of any work. Whitehead and colleagues (2019) studied factors that make nursing certification attractive for those who undertake this qualification. In their study, the authors examined 41 articles to measure the value of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, that is to say personal and professional...


Disease Processes from Nursing Perspective

Disease processes present a complex issue that can be challenging to disentangle and provide a timely response. The ability to identify and anticipate disease processes is a vital skill that allows nurses to affect public health on a global scale positively. However, each nursing process is a highly specific set...


Critical Appraisal of Clinical Practice Guideline

Summary As a registered nurse practitioner (NP) working to meet the needs of the community, it is necessary to address the problem of substance misuse in each subset of the population. Achieving this objective requires the NP to have a good understanding of the clinical practice guideline and the capacity...


Pressure Ulcer, Skin Breakdowns and Prevention Methods

Introduction Scholars and medics have defined pressure injury as areas of localized injury either to the underlying tissue or the skin, mainly over the prominence due to the sole effect of pressure or a combination of pressure and shear. The global prevalence of pressure injury is estimated at 12.8% of...


Madeleine Leininger Culture Care Theory

Culture care theory is a theory proposed by sociocultural anthropologist and nurse Madeleine Leininger. The CCT’s purpose is based on helping clinicians and researchers to explain, document, discover, and know the relationship between cultural phenomena and care when admitting peculiarities and similarities of different cultures (McFarland, 2018). This theory was...


Development and Evaluation of a Nurse Leader-Directed Nurse-to-Nurse Handoff

Communication between employees affects the provision of medical services and the quality of the hospital as a whole, but this is often neglected. Communication shortcomings when transferring a patient from one medical professional to another can be different, including the transmission of incomplete information necessary for quality treatment, incorrect information,...


The Impact of SBAR Communication Model on Observance of Patient Safety Culture

The findings can be interpreted as accurate and nondiscriminatory due to the inclusion of nurses with a wide range of backgrounds eliminating a possibility of bias among participants. The race, gender, and educational level distribution can be considered representative of the majority of similar healthcare organizations. Setting and Organization In...


Roles in Advanced Practice Nursing

Introduction Nurses are crucial in providing care for patients, although there are some differences between certain roles. Advanced practice nursing refers to various nursing interventions that can impact patients’ health, with the nurses being educated professionals who can assist people from various backgrounds (DeNisco & Barker, 2015). With that being...


Transcultural Nursing: The Case Study

The clinical presentation case assessed was a female having anaemia caused by excessive blood loss suffered menorrhagia. Madam X is a 38-year-old female who comes from the Y community of the B Region. The Y community has a cultural and religious belief that prevents blood transfusion. Their tradition also inhibits...


Nursing Research: Data Analysis

This course offered opportunities to learn about descriptive, inferential, and qualitative data analysis, including their similarities and differences. Descriptive analysis serves to present information about a fully measured population in a structured, categorized, and accessible form (Nieswiadomy & Bailey, 2018). Inferential analysis uses the data from a randomized sample to...


Death and Dying as the Final Stage of Growth and Development

Introduction Death is a natural element of existence, a continuation of birth. All that exists in this universe will vanish at a certain point. Since what happens following a death is unclear, many individuals fear dying. Nonetheless, everyone has to contend with the loss of a loved one at some...


Changing Role of Nursing in the United States

Healthcare providers are essential workers in the job market. However, there is a constantly growing demand for healthcare practitioners, and nurses in particular. The shortage of nurses has been an issue in the United States and in the world, especially amidst the global COVID-19 pandemic. According to Haryanto (2019), 1.2...


Role Strain and Burnout in Nursing

Summary Nurses are an essential part of the healthcare setting because they provide patients with critical care. Majorly, the role of a nurse is to provide care to patients and the physically disabled in hospitals and other community settings. Nurses respond to the cases that occur naturally and whose treatment...


Roy’s Adaptation Model and Neuman’s Systems Model

Introduction The paper’s objective is to analyze the case of Sgt. Eddie Johns and apply Roy’s Adaptation Model and Neuman’s Systems Model to it. These theories offer unique approaches to communicating with and treating patients. Studying the application of different approaches through cases is necessary to understand their effectiveness. Moreover,...


Issues and Trends in Contemporary Nursing Practice

Introduction The nursing field is a very demanding one; with changes occurring frequently, nurses must face current issues and learn the new trends that rapidly developed. A nurse is essentially someone responsible for advocating and taking care of patients while they undergo illness and recovery, guiding them through difficult times....


Prevention and Treatment of Malnutrition in Older Adults

The article points out that old adults living in nursing homes and others around the community are exposed to a high risk for malnutrition caused by such factors as isolation and depression. The article focuses on the validity of the existing assessment tools and the general effectiveness of various interventions...


Dialysis and AVF-AVG Vascular Access Infections

Introduction An individual’s health is a multidimensional phenomenon that involves dynamic practices within the medical field. Research indicates that a significant percentage of re-hospitalization incidents emerge from poor handling procedures during treatment in the institutions. The two common causative agents include dialysis and AVF/AVG vascular access, causing infections among patients....


​​Correctional Nursing for a Foreign Female Imprisoned

Anomalies in a Protective, Authoritative, and Culturally Varied Atmosphere Anomalies in correctional nursing are the abnormalities encountered while addressing cases in an environment with varied forms, for example, prison. A diverse cultural environment refers to differences in environmental, cultural practices and how groups and individuals vary based on specific ethnic,...


Medical Errors During Immunization

Introduction: Medical Errors During Immunization The first concept to be addressed in this presentation is immunization, which is one of the most important sections of vaccinology. It is a system of measures regulating the mass use of vaccines in order to create post-vaccination immunity in the population. It is the...


Nursing Informaticists: Nurses’ Perception of Challenges

The health care improvement envisages increasing the quality of medical care and rational use of available resources. Medical informatics as a discipline considers issues of informatization of health care. Medical information systems are tools designed for the daily work of the medical personnel. Information systems can transform management methods and...


Nurses’ High Turnover: What’s Behind the Problem?

Çamveren, H., Arslan Yürümezoğlu, H., & Kocaman, G. (2020). Why do young nurses leave their organization? A qualitative descriptive study. International Nursing Review, 67(4), 519–528. Web. The study investigates an issue of nurses’ high turnover that harmfully affects the provision of health care services sufficiency. The authors underline that strategies...


Schedule as a Factor in Nurse Burnout

To answer the clinical question of whether scheduling and nurse burnout are connected, the following paper analyzes the study titled ‘Burnout in Nursing: A Theoretical Review’ by Dall’Ora, Ball, Reinius, and Griffiths. The reason the answer to the question is important is due to the unclear origins and factors that...


Leadership and Quality Care in Nursing Practice

Introduction: Issue Summary This is a scenario where two patients have almost identical names. In addition, the patients are admitted on the same hospital floor in rooms adjacent to each other. More troubling is that both have very confusing birth dates. Similarly, the facility has a shortage of nurses, which...


Importance of Quality of Care in Nursing

Quality of care is one of the most important aspects of nursing, therefore managers pay much attention to the subject. The term “quality of care” is understood as the aggregate of characteristics that depict the timeliness of providing medical aid, the correctness of choosing the prophylaxis methods, diagnostics, treatment, and...


Health Disparities in Rural Underserved Areas

Limited access to health facilities and services is an ongoing problem for people living in rural underserved regions. James et al. (2017) argue that this is mainly due to economic and infrastructural reasons. Each ethnic group is affected by this problem, but minorities have the worst. Most ethnic minorities have...


Nurses’ Role in Infection Prevention and Control

Introduction With regard to relationships that can be found among the presented studies, it is obvious that they have many aspects in common but differ in approaches and the issues on which they focus most. Studies are aimed not only at understanding the compliance of infection prevention and control (IPC)...


Caregiving: Building the Profession of Nursing

Introduction Nursing as a profession has occurred throughout human history of time. Caregiving has evolved into its present form throughout the previous few centuries. Nursing staffs are the most believed-in and trustworthy medical care specialists in the contemporary healthcare environment. Nurses have a big job regarding disabled patients’ rehabilitation, decision-making,...


Nursing Knowledge Patterns in Research

The general conception of any field of research ultimately dictates the type of knowledge that field aspires to develop, as well as the organization, testing, and application of that information. Barbara Carper emphasizes that, in the profession of nursing, what we value as knowledge and how we go about creating...


Emergency Room Nurse Occupations in Canada

Executive Summary There is a growing demand for ER nurses in Canada and their shortage, especially due to the pandemic is a subject of interest to the entire healthcare fraternity. ER nurses offer direct and individualized care to patients on the basis of applying scientific nursing principles. Canadian nurses’ unions...


Evidence-Based Practice Benefits in Nursing

The nursing practice may go smoothly, but sometimes evidence-based practice is required to implement critical changes. For example, there is always a lack of time when there is a need to implement EBP, such as working out plans for essential nursing training. Lack of time is a substantial barrier that...


Nursing Care of Patient with Multiple Disorders

The story of specific individuals who have endured different life-threatening diseases such as cancer is a long and heartbreaking one. Since then, very few people have survived such ailments and being able to live and tell their story has always been an outstanding achievement since the beginning of life. In...


Common Stress Reactions in Nursing

Common Stress Reactions Stress can be defined as a stimulus, external or internal, that causes a state of physical, emotional, or psychological strain. The effects of stress can range from reduced productivity to physical violence or even death based on the type, period, and severity. It also causes loss of...


Strategies to Improve Work Environment and Foster Retention of Staff Nurses

Nursing is a profession that has proven to be vital in the medical field, especially in recent years. However, specific challenges arise in the aspects of the work environment and retention of nurses. The crisis occurring in the healthcare system is critical, and therefore needs strategies implemented in order to...


“The ABCDEs of Nursing” Article by Dabkowski

The nursing profession is both exciting and challenging, which is why it is crucial for students to be fully aware of the difficulties that they will inevitably face when starting to practice nursing. An article by Dabkowski (2022) outlines that one must be confident and resilient when performing nursing tasks....


Cultural Competence in Nursing Practice

Introduction Cultural competency is a crucial skill in nursing since it ensures that effective, affordable, and efficient healthcare services are delivered to patients. In addition, these abilities are essential in promoting patient advocacy, as it enhances the competence to interact effectively with people from diverse cultures (Jongen et al., 2018)....


Community Health Nurse’s Role in Each Stage of Disaster

Introduction Emergency nurses have a difficult task because a calamity needing international aid occurs on average once every seven days. Many people worldwide have perished in recent years because of natural disasters. Disasters such as Hurricane Michael and Hurricane Irma in Florida have compelled healthcare professionals to reassess their procedures...


Technology in Nursing: Annotated Bibliography

Technology is growing its importance in the development of health care provision. Like many other professions, nursing is also going to be impacted by the emergence of technology and, in particular, robots. Delivery robots are an innovative approach to patient care that might positively influence healthcare. I have chosen this...


Nursing Profession and Theoretical-Practice Gaps

Nursing profession is among the leading human health sciences with significant theory- practice gaps. While the learners are well equipped with both knowledge and skills during different levels of training, which is in clinical and practical, there still remains a huge mismatch in their actual practice in the health institutions....


Heart Disease Through Public Health Nurse’s Lenses

Heart disease is a condition that involves any issues happening to the heart. The treatment of this illness depends on the type of heart disease. For example, anticoagulants are applied “to prevent harmful clots from forming in the blood vessels” (American Heart Association, n.d., para. 8). Hence, health providers recommend...


Nurse Drops Patient: Building Safer Health System

The situation related to nurse negligence is described in detail in Lean’s (2019) article. A Broward hospital patient, Michael Slusher, experienced a fall due to his nurse answering her phone and trying to help him and the same time. The case was elevated to the Fourth District Court of Appeal...


Why Nursing Is the Best Profession

Introduction People may want or need to select a profession during any period of their lives. Young people usually find it especially difficult to make the right decision and choose wisely. Nursing is the best choice for those seeking a profession that would allow growth and development, feeling of making...


Culturally Competent Nursing Care

Overview It goes without saying that cultural competence is immeasurably significant in nursing. Culturally competent nurses avoid stereotypes and are able to provide high-quality health care delivery to diverse patients, understanding and taking into consideration their cultural, religious, and individual values and beliefs. At the same time, diversity also includes...


Predictors of Burnout in Nurses at Inpatient Rooms at Tangerang Hospital

Introduction The article, “Predictors of burnout in nurses working in inpatient rooms at a public hospital in Indonesia,” was written by Yumi Yestiana, Tri Kurniati, and Abdul Aziz Alimul Hidayat. After reviewing several studies, they identified burnout as a psychological problem arising from physical and emotional fatigue (Yestiana et al.,...


Reducing Medical Errors in Nursing Experience

Comprehensive Plan of Care Utilizing Maslow’s Hierarch of Needs A comprehensive care plan should focus on the holistic wellness of a patient. Thus, when following Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, it needs to consider the client’s physiological needs, safety, love, accomplishment, and self-actualization, respectively (Weimann & Weimann, 2017). For instance, one...


Nurse-Patient Relationship and Patient Autonomy in Decision-Making

Introduction The purpose of this report is to evaluate the article “Impact of Nurse-Patient Relationship on Quality of Care and Patient Autonomy in Decision-Making” written by Jesús Molina-Mula and Julia Gallo-Estrad. In this paper, the author analyzes the nurse-patient relationship in order to examine its impact on clinical practice. The...


Researching of Poor Staffing in Nursing

Although the progress in the global healthcare industry, including nursing as its integral part, has been outstanding in recent decades, issues continue to exist. One of the biggest among those is inadequate staffing, which is observable even in developed countries and can have fatal outcomes. Notwithstanding the seriousness of the...


Emotional Burnout and Stress Among Nurses

Introduction The learning process is arduous for anyone, mainly because of the heavy workload. Nevertheless, it is worth highlighting medicine as a field and, in particular, nursing as one of the most difficult professions to study. This can be explained by the fact that the level and amount of responsibility...


Health Care System and EBP Implementation

Although the phenomenon of evidence-based practice (EBP) is not new to the field of medical practice, both researchers and practitioners are faced with the issue of EBP implementation in the workplace. Scholarly evidence addresses a variety of potential obstacles to the implementation of research into daily operations, namely, organizational and...


Cultural Competence in Nursing Industry

The notion of cultural competence in nursing refers to providing care to patients considering their cultural features and peculiarities. It is necessary to be aware of the values, beliefs, and worldviews of culturally diverse staff members and patients because it is a way to improve the quality of care and...


Evidence-Based and General Practice in Nursing

In a study presented by Cleary‐Holdforth et al. (2021), the researchers conducted a nationwide survey in order to define the overall clinical professionals’ beliefs in terms of evidence-based practice (EBP) and the value and likelihood of its implementation. The strength of the article is its explicit demonstration of the guidelines...


Policy Analysis Summary: Nursing Practice

The policy viewed is the demand for education for nurse practitioners. With the rapid development of technologies and the advancement of research areas, nurse practitioners should undergo additional training for obtaining a qualification. However, the political arena’s stakeholders face the negative implications of the shortage of appropriate regulations that promote...


A Healthcare Capstone Project’s Stakeholders

When introducing any meaningful change to a healthcare facility, attention should always be paid to the individuals and facilities that can be affected by such a change. These people are also known as stakeholders, as they are the ones explicitly or implicitly influenced by the organization’s actions (Hendricks, 2019). Thus,...


National Patient Safety Goals: The Safe Use of Medicines

The central part of the Joint Commission’s (2021) National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG) list is the goal titled “use medicines safely” (p. 1). The administration of prescribed medicines constitutes a huge part of nurses’ work, and this is the area where mistakes most often occur. The rationale behind goals on...


Reducing Peripheral Catheter-Related Phlebitis

Article Summary “A randomized controlled study to evaluate the effectiveness of 2 treatment methods in reducing incidence of short peripheral catheter-related phlebitis” Physicians and nurses use short peripheral catheters (SPC) to administer fluids, drugs, and blood products to patients. Approximately 70 % of patients in acute care hospitals require SCP....


The Teach-Back Method for Patients’ Knowledge

Centrella-Nigro, A. M., Alexander, C. (2017). Using the teach-back method in patient education to improve patient satisfaction. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 48(1), 47–52. Web. The authors address the teach-back method used in the nursing profession as a way of confirming whether patients understand what one has explained to...


Nursing and Legislative Process

Role nurses play in the law-making process to influence the final bill passage The legislative process through which a bill follows before becoming law has eight stages. Regardless of whether the bill is federal or national, the stages constitute bill introduction, committee action, hearing, mark-up, committee report, floor action, conference...


Health Policy: PICOT Question Development

When timely noticed and resolved, public health issues can dramatically improve well-being nationwide, and nursing practitioners are capable of achieving these improvements. For instance, observation of patients’ activities in my practicum site, the East Orange Hospital Clinic, revealed the tendency to skip the follow-up appointment with the doctor. Such behavior...