700-Word Essay Examples: Health & Medicine

A 700-word essay is most commonly a five-paragraph essay. To write a paper of such a length, you should strictly follow the format and think of a clear thesis statement. Another typical genre for a 700 words essay about health care and medicine is a nursing reflective paper. In such an essay, one is expected to honestly share their experience, reflecting on their professional skills.

You might be assigned a 700-word essay in almost any medical subdiscipline. For instance: pharmacology, administration and regulation, healthy food, nutrition, or urology. Good luck with your paper! Check 700 words essay examples below to get inspired.


Human Factors in Environmental and Occupational Health

Human factors play a vital role in health care provision. They ensure that patients get appropriate care as their condition demands. Incorporating human elements in health care is a valuable way to eliminate preventable medical errors. Many people succumb to medical errors that we can prevent each year. Some critical...

Healthcare Research

University Medical Center of Las Vegas

Introduction University Medical Center (UMC) acts as the cornerstone hospital of the Las Vegas Medical District, giving the highest quality of care to encourage excellent medical outcomes for patients. It is an academic medical center with a long tradition of providing life-saving treatment in Southern Nevada. UMC offers a wide...


Aspects of Leaders: Power and Influence

Introduction One aspect that differentiates excellent leaders from terrible, efficient leaders from unproductive, and preferred leaders from hated ones is the aptitude to assemble organizational source of wealth to make things happen. These qualities of a good leader are clearly seen in Sister Carol Keehan’s influential power in the accomplishment...


HIV Treatment Compliance and Social Support: Scaling the Variables

Critique of the Scale and the Report on its Reliability and Validity The study in question will require measuring the relationship between the two variables: perceived social support (the independent variable) and HIV treatment compliance (the dependent variable). It is possible to measure the treatment compliance as a percentage of...

700 Word Essay FAQ

You can write a 700-word essay about medicine, health care, and nursing on many topics. For example: vaccination, heart attack, infertility, stroke, arthritis, or pharmacy. It is worth choosing an inspiring topic because writing a 700 words nursing essay requires time and effort.

Medicine is a quite a complicated topic to write about. Working on a 700-word essay about health care or nursing will typically require time and effort to conduct research and read literature on the topic. Moreover, you’ll have to edit and format the text and probably prepare graphic materials. You’ll need not less than 3 hours and a half for 700 words.

A 700-word essay, be it an academic paper on medicine or any other topic, typically contains 5 to 6 paragraphs. It is a rough estimate considering that an academic writing paragraph usually consists of about 100 words.

A 700-word essay usually spans 3 pages, assuming that it is written in one of the common citation formats (APA, MLA, or Chicago). This means that the text is double-spaced and typed with a standard font (Times New Roman or Arial) of 12 points. The exact length of a 700 words essay will depend on the formatting requirements.

Genetically Modified Food

Should Crop Species Be Genetically Modified?

Genetically modified crops have been altered through genetic engineering by introduction of new genetic elements, elimination or alteration. Examples of genetically modified cash crops are corn which accounts for 31 percent, cotton 13 %, soy bean 51% and canola 5% of agricultural production. In 2007, twenty three countries were growing...


Code of Ethics for Nurses

Professionalism and Social Media The American Nurses Association has developed the Code of Ethics, which defines professional responsibility, confidentiality, and compliance with patient rights protection. Social media holds a particular position as it directly affects interaction with patients, medical staff, and other team members to achieve a high treatment level....


Reasons Why Nurses Are Leaving the Profession

Introduction There are several current concerns about the healthcare workforce that promise to affect the future of the industry. The first is the shortage of nurses. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2008), if there is no change in current practices, there could be a shortage of...


Combining Nurse Leaders With Advocacy

Introduction An inventory tool is utilized by nurse leaders in reviewing and rating themselves in all areas by use of a suitable procedure. The supervisor of nurse leader utilizes the same scale to rate nurse leaders in their exact functions. Both the supervisor and the nurse leader then meet with...


Growing Trend of Increasing Numbers of Type II Diabetes in Obese Children

The problem of obesity in children did not just happen by accident, fundamental changes in society are the main causes of the increase in incidences. Similarly, there is a recorded increase in incidences of cardiovascular diseases and type II diabetes mellitus among children with obesity being the leading predisposing factor....


Nursing Theory and Its Practical Purpose

The practical purpose of the nursing theory is to prepare the highly qualified professional, who has a good understanding of this subject. The nursing practice is a multifarious variety of situations, where a huge amount of theoretical knowledge. In their daily activity, the practicing nurses have to provide the patient...


Assessment Essence in Clinical Care

Role of Client, Family, Therapist, Other Professionals, and Collateral Parties PACC model is a clinical care assessment model that focuses on the problem description, development of the treatment plan, and conduction of a progress review. The main clients in this assessment plan are diagnosed patients and those with personal problems...


Working as a Registered Nurse Within the Public School System in North Carolina

Summarize intention when seeking employment within local school systems such as (Lee County, NC) I intend to support student learning by improving the strategies that will establish a healthy and safe environment for both students and staff. This will improve productivity in the education system. The love I have for...

Healthcare Research

“Hope, Health Work and Quality of Life in Families of Stroke Survivors” by Bluvol

This research paper aims to study the relations between such issues of human life as hope, family health promotion, and quality of life after stroke. Taking into consideration the notion that after stroke period requires not only a proper medical approach but also the allover support by family and friends,...


Ethical Issue in Nursing: Euthanasia

Introduction As with most other professions, all nursing profession practitioners are bound by rules and regulations that govern how they go about their duties. These rules and regulations are sometimes legally enforceable. Nurses also face numerous ethical issues in the line of duty. While some of these ethical issues are...


Quality Assurance in Long Term Care/Nursing Homes

Long-term medical care in America has been long-term. The chronology of long term care has been widely published in articles and books ranging from how it has grown from inadequate facilities, staff, financial support to care for the old, sick, and needy in America to the introduction of regulations that...

Healthcare Research

Acupuncture in Otoacoustic Emissions Patients

Introduction The findings of Frasson de Azevedo, Chiari, Okada and Onishi (2007) in their journal article: Impact of Acupuncture on Otoacoustic Emissions in Patients with Tinnitus shall be presented in this paper. The paper will discuss the major issues addressed in the paper, how the researchers go about addressing the...


Reducing Hospitalization Policy in Nursing Homes

Introduction The reduction of hospitalization in nursing homes is an important goal to be achieved by the government. The government has helped nursing homes develop treatment centre’s which treat patients and calculate the costs of medicine and consolidation rather than admitting them. In this case hospitalization is avoided. The treatments...


Nursing Leadership Philosophy

Introduction Leadership varies with organizations; the form of leadership in any organization determines the success of that organization. This paper discusses two major leadership styles and links them to the student’s philosophy. The type of leadership chosen is thus related to the student’s values and skills. The last section compares...


Clinical Decision-Making in Critical Care Nurses

In the clinical setting, critical care nurses use decision-making to assemble and determine the nature, value, quality, ability, extent, or significance of information and make judgments, resulting in the provision of patient care (Benner, 1994). Nurses use clinical intelligence to appraise critically and consider in detail the patient’s data in...


Nursing Advocacy: the Case of Ms Good

Introduction Advocacy is the main value of professional nursing and is situated within or belonging solely to the practice of nursing. Advocacy is a process that is on the process as opposed to a single isolated event. Clients with chronic illnesses and their families often need a collection of facts...


Organizational Values and Nursing

Introduction Nursing has become much more aware of the organization that they are working in and how that organization affects the overall quality of care given in any institution. These values affect the retention of nurses as well as the outcomes that patients have. Nursing has also done much more...


Nursing Research Study Designs and Methods

The choice of the research design and method to be used depends on the nature of research questions stated and also the development of the research theory. There exist several research designs and methods. The fact that nursing is holistic calls for a diversified research approach hence the need for...

Healthcare Research

Molecular Basis of D Weak and D Partial

How Weak D is made based on the molecular basis By definition, the weak D phenotype (formerly referred to as Du) is the weak form of the D antigen. During the routine D ty, ping it reacts with a group of anti-D but not with others when an immediate spin...


Nurses’ Burnout From Inappropriate Workload

The issues related to emotional and physical burnout of medical staff have an adverse effect on the quality of healthcare, increase the number of negative outcomes, and decrease patient satisfaction. The problem is related to all nurses worldwide, and it is crucial to identify its primary sources and examine and...


Increasing Heel Skin Perfusion by Elevation

Introduction Pressure ulcers (PrUs) can affect patients receiving either acute or chronic treatment and could be costly in the long term due to prolonged hospital stay. Only a few studies have been conducted to estimate the prevalence of PrUs. This essay examines the paper “Increasing heel skin perfusion by elevation.”...


Nursing: Considerations and Challenges for Implementation

The success of the proposed project’s implementation, a mindfulness meditation program, depends on several factors that could be defined as facilitators and barriers. In the site, there is currently no culture to support evidence-based practice, and staffing levels can affect the implementation because of the necessity to find additional time...

Administration and Regulation

Internal Assessment of a Health Care

Introduction Memorial Sloan-Kettering is the center for assessment. The health center is a famous private cancer center worldwide. United States, New York is the location of the main hospital. Since its formation in 1884, there has been growth in the center. It has over 20 clinics in United States. Understanding,...

Healthcare Research

The Effects of Physical Attractiveness on Persuasion

Introduction and Background Information Attraction is a key factor in any business or social relationship. This accrues from the notion pegged to attractiveness and persuasion. Although numerous researches undertaken posit that attractive presenters seem to be more persuasive as opposed to unattractive or un-pictured presenters, the question on the impact...


Princeton College of Nursing: Mission and Philosophy

Mission Statement The mission of an online completion program for RNs seeking their BSN provided by Chamberlain College of Nursing is to transform healthcare in Florida by preparing highly qualified BSN nurses through evidence-based research, interprofessional collaboration practice, excellence in studies, and learning the practice of making partnerships with diverse...

Healthcare Research

Psychological Aspects of Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a critical health problem in the United States and other developed countries. According to Massey, Feig, Duque-Serrano, and Huffman (2017), psychological distress and depression are frequent in patients with T2DM. Recent studies show that 13.8% of patients with diabetes are likely to have depression,...

Healthcare Research

Stem Cells Critically Engaging the Article

Introduction The article, Stem cells: what’s all the fuss about, delves into the current stem cell debate by focusing on the many misconceptions regarding stem cells and the general reactions of people towards their use in the medical field. This analysis supports the presented notion that too much appeal has...

Healthcare Research

Marijuana Legalization: Pros and Cons

Marijuana is the processed cannabis plant that can be used as a psychoactive drug prohibited in most countries of the World. Nevertheless, it is still used by many people illegally, which stimulates the necessity to discuss the situation arisen. Marijuana legalization is an issue for perpetual discussion in modern society...

Administration and Regulation

Sicko: A Social Work Policy

The aim of this report is to present a proposal for reform in the US health care sector, based on Michael Moore’s award-winning documentary film, Sicko. In this film, Moore conducts a detailed investigation into the culture of fraud surrounding the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries, and advocates the implementation...

Healthcare Research

Methods of Research in Nursing

Introduction There are various methods of research in any field of expertise, and nursing is not an exception. In this essay, three summaries of literature from journals and three abstracts of studies about the methods of research in nursing will be included. Also, the differences between conceptual and theoretical frameworks...

Health IT

E-Health Implementation Factors in Zimbabwe

Abstract E-health technologies can have a positive influence on access to care and contribute to public health. However, in many contexts, the implementation of e-health is stalled by internal and external barriers that affect users’ experiences and adoption rates. The present paper reviews a study into e-health adoption in Zimbabwe...

Healthcare Financing

Free Market Assumptions and Healthcare Provision

A Person Is the Best Judge of His or Her Own Welfare The economic behaviors of individuals are driven by self-interest, and it means that consumers’ freedom of choice induces greater satisfaction. However, the assumption is not always applicable to the modern healthcare market because access to healthcare goods is...

Healthcare Research

Non-Traditional, Non-Medicinal Management of Diabetes

Diabetes is nowadays considered a growing concern as its rate among the population continues to grow. At the moment, about 23 million Americans are diagnosed with various types of this disease. As far as the pharmacological treatment of Diabetes mellitus (DM) has some limitations and side effects, non-traditional and non-medical...

Administration and Regulation

Behavioral Health: Risks and Quality

Introduction Project management requires one to assess all prospective issues and difficulties that can arise throughout the course of operations to ensure successful achievement of goals. In addition, quality assurance plans allow the project manager to ensure that activities meet the highest standards of quality. The Risk Matrix will outline...

Administration and Regulation

Patient Care and Health Insurance Act (HIPAA)

A variety of factors may determine the quality of care offered to patients of radiology units and other hospital departments. However, despite the intentions of personnel and available resources, the necessity to meet the law and follow the established regulations cannot be ignored. In 1996, the Health Insurance Portability and...

Other Medical Specialties

Health Care Information System Terms

Diagnosis Is a word physicians use to find out the disease a patient is suffering from or the condition of need of the person. This is used when a patient is admitted to the clinic or hospital and people are concerned about the cause of the illness. The physician would...

Administration and Regulation

Compliance and Strategic Planning in Healthcare

Why compliance planning is so important to health care organizations Planning as a process entails the prediction of the future guiding principle (i.e., why an action, what action, how to take action, and when to take action). These why, when, how, and what is related to different aspects of the...

Healthcare Financing

Financial Health and Business Interest

Introduction Medical knowledge is useful for guiding the trajectory of business development, depending on the trends in the healthcare industry. One viable option is to pursue the opening of a specialized pharmacological venture. It is considered realistic in this case due to previous experience in pharmacodynamics and clinical trials. Even...

Healthcare Financing

Universal Health Care and Financing Around Globe

What does “universal health care” mean? Which countries in the film have universal health care? Universal health care also referred to as united health care, is an essential healthcare service system that incorporates all legal residents of a society or a country, usually provided by the government. The government settles all...

Healthcare Institution

Changes in the Healthcare Organization’s Strategic Direction

HealthPartners merged with Park Nicollet Health Services in 2013, and the organization has undergone a significant strategic shift because of the merger (HealthPartners, 2014). The purpose of this project is to state what impact the strategic shift had on the progress of this non-profit health care provider. Thus, the focus...


Managerial Epidemiology: Hepatitis Outbreak in the Midwest

Would You Call This an Epidemic or An Outbreak? The situation described in the case study can be classified as an outbreak. An outbreak is a relatively small-scale occurrence of a disease in a well-defined community at numbers greater than expected for the area. The numbers of individuals affected by...


Bipolar Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Bipolar Disorder In this paper, it is preliminarily asserted that, over recent times, there have been several debates regarding the intricacies of bipolar disorder (also called manic depressive disorder). It is further stated that, to a great extent, immense progress has been made in terms of treating this order. However,...


Cardiovascular Diagnostics and Treatment Plan

Patient Initials: not identified. Subjective Data: The patient is a 52-year-old American of Irish descent who presented with an ambiguous complaint of not feeling well. Chief Complaint: According to the patient, for the last two days, he has experienced “shortness of breath.” (Case Study, n.d., p. 1). The patient also stated...