⚕️ Essays on Nursing - Page 2


Nursing and Residential Care: The Case Study

Understanding Cultural Values Consent involves getting permission to undertake a particular action or coming into an agreement with the involved parties. Leticia has to ensure that the father is requested and informed about each procedure conducted. Informed consent allows easy decision-making and an adequate flow of activities. It creates a...


Nursing Practice Standards in Texas

Nursing practice standards reflect the degree to which individual capabilities are evaluated based on actual performance. They define the professional competencies as applicable at every level of the nursing process during patient care (American Nurses Association, [ANA], n.d.). The Texas Board of Nursing (BON) regulates the practice in Texas by...


Active and Latent Errors in Nursing

Errors occur in all spheres of human activity, and healthcare is no exception. From a professional point of view, there are two categories of failure, active and latent. The active ones are apparent; it is easy to identify the person responsible for them in such cases. In other words, these...


Registered Nursing (RNs): Delegation

Journal Reflection My reaction to an experience involving delegation of tasks that are non-nursing related was disappointing and humiliating. I was delegated cleaning tasks which I considered the role of ancillary personnel. Although I was able to work on the required tasks, I felt that it was unprofessional and uncalled...


ICare Principles for Interprofessional Team Performance

Interprofessional teams can be regarded as an approach widely accepted in the clinical setting. Different professionals work in teams to provide high-quality patient-centered care to a particular patient, which has a positive impact on their health outcomes. Being a nurse in a family primary care unit, I also work in...


The Patient-Centered Approach: Quality Improvement Project

Introduction There is global recognition of the need to increase patients’ satisfaction with their services in health care organizations. The quality of medical care will always take precedence over the quality of food or other hospital amenities. If patients do not get decent medical care or have an adverse event...


Nursing Professional Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses

Nursing strengths Nursing strengths are essential in making a nurse practitioner’s career successful. They include time management skills, communication skills, compassion for the patients, flexibility, reliability, and critical thinking (Al‐Yateem et al., 2020). A nurse must know that patients need quick attention because the patients’ lives lie in the medic’s...


The Best Nursing Practices Learned in the Course

Nursing best practices revolve around evidence-based practices to promote a healthy working environment and improved patient outcomes. The course prepared me to work in a professional setting by assisting doctors and all health professionals in caring for patients. These practices are judged and widely accepted as they conform to accepted...


The Issue of the Nursing Population Getting Older

In the post, the classmate discusses the issue of the nursing population getting older, which results in staff shortages and as an implication, the reduced quality of healthcare being provided to patients. Like the population that nurses serve, the healthcare workforce is also getting older. According to Haddad, Annamaraju, and...


The Role of the Registered Nurse in Patient Advocacy

In healthcare settings, registered nurses are expected to perform not only their professional duties but also work as advocates for patients’ interests. Thus, a registered nurse’s role in the sphere of patient advocacy is associated with acting on behalf of clients where it is necessary to provide support, assistance or...


Positive and Negative Nursing Interventions in the Pre-op Area

The pre-operative period is the time the patient stays in the hospital from the time the diagnostic examination is completed, the diagnosis of the disease is made, and the decision to operate is made until the start of the operation. In addition to the primary activities related to the preparation...


Management of Pressure Ulcers: Annotated Bibliography

Boyko, T. V., Longaker, M. T., & Yang, G. P. (2018). Review of the current management of pressure ulcers. Advances in wound care, 7(2), 57-67. The research work is a review of recent findings and helps the reader to choose the appropriate treatment by highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of...


Getting Started With a PICOT Question

Introduction Physical injuries to any part of the body cause significant pain and discomfort to the patient. Such traumas often require drastic lifestyle changes to ensure the injured individuals recover quickly and do not sustain additional damage. However, these changes, specifically prolonged bed rest, can result in the development of...


Effective Communication Skills in Nursing

Introduction Working as a nurse is a highly demanding profession that requires flexibility, in-depth medical knowledge, and correctly assigning tasks. Communication is a crucial skill, as it helps to make correct diagnoses and create support for the patient. With its help, nurses communicate their goals and objectives to other medical...


Christian Values in Nursing Practice

Contribution of Christian Values to the Nursing Practice Nurses play a vital role not only in the healthcare system but also in the communities they live and work in. In undertaking their duties, nurses are required to conduct themselves professionally and ethically. Ethical values such as compassion, diligence, patience, and,...


Moral Distress in Nursing: Dealing With Moral Distress

Situation Clinical nurses may undergo moral distress when they are in a dilemma between following a physician’s orders and trusting their clinical judgment. The physician continued to instruct the nurse to increase the dosage of morphine to a cancer patient experiencing severe pain. However, the nurse felt compelled not to...


ASN (Nursing Associate) Hybrid Program Evaluation

Introduction Today, nursing qualities gain strong recognition in many academic facilities because millions of people around the globe choose this field for employment. Both developed and developing countries are interested in creating solid learning opportunities for students and attracting the attention of multiple stakeholders. The development of an evaluation process...


The Color-Coded Triage Tags and the Trauma Scale

The classification of patients’ conditions is initially performed with the help of color-coded tags. This system includes four colors corresponding to one’s state: red, yellow, green, and black (“Disaster triage nursing (Color tagging & START method review),” 2020). They allow identifying the patients who are to be seen first and...


Nursing: MSN Course

Introduction As part of this assignment, I considered various options for continuing my nursing career, to determine the goals for my MSN course. The two specialties I selected are Nurse Executive (primary) and Family Nurse Practitioner (secondary). In this part, I compared the two prospective venues, provided justification for choosing...


Patient Safety Primers: Medication Errors

Introduction The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has developed several patient safety primers to act as guides for healthcare practitioners on safety suggestions to put into practice in health care institutions at the federal, state, and local levels. One of the patient safety primers touches on medication errors,...


Pain Assessment Tools on Sedated or ICU Patients

Research Analysis Chart Clinical Problem Because of the inability to determine the emotions of unconscious or sedated patients, the members of the ICU often fail to prevent painful experiences that patients are exposed to during a range of procedures, such as mechanical ventilation, airway suctioning, etc. (Stites, 2013). Therefore, there...


Reducing the Rate of Workplace Burnouts Among Nurses

The issue of workplace burnouts among nurses, though not being new, sadly, remains topical (Yeun & Han, 2016). Caused by the mismanagement of the employees’ time and the lack of concern for their personal needs, workplace burnouts affect not only the staff but also the organization since the quality of...


Hildegard Peplau’s Interpersonal Relations Theory

Hildegard Peplau’s theory of interpersonal relationship was first described in her book Interpersonal Relations in Nursing: Offering a Conceptual Frame of Reference for Psychodynamic Nursing published in 1952 (D’Antonio, Beeber, Sills, & Naegle, 2014). She emphasized the commitment to nursing and argued that nurses have to know patients as well...


Nursing Integrity: Ethics Issues

The nursing profession, including the study process, often concerns the questions or morality and implies approaching at times complex moral dilemmas. For this reason, it is imperative for a nurse to nurture personal integrity and accountability that can take the form of academic integrity or professional ethics. This essay discusses...


Enhancing Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injuries Prevention and Reduction

Introduction Hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs) is a sizeable healthcare problem impacting hospitals in the United Arab Emirates as well as around the globe. It is estimated that the issue affects one in twenty hospitalized patients, accentuating the need to act (1). The problem is caused principally by a patient’s lack...


ICU: Natalie Kazakova’s Nursing Case Study

Introduction The interactive case study tells the story of Natalie Kazakova, a Russian immigrant who currently works in the ICU of a local community hospital. Before graduating with a master’s degree in nursing, she obtained a bachelor’s in engineering in Russia. Natalie is new to the ICU team and, thus,...


The Leadership Role of a Registered Nurse in the Healthcare System

Introduction The role of advanced practice nurse (APN) has considerably enhanced lately due to the intense, challenging climate caused by the worldwide pandemic. Nurses present the unexploited potential for serving people and helping society live healthier lives. With this said, it is a fundamental task for nurses to take on...


Theory-Guided Practice: The Need Theory

Introduction The delivery of medical care in hospital settings plays a critical role in treating and recovering patients. Medical practitioners have come up with numerous theories to explain their activities and guide their practice in the provision of healthcare services to patients in various settings. Nursing theorists have made notable...


Improving Patient Outcomes in Long Term Care Facilities

Problem Description Long-term care (LTC) in the United States (U.S.) is one of the growing areas of healthcare that requires the focused attention of policymakers, care providers, and patients. LTC facilities provide quality care and offer necessary medical and psychological assistance to those with chronic diseases and the inability to...


New Nursing Care Delivery Model

Introduction Nurses normally use care delivery models to assess, plan, and undertake patient care within a framework that promotes quality and satisfaction at a reduced cost. However, in the recent past, health human resources shortage, limited budget, and safety and quality issues have resulted in the development of more suitable...


Nursing Theories and Research

Concepts of Nursing Theory Diverse concepts constitute the Nursing theory. Oscillate between person, environment, and health. (Hickman, 2019). Holistic patient care to enhance well-being. Enhance the resolution of symptoms. Improves patient’s quality of life. Several concepts ranging from a person, and environment to the health of individuals constitute the nursing...


Problem in Practice as a Licensed Practical Nurse

The health and safety of practicing nurses is an issue that is less talked about but it is still a major problem for Licensed Practical Nurses (Funnell, 2008). Occupational health and safety risks have increasingly gone high because many governments and healthcare organizations have done very little in addressing the...


Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center: Nursing Model of Care Delivery

Introduction Over the last decades, converging pressures in nursing care, including cost-containment policies, mounting healthcare demands, and shortages in the supply of nursing professionals to deliver care, have fuelled the search for novel models of nursing care delivery that optimizes the utilization of available nursing resources while guaranteeing safe, high-quality...


The Nurse’s Role as a Cultural Broker

Nurse as a Cultural Broker Aside from taking care of sick patients, a nurse has several roles in the community. One of the roles that are evident from the videos is that a nurse is also a cultural broker. In one of these articles, the practice of female genital mutilation...


Diabetes Knowledge in Nursing Practice

Diabetes is among major health issues that need quality healthcare and intervention to sustain and overcome. The researchers have shown dedication to taking care of diabetic patients, identifying the best ways to overcome the latter’s health issues. Nurses can found essential insights in “Evaluation of Nurses’ Knowledge Levels of Diabetic...


Telehealth in Nursing Homes: Pros and Cons

According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, telehealth is defined as telecommunication to link a care provider and a patient (Alexander et al., 2020). The e-visits may include remote patient evaluation, brief check-ups, and other services, which are used to protect and make the lives of older adults...


Nursing Utilization of Personal Digital Assistance

Introduction During a clinical at a cardiac care unit, I interacted with patients and nurses in the unit. I noticed that some nurses were extremely calm and confident, while some others were anxious and worried, lacking confidence. While I was checking the vitals of my patient R, I noticed a...


Nursing Assignment Is a Calling

Introduction As a professional nurse who has served patients for more than four decades, I am expected to have the required knowledge to offer to nurse students who tend to think that nursing is just an ordinary job to undertake. Nursing should be taken as a job that requires a...


Nursing: A Discussion on the Jewish Heritage

Introduction Today, more than ever before, health care organizations need to adopt and implement culturally competent practices because healthcare workers are recruited from diverse cultural backgrounds, bringing into the organization a multiplicity of beliefs, value systems, religious orientations, demands and expectations (Pearson et al., 2007; Purnell, 2013). This paper discusses...


Learning Achievements: Master’s in Nursing Education Program

Introduction Upon successful completion of Master’s in Nursing Education Program (MSN), nursing education specialization, and in the course of being a professional in the same specialty, learning has been a continuous process. It is attributed to the fact that Nursing is a dynamic discipline that requires learners and practitioners to...


The Evolution of the Clinical Nurse Leader

The Current Stage in the Clinical Nurse Leader’s Evolution Clinical nurse leaders (CNLs) are evolved generalists in nursing who have been educated to master’s level (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2013). Their role was invented recently by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing while paying attention to result-oriented...


Leadership Vision in Nursing Practice

Introduction Nursing leaders must demonstrate a clear vision to encourage and develop people, enhance patient outcomes, and bring about innovative change in healthcare settings (Martin, McCormack, Fitzsimons, & Spirig, 2014). Leadership vision is pivotal in creating a nursing culture that underscores the importance of evidence-based practice (EBP) in ensuring excellent...


Embracing Leadership Ethics in Healthcare Institutions

Introduction Ethical leadership is a concept that revolves around the attitudes, beliefs, values, and behaviors of individuals in the workplace. For instance, in healthcare settings, nurses are required to account for the services they offer to their patients. They need to have a proper understanding of the ethical leadership issues...


The Essentials of the Nursing Recruitment

Healthcare organizations use a variety of methods to attract new hires. The advantage of job sculpting is that managers develop a specialized professional plan for each candidate. The plan will contain goals that coincide with a candidate’s interests. To deal with the shortage of nurses, healthcare organizations employ such strategies...


Current Issues for an Advanced Practice Nurse

Creating premises for fostering a healthier community is one of the numerous responsibilities of an APRN (American Hospital Quality Outcomes 2014: Healthgrades Report to the Nation: Executive Summary, 2014). Therefore, a nurse must promote target patients with relevant information concerning the corresponding services. Despite the recent changes in the nursing...


Family Nurse Practitioner: In Search for the Right Scholarly Sources

The issues that a family nurse practitioner faces are numerous and challenging. Often requiring one to use an array of management skills, they pose a serious threat to the patient’s health and wellbeing. To identify the current problems in the job of a Family Nurse Practitioner, I searched for the...


Evidence-Based Practice Models in Nursing

Introduction Evidence-based practice is of great significance to health care. Evidence-based practice increases dependence on nursing theories. Moreover, evidence-based practice provides nurses with credible information on nursing. Additionally, evidence-based practice enables nurses to conduct appraisal on research articles. It should be noted that choosing correct evidence-based practice model is crucial...


Use for Psychosocial Theories in Nursing

Introduction Undergoing surgery is both frightening and intriguing. Traditionally, people go for surgery to improve their health. However, several people also go for surgery to improve their image and beauty. As a patient advocate, I witness numerous surgeries at my organization. While some women come for mastectomy, others come for...


Nursing and its Ethical Issues

Introduction Ethical issues comprise the principles that dictate what is bad and/or good. However, in the nursing practice, agreeing on what is right or unjust is incredibly difficult. Developing a clear understanding of the ethical principles that guide the process of delivering services in nursing care is critical in enhancing...


Clinical Assessment Continued: Strategic Management in Nursing Environment

Introduction The nursing environment requires convenience to realize healthcare goals. To achieve this, nurses are required to implement good nursing strategies. These strategies should aim at improving productivity in a nursing environment. Nurses should also handle conflicts efficiently and effectively. As a trained nurse, I believe that strategic management is...


Applying Theory to a Practice Problem in Nursing

Introduction Resilience is a popular concept in nursing. The origins of the concept can be traced to the early psychiatric studies that explored the reasons why certain children were unable to withstand and overcome adverse life situations (Earvolino-Ramirez, 2007). Today, resilience is usually conceptualized as one’s ability to cope with...


Leadership Styles in Nursing: A Comprehensive Analysis

Introduction The interview focused on a 50-year-old ICU head nurse who worked in a 350-bed capacity hospital. She had held that position for five years after working as an ICU staff nurse for seven years and as a supporting nurse in other units of the hospital. Rita felt that nursing...


Nursing and Political Awareness in the USA

Introduction Professional organizations in the health sector in most jurisdictions perform a vital role in ensuring effective management of health issues. In the US, professional institutions like the American nurses association (ANA) have been instrumental in the development of the new health care policy that was an apolitical issue. The...


The Use of Technology in the Nursing Profession

Technology in Nursing Profession The use of technology in the nursing profession has the potential to improve the performance of nurses, healthcare provision, and security of information. Technology improves the work environment of nurses through the improvement of safety, efficiency, and quality of health services. Technological advances in information services,...


The Role of Nursing Care for Women

Nursing plays a significant role in the preservation of women’s health. Over the past decades, this health care institution has offered numerous approaches beneficial for the improvement of the general health environment. Nursing communities have carried out considerable work aimed at studying the issue of women’s health and the delivery...


Nursing Ratios: Strategies to Improvement

Professional Strategies to Increase My Power The problem of nurse staff ratio to patients in a hospital setting is wanting and therefore calls for change. In advocating for better staffing, I will use the following strategies to prepare and convince the legislative institute to improve the nursing profession. First, I...


Literature Review: Nursing in the Emergency Department

Journals Name Journal of Emergency Nursing Scope The journal in question addresses emergency nursing issues in general without focusing on any specific area. According to the official statement of the organization, the journal articles cover “clinical topics, integrative or systematic literature reviews, research, and practice improvement initiatives” (About the journal,...


Community Virtual Ward Model v. Inpatient Nursing Care Model

Introduction Case management entails a package of care that comprises an array of activities that differ extensively between programs (Hughes, 2010). Nursing case management targets individuals living with long-term health conditions. These patients have varying intensity of needs, and that should be prescribed effectively. Consequently, this has induced the greater...


Community- v. Hospital-Based Case Management Model

Introduction The case management model is an important care delivery model especially for patients with chronic conditions. In fact, the case management model enables the provision of health care to patients with conditions deemed expensive to treat (Khanassov, Vedel, & Pluye, 2014). The goal is a coordination of care to...


Nursing Theory Analysis: Health Promotion Model

Theory/Author Name and Background Nola J. Pender developed the Health Promotion Model (HPM) in 1982 and revised it in 1996. There have been subsequent revisions with the fifth edition in 2006. The model has been chosen as appropriate for Family Nurse Practitioners. HPM is a middle-range theory that focuses on...


Personal Ethical Statement in Nursing Practice

The student’s character and values that have a positive impact on academic nursing life include confidentiality, rationality, effective communication, high morals, respect, and promotion of equality. Basically, these elements form the strength of a successful nursing career. Positive ethical aspirations are achievable through action-oriented respect, mutual coexistence, and deeply entrenched...


Becoming Better Nursing Colleague With QSEN Competencies

Introduction Improving service delivery in healthcare is the core objective of nursing. In this regard, delivery of quality services is expected in terms of nursing processes, informatics, adequate facilities and general improvement of the healthcare system. An effective healthcare system reduces risks for both patients and nurses. Modern nursing advancements...


Types and Causes of Occupational Eye Injuries

Summary of the articles Ngo, C. & Leo, S. (2008). “Industrial accident-related ocular emergencies in a tertiary hospital in Singapore.” Singapore Medical Journal, 49(4), 280-286 Ngo & Leo (2008) wanted to find out the nature and causes of industrial eye-related injuries in Singapore. It was achieved through a retrospective study...


Ageism as a Problem in Nursing

Introduction It is important to note that ageism is a negative way of thinking or believing about the process of growing old or about elderly people. The sentiments and ideas of society regarding aging are culturally established and can have a significant impact on how individuals see themselves and others...


Normalizing Disability in Speech Language Treatment Session

Mindfulness in SLP Practice How we frame our sentences in speech therapy may motivate clients to engage in the treatment process. Motivational interviewing uses (selectively) the following ways of talking with the patient to focus on change and guide them. When a therapist asks open-ended questions, the client can answer...


The Virginia Henderson Nurse Need Theory Use

Changes in healthcare technology, skills and experience, patient requirements, and expectations have resulted in the overall healthcare system transformations in recent years. Increasing life expectancy and chronic illnesses, the advancement of surgery, the expansion of primary health care, and the gradual drop in hospital admissions have led to a shift...


Patient Discharge Planning: A Change Proposal

Introduction Medical mistakes, unfavorable occurrences, and poor patient healthcare outcomes might result from inadequate transition planning. Hospitals may incur annual costs of $12 billion to $44 billion due to these problems. Care management databases that care transfers from hospitals to homes, nursing homes, or post-acute care facilities must be effective....


Professional Goal Statement in Advanced Nursing

The advanced nursing role that I am pursuing is Family Nurse Practitioner (FPN). The position correlates with tasks, values, and objectives that I believe are primordial in the field of medicine. Namely, as an FPN, I will provide continuous care, which implies that I will consider the patient’s experiences, background,...


Transducing Arterial Blood Pressure

Introduction The therapeutic modality chosen for this research is invasive blood pressure monitoring via the cannulation of a peripheral artery. The expediency of this choice is presupposed by the modality’s meeting the particular criteria. First of all, it requires specific training above and beyond general entry-level nursing education. In addition,...


Position Paper: Nursing Shortages in Healthcare Facilities

One of the essential components of a free society is the healthcare system, yet it is also one of the few fields that are ignored or taken lightly. Additionally, the current epidemic has worsened the predicament, resulting in a scarcity of healthcare personnel and a collapse of healthcare services. According...


The Impact of Evidence-Based Practice on Nurses

Introduction The literature review is essential to the development of a project, especially when working with a medical profession like nursing. Light of current pieces of evidence, elements, concepts, and theories on the topic of research, provides the researcher with a deeper understanding and a broader perspective. The integration of...


The Emergency Nurses Association’s Importance

Introduction A professional nursing organization is a group that clarifies, researches, educates, and promotes the continued development of nurses and the entire nursing field. These organizations create opportunities for enhancing nursing practice, education, health policy, and upholding healthcare standards (Cho & Han, 2018). Professional associations in nursing are essential for...


Nursing: Professional Development and Labor Market

Introduction Nursing practitioner (NP) is an important personnel in healthcare because they act as a primary care provider to their patients. This shows that nurse practitioners can provide care to their patients even when they are not being directly supervised by a physician. When it is necessary, they can write...


St. Thomas University: Campinha-Bacote’s Model of Cultural Competence

The 5 constructs of Campinha-Bacote’s model of the process of cultural competence comprise cultural desire, cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural skill, and cultural encounters. Cultural desire is understood as motivation of healthcare workers to provide culturally competent healthcare for different ethnic groups (Campinha-Bacote, 2022). Cultural awareness is the process of...


The Caritas Processes and Clinical Reasoning Cycle: A Case Study

Enhancing the patient experience needs partnerships amongst inter-professional groups. Clinical reasoning is a methodical and cyclical framework that drives medical decision-making, especially in unanticipated, unexpected, and non-routine circumstances, and results in precise and well-informed clinical assessments (Gummesson et al., 2018). The Ten Caritas Processes allow practitioners to exercise the craft...


Nursing: The Personal Philosophy

A definition that includes fundamental views about the facts of primary concern to a discipline, epistemic statements concerning how those facts come to be recognized, and ethical statements about nursing values is considered a nursing philosophy. It is beneficial to investigate different methods for nursing practice and education. The impact...


Nursing Education and Practices

Introduction Nursing has a distinct history that presented a foundation for its evolution. The discipline first emerged in the mid-19th century, as Florence Nightingale founded the earliest official nursing school in England (Wang et al., 2021). Her impact facilitated a nursing transition from homecare to hospitals as nursing became more...


Challenges In Quality and Safety Work in Nursing Homes

Article Summary The article under consideration examines the challenges encountered by nursing homes and home care facilities staff in safety and quality of services. Johannessen et al. (2020) focus on investigating perceived contextual factors that impact the performance of both managers and employees and prevent them from performing their duties...


Nursing Profession: The Role of Values

The best approach to move through life is one informed by principles and values. This is because they provide us with the way forward when met by different situations and problems by ensuring we stay on the side of what is right and true. The personal values and beliefs that...


Barriers to Implementation Evidence-Based Practice in US

Evidence-based practice is seen as a critical component in raising the standard of medical care and patient outcomes. EBP in nursing improves the capacity for decision-making and the ability to create personalized treatment plans that result in successful care delivery. Despite the expanding field, a rising amount of research about...


Pain: The Concept Analysis in Nursing

Introduction A concept analysis is involved in defining notions in the nursing sector to bring clarity by defining and simplifying them. The following concept analysis of pain will define pain, the performance of a literature review, and attributes definition. Consequently, the paper will determine the consequences and antecedents of pain...


Nurse Burnout: Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic presents one of the most impactful historical events that significantly affected the nursing workforce. Nurses were faced with a high workload and had to take care of a much bigger number of patients. Nurse burnouts were common before the pandemic and often entailed nurses’ layoffs and further...


Medication Errors Problem in the UK, US, and Saudi Arabia

Introduction Medication errors are a common issue even in well-developed and technologically advanced national healthcare systems. For instance, Elliot et al. (2018) reviewed 36 studies on medication errors in the UK and concluded that error rates were comparable to those in other European Union countries and the USA. In the...


Registered Nurses’ Work as Cohesive Agents

After taking my time to follow an RN in a hospital setting, I was able to better understand the role of these professionals. They can help patients to receive direct care and be more aware of the healthcare delivery process. RNs work as cohesive agents capable of connecting doctors to...


Nursing Shortage and Related Negative Effects

Abstract Nursing shortage is the significant problem that negatively affects patient care quality. Nurses overwork and cannot cope with their daily tasks, which causes severe problems in healthcare. The number of people needing medical help increases, and nursing becomes more complicated due to the spread of technology in hospitals. It...


The Use of Social Media in Nursing

Social media equips medical practitioners with tools for coordinating treatment, collaborating on research, disseminating information to the public, and fostering healthy lifestyle habits. In a professional setting, nurses may experience a wide range of ethical issues when using social media. Reduced patient confidentiality and loss of trust in the patients...


Registered Nurses’ Role in Aged Care

Nursing is a profession that requires one to spend every working day communicating with people and helping them live healthy lives. However, nurses also make many decisions and perform procedures that may make patients uncomfortable or confused. In some environments, the line between care and the lack of autonomy may...


Advanced Practice Registered Nurses’ Scope of Practice: Discussion

Introduction Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) are healthcare professionals with a large scope of duties defined by such organizations as American Nursing Association and State Boards of Nursing. Nowadays, with a shortage of medical personnel, Advanced Practice Registered Nurses have become the major actors of medical profession in nursing practice...


Attributes of Nursing as a Profession

Nursing is a profession of making a difference through selfless practices, compassion, and self-motivation. All these competencies align with the leadership skills expected in nursing practice. This rationale depicts a personal perspective of what the nursing profession entails (Haddad & Geiger, 2021). The reason is that some of the competencies...


The Population Management Course Reflection

Introduction The following essay reflects on the competencies of the course “Population Management (DNP-825A)”. This course focused on concepts that lead to a better understanding of health’s overall, sociological, environmental, and economic components. Data analysis was covered throughout the course as it related to the formulation, implementation, and assessment of...


Nola J. Pender’s Health Promotion Model

Nola Pender’s health promotion model is a mid-range theory based on social cognitive theory. According to the model, people are affected by multiple beliefs, motivations, and situations that contribute to present and future attitudes and behaviors (Frenn, 2020). The primary endpoint of the model is health-promoting behaviors (Sevinc & Argon,...


The Thoughts on Goodman’s “Trauma Counseling and Interventions”

The article by Rachael Goodman exposes many crucial facts regarding professional assistance with mental health issues. After reading the article, I had to rethink my personal experience, as well as my knowledge regarding interventions for traumas. There are critical implications for future research in this field that can be drawn...


Theory in Evidence-Based Advanced Practice

Often the existence of a phenomenon denoted by a specific concept has been proven, and that the definition corresponds to the object being defined. However, this is often not the case in practice. In nursing, there is a concept of a norm that changes over the years. Moreover, there are...


Population Health Promotion: The Role of Nurses

Hi Rita, thank you for the elaborate discussion on the role of nurses in population health promotion. Having read the essay, it is true that nurses have crucial roles in healthcare and provide several services to their communities. Nurses advocate for patients, promote healthy lifestyles, spread health awareness, and offer...


The Issue of Nursing Shortage

Nursing is one of the most critical professions for contemporary and future societies. Covid-19 illustrated the fundamental nature of good nursing staff to mitigate disasters and maintain patient healthcare. The nursing need has proliferated recently, particularly in developed countries, as people seek to boost healthcare provision. However, despite this increase...


Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity in Nursing

Introduction During the interview conducted in week 3, I acquired beneficial information that enhanced my knowledge about cultural awareness and sensitivity. It involved a discussion with a male nurse leader of Filipino descent who was working in a hospital where 30-35% of nurses were from his cultural background. There was...


Telehealth in Outpatient Settings

Stakeholders and Agents of Change The people affected by the proposed program will include: Registered nurses: improved quality of provided healthcare services, improved relationships with patients, enhanced cross-functional collaboration, empowerment. Advanced nurse practitioners: less workload, improved quality of provided care, enhanced job satisfaction. Patients: patient-centered care, improved quality of healthcare...


Challenges to Implement Quality Standards

Introduction Quality implementation and nursing practices in the twenty-first century are challenged by various factors, including an increase in the number of elderly and critically ill patients, rising healthcare costs, a shortage of nursing staff and nurse educators, and a shift in the nursing workforce’s age. Other current concerns affecting...


Qualitative Study Evaluation on Girlhood Betrayals of Women

Purpose of the Study The article under analysis was entitled “Girlhood Betrayals of Women Childhood Trauma Survivors in Treatment for Addiction” and written by Grabbe et al. (2016). The study aimed at examining the perspectives of females who faced neglect and abuse in their childhood and their perspective regarding their...


Nursing Change Implementation and Management Plan

An executive summary Change is inevitable in any organization. In nursing, teamwork is key as it allows nurses to collaborate to develop care plans with doctors. Teamwork always proves to be a success in many organizations. Teamwork helps in reducing errors in the healthcare field. Improving patient care and establishing...


Innovations in Nursing Practice

Health care innovation is a common word on the other hand, quality care can only be maintained and improved if new ideas are brought into the mix. As the backbone of high-quality health care, nurses are an essential part of any system that relies on them to function. Nurses play...


An Advanced Practice Nurse’s Scope of Practice

The scope of practice for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) is a subject of debate in the legal medical community. In particular, the level of education and experience of these specialists allows them to work in a variety of settings and have a certain degree of autonomy in the performance...