1700-Word Essay Examples: Health & Medicine

A 1700-word essay about health care, medicine, or nursing requires effort to conduct research and read literature on the topic. A text of such a length is more of a short research paper than just an essay. While writing a 1700 words essay, you should work a lot on your outline and thesis statement. Remember: a well-thought-out structure is the key to success!

You might be assigned a 1700-word essay in almost any medical subdiscipline. For instance: physiology, rehabilitation, dentistry, oncology, or epidemiology. Good luck with your paper! Check 1700 words essay examples below to get inspired.

Healthcare Research

Healthcare System in US vs. UK, Canada, Germany

Introduction Throughout history, every country has elaborated its healthcare system with distinctive features formed based on particular philosophies, local traditions, and views. In this regard, despite many economic and political commonalities of the United States with the most developed countries, its healthcare system is strikingly different and unique, especially in...


Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Technological advancements have tremendously changed the field of medicine across all departments. As one of the professions providing health care, nursing has been forced to change its ways of handling both the patients and their information. Initially, the details of patients were manually documented and saved in the physical files.;...


Kidney Disease in the United States

Introduction The kidneys in the human body are required to filter all the blood in an individual’s organism every half an hour. These organs perform the job of removing wastes, toxins, and excess fluid and participate in the process of blood pressure control, stimulate the production of red blood cells,...


Fast Food: Review and Analysis

Introduction Fast food in the form of burgers, fries, and sodas have become a part of western culture to such an extent that the most prevalent distinction for western society today is that of the “Fast Food” culture (Obesity In America: Large Portions, Large Proportions, 1-5). In nearly every western...

1700 Word Essay FAQ

You can write a 1700-word essay about medicine, health care, and nursing on many topics. For example: illness, nervous system, autism, diet, obesity, or hepatitis. It is worth choosing an inspiring topic because writing a 1700 words nursing essay requires time and effort.

Medicine is a quite a complicated topic to write about. Working on a 1700-word essay about health care or nursing will typically require time and effort to conduct research and read literature on the topic. Moreover, you’ll have to edit and format the text and probably prepare graphic materials. You’ll need not less than 8 hours and a half for 1700 words.

A 1700-word essay, be it an academic paper on medicine or any other topic, typically contains 12 to 13 paragraphs. It is a rough estimate considering that an academic writing paragraph usually consists of about 100 words.

A 1700-word essay usually spans 7 pages, assuming that it is written in one of the common citation formats (APA, MLA, or Chicago). This means that the text is double-spaced and typed with a standard font (Times New Roman or Arial) of 12 points. The exact length of a 1700 words essay will depend on the formatting requirements.


Nurse Staffing: Application of Borrowed Theory to Nurse Staffing

Introduction Nurse staffing is one of the most burning issues in the system of healthcare. When taking a closer look at the problem, it is clear that there are several major factors associated with nurse staffing. There is a lack of nursing professionals and nurses are overloaded with tasks. Clearly,...


Nursing Conceptual Models and Scientific Strategies

Abstract This paper presents an overview of different nursing conceptual models. The study examines Nola Pender’s health promotion model as one of the scientific strategies to address nursing challenges. The research suggests that the design is efficient in its effort to identify the health risk factors of a patient. The...


Breach of Conduct in the ICU Department: Case Studies

Introduction Confidentiality is paramount to safeguarding trust between medical practitioners and their patients. Nurses frequently deal with intricate scenarios that require the protection of health data. Since patient safety is grounded in legal and moral imperatives, nurses must consider ethical dilemmas that may arise in the course of duty2. In...

Alternative Medicine

Morphine and Marijuana in Palliative Care of Patients With Cancer

Introduction The provision of palliative care to patients with terminal illnesses such as cancer has proved to be difficult to due excessive medicalization and the fear of death. According to Masman, Van Dijk, Tibboel, Baar, and Mathot (2015), morphine, haloperidol, and midazolam are common palliative drugs, which are administered at...


Effective Nurse Education Reduces Readmission of Heart Failure Patients

Assessment When I did clinical at ICU, I interacted with several patients who were admitted for congestive heart failure, and almost all of them were readmitted for a similar history of symptoms. My patient R was readmitted to an A hospital’s ICU due to heart failure (HF) and aortic valve...


Cleanliness of Environment: Concept Analysis

Introduction Environmental cleanliness which includes management of waste within communities entails various activities. Usually, these activities are associated with health care sector which is a body endowed with responsibility of providing preventive and curative measures against diseases. In the waste management, there are processes involving collection, storing, handling and disposal...


Long Term Care Design for Ageing Members

Introduction Nurses play a significant role in health care planning at a national level. This is due to their expertise in the field and their deep knowledge of what should be incorporated in health care plans. Some of the individuals who benefit from health care plans are ageing people since...


Motivational Interviewing in Healthcare

Introduction Motivational interviewing is an imperative component of care because it assists clients to change health behaviors. Most of the clients give reasons against behavior change, yet they have the necessary strategies of solving the problems. Health care professionals should assist clients explore problems at hand and guide them in...


Integrating Evidence-Based Practice into Nursing Research

Introduction The main focus of nursing is to give patients professional care so as to assist them to maintain good health, recover their health optimally, and improve on the quality of their lives. Nursing is different from other aspects of health care in that their scope and approach to offering...


Nursing Informatics. Decision Support Tools

Introduction Health informatics refers to the integration of medical care, information technology, and computer technology. Health informatics involves equipment, resources, and techniques needed to maximize the achievement, recovery, storage, and utilization of data in biomedicine and health. Health informatics equipment consists of medical guidelines, laptop, data, and communication structures, and...


Self-Care Deficit Theory’s Importance in Nursing

Introduction A theory is integral in nursing because it enables nurses to conceptualize their duties and perform them systematically. Essentially, a nursing theory comprises concepts, ideas, principles, models, assumptions, and propositions, which elucidate a given phenomenon in nursing. Given that nursing practice involves diverse activities, a nursing theory acts as...


Prioritizing Safety and Enhancing Nurses’ Proficiency

According to the Joint Commission, medical errors are linked to the death of at least 60,000 patients every year (2012). In addition, health care workers experience a high rate of non-fatal occupational illness and injury (The Joint Commission, 2012). The proponents of this study are in agreement with The Joint...


Nursing Department and Prevention of Infections

Al Baraha Hospital Nursing Department The nursing department in Al Baraha Hospital plays a variety of important roles. In particular, this division is responsible to ensure that every patient receives timely and appropriate medical assistance. For example, one can speak about wound care, emergency nursing, counseling, bed care, and other...


Maternal and Child Health Nursing Bibliography

Medline Plus. (2011). Gestational diabetes. Web. The article describes Gestational diabetes as a condition that occurs in expectant mothers. The author defines gestational diabetes as the type of diabetes that manifests itself during the period of pregnancy. The purpose of the article is to provide knowledge about this commonly occurring...


Spiritual Diversity and Nursing

Abstract Incorporating spiritual care into everyday nursing practice can be intimidating for some nurses. It is easy to get wrapped up in the basics of nursing care and assessment. Making sure a complete and accurate spiritual needs assessment is performed will help to create a nursing plan that will help...

Healthcare Research

Ventilator Aquired Pneumonia Protocol in the ICU

Overall plan for implementing the proposed solution Overall methods used in the implementation of VAP prevention protocol was indicated as follows; head of the bed should be raised at an angle between 30° and 45°, then there is application of whole-body chlorhexidine-based medication which uses some small percentage of oil...


Family Care Plan for a Diabetic Child

The focus of Situational Interaction (Either patient/client concern or nurse concern): The client is a Japanese boy aged 7 years and a school-going child. The boy was recently diagnosed with Type I diabetes. The client and his mother were referred to a pediatric clinic for advice on the type of...


Supervisor Nursing Orientation. Annotated Bibliography

Williams, L., & Irvine, F. (2009). How can the clinical supervisor role be facilitated in nursing: a phenomenological exploration. Journal of Nursing Management, 17(4), 474-483. The authors and researchers from John Moores University and Bangor University in England utilized data collected from clinical supervisors in one of the National Health...


Diabetes and Services of Nursing Care Work

Introduction Diabetes as a public health problem impacts people who live with the disease psychologically, socially which results into economic stress. This calls for close intervention of specialist nurses in healthcare provision to control the complications of the disease, enabling the victims to manage their diabetic conditions. Thesis Statement This...


“The Clients’ Experience of the Community Group” by Harms & Benson

Introduction Over the past several decades, community or large group meetings have been integrated into the management program of individuals recruited as inpatients in mental health units and are thought to serve a therapeutic purpose. However, there have been conflicting views regarding the role of group sessions in aiding and...


Intravenous Medication in Medical Nursing Field

Introduction The process of injecting medicine into the patient’s vein directly is called Intravenous medication administration. This can be done using a syringe to push the medicine into the vein of the patient, or use of IV secondary line through which the medication is passed into the patient after a...


The Nursing Professional Practice and Mentorship

Introduction Nursing is an extremely complex and important profession, demanding a large variety of skills and expertise. Caring for people, providing assistance to those that require it more is an often overlooked part of medical practice. For me, it is a profession that I pursue with both personal dedication and...


The Patient Abuse and Neglect of Our Vulnerable Adults

Abstract Reporting patient abuse remains the prerogative of the abused patient or caregivers who witness the abuse within a healthcare facility. Usually, caregivers watch each other’s back, and hence the probability that they would report to their superiors on each other is almost nonexistent. Patients on the other hand fail...


Interdisciplinary Theory: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Introduction This paper discusses Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory and its applicability to the nursing practice. The purpose of the paper is to investigate pragmatic adequacy, social meaningfulness, and feasibility of the theory in the context of nursing and its compatibility with real practice. For the research, statistical and thematic...


“Predicting Injurious Falls in the Hospital Setting” by Hester

Research Problem The selected study revolves around the problem of falls among hospitalized adults as one of the primary causes for the emergence of undesired outcomes, development of complications, and deterioration of the quality of patients’ lives. For this reason, there is a need for the investigation of factors that...


The Impact of Nursing Shortage on Morbidity and Mortality Rates

Abstract The following paper discusses the seriousness of the nursing shortage problem in the US and, in the state of New Jersey, in particular. The state is expected to occupy third place, after California and Texas, in terms of insufficient nursing staff by 2030. Besides, there will be a substantial...


Role of Clinical Nurse Leaders in Reducing Nursing Staff Burnout

Introduction to the Topic and Purpose of the Paper One of the roles of Clinical Nurse Leaders (CNLs) is to create an atmosphere where nurses can prevent or cure any illnesses and injuries presented to them. Redfern (2012) argues that nurses monitor patients’ health conditions at the bedside, detect near...


Registered Nurse Job Description

Basic Duties of a Nurse A registered nurse (RN) is responsible for treating patients, providing advice, and emotional support to them and their relatives. Education is also an essential part of the job as RNs are expected to inform their patients, their families, and the general public about medical conditions...


Nursing Health Care Informatics

Health care informatics is one of the aspects a qualified nurse should consider in working toward evidence-based practice and quality improvement (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2006). The American Medical Informatics Association (n.d.) defines nursing informatics as the “science and practice (that) integrates nursing, its information, and knowledge, with...

Healthcare Research

Translating Research Findings to Clinical Research Practice

The quality of patient care and its outcomes in the system of healthcare depends on the application of evidence. There exist diverse possibilities to implement evidence in health care. It can positively influence both health care delivery and the health of the population (Titler, 2014). There is a need for...

Health IT

Springfield General Hospital’s Information Technology

Introduction According to the majority of the research studies, information technology is believed to improve patient safety and increase the accuracy of diagnosis (Bowles, 2015). Nevertheless, the case of Springfield General Hospital clearly showed that implementation of IT system only “made it worse”, and a computerized physician order entry (CPOE)...

Healthy Nutrition

Lipid Panels for Healthy Nutrition

The Role of Lipids, Triglycerides, Phospholipids, and Cholesterol in the Diet Lipid is a collective term for biomolecules that are commonly referred to as fats. They consist of different molecules that share the common feature of being insoluble in water. There are three main categories of lipids with nutritional value:...

Healthcare Research

Evaluating Family History in Terms of Healthcare

Introduction Writing a family history is a rather important procedure that can reveal key health concerns and enable someone to become more aware of any potential health threats. Such a history can show family members, as well as care providers, the areas that require greater attention. The determination of the...

Public Health

Health Planning and Evaluating Services

Introduction Health planning is a meticulous field for the application of planning principles, has concerns about access, equity, effectiveness, efficiency, and quality. Health service planning contributes to health gain in population as life betterment through accidents and trauma services, immunization, cancer treatments, supporting aged care, and many more. Planning for...

Healthcare Research

Universal Healthcare System in the U.S

Introduction The universal healthcare system debate was kicked off by the former US president Bill Clinton. Though his proposal was largely a failure, he set the ball rolling among the American citizens ever since and has found its way in every election campaign according to Sage (2009, Para. 1). The...

Healthcare Research

Is Autism Good or Bad?

Introduction Autism refers to a mental disorder that is characterized by impaired social interaction and communication multifaceted by restricted and repetitive behavior. Symptoms of the ailment begin when a child is almost three years old and tend to continue through adulthood but in adulthood it gets muted McKean (1994). It...

Healthcare Research

Cultural Sensitivity Training Program

Introduction Neo-liberalism of today is a tag for economic laissez-faire that explains government policies intended to endorse liberated competition between trade firms inside market, particularly liberalization and monetarism, which is distinct from Globalization, which generally refers to greater international cultural exchange, dissemination of multiculturalism, and enhanced individual access to cultural...

Healthcare Research

HIV/AIDS and Its Physical Problems

Introduction Living in contemporary society one cannot but hear different news about the risk of HIV/AIDS in the world. This tendency is terrific because too many people still have less idea about ways of AIDS prevention. The stronger emphasis on the reports about current official and supposed unofficial statistics is...


Becoming a Registered Professional Nurse

Introduction Nursing is a profound profession based on strong personal principles of personal and professional skills. There is little doubt that nursing practice has been forced to make severe accommodations within this larger societal context as knowledge has continued to increase and attitudes and values have shifted. Nursing is one...

Healthcare Research

Electroconvulsive Therapy: Comparison of an Internet Source to Peer Reviewed Journals

The purpose of the paper is to elicit information regarding electroconvulsive therapy. With the advent of the new media, there is an overload of information through the internet. This paper evaluates and compares an internet source on electroconvulsive therapy to articles presented in peer reviewed journals. According to Robert Harris...


Quality of Care in Psychiatric Nursing

Introduction Various studies have defined the quality of care in severe psychiatric nursing. Few of them discussed below can support the view where a positive link between the psychiatric quality nursing and the corresponding impact on the mentally challenged people are figured out. One such study was undertaken in which...

Healthcare Research

HIV in Women: Physical and Developmental Issues, Community or Societal Issues

Research Topic Since the beginning of the US epidemic, more and more women are being afflicted with HIV. Women appear to be more vulnerable to HIV due to the high concentration of the virus in the semen of their male partners (Trzynka and Erlen, 2004, p. 1). It is significant...

Administration and Regulation

Health and Wellness Promotion in an Organization

Introduction As a business entity, a company has to seek tools for advancing its relationships with its employees. The focus on communication with staff members and the utilization of talent management techniques will encourage an increased efficacy in employees’ performance and convince the target audience to develop loyalty toward a...

Public Health

Australian Community Health Semi-Remote Rural Health

Abstract Epidemiology is the study of patterns of disease and injury in human populations and the application of the study to control health problems. Epidemiology focuses on identifying the distribution, determinants and the frequency of the disease within a population. It is the study of human health in populations, studying...

Administration and Regulation

Notion of Demarketing and Its Implications in Healthcare

Introduction The possibility of influencing consumer demand is a valuable entrepreneurial driver that is usually utilized to increase sales of specific goods or services. However, in some cases, marketing practices are aimed in the opposite direction and involve active advertising in relation to reducing the share of product sales. This...

Administration and Regulation

Healthcare Organizations’ Marketing in Richmond, Virginia

Introduction Marketing is critical component for healthcare organizations in the context of the U.S. private consumer-based health system. It allows to provide awareness to the population about the services and facilities that are offered at the location and make it appealable so that individuals choose it for healthcare delivery when...

Administration and Regulation

Managed Care in America, Its Pros and Cons

Introduction Managed care has become the fundamental network of the provision of treatment in the US since its implementation. Managed-care plans in the United States encompass local pharmacies to offer patients easy accessibility to economies of scale. Since medicines are bought in bulk to help with required care, the costs...

Administration and Regulation

Affordable Care Act and Hospitalization Processes

Introduction According to the Encyclopedia of Surgery (2010), admission to a hospital can result from a positive experience such as delivering a child, elective surgery, or other therapeutic procedures or due to an emergency experience in the emergency department. Admission into the emergency room is the most hectic of the...

Healthy Nutrition

Sunshine Vitamin D and Its Functions

Introduction Proper nutrition hinges on multiple factors, and one of them is vitamins. One of the vitamins that are particularly important but also often deficient in humans is vitamin D. In this report, vitamin D will be discussed together with its key related topics, including its functions, sources, and the...

Administration and Regulation

Universal Healthcare in the United States

Introduction Universal healthcare is an extremely controversial socio-political topic in the United States. The term implies a healthcare system that provides broad and extensive coverage to all citizens and residents of the country. With the current market-based healthcare system experiencing many failures and becoming unsustainable in the long term, the...


Sleep Disorders and Solutions for Children

Introduction The health of the nation is one of the major concerns of the modern healthcare sector. There are multiple attempts to reduce the incidence of various diseases and ensure that people will benefit from the improved quality of life. From this perspective, the well-being of children acquires the top...


Death Attitudes in Science and Culture

Introduction The issue of death has always remained a terminal and a defining matter for humanity. As such, it became a widely pondered topic of discussion which is reflected in both scientific fields and popular culture alike. As quoted in the Marvel movies, “We don’t get to choose our time”...

Public Health

Secondhand Smoking in Public Places

Introduction “Smoke-free legislation, which prohibits smoking in certain settings, reduces exposure of nonsmokers to secondhand smoke and creates an environment that helps smokers to cut down or quit smoking” (Bhat et al., 2015, p. 87). The above quote by Bhat et al. (2015) reveals the extent of harm caused to...

Medical Ethics

Nursing Ethics and Behavior in Social Media

Social media offers a convenient platform where people can connect with friends and family. It also makes the world a global village where people enjoy interconnectedness regardless of time and space. In learning, students can communicate easily with each other and discuss important issues concerning their education (Tuckett & Turner,...


Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare

Complexity Science and Chaos Theory Complexity Science and Chaos Theory is a model that explains how different triggers or events catalyze significant changes in a given organization. When uncertainties occur, organizations are compelled to change in an attempt to remain competitive. These developments can be explained using the nonlinear dynamic...

Administration and Regulation

Barnes Jewish Hospital’s Medical Personnel Training

Introduction Training sessions are directed at improving a particular aspect of operations in an organization. Barnes Jewish Hospital needs changes to respond to the evolving environment of healthcare in the US, and to enhance the efficiency of work to adapt to the Affordable Healthcare Act requirements. It is critical to...


Pharmacology of Drugs and Abuse: Alprazolam and Adderall

Alprazolam General Description Alprazolam is an anxiolytic agent, a triazolobenzodiazepine derivative that has sedative, anticonvulsant, and central muscle relaxant effect. The drug is marked by the anxiolytic activity that is expressed in the reduction of emotional stress, anxiety, and panic attacks, which is combined with a moderately pronounced hypnotic effect...


Cognitive Neuroscience: Language Hemisphere and Aphasias

The Language Hemisphere Notably, there exists a dogmatic assumption that the left hemisphere controls language. Nevertheless, this is a gross oversimplification of the matter. In this case, the two hemispheres are involved in language processing (Banich, 2004). However, the left hemisphere has a relative advantage of performing the role than...


Conversational Model of Learning in Nursing

Introduction The present paper follows the progress of the development of an in-service education program that is meant for twenty-six nurses of the Emergency Unit of the King Fahad Medical City, which is located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. In particular, the paper uses the information gained through the learning needs...


Personality Disorder Treatment

HPI A 48-year-old patient visited the health facility with complaints of poor vision and the inability to distinguish between different colors. He also stated that his life was in danger because many witches were after him. The patient had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes five years ago, which had...

Health IT

Electronic Health Records’ Impacts on Healthcare

Impacts of EHRs in the Health Sector Technological advancements are unstoppable and unpredictable. All sectors of humanity have experienced the effects occasioned by the advancements of technology. The health sector is one of the sectors that have experienced the effects of technological advancements. Electronic Health Records (EHR) is one of...

Healthcare Financing

Employer-Driven Medical Insurance and Its Impacts

The provision of healthcare is a real concern for many countries. The traditional approaches to health care financing no longer make sense because of the increased cost of offering medical services, against a backdrop of difficult economic times (Perkins, 2006). Austerity measures proposed by governments do not exempt health care....