⚕️ Essays on Nursing - Page 3


Nursing Philosophy of Human Caring

Introduction The specific nature of nursing work differs significantly from other types of human activity and consists of constant, daily, hourly communication with the patient. Therefore, the approach must consist of high professionalism and the manifestation of decency, honesty, kindness, mercy, sensitivity, and responsiveness. Since ancient times, the moral and...


Nurses’ Staff Deficiency and Practical Solutions

Introduction Due to the crisis resulting from COVID-19, many nurses leave the profession or stay in it under constant stress, which is extremely dangerous for the health of nurses and patients (Kelly et al., 2021). This paper provides a detailed discussion of the reasons and consequences of nurses’ staff shortage...


Analysis of the Trauma-Informed Approach

A trauma-informed approach is a comprehensive medical and organizational approach to patient care, within which lies not the mechanical treatment of injuries but the recognition and explanation of what happened to the person. This approach makes treatment more transparent for patients and increases their level of involvement. Patients who tell...


Effective Continuing Professional Development

Continuous professional development is crucial for practitioners to provide quality services to their clients. In this regard, evaluation forms are helpful tools that can be used to monitor one’s progress, assess one’s work, and get feedback from peers (Uğur & Turan, 2019). As a result, an individual can set goals...


Rogers’ Theory on Science of Unitary Human Beings

Nursing theories form the foundation of nursing philosophy that guides nurses in the provision of quality patient care. Moreover, nurses have the professional obligation to systematically search scientific information as a basis for evidence on care delivery. Individual patient characteristics determine the course of care consistent with the nursing profession...


Counseling and Communication in Nursing

Summary Counseling is the process of talking therapy, allowing individuals to discourse their problems with experts in a serene and safe environment (YALÇIN, 2022). Experts or counselors support their clients in speaking out about their problems in detail to pinpoint the primary trigger behind them. Moreover, they assist clients in...


Professional Leadership Communication and the Practice Scholar

Introduction The nursing leader is placed in the center of interaction and must communicate with patients, employees, administrators, and providers to deliver the best experience and healthcare services. For this reason, a leader must have advanced communication skills to lead, guide, and persuade all parties and stakeholders to improve the...


Quality and Sustainability in the Healthcare

Quality and Safety Measures Quality and safety indicators are standards for the delivery of healthcare services, according to which it is possible to determine how well healthcare providers are doing their job. Among the measures of quality are structural, process, and outcome measures. The first category includes the ability of...


Analysis of Transcultural Nursing Theory

It is easy for psychiatrists and nurse practitioners who are culturally competent to offer patients evidence-based care. Transcultural Nursing Theory by Madeleine Leininger gives powerful insights that guarantee culturally competent therapy is offered to more patients with psychological needs. A nursing theory’s tenets comprise the four elements that comprise the...


Personal Nursing Philosophy: Theory, Values, and Ethics

Introduction The profession of nursing encompasses various domains, going beyond the limits of pure medical knowledge. In particular, nursing requires having a solid personal philosophy, inner beliefs, and ethical values that guide a nurse in day-to-day practice. In my opinion, one can draw a parallel between the personal philosophy of...


Cultural Inquiry of Values and Norms

The people’s culture affects their perception of the world, habits, and values. Galanti (2000) argues that due to the importance of such influence, respect from health care providers to patients is not enough for quality care, and knowledge of culture is required. I agree with this statement as beliefs, customs,...


Aspects of the Philosophy of Nursing

Introduction The philosophy of nursing is a system of ideas and views of the world from the position of a nurse. It reflects the nurse’s worldview concerning his/her activities, social environment, development, and improvement of personality and professional competence. The main link of this philosophy is undoubtedly the patient with...


Staff Nurse’s Role in Evidence-Based Practice

One of the main trends in the improvement of healthcare in recent years is the growing importance of nursing staff in ensuring the effectiveness of public health protection using evidence-based practice. Nurses are no longer seen as passive physician assistants. In modern conditions, this model is being replaced by a...


Sports Medicine in Nursing Home Settings

Sports medicine focuses on the treatment of athletes according to their performance. According to specialists, it is commonly characterized as the medical field that concentrates on preventive, diagnostic, and treatment measures to influence or improve athletes’ health (Hart, 2022). In contrast, nursing homes provide care for patients with various health...


Virginia Henderson’s Need Theory Applied to Blinded Patients

The healthcare system is rapidly changing with the appearance of new research findings and theories. Modern practices in nursing have also shifted from the previous century, although the most influential ideas have remained as a foundation of nursing practice. One such theory that underlies clinical practice in both the Eastern...


Hiring a Nursing Informatics Specialist

Nursing Informatics and the Nurse Informaticist Nursing informatics is a specialization that integrates nursing science and information and analytical sciences that allows for identifying, managing, and exchanging information in nursing practice. Electronic medical records (EMRs) and other digitalized measures in healthcare are commonly enabled by nursing informatics (HIMSS, 2022). Professionals...


Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators

Introduction Quality patient care and a sense of fulfillment at work are both dependent on newly hired individuals being part of our team. Improvements in patient and staff well-being can be made above the minimum requirements of The Joint Commission and the Hospital Consumer Rating of Health Care Providers and...


Applying Teaching-Learning Theory to Nursing

Nursing education and training are vital for preparing practitioners who can provide their patients with high-quality care. Many teaching and learning theories can be applied to better train future medical professionals for their role in the healthcare sector and communicate the skills and knowledge they will need. One such theory...


Running and Interpreting the T-Test

A comparative statistical test should be used in combination with the chosen research to evaluate the findings of an evidence-based project proposal. These tests appear to be the most appropriate settings for evaluating nursing staffing policies since they analyze comparisons and differences across numerous variables (Siedlecki & Bena, 2021). In...


Culturally Proficient Care and Nursing Metaparadigm

Nowadays, nurses are working with more varied patient groups. As a result, individuals encounter multiple languages, cultural, and health literacy hindrances. The cultural complexity of the population presents possibilities and difficulties for healthcare practitioners, healthcare institutions, and policymakers to establish and offer culturally competent services. The capacity of physicians and...


The Acute Care Nurses Education Project

Introduction Nursing school prepare graduates to undertake care duties successfully and competently. The college focuses on scientific inquiry, evidence-based care, problem-based pedagogy, and patient engagement to fulfill educational objectives. Nonetheless, there is a gap in the ability of novice nurses to work just after graduation. Recent graduates lack some competent...


The Role of a Nurse and Its Evolution

Introduction Nursing is a caring profession that has undergone many changes in the last few decades. Although nursing theory started expanding at the end of the nineteenth century with Florence Nightingale’s contributions, the nurse’s role significantly grew in the 1980s (Matthews et al., 2020; Vitale et al., 2019). Nightingale’s impact...


A Doctorate of Nursing Educator’s Roles

Introduction Advanced nursing practices are guided by some essential blueprints that draw from scientifically proven information by making use of evidence-based strategies to inform all aspects of nursing practice. A Nurse faces numerous challenges in their clinical operations, some of which are not always easy to find solutions to, therefore,...


A Nurse Leader’s Organizational Analysis

Introduction Working in the Intensive care unit requires particular professional skills and knowledge, but being a manager in this sphere includes even more responsibilities and a range of qualifications. Personal experience allows one to analyze and determine the weak and strong sides of the current leader and his style of...


Handoff Communication in Nursing

Abstract Medical errors caused by a breakdown in communication among hospital employees are one of the leading forms of error in the healthcare industry. The Joint Commission (TJC) found that more than 70% of all sentinel events occurred due to a breakdown in communication among healthcare workers. In 2014 approximately...


Nursing in the Current Work Environment

Caring for people’s health requires the attention of many professionals who use their expertise and specific skills. While nurses have significant knowledge about healing and skills for communicating with patients, they cannot perform all procedures and tests necessary for one’s recovery. For example, in some states, nurses cannot diagnose conditions...


Therapeutic Nurse-Patient Relationship

Importance of Interpersonal Relationships A nurse interacts daily with medical staff, patients, and their families as a part of the professional activities. The nurse must have interpersonal communication skills to ensure an adequate level of these contacts. The importance of interpersonal relationships lies in the fact that communication with the...


Strategy and Quality Practice in Nursing

Every nurse should think about improving the quality of the environment and patient care in her practice. Nursing theory and its complementary applied developments are used by the American Nurses Association (ANA) and other organizations as a framework for developing quality practice. Moreover, nurses need to be aware of nursing...


Nurses’ Role in Health-Illness Continuum

Introduction When caring for patients, it is critical to understand the health-illness continuum in connection to health and the human experience. The nursing profession emphasizes adaptability; health care providers offer treatment for patients in hospitals and communities, visiting patients in their homes and working in various locations (Fawcett et al.,...


Medical Errors: Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan

Introduction Medication errors (MEs) seriously threaten patient health conditions and outcomes. Therefore, ME reporting is crucial for prevention efforts; healthcare personnel should report MEs routinely to improve patient safety and care quality. However, the real-life MEs reporting rate reaches only the 57-61% mark (Jember et al., 2018; Rishoej et al.,...


Nurses’ Role in End-Of-Life Care

Even though there have been significant improvements in palliative care and the rise in hospice care programs in recent years, many elderly patients still die in special facilities. These include nursing homes, inpatients hospitals, assisted living facilities, continuing care retirement communities, and others (Kim et al., 2021). However, this is...


Tool Kit for the Medication Administration Safety Improvement Plan

Summary Continuous access to evidence-based information and educational materials is essential for the nursing profession’s development. Healthcare workers strive to improve their skills, knowledge, and competencies on a systematic basis to ensure the compliance of their performance quality with the highest standards. In such a manner, patient outcomes might be...


Evidence-Based Practice Model and Change Model

Introduction Providing a theoretical background for relevant models. ARCC model as an evidence-based practice framework. Kotter and Cohen’s model as a change methodology. Introducing the models into a clinical practice environment. Both models are useful change methodologies. Stimulating evidence-based activities is critical in clinical practice. Evidence-Based Practice Model ARCC model...


Allen’s Family Health Assessment

Assessing families in regards of their different attitudes allows to identify health issues and predict ones that can occur. Based on the functional health patterns of Gordon (1994), a family health evaluation of the Allens was performed. Three individuals make up the family: their eldest son Daniel, mother Katherine Allen,...


What Makes a Good Nurse Leader?

Introduction One can imagine a great list of essential qualities for a good healthcare leader. Academic researchers write big volumes of considerations about the necessary skill set. In this paper, the scope will be reduced to the topic of delegation. It by no means implies that delegation alone may solve...


The Scope of Practice in Nursing

An RN’s primary role is to provide hands-on care to patients, whereas a PN’s is to assist in the care of patients under the supervision of an RN. A practical nurse’s role is to assist physicians and registered nurses in their daily tasks. A registered nurse may prescribe medication and...


The Nurse Practitioner Modernization Act New York State 2022

Introduction Increasing the number of nurse practitioners (NPs) by broadening their scope of practice (SOP) may assist in fulfilling the rising demand for primary care. With no practice arrangements or guidelines, nurse practitioners with training would be able to practice autonomously from doctors (Martsolf et al., 2022). Practice partnerships and...


Technology Enhancing Nursing Quality and Safety

The goal of remote patient monitoring, a crucial component of healthcare, is to employ technology to keep track of patient’s health outside of conventional clinical settings. RPM is simply one delivery method utilized in the larger telemedicine sector. It refers to a particular technique used to transmit information electronically between...


The Roles of Unlicensed Assistive Personnel and Registered Nurses

Introduction Registered nurses (RNs) possess adequate skills that guide them when providing personalized and timely medical services to their patients. Due to the complexity of the profession, such experts are allowed to delegate various nontechnical activities to unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP). In my state, the relevant board of nursing has...


Nursing Discipline: Student-Centered Learning

Introduction In the nursing discipline, the students must be actively engaged by their lecturers in learning to ensure they develop much-needed concepts aligned with professional competencies and standards. The course is highly relevant to the professional nursing course as it makes the students explore more from the technical aspects and...


Liberal Arts Education is Valuable in the Nursing Field

Introduction A nurse goes above and beyond conducting diagnostic procedures, making clinical assessments, and dispensing medication in the medical profession. It concerns supporting someone while they are going through some of their most difficult situations in life through friendship and advocacy. Nurses will have the chance to attend training sessions...


Aspects of Nursing Theories and Models

Introduction Medicine and healthcare provision are developing more and more rapidly every year. This leads to the use of various frameworks, models, and theories of nursing in the practice of medical specialists. They help to optimize the work and make it more efficient. This work aims to examine these three...


Physical Assessment of a Child vs. an Adult

In the nursing practice, while conducting a physical assessment, it is important to take into consideration the age of the patient. Paying attention to the peculiarities of each age group can make the nursing assessment more effective and professional. There is a number of similarities as well as discrepancies between...


Nurses as a Link Between Doctors and Patients

Dr. Donald Berwick’s 2010 graduation speech at Yale was an inspiring call for all future doctors to be healers, not just elements in the mechanism of the medical system. He shared his personal experience of being at his wife’s C-section and witnessing his daughter’s birth and described the experience of...


Evidence-Based Practice and Models in Nursing

Scholarly research is one of the most important elements of the work of a DNP. According to the official source, nursing practitioners are responsible for promoting evidence-based practice through deliberate research activities aimed at improving the nursing profession (“American Association of Colleges of Nursing: DNP Essentials,” n. d.). Moreover, the...


The Iowa Model in Nursing Practice

PICOT Question P Population Staff Nurses I Intervention Mandatory policies securing adequate nurse-to-patient ratios. C Comparison Using scheduled customer appointments. O Outcome Improvement of the patient’s length of stay. T Timeframe 1 year PICOT Statement In an acute care Hospital, does implementation of mandatory policies securing adequate nurse-to-patient ratios (1:5),...


Error Analysis and Recommendations: Improving Patient Safety

Healthcare organizations occasionally experience errors due to individual problems of the medical team, system factors, or policies. Having a prompt medical error report system can help in mitigating the consequences. Thus, instead of blaming, it is better to use the root-cause analysis (RCA), establish the factors and timing of the...


The American Psychiatric Nurses Association: Membership Analysis

The sphere of psychiatry is constantly developing, addressing the most effective treatment approaches for collaboration and health care. Establishing professional therapeutic alliances plays an important role in nursing and mental healthcare services to support clients, use the necessary skills, and improve knowledge in staff, patients, and their families (Hartley et...


Advanced Practice Nurse Professional Development Plan

Introduction Nursing professionals have the capability to work with other people, provide care, establish communication and act as a leader in a medical care setting. The roles and responsibilities of nurses are also diverse. Morally and professionally, nurses ensure that patients are able to prosper and achieve fulfillment through good...


Aspects of Nursing Care and Teaching

Introduction Nursing care and teaching are two aspects that significantly vary in nursing practice. The problem statement in this article is to identify how theories taught in class influence nurses’ provision of care concerning evidence and experience. The article identifies those nurses use different approaches when providing nursing care. Some...


Comparison of Nola Pender and Virginia Henderson’s Theories

Introduction The healthcare system has improved significantly due to the implementation and application of nursing theories. The nursing concepts have aided doctors in their service provision, making them comprehend and interrelate the vital dimension within the nursing sector, which enhances patient-centered services. For instance, Virginia Henderson and Nola Pender focus...


Madeleine Leininger’s Middle-Range Theory

Introduction Theories present structured views of distinct aspects of the nursing profession. A nursing theory can guide practice, establish a basis for policies, and be involved in research (Mintz-Binder, 2019). Middle-range nursing theories offer clinically specific approaches to interacting with patients and colleagues, and Madeleine Leininger’s Culture Care theory (CCT)...


Proposal: Impact of Nursing Uniforms on Students’ Performance

The medical profession has numerous requirements for the students, and one of the most important aspects of it is wearing a specialized uniform. The standard blue scrub form is a remarkable detail that distinguishes the healthcare employee, and especially it relates to the nurses. During the training, it is crucial...


Conceptual-Theoretical-Empirical Structure (CTE) Evaluation

Conceptual models, theories, and empirical indicators have an association and are the foundational basis of nursing knowledge. The application of these nursing models and theories is essential in nursing education, practice, and research. As DNP-prepared nurses, it is an expectation that we understand the linkages and are able to implement...


Patient’s Self-Care Sources Analysis

Vardon-Bounes, F., Gracia, R., Abaziou, T., Crognier, L., Seguin, T., Alabaster, F., Geeraerts, T., Georges, B., Connolly, J., & Minville, V. (2021). A study of patients’ quality of life more than 5 years after trauma: A prospective follow-up. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 19(1), 18. Maintaining a high quality...


Middle-Range Theories in Nursing

The middle-range theories in nursing offer a narrow focus, which helps to relate grand nursing concepts to nursing practice. These theories provide ideas and low levels of complexity while guiding nursing practices, approaches, and research that are based on theory. One of the most important aspects of these theories in...


Disseminating the Evidence-Based Project Outcomes

The integration of evidence-based practice continues to advance, and disseminating its results remains the priority. It is due to the fact that through efficacious dissemination, obtained knowledge is shared, greater application of EBP is enhanced and further innovation is encouraged. Productive dissemination effectively engages the targeted audience and gives them...


Doctor of Nursing Practice Curriculum and Knowledge

A Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) is a clinical doctoral degree that prepares graduates for advanced nursing roles whose skills should include a high level of practice and leadership. Nurses who have passed DNP significantly impact healthcare systems’ quality, efficiency, and effectiveness (Smith et al., 2018). They make a significant...


Safe Nurse Staffing in Acute Care Hospital

Introduction Nursing is a core initiative in the healthcare service spectrum, and it is appropriate to have an appropriate number of nurses across the continuum. There must be an appropriate mix of education, experience, and skill that meets the normal working condition of the care in health facilities (Bianchi et...


Cultural Competence in Nursing

Social health determinants, including living and working conditions, are different for everyone. Health disparities can be addressed by utilizing the cultural competence of nurses. Cultural competence in nursing means delivering quality and effective care to various patients with diverse behaviors, values, beliefs, and attitudes. It is necessary to explore how...


Document Privacy & Liability Coverage in Nursing

Introduction Every healthcare provider is responsible for maintaining truthful and detailed documentation of their patient’s medical records. The majority of the gathered and recorded data consists of confidential information. As long as they are aware of the need to keep concise notes and know which elements of the record may...


Improving Health Care Delivery for Veterans with Opioid Dependency

Introduction Registered nurses are deeply involved in advocating for the patient’s needs and healthcare quality at the clinical facilities. As RNs are required to interact with patients, RNs’ contribution to the establishment of care services for vulnerable populations is especially valuable (Swan et al., 2019). Currently, veterans undergoing opioid treatment...


The Nursing Resilience Concept Analysis

Definition and explanation of the nursing concept Several definitions of resilience have been developed and widely used in nursing practice. the central aspects of the concept are quite similar. It is possible to define the concept as an “ability to return to normal after adversity and prosper with each stressful...


Nursing Theories and Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing The effects of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) have been reflected across nursing science, education and practice. Therefore the need for evidence-based practice health care quality and transformation and improvement underscores the call for effective, efficient, and safe care redesigning. Quality health care is defined as the degree...


Skin Examination, Proposed Diagnostics, and Treatment

There are minimal differences when it comes to skin examination and any other organ system. The primary task of the nurse practitioner should be to conduct a thorough assessment of patient history by means of a brief interview (Jensen, 2018). The questions should be focused on how skin disorders might...


Nurses in the Media in the Period of COVID-19

Today, millions of people use social media regularly and find it necessary and interesting to share personal information, judgments, and opinions. Many organizations and individuals address online services for professional needs and goals. Social media facilitates communication with colleagues in nursing but questions data content and quality. The National Council...


Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory

Frederick Herzberg developed a theory that identified two main factors: motivational and hygienic. The first has a direct influence on the effectiveness and inspiration of the professional, and the second has an indirect influence because they do not increase motivation, but in their absence, people feel uncomfortable (Sale, 2021). My...


Effective Treatment and Nursing Work Analysis

The job of a healthcare worker is significant and responsible. These people are of the utmost importance in treating patients and providing them with a full range of medical services. This can be as simple consultations with general practitioners, small discussions with psychologists, or complete treatment in a health care...


Guiding Principles to Academic-Practice Partnerships

Introduction The need to provide quality healthcare services has led to an agreement between the clinical practice settings and nursing schools to form a joint task force. The partnership aims to produce competent professional adequate health workers and engage in evidence practice. The collaboration enhances the exchange of ideas amongst...


A Nurse Leader’s Effective Characteristics

Introduction Organizational analysis plays a fundamental role in the stabilization of the healthcare sector. The process facilitates the appraisal of the healthcare facility’s growth, operations, and environment. The main focus is to provide a detailed description of the center’s structure and design. The efficiency of nursing care provided relies on...


Proposal to Support the Need for a Nurse Informaticist

The healthcare landscape has significantly advanced over the past centuries as more individuals have become aware of their right to quality medical services. In addition, the incorporation of information and technology solutions to health services has altered patient-clinician relationships and changed the face of the practice. However, these advancements are...


Professional Accountability in Nursing

Nursing is one of the most demanding and responsible professions in the world. This work and practice are directly related to the safety and well-being of the patient. Therefore, the term professional accountability is used to describe a nurse’s state of being accountable for one’s actions (Davis, 2017). Being held...


Implementing Emotional and Social Support in Nursing

Introduction Occupational stress is an emotional, perceptual, behavioral, and physiological reaction to unfavorable work, organization, and professional environment aspects. For medical staff and especially for nurses, it can manifest itself as burnout. It can be caused by staff or patient attitudes, increased workload, fear of removal from position, and low...


Nurse’s Role in Work With Native Americans

Perception of Birth A Nurse Must Understand Cultural Characteristics to Provide High-Level Care. Ideas About Life and Death Are Essential for Building a Dialogue With the Patient. Immersion in the Patients’ Views Is Critical to Building a Trusting Relationship Between Them and the Medical Staff. Native Americans Perceive Time as...


Community Health Nursing Roles

Introduction The two primary nursing disciplines, including Community Health Nursing (CHN) and Public Health Nursing (PHN), play an indispensable role in promoting the population’s welfare. People perceive the two concepts as inseparable and often use them interchangeably. However, CHN and PHN serve distinctive purposes in enhancing healthcare. CHN focuses mainly...


Nursing Informatics in Professional Development

Introduction The Healthcare system should be performant to guarantee high-quality care and improved patient safety. According to Gartner et al. (2022), fragmented healthcare processes are to blame for unnecessary long queues, interrupted information flows, superfluous examinations, and breakdown in service continuity. Healthcare stakeholders incorporated informatics to make the system performant....


Collaborative Decision-Making in Nursing

The nurse is a key link in the care of a person and is present with the patient at all stages of his recovery. At the same time, under nursing care, a complex is considered, including general control over the patient’s condition and the implementation of prescribed medical prescriptions. An...


A Nurse Practitioner’s Key Competencies

Scientific Foundations This competency guarantees that a nurse has skills in medical science. Pathophysiology and pharmacology are the introductory courses that future nurse practitioners take; they might also study other disciplines. For instance, psychiatric nurse practitioners undergo courses in neurology units, while surgical nurse practitioners must have training in operating...


Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Treatment

Introduction In some clinical cases, the strain on a person’s body makes it especially difficult for heart and lungs to fulfill their respective roles. As a result, it becomes necessary to assist the patient’s body in oxygenating blood. For such situations, there is an existing procedure that removes carbon dioxide...


Nursing Metaparadigm Concepts and Their Importance

Introduction The paper aims to evaluate the nursing metaparadigm from the perspective of my personal beliefs, thoughts, and feelings and indicate the interrelation of its components. The nursing metaparadigm covers several essential factors that influence the development of personal nursing philosophy, such as relationships between nurse and patient, work environment,...


Intercultural Approaches in Nursing

Overview of the Middle-Range Theory The person who first drew attention to the ethnic and cultural peculiarities of caring for patients of different nationalities, races, and religions was a nurse from America, Madeleine Leininger. She became the founder of the theory of diversity and the universality of cultural care (Lenardt...


Workflow Analysis of Patient Flow in the Emergency Department

Key: Critical patient taken to triage. Taken to physician. Either taken to lab or image. Assigned nurse upon getting from either lab or image. Admitted or discharged. Enhancing medical facility workflow by its management enables nurses to find it simpler to guarantee that each patient’s relevant patient information is readily...


Science of Unitary Human Beings in Nursing

Meaning Martha Rogers’ Science of Unitary Human Beings postulates that a human is a unitary being that is one with its universe. This means that the person and their environment are one and the same. The theory addresses the importance of the environment in patient care and explains how nursing...


Nursing PICOT Questions on Oncology

PICOT format is applicable to formulate questions that are evidence-based, researchable, and answerable. Well formulated PICOT questions lead to a clearer way of finding and evaluating evidence. PICOT is an acronym that stands for population or patient problem, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Time. This mechanism is normally applied in the...


Evidence-Based Practice and Its Significance

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is important to me because it can guide me toward making better choices to enhance patient outcomes. EBP incorporates the best information obtained through concerted and systematic research into decision-making in healthcare (Chiappelli, 2018). I am a dentist, and I am mostly concerned with evidence-based dentistry (EBD)...


Nursing Administration and Professional Standards

Introduction The American Nurses Association (ANA) has provided various guidelines on the performance of the nursing staff. The professional standards of nursing practice require that the nurses perform to the best of their best depending on the policies and regulations of the nursing association. The professional standards are specific rules...


Leaders and Managers Preventing Nurse Turnover

Introduction Nursing, when implemented correctly, impacts patient satisfaction and ensures quality care delivery at each medical facility. However, long hours increase workload leading to clinical burnout. Nurses affected by burnout may choose to leave their current health facility resulting in high turnover. The organizations they work for undergo consequences such...


Apn Professional Development Plan

Introduction The Healthcare system in the United States is complex and challenging to understand. Individuals interested in pursuing medicine have a wide range of opportunities not presented on a silver plate. The discussion in this paper shows nursing requirements in California based on education, licensure, and regulatory requirements. It also...


Aspects of Nursing Informatics

Nursing informatics is defined as the specialization that combines nursing science with numerous information and analytical sciences. The goal of nursing informatics is to discover, analyze, manage, and transmit data or knowledge into nursing practice (HIMSS, n.d.). Nurses do quantitative or qualitative research to determine the most effective therapies for...


Workplace Health Screenings and Wellness

Introduction People of today live in an interconnected society. With the benefits of modern technology, science and industry, it is possible for many to lead comfortable and convenient lives. The global community influences those that operate within it, and they influence it in turn. Living in an environment together with...


Nursing Cultural Assessment of Patients

Summary Nurses need to perform cultural assessments on patients to determine the health interventions that conform to the patient’s culture. One of the ideal models for conducting a cultural assessment is Purnell Model for Cultural Competence. This model uses twelve domains: heritage, communication, family roles and organization, workforce issues, biocultural...


Evidence-Based Practice Importance in Critical Care Environment

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) in nursing is defined as the thorough, clear, and thoughtful use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. “Best evidence” means incorporating scientific evidence from well-conducted clinical studies, including randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses, when available. When best evidence is not...


Nursing Standards Development in Illinois

The nursing standards of practice for Illinois must be developed with consideration of patient and public safety, quality of care, and relevant rules and regulations in the state. In this regard, the process should include the creation of educational program requirements, unified definitions and terms, licensure, procedures, the scope of...


Comparative Analysis of Nursing Conceptual Models and Theories

Nursing theory The nursing conceptual model provides the framework for observation, reflection and interpretation of a certain phenomenon, giving guidelines for clinical practices. On the other hand, nursing theory is structuring ideas in a rigorous and creative way to project a systematic view of phenomena. Middle range theory The technique...


The iCARE Concept in Nursing Practice

Introduction The inter-professional partnership greatly influences patients’ safety. In the absence of cross-professional collaboration, patients would be put in danger. Coming up with new ideas in health care centers can be stressful for nurses who deal with patients and medical professionals daily. Using iCARE concepts can significantly impact improving patient...


Behavioral System Model of Nursing

Johnson’s model is focused primarily on the behavior of patients and only then on their needs. Nursing care is divided into two important stages in theory under consideration, discussed later. During the first stage of observation and care of patients, the nurse should assess their condition. She should determine the...


A Nursing Dilemma of a Patient’s Dog in a Hospital

My hospital patient is an 82- year-old woman with no immediate family. According to the provided information, she lives alone with her dog. She asked me to let her bring the dog to the hospital to accompany her. My decision is based on Nightingale’s canons of nursing and caring. According...


The Concept of Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Both qualitative and quantitative research can serve as contributors to evidence-based practice (EBP) in nursing. Qualitative projects promote nursing EBP by producing evidence that eventually gives rise to empirically supported EBP interventions inspired by qualitative findings and theoretical assumptions about care processes, whereas quantitative ones add specificity and evidential value...


Establishment of Primary Stroke Centers

Introduction Primary stroke centers are special healthcare facilities that treat acute stroke patients and determine patients who require transfer to a higher level of care, such as comprehensive stroke centers. Primary stroke centers are certified by the Joint Commission if they meet standards for assessing, diagnosing, and treating stroke patients....


Advocacy for Health Care Professionals

Legislative advocacy emphasizes legislative development, implementation, and iteration. It can range from modest chores like working directly with a politician on bill wording to significant efforts like rallying tens of thousands of stakeholders or fans to call a legislator about a particular issue. It involves airing out views and taking...


Charging for Convalescent Care in Nursing

Nurses have different duties that they should combine at work, and not all of them are recognized by patients, their relatives, or the hospital. Nurses have official prices for their professional skills, but people typically disregard the fact that working with patients with psychological problems requires numerous emotional efforts from...


Diabetes Management and Solutions

Introduction Diabetes diagnosis and management seriously impact the healthcare system due to this disease’s increasing number. It is critically important to investigate the field, define current ethical and organizational problems, and offer effective solutions for diabetic patients. In this project, ethics, leadership, change management strategies, lack of knowledge about lifestyle...