📝 Essays on Healthcare Research

Healthcare Research

The Role of Race, Class and Gender in Healthcare

It is common for healthcare facilities to put an emphasis on a patient’s characteristics over social determinants of their well-being. In the United States, this bias stems from a long-lasting period of segregation and dehumanization of people based on their race and gender (Todic´ et al., 2022). One’s race, class,...

Healthcare Research

The Psychology of Brain, Psychiatric Disorders, Sleep and Emotions

The distinctions that exist between the right and left hemispheres of the brain are at the root of the conditions known as split-brain patients and lateralization of function. Furthermore, the concept of hemispheric lateralization, according to Allen et al. (2021) research expounds that each hemisphere of the brain is accountable...

Healthcare Research

Systems Theory Concepts in Healthcare

Family therapists operate from a systemic viewpoint, whether they observe one individual, a couple, or a family as a whole. It is critical to conceptualize problems within the context of the customer and acknowledge that the entire system contributes to problems through creation, maintenance, or resolution. The investigation of complex...

Healthcare Research

Spirituality Component in Healthcare Article

Summary The importance of spirituality for women facing breast cancer diagnosis: A qualitative study was conducted by Leão et al. in 2021. It was published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. The study recognizes breast cancer as a major health concern affecting women and identifies spirituality...

Healthcare Research

The COVID-19 Vaccination and Adverse Reaction

Introduction During a deadly pandemic, millions of Canadians and Americans declined to wear face masks and get vaccinated, despite scientific knowledge that both procedures were safe and effective. The present human behavior models ultimately failed to predict this reaction. Dubé et al. (2021) acknowledge that anti-vaccination movements are frequently blamed...

Healthcare Research

Impact of Health Information Committee’s Changes on Healthcare System

Introduction Changes, new policies, and documentation introduction can be stressful for the established system and its members. This is a particularly difficult challenge for the healthcare system, as medical professionals are at the forefront of all current crises, including medical, psychological, economic, etc. It means that medical workers have a...

Healthcare Research

Stroke: Relation of Social Determinants of Health

Background A stroke is a medical condition that causes poor blood flow to the brain. Subsequently, the brain cells die, causing severe health issues for the patient. Cardiovascular or coronary heart diseases (CHD) are diagnosed in more than 120 million Americans (Baptiste et al., 2021). Deaths from hypertension, heart failure,...

Healthcare Research

Human Immunodeficiency Virus Analysis

Typical Case The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) attacks the human immune system and erodes resistance to a variety of illnesses and cancers that healthy immune systems are better able to combat. Infected individuals eventually lose their immunological capacity as the virus kills and damages immune cells. The disease progresses in...

Healthcare Research

Alcohol Intake and the Risk of Preterm Birth

Variable 1 Variable 2 Name of Variable 1 (Provide Units or Categories) Quantitative (continuous) or Categorical? Name of Variable 2 (Provide Units or Categories) Quantitative (continuous) or Categorical? Appropriate Statistical Test to use Corresponding Research Question P value Pre-pregnancy BMI (mean + SD) Quantitative (continuous) Drinker type (non-drinker or drinker)...

Healthcare Research

Fundamental Principals of Care Coordination

Care coordination is a key area in which this presentation demonstrates the value of nurses. One of the nurse’s key responsibilities is ensuring their patients are happy with their care. Care coordination is based on the central tenet of nursing, which puts the patient at the center of all healthcare...

Healthcare Research

Biopsychosocial Model in Addiction Treatment

It is important to note that any form of illness, ailment, or public health issue is a complex and multifaceted problem. A perspective that focuses only on one particular aspect can derive a skewed and inaccurate picture of reality behind the potential causes. Therefore, solutions will likely be ineffective or...

Healthcare Research

Building Recreational Facility

Living a healthy lifestyle is vital for all individuals, regardless of age. Although most people believe that eating nutritious food is the only way of being healthy, there is more than that. Physical activities are other factors essential for bodily and psychological wellbeing (Ai et al., 2021). However, a considerably...

Healthcare Research

The Medicare Program and Its Importance

Medicare is the national health insurance program in the United States. If a person is 65 or older he or she can get Medicare insurance coverage. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services manage Medicare and divide services into parts A, B, C and D. Medicare Part A helps pay...

Healthcare Research

Healthcare System in the United States Explained to a Foreigner

Healthcare is an essential part of the social sphere and has as its goal the preservation and enhancement of the well-being of the population through preventive, therapeutic, and other medical activities. The fundamental role of healthcare as an integral part of society is recognized in the laws of all civilized...

Healthcare Research

Supporting Isolated Patients with COVID-19

Abstract Self-isolation is an essential policy and practice to stop the pandemic spread, and many countries introduced a series of mandatory lockdowns. However, there is a cost to this practice: isolated people tend to have mental issues connected with loneliness, fear, and the inability to contact those they love. The...

Healthcare Research

Effects of Unique Ethnic Culture on Indigenous People’s Health in Canada

Introduction: Situation Overview The geography of health is related to the topic of health and provides valuable information for public health policy and environmental health practice. Greenwood et al. show that the Canadian healthcare system is complex and often faces challenges with overlapping jurisdictions and medical traditions (Greenwood et al.,...

Healthcare Research

Antibiotic Stewardship Program Evaluation Analysis

After the synthesis of the penicillium, medicine has never been the same. Scientists found an effective way to fight various bacterial diseases and saved millions of lives. However, the extended usage of antibiotics led to another severe issue, antibiotic resistance of bacteria. Self-prescriptions, undertreatment, and relaxed usage of wide-spectrum antibiotics...

Healthcare Research

Adult Depression: Role of Adolescents Stress on Adult Life

Abstract Adverse childhood events are made up of stressful and potentially traumatic events linked with advanced risk of long-term behavioral problems and long-lasting illness, which add up to depression of the adolescents in their adult life. In this case study, an estimation of an adolescent between the ages of 16...

Healthcare Research

Premodern and Modern History of Medicine

Introduction The history of medicine refers to a discipline that studies medicine’s scientific, social, and technological development from primitive times to the present. As society evolved, its approach to diseases and treatment transformed, building on the existing body of knowledge accumulated by ancient civilizations and their descendants. The main elements...

Healthcare Research

Family Analysis and Health Management: Bronchial Asthma

Introduction For the present assignment, a family research approach was chosen in which several known generations are analyzed to determine the pattern of heredity for a particular disease. The family chosen for the current analysis was the extended family of the author’s best friend, consisting of at least four known...

Healthcare Research

The Functional Unit of the Kidney and the Cardiac System

The Role of the Nephron in Regulation of Urine Volume and Osmolality The kidneys are the fundamental organs of the excretory system. Their main functions are the excretion of products of metabolism, hydro electrolytic regulation, osmolarity and body acid-base balance, blood pressure, hormone secretion, and gluconeogenesis. Most of these tasks...

Healthcare Research

Follistatin-Like Proteins as Biomarkers for Metabolic Syndrome

In modern biomedical sciences, there is a continuous search for informative biomarkers that are present in biological pathways or pathological processes which can be identified for an accurate diagnosis or treatment. Follistatin-like proteins are one of these groups of potential biomarkers belonging to the family of acidic cysteine-rich secreted glycoproteins...

Healthcare Research

Incentivizing Healthy Habits: Incentivising Health

Among the cues that can have the most impact on changing healthcare behaviors, small and frequent incentives to encourage healthy behaviors, attainable thresholds with reward tears, different types of messaging, the “path of least resistance,” and modern technology use appear the most promising. For example, it is hard for people...

Healthcare Research

The Healthcare Systems in England and the United States

Introduction This paper aims to examine the health care system in England in comparison with the health care system in the United States. Thus, in England, all residents “are automatically through the National Health Service, including hospital, physician, and mental health care” (Tikkanen et al., 2020, para. 1). Health care...

Healthcare Research

Medical Error and Overdiagnosis

In healthcare, patient safety remains a critical priority, but errors persist in the field. Medical mistakes, which are common in hospital settings, represent a serious danger to patient well-being. A medical mistake is an unavoidable side effect of therapeutic treatment. Medical errors include various actions that lead to a non-beneficial...

Healthcare Research

Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare

Introduction Caring for patients with complex needs requires a multidisciplinary approach. Interprofessional collaboration (IPC) helps alleviate gaps in care delivery, ensuring that services are holistic, efficient, satisfying, and of consistent quality. However, implementing IPC is often challenging due to a broad spectrum of barriers at the inter-personal, organizational, or system...

Healthcare Research

Corynebacterium Diphtheriae Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction Among the most serious bacterial illnesses affecting people is diphtheria. Generally, it impacts the upper respiratory system, resulting in the production of pseudomembranes and occasionally asphyxia and death. Diphtheria toxin-induced widespread symptoms might make the disease more difficult to treat. Skin conditions and aggressive viruses, such as endocarditis, are...

Healthcare Research

Organization Overview and Electronics Health Record Recommendations

Summary A leading task of every healthcare organization is to deliver the best possible care to improve patient health outcomes. That is why these medical establishments look for ways to improve their performance. A suitable option is to rely on electronic health record (EHR) solutions since these interventions rely on...

Healthcare Research

The Relevance of Bedsores: Study’s Research Question and Methodology

Qualitative Research Question Why are pressure-relieving techniques considered the most relevant in preventing bedsores occurrence among hospital wards? Qualitative Methods and Data Collection Qualitative Method Description Study’s methodology is a way to relate research data to other basic sciences. The research methodology defines the relationships between the participants and variability,...

Healthcare Research

Evidence-Based Practice in Healthcare

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a potent tool that can advance healthcare in many ways, but it cannot bring success on its own. The application of EBP implies knowledge, understanding, skills, and relevant strategies from the staff. According to Melnyk et al. (2009), “EBP is a problem-solving approach to the delivery...

Healthcare Research

Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Laboratory

Introduction With the ever-changing state of health systems, a clinical laboratory professional must stay updated with the current systems. Incorporating Evidence-Based Practices increases the clinician’s relevance and improves patient outcomes. Many critics argue that this method is not an effective mode of Medical Laboratory. This paper will discuss how Evidence-Based...

Healthcare Research

Nursing Theory and Philosophy Discussion

Differences Between the Nursing Theory and Philosophies Regardless of the fact that a direct correlation exists between the nursing theory and philosophies of nursing, and these terms are frequently interchangeable, there are differences between them. Thus, the nursing theory, or model, may be defined as a particular framework that aims...

Healthcare Research

Prevention, Treatment, and Associated Burnout Issues Among Healthcare Providers/Nurses

Introduction: Clinical Question The work environment in intensive care units (ICUs) is notoriously stressful. Compared to other healthcare workers, ICU nurses are more likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Those who work in ICUs also report higher levels of anxiety and despair. Working in an intensive care unit...

Healthcare Research

The Impact of Mobile Phone Text Message Reminders on Immunization Rates

Introduction The purpose of this research is to evaluate the impact of mobile phone text message reminders on the obtainment of higher immunization rates among children in Northwest Ethiopia. In general, the improvement of vaccination coverage is among the major goals of the global healthcare system as full vaccination “is...

Healthcare Research

Research Project Methodology

Summary The central methodological approach underlying this study was a pilot study designed to test the feasibility of using a translated survey questionnaire to identify patterns of interest among the sample. In particular, since the research question of the project was an attempt to determine the attitudes of Saudis regarding...

Healthcare Research

Qualitative Research in Healthcare and Counseling

Key Differences between Qualitative and Quantitative Research Quantitative and qualitative research uses several techniques to gather and evaluate information necessary to answer different research questions. Quantitative research is based on testing theories and hypotheses, and data analysis is done through mathematical and statistical procedures. Qualitative research primarily focuses on exploring...

Healthcare Research

Plague and COVID-19 Pandemic: Comparative Analysis

Introduction Infectious diseases have always been one of the major threats to human societies. Throughout history, humanity has witnessed numerous outbreaks and pandemics that had a critical impact on various states’ evolution. They resulted in millions of deaths and required decades for communities to recover. For this reason, these diseases...

Healthcare Research

Triple Aim, Patient Safety: Case Study

Introduction The present review aims to analyze the case study through the lens of IHI modules, such as Triple Aim and Patient Safety. The Triple Aim module encompasses improving the treatment experience for patients, boosting public health, and lowering healthcare costs. Patient safety is instilled in all healthcare providers as...

Healthcare Research

Implementation Interventions in Preventing SSIs: Article Analysis

The research article focuses on the identity and implementation of interventions used in abdominal surgery to prevent surgical site infections (SSIs). The article’s purpose fits the need to determine changes that allow the association to create change with SSI reductions. Article interventions elaborate on actions taken before abdominal surgery and...

Healthcare Research

Discussion: Carbohydrates Within the Body

Carbohydrates can be divided into three main categories – starch, sugar, and fiber. Fiber is not digestible; it passes through the body undigested, helps with the body’s sugar usage, and controls the hunger level (Davidson). Consequently, the body is able to digest and absorb only two-thirds of the received carbohydrates....

Healthcare Research

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Treatment

After studying the results of Natalia’s tests, vitamin E should be recommended because its indicators are minimal. It is a good antioxidant and protects the immune system; it perfectly applies to Natalia’s disease. This vitamin is an effective nutrient for NAFLD. During the analysis of the indicators, excessive consumption of...

Healthcare Research

The Healthcare Industry: SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis provides internal and external information about specificorganizations from positive and negative perspectives. Strengths and weaknesses are related to the internal aspect, while opportunities and threats give examples of external factors (Wang and Wang, 2020). Advantages and disadvantages can be identified in the early stages of a business if...

Healthcare Research

Supply and Demand in Healthcare

Introduction The economy in the healthcare sector is very different from the economy in any other: entertainment services, the production of technology, or the light industry. It is due to several factors, among which the principle of the public good occupies a fundamental place. Treatment and medical care are common...

Healthcare Research

Pneumonia: Disease Overview and Prevention, Treatment Methods

Introduction Pneumonia is one of the most common lung diseases globally and is among the primary causes of hospitalization and mortality among the population worldwide. Although people of various ages have relatively equal chances of becoming sick, pneumonia has a much dire impact on children younger than five years old...

Healthcare Research

Qualitative Research on Surgical Site Infections

How can the recent recommendations from professional organizations and peer-reviewed articles help nurses identify effective pharmacological and non-medical interventions to minimize or prevent SSI? Qualitative Methods and Data Collection Qualitative research methods stress the relevance of focusing on each person as a holistic entity, influenced by the surroundings, to develop...

Healthcare Research

Importance of Autonomy Principles in Healthcare

In medical decision-making, both the patient and healthcare provider must be well aware of the importance of the autonomy principle. Indeed, the principle allows a patient to play a critical role in determining their own treatment plan based on credible information received from the hospital staff. The concepts of informed...

Healthcare Research

“Quiet Dissent” Study by Figg-Latham & Rajendran

Qualitative Article Figg-Latham, J., & Rajendran, D. (2017). Quiet dissent: The attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of UK osteopaths who reject low back pain guidance – A qualitative study. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 27, 97-105. Web. Introduction and Aim of Research This paper aims to critically appraise the article titled “Quiet...

Healthcare Research

History and Process of Health Policy-Making in US

Introduction Healthcare policies have been a sensational factor that determines the welfare of the people of the US for a long while. Although policymaking takes a long process due to legal implications, the execution of various clauses of law changes terms that help boost the provision of medical services. The...

Healthcare Research

Care as the Most Important Aspect of Medicine

Introduction Care is an essential element that organizes any medical activity. For pregnant women, the issue of care is critical because it accompanies the easy course of the pregnancy. The article I researched offers a broad view of interprofessional interactions useful in obstetrics and gynecology. It raises the question of...

Healthcare Research

Cognitive Health in Later Life

It is no secret that the brain’s cognitive abilities deteriorate over time. As awful as this may seem, the problems of advanced age are incurable, and all that can be done in such a situation is to support the person. The most widespread disease associated with aging and deteriorating brain...

Healthcare Research

Face Emotion Recognition in Autism Phenotype

Abstract The study was to ascertain the association between autistic individuals and their capacity to comprehend facial emotion expression. The study recruited two Autistic Traits (AT) groups (N=397, 277 females, 111 males and 9 non-binary, Mean= 20.94, SD=4.18). They were required to complete an Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) questionnaire and...

Healthcare Research

Social Medicine in “Beyond East and West” Article by Ernst

The article Beyond East and West considers medicine as a method of studying the history and social development of the South Asian states. An important aspect that Ernst emphasizes is that any historical study is often subject to propaganda or distortion of facts. Initially, Asian medicine was analyzed by the...

Healthcare Research

Managed Care and Case Management

Managed care refers to health insurance systems in which insurance companies create contracts with service providers to offer services at reduced costs. Because of this, one scenario in which managed care constitutes a viable solution is the family’s need for high-cost interventions, such as surgical oncology services for a child....

Healthcare Research

The Effectiveness of Acupuncture in Obesity

Treatment regimen An article by de Matos et al. (2021) describes a regimen with two treatment groups, and one control group experienced a low-calorie diet. The first treatment group received Vaccaria mustard seeds, which acted on points in the ears. Physicians chose all points under the classical options proposed by...

Healthcare Research

Reflections on Spirituality in Healthcare

At first glance, spirituality and healthcare might seem like incompatible concepts. The field of medicine is based on science, meticulous empirical research and is the ultimate expression of man’s triumph over nature. On the other hand, spirituality and religion are in many ways of vestige of more primitive times when...

Healthcare Research

Infant Mortality Rate in Black Mothers in the USA

Introduction Infant mortality is among the most evident and acute threats during the early phase of human development, and the reasons thereof are an important topic to study. Moreover, the disparities in infant mortality may demonstrate the lack of equal access to healthcare opportunities and, thus, indicate the larger problems...

Healthcare Research

Value-Based Purchasing Reform for Hospitals

The idea of value-based purchasing (VBP) is intended to encourage hospitals to provide higher-quality care for inpatients so that the latter would generally have a better healthcare experience. On the most basic level, VBP is a form of performance management that seeks to tie the quality of care in a...

Healthcare Research

Aspects of Health Promotion Plan

Introduction A health promotion plan is vital for facilitating community wellness through healthy practices. This promotion plan is tailored to Columbian parents, teenagers, and school representatives. The main goal of this plan is to educate the audience on practical strategies that can minimize teenage pregnancies, which have been a significant...

Healthcare Research

History of United States Health Care System

Introduction The report discusses the history of the U.S. healthcare system; it presents the most significant political, legal, and regulatory factors that have contributed to the current U.S. healthcare system state. Additionally, the paper compares the differences in spending patterns based on GDP and infant mortality as metrics between the...

Healthcare Research

Comparison of Rates of Type 2 Diabetes by Sun et al.

Introduction Over the past few years, there have been increased cases of type 2 diabetes in the United States. It is approximated that every 2 out of 10 individuals in the United States had this infection between 2013 and 2016. The number of youths with type 2 diabetes has increased...

Healthcare Research

Healthcare Initiative: Role as a Healthcare Advocate

Nowadays, there is still an urgent need to improve healthcare and make sure that morbidity and mortality rates are decreased. In order to achieve that, it is required to implement various initiatives and action plans that are aimed at both increasing the competence and skills of medical providers and making...

Healthcare Research

Innovative Trends in Medical Radiography

The benefits of technology in the medical field are vast, from treatment to disease research, and from radiography to cure research. As highlighted by Stai et al. (2019), the use digital healthcare technologies like robotics, artificial intelligence, nuclear imaging, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) have made diagnoses and...

Healthcare Research

Latino Women’s Healthcare Issues

The health and well-being of some populations in the United States are not adequately addressed, and some communities suffer from substantial disparities. As a result, the members of these communities have worse health outcomes when compared to other communities. The population of Latino women in the United States suffers from...

Healthcare Research

Chocolate Intake and Heart Disease & Stroke

It is common knowledge that a person’s eating habits can directly affect their health. Some products, such as vegetables, have positive outcomes, and other products, such as fast food, have more negative effects. However, most products like chocolate can differently influence the human body. The impact of chocolate on one’s...

Healthcare Research

Advantages and Disadvantages of Renal Diet

Although nutritionists tend to promote a general pattern of a healthy diet among the population, some medical conditions require more attention and a tailored approach to consuming various nutrients. It is necessary as these nutrients potentially contribute to the quality of recovery. A prime example of such a medical condition...

Healthcare Research

Effective Communication With Members of the Healthcare Team

According to observations patients in rooms 349, 339D, 343D, 341D, and 347D had BTH/SHWR in the morning. At the same time, in the afternoon, BTH/SHWR was seen in patients in rooms 335W 341W. Additionally, in the morning, it was noticed that Krist’s patient was coded. As a result, the respiratory...

Healthcare Research

Use of Radioactive Elements in Medicine

Radioactive elements are those elements that are unstable and have excess nucleus energy and gain stability by giving off atomic radiation. Atoms with extra neutrons and protons create extra energy in the nucleus rendering the atom unbalanced. The radiation emitted transforms radioactive elements into another chemical form that may be...

Healthcare Research

The International Organization for Migration Recommendations

The International Organization for Migration was able to develop a sophisticated set of recommendations that would encompass the field of development for all the activities related to nursing practices. It is an essential initiative since nursing represents a crucial part of healthcare services that directly refer to ordinary people. The...

Healthcare Research

Pap Smear Screening: Benefits and Barriers

Hypotheses The null hypothesis for the study completed by Tung (2010) was as follows: Pap smear use in Vietnamese American women contains more potential disadvantages rather than opportunities, and a reduced number of study participants are going to resort to Pap smear because of being afraid of testing results and...

Healthcare Research

Everyone Should Be Trained in Emergency Medical Care

Introduction Emergency care is essential to manage the time between when a victim is injured or develops a sudden acute illness and the moment professionals start treating the patient. That is when the ambulance arrives, and another therapy begins in a medical facility. First aid can be performed by a...

Healthcare Research

Picture Exchange Communication System for Autists

PECS’ functioning is based on the usage of images and other visual illustrations of real objects. Specifically, “this system uses figures/photographs selected according to the lexical repertoire of each individual” (Santos et al., 2021, p. 2). Overall, there are six phases comprising the training process using PECS. The first is...

Healthcare Research

Analysis of Healthcare Delivery Systems

During the last eight weeks, several interesting surprises about US health care were identified. I was confident that the US government did everything possible to control most healthcare delivery decisions. At the same time, it was interesting to find out that some insurance should take many financial risks when premiums...

Healthcare Research

Aspects of Reflective Practice Models

The notion of reflective practice means deep and conscious thinking about the experience and learning through reflection. Many reflective models were created to indicate the direction of thinking. Different theories cover similar points through distinctive approaches: some models are easier to follow and apply, while others are complex and imply...

Healthcare Research

Strategies for Private and Public Partnerships

Healthcare is a basic right for every human being, therefore, achieving the best possible level of healthcare is important. Private and public partnerships have been constructively considered in recent years to better health sectors in various counties. Given the growing complex nature of the ecosystem of healthcare, it is this...

Healthcare Research

Autism and Social Communication

Pivotal Response Training (PRT) Description: Pivotal Response Training is an intervention which relies on the principles of applied behavior analysis to enhance communication skills in people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The approach focuses on addressing skills which are essential for the development of communicative, social, and behavioral abilities of...

Healthcare Research

Quality of Care and the Patient’s Ability to Pay

Introduction The issue of access to healthcare has gained particular urgency and importance over the past decade. Due to the emergence of several major health threats, particularly, the coronavirus pandemic, and the persistence of some of the prevalent public health issues, such as diabetes, an increasingly greater number of people...

Healthcare Research

Social Behavioral Determinants of Health and the Omaha System

Social behavioral determinants of health, or SBHD, are factors such as socioeconomic status, educational background, physical environment, employment, social support system, access to healthcare, and a variety of other aspects that influence an individual’s wellbeing. Issues with both physical and mental health stem from such social determinants, and in order...

Healthcare Research

The Role of Client in the Counselor’s Decision to Integrate Theories

The integrated therapeutic model is effective for clients and prepares them for actions to change behavior (Karekla, 2018, p. 6). Firstly, the client should be interested in a positive outcome of therapy. In addition, it must agree and support the methods in the sessions as this will guarantee self-regulation and...

Healthcare Research

Overweight and Obesity: Lifestyle Modification Approaches

Obesity and overweight are health conditions characterized by excess weight that contribute to the emergence of comorbidities, mental health issues and low quality of life. People tend to downplay the seriousness of being overweight, though being over underestimated, this condition is hazardous, health-harming, defined with high mortality rates. Treatment of...

Healthcare Research

Discussion of Maternal Death Causes

In some cases, women experience complications during pregnancy and delivery, and some instances lead to the death of the mother and infant. According to WHO (2019), the current rates of maternal mortality are unacceptably high. Moreover, the majority of these deaths are a result of preventable causes and could be...

Healthcare Research

Coding for Laboratory Services

Proprietary and local titles for laboratory tests frequently lack sufficient description to distinguish between tests that are comparable. In order to avoid having to provide a long description for every single test, laboratories must be able to give codes that include sufficient information for translating between laboratories. Providing laboratories with...

Healthcare Research

Hydroxychloroquine as Remedy Against COVID-19

It goes without saying that the spread of COVID-19 across the globe has forced scholars and healthcare providers to undertake all efforts to find appropriate treatment. In March 2020, Didier Raoult, the prominent French microbiologist, suggested the combination of azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine as an efficient remedy for the coronavirus. His...

Healthcare Research

Purdue Global Library Search for Gene Therapy

Purdue Global Library is one of the leading research databases in the world. The site contains millions of publications on different disciplines and research topics. Using the library led to the identification of the clonal rodent beta-cell lines and incretin-based therapies as two gene therapies used to manage diabetes. The...

Healthcare Research

Ethnic Background and Pain: Sikh Culture

The cultural background and genetics affect the pain threshold and the psychological attitude towards the phenomenon of pain in general. Ethnicity and the view of both the world and oneself in this world are directly related. This also applies to the characteristics of pain perception and pain responses. On the...

Healthcare Research

The Antimicrobial Resistance in India

Introduction Antibiotics have improved Health and saved the lives of countless people worldwide by allowing them to treat bacterial infections successfully. Several health organizations have identified antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as a global problem, and antibiotic-resistant organisms cause major sickness and mortality. Effective and novel medicines, as well as prevention efforts,...

Healthcare Research

Pressure Ulcers: Legal Protection against Health Workers

Pressure ulcers are wounds on the membrane and the underlying muscles brought by excessive pressure on a certain part of the membrane. Pressure Ulcers are common on the heels, spine, elbows, the base of the spine, and hips. Early symptoms include; the part of the body under pressure loses its...

Healthcare Research

What if Client Doesn’t Want to Terminate?

Psychological treatments often face the challenge of premature termination, which sometimes decreases the chance of successful outcomes. In such situations, a therapist should be ready to deal with dropout attempts by convincing their customer to carry on through the treatment. However, on some occasions, a therapist can encounter an exact...

Healthcare Research

Provision of Healthcare: Impact of Language

Introduction Effective communications are essential for the provision of quality healthcare services. Efficient communication allows patients to describe symptoms and give feedback regarding medical interventions. For healthcare providers, efficient exchange of information with clients facilitates accurate diagnosis, planning on a management plan, and assessing the efficacy of medical interventions. Any...

Healthcare Research

Diet Pills are not the Best Option to Lose Weight

Obesity is a global problem that is associated with various chronic conditions. These comprise stroke, coronary artery disease, heart failure, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, gastrointestinal and reproductive cancers, fatty liver disease, gallstones, obstructive sleep apnea, and osteoarthritis. “Changing the lifestyle that an individual lives such as exercising, and diet...

Healthcare Research

The Value of the Spirituality in the Care of the Terminally Ill People

Introduction Spirituality, together with psychological and physical wellness, is an essential aspect of terminally ill patients’ life quality. Terminally ill patients frequently question their faith, a phenomenon that is well documented in research. Yet, in many end-of-life situations, the ability of spirituality to enhance the life quality of patients facing...

Healthcare Research

Older Adult’s Perspective on Memory and Work-Life Performance

Abstract The paper is devoted to investigating the aging process and the specific changes in individuals emerging with age. The given process acquires increased topicality because of the growing number of adult populations globally. For this reason, it becomes critical to investigate the peculiarities of their transition from one stage...

Healthcare Research

Analysis of the Mosaic of Despair Among Prisoners

Prisoners suffering from mental disorders are a particularly vulnerable group in prisons and identify a whole range of needs, especially when it comes to protecting their rights and providing appropriate assistance. All prisoners are at risk of developing mental disabilities while in prison, and factors such as overcrowding, various forms...

Healthcare Research

The Birth of Jesus: The Risks and Protective Factors to Infant Development

Infant advancement happens as a continuous natural and mental cycle impacted by the climate, guardians, local area, and society. The key risk factors known to influence infant or toddler development might be extensively gathered into those influencing the climate where the infant and family reside, frequently named the social determinants...

Healthcare Research

Health Care Information Review Proposal

Introduction Approximately 25 million Americans are asthmatic, which equates to one asthmatic person in a group of 13 people. This data justifies the need to address the surge in the number of infected by assessing the quality-of-care asthmatic patients receive (Menzies-Gow et al., 2018). Furthermore, everyone is prone to contracting...

Healthcare Research

Summary of Type 2 Diabetes Clinical Issue

The treatment strategy for type 2 diabetes in old age patients should prevent and minimize the risk of developing hypoglycemic conditions. Elderly patients with type 2 diabetes are at high risk of developing hypoglycemia, which threatens their lives. Myocardial infarction, severe arrhythmia, cerebral stroke, coma, and other dangerous consequences can...

Healthcare Research

Big Data in Healthcare Industry

Introduction Like other industries, the healthcare sector has adopted the use of big data, which presents both benefits and challenges. It is not just the amount of data that matters; instead, it is what organizations do with the information that is important. Big data allows a large amount of data...

Healthcare Research

The Obesity and Overweightness Epidemic

Medical specialists strongly advise sustaining a stable body weight as a method of ensuring perfect health. Substantial deviations from a person’s normal body mass, intended to preserve, can lead to serious health problems and obesity. Obesity is a clinical disease in which extra body fat has gathered to the point...

Healthcare Research

Pressure Ulcer Prevention Education Plan

Introduction Pressure ulcers (PUs), otherwise known as bedsores, are a common problem for patients, especially older adults, whose movement is limited. This problem brings significant losses to healthcare and inconvenience to patients. The International Pressure Ulcer Prevention Survey found that the prevalence of PUs in hospitals varied from 8 to...

Healthcare Research

The US Healthcare System: Main Problems

The health system or healthcare system includes organizations, institutions, and resources that participate in the process of providing health care services to the population. The healthcare system is one of the most important aspects of modern life, which serves as the central part of the foundation for humanity’s progress, productivity...

Healthcare Research

Stress Management in Healthcare

Introduction Stress management involves ways in which one combats or solves issues that affect them psychologically. Healthcare workers may timely be affected by stress because of the nature of their work (Phillips & Becker, 2019). Additionally, patients also get stressed due to the levels of ailment and the feasibility of...

Healthcare Research

Health and Wellness Coaches and Their Role

Introduction Wellness coaching as a field has roots in psychology, behavioral change theory and life coaching, and the general healthcare industry. In other words, it seeks to bridge the gap between traditional healthcare options and behavioral changes. This means that health and wellness coaches are professionals who can work both...

Healthcare Research

Discussion of Physician-Assisted Suicide

Introduction Following the controversy surrounding its execution, physician-assisted suicide (PAS) has sparked a never-ending discussion. Assisted suicide occurs when a patient expresses a desire to die and asks a doctor to assist him or her in doing so. The latest advancements in mechanical devices and life-saving measures resulting from medical...