📝 Essays on Healthcare Research

Healthcare Research

Medicalization of Women’s Health

The forms of medicalization of women’s health include the control of childbearing, the control of menstruation and the treatment of premenstrual syndrome. On the way to adulthood, and then to aging, a woman continues to meet with the medicalization of her health: menopause is also kept under control. Control over...

Healthcare Research

Research of Cocaine Use and It Effects

Description of Cocaine Cocaine is a highly addictive and widely consumed illicit drug in the world. In South America, coca leaf products are commonly used in cultural and traditional medicine. The history of this plant as an integral part of the Andean lifestyle has been known for thousands of years...

Healthcare Research

Learning, Knowing and Checking Sources in Nursing

Even though arguments presented in various information resources appear to be sound, not all written sources are reputable. To assess the trustworthiness of a piece of writing, I examine numerous factors connected to the content as well as the person or publisher who provides it. According to Esparrago-Kalidas (2021), this...

Healthcare Research

Possible Side Effects of Morphine Use

In palliative medicine, such opioids as morphine, hydromorphone, codeine, oxycodone, hydrocodone, and fentanyl are used for pain relief. According to Deer et al. (2019), they do not have a ceiling dose and do not reduce or reverse the effects of other full agonists given concurrently. Among the above drugs, morphine...

Healthcare Research

Discussion of Childhood Obesity

Summary Childhood obesity has been underrated as its effects are undermined. Childhood obesity is associated with gene inheritance and the general deity of the child. Genetic makeup that contains information about obesity can be passed from a parent to a child. Obesity occurs when a child consumes a lot of...

Healthcare Research

Impact of COVID-19 on Infancy & Toddlerhood

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly influenced human life in several different areas. A few areas that were negatively affected by the pandemic in a major way are women’s experiences with pregnancy and birthing. Some postpartum aspects, such as feeding young children, were also influenced by the conditions imposed by the pandemic...

Healthcare Research

The Use of Clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies

The implementation of new technologies in healthcare opens a variety of new opportunities for clinical systems. In order to provide a thorough implementation of technology, the informaticists evaluate the evidence of the positive influence that the considered technologies offer to the clinical processes and develop clinical system strategies. In the...

Healthcare Research

Discussion of Logical Model in Healthcare

A mental health service provider in Pennsylvania, Brookline Teen Outreach, helps youth and young adults who are experiencing mental health-related difficulties. Since its inception in March 2016, the group has provided services to thousands of students. They are constantly looking for ways to improve their services and make them more...

Healthcare Research

Importance of Culturally Sensitive Healthcare

Culturally centered and culturally sensitive approaches to healthcare The culturally sensitive health care approaches are the approaches that involve responsiveness to groups of people of the same ethnicity, nationality, or religion, as well as their circumstances. Alternatively, a culturally sensitive health care approach is the approach that is focused on...

Healthcare Research

Counseling Clinical Supervision

Introduction Clinical supervision occurs when a senior practitioner oversees and monitors a junior member’s practice in order to increase his/her quality of service. The counseling profession has its ethical standards and particular tools to ensure compliance among practitioners when they face decision-making issues (Francis & Turner, 2020). The most critical...

Healthcare Research

Lack of Patient Education on Obesity by Healthcare Professionals

Numerous patients need information about medical care. Healthcare workers should evaluate their patients to pinpoint the ideal approach to instruct them about their wellbeing and decide the amount they think about their ailment. Given the undeniable degrees of obesity in the populace, quantities of individuals in out-of-home consideration, and information...

Healthcare Research

Implementing Nursing Telehealth to Improve Care at Alexandria Medical Center

Introduction Rural areas often face disparities in healthcare across the United States. Some of the healthcare gaps are related to fewer resources and higher poverty rates. To be able to support access to health care and resources would help to contribute to improved health outcomes in addition to a better...

Healthcare Research

Arteriovenous Fistula in Hemodialysis Patients

Purpose of the Study The goal of this study was to see how effective structured treatments were in reducing the frequency of AVF self-care behaviors in ESRD patients enrolled in traditional HD programs (Souza et al., 2020). Type of Research & the Design This was quasi-experimental research involving HD patients...

Healthcare Research

WebMD: The Health Website Analysis

WebMD is a health website that caters to the all-around health needs of the population. It is a friendly website with clear images that illustrate the various points discussed. It has five primary tabs under which information is classified: health A-Z, drugs & supplements, living healthy, family & pregnancy, and...

Healthcare Research

Public Health Community Analysis for Dougherty County, Georgia

Analyzing health records and statistics is vital for understanding the current trends in public health issues and the development of new concerns, as well as the assessment of the implemented interventions and the promotion of target audiences’ education. The available data sources indicate that the state of public health in...

Healthcare Research

Obesity as a Main Issues in American Society

Nowadays, obesity has become one of the most relevant and prominent issues in the United States, given its epidemiological character and higher risk of developing other diseases. Besides traditional causes of obesity, the academic community has revealed other factors contributing to the respective issue; notably, it concerns the ethnic or...

Healthcare Research

Health Belief Model and Transtheoretical Model SWOT Analysis

Health Belief Model The Health Belief Model (HBM) was developed in the 1950s by behavioral scientists from the US Public Health Service (Green et al., 2020). Since its development the HBM has been used frequently in the health behavior research around the globe; over the decades the model has been...

Healthcare Research

Saudi Healthcare Emergency Preparedness to COVID-19

Introduction Contemporary global society has developed an extensive domain of emergency response measures based on prior experiences, scientific knowledge, and technological development. The amount of tools capable of managing an emergency is expected to help humanity cope with challenges and contingencies. However, as the recently emerged COVID-19 pandemic illustrated, health...

Healthcare Research

Healthcare Research Methods and Observations

Research article Ethnographic study of incidence and severity of intravenous drug errors by Taxis and Barber (2003b) uses observation for qualitative data collection. Wards and hospitals were selected for observation through a purposive sampling strategy, followed by a pilot test to determine 10 wards (Taxis & Barber, 2003b, p. 1)....

Healthcare Research

Activity-Dependent of Parathyroid Hormone and Calcium-Phosphorus Metabolism

The article entitled “Physical activity-dependent regulation of parathyroid hormone and calcium-phosphorous metabolism” looks upon how exercise may contribute to alterations of parathyroid function through changing the levels of mediators and hormones. Lombardi et al. (2020) investigate how physical training impacts calcium and phosphate levels through energy consumption and look into...

Healthcare Research

Review of “Walking for Fitness” by Nina Barough

Barough introduces great reasons and tips for a walk and proves this is one of the best ways to get in exercise with little effort. Exercise has for quite some time been demonstrated to assist with mental and actual wellness. Whether you disdain working out, walking is an extraordinary way...

Healthcare Research

Acne Treatment Plan’s Efficacy and Safety

Introduction Acne is a protracted inflammatory skin infection and is the most common skin ailment. It is normal for teenagers to contract acne, which is caused by hormones that cause pores to become clogged and infected with some bacteria (Chen et al., 2018). Therefore, the condition is peculiar in the...

Healthcare Research

Comprehensive Care Coordination Plan

According to the Preliminary Care Coordination Plan, acute respiratory failure is a significant issue affecting the population. Since the document presented a general overview of the problem, it is necessary to research the literature to identify evidence-based practices. Such an approach is required to ensure that the given plan offers...

Healthcare Research

Lewin’s and Lippitt’s Theories of Change in Healthcare

Implementing strategies that will benefit the quality of care is an essential task for health care organizations. To introduce novel changes properly and secure the necessary improvements, it is required to utilize specific approaches that allowed to yield the desired prospects, avoiding potential complications. Although there are several choices regarding...

Healthcare Research

The Digestion Process from the Beginning to the End

Digestion is the process where larger food particles are broken down into smaller particles that can easily be absorbed by blood plasma. Digested food particles after the absorption of nutrients help produce energy, growth, and repair cells. The paper will emphasize the process of digestion from the ingestion of food...

Healthcare Research

How Has Radiology Changed Medicine

The research question is: How has radiology changed medicine? “Advances in imaging and information technology have increased the importance of the radiologist not only by increasing utilization of diagnostic imaging, but also by moving the radiologist into a more central role in integrated patient care” (Knechtges & Carlos, 2007, p....

Healthcare Research

Ethics of Studying Hyperphosphatemia and Chronic Kidney Disease

Introduction When investigating the development of methods to prevent hyperphosphatemia and chronic kidney disease, a researcher is particularly concerned about the following ethical principles of study participants’ sampling, recruitment, and data collection and reporting. Through ethical research, one can ensure that the study’s findings are aligned with ethics and provide...

Healthcare Research

Chronic Pain Assistance in Los Angeles Area

Introduction It is important to note that the Los Angeles area has a number of viable options in regard to chronic pain assistance measures. The three identified ones are TMJ Expert Dr. Eddie Siman, Pain & Healing Institute, and Dr. Carr Integrative Physical Therapy. The given assessment will focus on...

Healthcare Research

Decision-Making Process and Services in Healthcare

The process of reaching a consensus in terms of a specific setting has now become one of the most crucial notions in the context of management and enterprise development. Previously, the decision-making was the responsibility of the top management, creating a rather authoritative approach to the concept. Thus, it was...

Healthcare Research

Pharmacists and Medical Terminology

Overview of Pharmacists and Medical terminology Pharmacists are specialists in medicine who help people in the provision, usage, preservation and storage of medicine. Pharmacists help people live a healthy life by providing solutions through medication to cure diseases and illnesses. In the pharmacy or medical world there exist terminologies that...

Healthcare Research

Effects of Classic Psychedelics on Physical Health

Popular Media Critique The article’s headline is based on the assumption that psychedelic drug users tend to have better overall physical health than non-users. Based on the article, I anticipate a quantitative study approach. The anticipated variables include the psychedelic drugs being studied and potential health outcomes. In summary, the...

Healthcare Research

Impact of Problem of Bias in Healthcare

Implicit biases include associations outside of conscious awareness that leads to a person’s negative assessment based on irrelevant characteristics such as race, gender or age. Health care providers display the same level of implicit bias as the general population. The interaction between the patient’s multiple characteristics and the healthcare professional...

Healthcare Research

Metabolism, Sleep, and Obesity

Introduction Today, much attention is paid to the quality of sleep and its impact on various disorders and health problems. This presentation discusses the relationship between three issues: metabolism, sleep, and obesity. Sleep is connected to hormonal and metabolic changes, provoking imbalance and disruption of functions. As soon as metabolism...

Healthcare Research

Evidence-Based Care Plan for Vila Health Remote Collaboration

Villa Health Remote Collaboration Scenario In the media scenario, various stakeholders are looking for a solution concerning Caitlynn, a two-year-old patient who has pneumonia. Caitlynn has been admitted for the second time in six months at Valley City Regional Hospital. With the intervention of Dr. Erica Copeland and Virginia Anderson,...

Healthcare Research

The Sick Role Theory by Talcott Parsons

The Sick Role Theory developed by Talcott Parsons in 1951 has remained a substantial trace in modern sociology. The researcher claimed that a sick role is a form of deviant conduct allowing humans to diverge from obligatory social tasks from time to time. The four characteristics of the sick role...

Healthcare Research

Mental Health Influences During the Pandemic

While social distancing and other lockdown and preventative measures have worked to reduce the occurrence of Covid-19 cases, they have had a negative effect on the mental wellbeing of a lot of individuals. Mental healthcare barriers, job loss, loss of childcare, and the loss of family and loved ones have...

Healthcare Research

Can the Detection Dog Alert on COVID-19 Positive Persons?

The current critique focuses on the article “Can the Detection Dog Alert on COVID-19 Positive Persons by Sniffing Axillary Sweat Samples? A Proof-of-Concept Study” by Grandjean et al. The article under review is an experiment to determine whether trained dogs can identify COVID-19 positive individuals by their sweat samples. A...

Healthcare Research

History of Colonization and Healthcare

As a healthcare professional, there are a lot of considerations one must take into account. The well-being and safety of patients are a consideration that requires constant attention and focus. Different patient demographics, however, have differing needs, depending on their lived experiences or background. Persons from marginalized groups often require...

Healthcare Research

Measurement Systems and Methods in Healthcare

Feedback about any experience is crucial for its provider, and healthcare is the sector where the client’s opinion and outcomes determine the course of development. Nash et al. (2019) claim that “in multiple analyses of the independent drivers of patients’ global ratings of care, the measures that have consistently emerged...

Healthcare Research

Therapeutic Exercise: Stretching and Strength

In this chapter, we learned the basic rules and variations of stretching exercises and warming up and calming down before and after a workout. Stretching promotes optimal blood flow throughout the body and prevents varicose veins, obesity, heart disease, and arthritis. Stretching is a powerful weapon against the ruinous sedentary...

Healthcare Research

Evidence-Based Practice in Type Two Diabetes Treatment

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) remains a severe healthcare issue for patients both worldwide and in the US alone. Despite the variety of approaches to the treatment of T2DM, there is no explicit clinical evidence on the superiority of any of them. The motivation behind the scholarly inquiries presented by...

Healthcare Research

Delegation for Nursing Leadership

Role of the Day Charge Nurse in Assisting Ms. Clark Delegation in nursing practice denotes the practice of sharing responsibilities with other caregivers to maintain a certain level of service and ensure favorable working conditions for caregivers (Marthaler, 2018). The day charge nurse is obligated to assign some tasks to...

Healthcare Research

Critique of “Streptococcal Infections” Website

The purpose of the website “Streptococcal Infections (invasive group A strep, GAS)” is to provide comprehensive information on the bacteria Group A streptococci, how it is spread, the diseases caused by the bacteria, signs and symptoms of these diseases, the diseases’ prevalence, risk groups for the diseases caused by the...

Healthcare Research

Impact of Barriers of Healthcare in LGBTQIA

The barriers LGBTQIA folk face when accessing reproductive health care Stigma and healthcare providers’ lack of awareness of the unique needs of LGBTQIA are the main barriers hindering this group from accessing quality reproductive healthcare. Some healthcare workers change their attitudes and become uncomfortable once they realize that their patient...

Healthcare Research

Ethical Directive Catholic Social Teaching

Introduction Catholic social teaching (CST) is one of the central doctrines that claim human dignity and the common good as its main values. They spread across all the spheres of life, including medical services. CST sees all humans’ well-being as a result of collaboration between medical science and the Church...

Healthcare Research

Healthcare System in US vs. UK, Canada, Germany

Introduction Throughout history, every country has elaborated its healthcare system with distinctive features formed based on particular philosophies, local traditions, and views. In this regard, despite many economic and political commonalities of the United States with the most developed countries, its healthcare system is strikingly different and unique, especially in...

Healthcare Research

Similarities and Differences of Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Qualitative studies aim to explore the meaning of one or another phenomenon to answer “why” questions, while quantitative studies focus on predicting possible results to address “what” questions (Polit & Beck, 2017). The paradigm of the quantitative article by Droulers et al. (2017) refers to calculating the size and measuring...

Healthcare Research

Asthma Studies and Randomized Control Trial Design

Randomized control trial design might be beneficial for the studies that explore the public health issue, and their results are frequently interpreted for a lay audience and published in popular sources. For instance, Newswise has recently posted an article, “Group-randomized Trial Showed Significant Improvement in Asthma Control Among Urban Black...

Healthcare Research

Gender Differences in Myocardial Infarction

Abstract Many studies have been done to establish if there are gender differences in patients having a myocardial infarction. This paper looks at various literature materials written on the same topic. After the introduction, there is a review of various studies that have been done to establish if there are...

Healthcare Research

Oral Cleanliness in Daily Users of Powered vs. Manual Toothbrushes

Oral hygiene interventions are commonly discussed in current studies to clarify the most effective techniques for specific population groups. The article by Petker et al. (2019) reports the results of the comparison of the effectiveness of powered and manual toothbrushes among daily users. In this discussion, data collection methods, purposes,...

Healthcare Research

The Effect of COVID-19 on Adolescence

The COVID-19 pandemic has had unprecedented impact on humans since the first case was reported in late 2019, changing the way humans, as social beings, operate. Due to the dangers of the virus, many governments across the world have been putting stringent measures for curtailing the further spread of the...

Healthcare Research

People of Haitian Heritage as Patients in the US

Introduction Haitian patients usually need specific care characterized by cultural or religious competence, education, and social support. On the one hand, Haitians are better prepared for COVID-19 social isolation and other restrictions due to Peyi Lòk, a new form of resistance when the country is in lockdown due to street...

Healthcare Research

Importance of Software in Nursing Practice

The use of Epic Software Systems in the nursing workplace has unconditional advantages and conveniences, but some imperfections should also be highlighted. Application of Workflow Analysis could give a visual representation of the consistent functioning of the system, of its application in practice. This tactic of analysis is based on...

Healthcare Research

Cultural Competence in the Healthcare of Australia and Portugal

Major Demographics of Australia and Portugal Australia In the analysis of the Australian demographics, the understanding of various variables is critical, including the cities, the culture, and religion of the populace, and fundamental statistics. All these have a role to play as far as enhancing the health of the people...

Healthcare Research

Primary Prevention of Acute and Chronic Kidney Disease in Older Adults

Introduction Kidney disease is a health disparity that does not receive sufficient attention from the public and healthcare professionals. Despite this, it impacts millions of people in this country and leads to complications, among which there is kidney failure. The latter can be treated with transplantation, a cost-intensive and dangerous...

Healthcare Research

The Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers by Nursing Professionals

Background The frequency of pressure ulcers is expanding because of the aging populace and the growing immobility among old patients. Pressure ulcers (PU) are a condition when a part of hidden tissue or skin is harmed by an unrelieved pressing factor or pressing factor combined shear (Boyko et al., 2018)....

Healthcare Research

“The Experiences of AIDS Orphans Living in a Township” by Van-Rooyen et al.

Abstract The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) demands all professional nurses to deliver healthcare to patients based on validated research, best practice, and current evidence. It is crucial that healthcare providers critically assess the reliability and credibility of available survey findings related to their practice to meet this requirement. This...

Healthcare Research

Literature Review on World Nursing Practice

Introduction For many decades, nursing practice has changed globally. This involved major counties like Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. These gradual changes have been due to, controlling operating costs, the strategic location of health care service, developing technology. In addition, changing economic, political, and social...

Healthcare Research

Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practice Project

Evidence-based practice is a therapeutic approach in the healthcare system that aids in bringing together past studies and gaps experienced. The aim of integrating challenges and practice is to improve care and reduce the morbidity and mortality of patients in healthcare organizations. For instance, infections and deaths resulting from CAUTI...

Healthcare Research

University Medical Center of Las Vegas

Introduction University Medical Center (UMC) acts as the cornerstone hospital of the Las Vegas Medical District, giving the highest quality of care to encourage excellent medical outcomes for patients. It is an academic medical center with a long tradition of providing life-saving treatment in Southern Nevada. UMC offers a wide...

Healthcare Research

Hospital-Acquired Infections: Literature Evaluation Table

Summary of Clinical Issue Hospital-acquired infections (HCAIs) are a fundamental health problem in the world, mainly in the intensive care units (ICUs). Hospitalized patients are susceptible to acquiring HCAIs, such as central line blood infection, surgical site infection, and catheter urinary tract infection when receiving care, jeopardizing patient safety. Research...

Healthcare Research

The Health Literacy: Sources of Information

Amount and types of health information available online The use of the internet by healthcare professionals and consumers has transformed the healthcare industry in many ways (Keselman, Logan, Smith, Leroy & Zeng-Treitler, 2008; Hannah et al., 2011). The internet is a major source of health information where healthcare consumers obtain...

Healthcare Research

Lack of Resources in Medical Care

The quality of medical care available for the people is extremely important. It remains one of the most significant factors that define the standards of living for the members of the society. If we digress into a subject of dental care, it becomes clear that there is certain lack of...

Healthcare Research

Aspects of Healthcare of the Future

Health care challenges are among the most important issues to solve at the governmental level. Although the U.S. spends more money on healthcare than any other country in the world, there is still a range of problems that need to be addressed. In the past decade, the Affordable Care Act...

Healthcare Research

Reviewing the Literature on Bereavement in the Time of the Pandemic

Introduction Losing close people is always a psychologically painful experience. Bereavement and funerals allow people to find solace in the fact of death. However, the pandemic imposes certain restrictions, which compromise the ability to mourn the loss. The global tendency to move away from wakes for fear of the virus...

Healthcare Research

Recovery and Relapse Prevention Plan in Psychiatry

Introduction Allan’s case conceptualization incorporates the cognitive-behavioral theory (CBT) and social learning theory (SLT). The recovery and prevention plan strategies integrate action models, such as interventions and therapeutic strategies. Allan’s negative social and environmental risk factors may deteriorate his treatment plans. For instance, his inability to share his feelings with...

Healthcare Research

Healthcare Workers in Leadership

While being highly skilled professionals, healthcare workers in leadership and management demonstrate varying qualities and communication styles in the workplace, which define their responsibilities and, consequently, affect the procedures on a global scale. For example, nurse managers’ duties imply monitoring and maintaining the performance of day-to-day operations within nursing units...

Healthcare Research

Cell Phones and Health. Bibliography

Dongre, A. S., Inamdar, I. F., & Gattani, P. L. (2017). Nomophobia: A study to evaluate mobile phone dependence and impact of cell phone on health. National Journal of Community Medicine, 8(11), 688-693. Web. The article examines the dependence patterns, nomophobia prevalence, and health impacts of cell phone usage. The...

Healthcare Research

Euthanasia. Dimensions of Religion and Attitudes

The examination of the importance of human existence has been a significant issue, and the debate about ending the lives of individuals has existed for years. People have strived to find an absolute response to it. Some individuals argue that life is supernaturally given and that no one has the...

Healthcare Research

Validating Autoclave Sterilizing Efficiency

Introduction The autoclave is validated to ensure that it is functioning correctly and full sterilization is achieved after usage. This ensures that pharmaceutical products are free from microorganisms and they are fit for consumption. In addition, effectiveness of an autoclave determines the quality and purity of goods obtained, high standards...

Healthcare Research

Access to Healthcare Indicator

Access to health care is the most critical factor that determines whether a state will achieve a Healthy People 2020 goal. It has an impact on the quality of one’s life, social, physical, and mental health status. Disparities in the economic status based on residential location, ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status,...

Healthcare Research

Perinatal, Oncology and Geriatric Nursing Care

Anna, F. I. and Mander, R. (2011). The relationship between first-time mothers and care providers in the early postnatal phase: an ethnographic study in a Swiss postnatal unit. Midwifery, 27(5), 716-22. These authors highlight the role of ‘caring relationship’ as a therapeutic intervention between first-time mothers and caregivers. They concluded...

Healthcare Research

Vaccines: Disadvantages and Advantages

Based on these articles, do you agree that vaccines are safe? Why or why not? After reading all three study materials, there is no reason to assume that vaccines could pose a health risk to the average patient. The safety of vaccines has a key priority in their development since...

Healthcare Research

Scientific Approach to Hospital-Acquired Infections

The key element addressed by the two articles pertains to the problem of hospital-acquired infections (HAI). The infections mainly occur due to contamination and dirtiness in the hospital environment. Bacteria are hatched and spread under a dirty surrounding that is then transmitted to visiting people and patients. The problem is...

Healthcare Research

Infant Mortality as an Indicator of Healthcare System Performance

Introduction Measuring healthcare system performance and its direct effect on population health is important for the evaluation of healthcare management. One of the most widespread proxy measures of doing so is the infant mortality rate (IMR). It stands for the number of deaths in children aged 12 months or below...

Healthcare Research

Healthcare Facilities Total Quality Management Development

Acknowledgements The ability to complete this research could never have achieved without the encouragement and understanding of my family and specially Rayan my brother, who endured from did not back to home country for long time. I wish to express my gratitude to my supervisors Carol Holder and Nasser Khan,...

Healthcare Research

Evidence-Based Practice Evaluation Process

Introduction The main objectives of this section are to explain the justification for the methods used in collecting outcome data for the EBP implementation, describe how the outcome measures are able to assess the extent to which intervention objectives are realized, and illustrate how project outcomes will be measured and...

Healthcare Research

Efficacy of Movement-Oriented Restorative Care

Critique of the Study’s Introduction Research Problem and Purpose The researchers concisely stated the problem they intended to investigate. The provided problem statement is clear, significant, and congruent with the study’s purpose. It contains a comprehensive description of the study’s background, pertinent variables, target populace, and an elucidation of the...

Healthcare Research

Computerized Provider Order Entry in the Healthcare System

Computerized provider entry has a positive effect on the quality and safety of the process of care. Anderson and Abrahamson (2017) state that “information technology can reduce errors,” but “hospitals have been slow to invest in these technologies” (p. 16). Despite the existence of unintended consequences and insignificant changes in...

Healthcare Research

Grounded Theory and Phenomenological Approach Methodologies

Introduction Creswell (1998) defines qualitative research as an inquiry process involving various methods which assist in understanding social as well as human problems. The process is very crucial when it comes to cases when insightful understanding on the various interactions between man and its environment is required. Interactive relationships existing...

Healthcare Research

Marie Stopes and Her Birth Control Movement in Britain in 1913-1943

Introduction The campaigns directed at advancing the state of birth control science are a significant topic of historical research. The work of Marie Stopes focused on improving the methods of birth prevention, as well as her contributions to the birth control movement, are an essential part of the historical and...

Healthcare Research

Post-Pandemic Projections for Healthcare Practices

COVID-19 has made it possible to adopt some new normal behaviors such as handwashing and social distance in the public and mandatory mask wearing by optometrists and other clinicians. The public will find it necessary to see medics in their personal protective gear at all times, except in rear situations....

Healthcare Research

Consumer Health: A Research on Cellulite Creams

Results of Internet Search The problem of unattractive skin dimples disturbs women all around the world. Hence, cosmetics manufacturers use to sell products of various efficacy to benefit from the situation. While conducting Internet research, I have chosen the topic of anti-cellulite items and narrowed the issue to the words...

Healthcare Research

Preventive Measures to Prevent the Development of Pathogenic Forms

In fact, a significant challenge in the clinical environment is not only to optimize treatment and find more effective and faster ways to treat the patient but also to take decisive preventive measures. Prophylaxis of clinical equipment, medical uniforms, and hand materials using highly reliable sterilizing agents is a priority...

Healthcare Research

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Causes and Treating

The definition of “attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder?” Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is defined as a common mental disorder that may be characterized by the continuous pattern of hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity that interferes with the person’s development and functioning. The characteristics of ADHD lead to difficult behavior Regardless of the...

Healthcare Research

A Response on Discriminative Healthcare Practices in the U.S.

Social discrimination is a regressive practice against progress, as evidenced in modern communities. Both liberal and conservative societies experience discriminative methods against minority populations. In the U.S., specifically, the American Indian and Alaskan Native persons have endured segregation in public institutions (Dickerson et al. 735). These individuals suffer limited access...

Healthcare Research

Built Environment Role in Addressing Public Health Concerns

There has been little attention given to the role of the built environment in addressing public health concerns, such as Malaria and cholera (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, 2015). Particularly, there have been minimal efforts to appreciate the role of a dynamic built environment as a tool...

Healthcare Research

Occupational Theory: Stroke Patients

Defining the Groups Stroke impairs normal routine activities and can change a person’s regular activities dramatically, a stroke can occur at any age, however, many of the individuals that have a stroke, fit into the category of men over the age of sixty-five years, (ref), this age group and gender...

Healthcare Research

Insomnia: Causes, Types, Treatment, Change in Social Behavior

Introduction Insomnia is not a disease or a diagnosis; it is just a symptom. This is a condition whereby one finds it difficult to fall asleep or gets inadequate sleep. We cannot define insomnia in terms of the number of hours that one sleeps because all of us are different...

Healthcare Research

Technology in Healthcare Management

Introduction The following dissertation focuses on the issue of technology in healthcare management and career prospects in the area of technology. Technology is an imperative area in health management and its integration in the field of health has been an advantage. This essay will explore my career path plan, which...

Healthcare Research

Centralization of Laboratory Information

Introduction Management is the effective coordination of the resources of an organization towards the achievements of the goals and objectives of the respective company or organization. There are several organizations in the global industry but competing for limited resources. This requires an effective management team. Although management is important in...

Healthcare Research

Interventions for Treating Posttraumatic Stress Symptomatology

Introduction Since the 1980s, multiple interventions have been developed to treat the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder and Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) (Vanyo, Sorge, Chen, & Lakoff, 2017). Some of the most common ones include crisis interventions and critical incident stress management (CISM) (Hararay, 2012). Generically, these interventions are referred...

Healthcare Research

Preventing Pressure Ulcers: A Systematic Review

The PICOT question that this body of literature was selected to support is as follows: “In Medical inpatient units, how does turning and repositioning every two hours compared to every four hours prevent the occurrence of pressure injuries during the hospital stay?” There needs to be an in-depth analysis of...

Healthcare Research

Prevention of Device-Related Healthcare-Associated Infections

Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are infections acquired in a hospital or other healthcare facility. The prevention and control of pathogens that cause these infections remain an unresolved practice problem for the majority of US hospitals. Being a leading cause of morbidity and mortality, HAIs are associated with significant complications for patients....

Healthcare Research

DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) From an Ethical Point of View

Introduction Advances in modern medicine have created methods of artificial respiration, resuscitation, as well as a plethora of techniques and technologies which have enabled doctors to prolong the life of patients well beyond the capacities of failing organs or a distinct inability to properly care for oneself as seen in...

Healthcare Research

The Perceptions About Childhood Obesity in Kuwait

Introduction This descriptive/explorative study will examine 12 public schools found in Kuwait. The aim of this study is to overview of the situation with childhood obesity in Kuwait. A research and proposal to the situation are offered including a review of both background and external factors within schools in the...

Healthcare Research

Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs of Oncology Nurses Regarding Pain Management

Introduction The research undertaken for this study examines the knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of oncology nurses as related to the management of pain in the clinical oncology setting. In the nursing context, there are various beliefs related to pain management that may influence nursing decisions. Identifying those beliefs and the...

Healthcare Research

Mobile Epilepsy Predictive System

Introduction Nearly a third of all patients who suffer from epilepsy experience seizures despite the presence of advanced epilepsy management tools (Bethesda National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke 1). Many researchers agree that the development of advanced techniques to detect seizures before they happen is an effective way for...

Healthcare Research

Obesity Among School Children in Kuwait

Introduction Obesity has become a major cause of concern for healthcare professionals in many countries, including Kuwait. The studies carried out in Kuwait indicate that more than 50 percent of the Kuwaiti population suffer from overweight, obesity, or metabolic syndrome (Al Rashdan & Nesef 2010, p. 42). It has also...

Healthcare Research

E. Coli st131: Microbes and Their Characteristics

A Comparative Analysis of PCR Results between the Bacteriology Department and the Nursing Home Isolates Sequence type 131 of E. coli is one of the deadliest groups of pathogens that colonise the gut of human beings and other mammals. The pathogens are known to produce CTX-M-15 ESBL. This pathogenic development...

Healthcare Research

The Role of Parietal Cortex in Visual Memory

Introduction As human beings live in a diverse environment, they own distinct senses, which enable them to live and interact with the world efficiently. All human beings’ actions are usually a replica of what their senses perceive (Olivers 37). Senses guide people in picking items from their surroundings depending on...