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Qualitative Research Data Collection and Analysis

Introduction The current study is based on the findings of an action plan by the DHHS. The plan was geared at establishing and recommending effective measures of preventing homelessness through the use of evidence based interventions (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), 2003). For people with mental illnesses...


Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Technological advancements have tremendously changed the field of medicine across all departments. As one of the professions providing health care, nursing has been forced to change its ways of handling both the patients and their information. Initially, the details of patients were manually documented and saved in the physical files.;...


Treatment of Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections

The proposed algorithm for addressing the health problems of patients with CLABSI, particularly a patient checklist supplemented by an electronic medical record (EMR), is a justified approach to observing all the required principles of care. The listed advantages of this practice explain the value of utilizing digital tools to record...


Human Factors in Environmental and Occupational Health

Human factors play a vital role in health care provision. They ensure that patients get appropriate care as their condition demands. Incorporating human elements in health care is a valuable way to eliminate preventable medical errors. Many people succumb to medical errors that we can prevent each year. Some critical...


Mandating Nurse: Patient Ratio

Nursing is one of the most challenging professions, as nurses work long hours and night shifts caring for severely ill and, sometimes, dying patients. Increasing the number of nurses taking care of patients in hospitals will greatly increase job satisfaction among nurses and make them more productive. It is, therefore,...


Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing Profession

When confronting ethical issues, nurses should always strictly distinguish the difference between morality and ethics. Ethics and morality are two different ideas, and dilemmas related to ethics or morality should not be confused (Rainer et al., 2018). Ethical dilemmas include the decision that should be made for or against one...


Researching an Effective Nursing Leadership

Effective nursing leadership is a key strategy that can improve patient care results, contributes to the availability of high-profile staff, and enables effective preparation for patient care requirements. Productive nurse leaders certify the availability of a suitable workforce and resources to realize excellent care quality and outcomes (Bahadori et al.,...


The Utility of Standardized Advance Directives

The Advance Health Care Directive In health and nursing care, much attention is paid to understanding and learning advanced directives (ADs) that are the legal documents for medical decision-making. Regarding multiple changes in health and medicine fields and the impact of cultural and religious beliefs on care choices, the need...


Contributions of Early Nursing Theorists Betty Neuman & Imogene M. King

The contribution of nursing is invaluable in almost every person’s life, especially those who resort to their help constantly. The main goal of nursing is to provide comfort and well-being conditions for patients and care and supervision of health. Nursing has many theories created for the most effective provision of...


Nursing Care Models and Public Health Programs

The state programs implemented are addressed to different segments of society, so it is necessary to have information about other groups of the population in medical and social services. The improvement of the old and the emergence of new forms of medical and social care is possible only with new...


Nurse’s Role in Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect

Being a nurse requires to take care of every patient and concerns about his or her well-being. When it comes to a child, a nurse should identify the signs of child abuse and neglect, as children are often afraid of sharing such information or cannot speak at all. This problem...

Healthcare Research

“The Experiences of AIDS Orphans Living in a Township” by Van-Rooyen et al.

Abstract The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) demands all professional nurses to deliver healthcare to patients based on validated research, best practice, and current evidence. It is crucial that healthcare providers critically assess the reliability and credibility of available survey findings related to their practice to meet this requirement. This...

Healthcare Research

Literature Review on World Nursing Practice

Introduction For many decades, nursing practice has changed globally. This involved major counties like Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. These gradual changes have been due to, controlling operating costs, the strategic location of health care service, developing technology. In addition, changing economic, political, and social...


Barriers to Nursing Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is nursing care delivery based on the current scientific findings, professional expertise, and treatment options. EBP has been shown to significantly improve client outcomes by raising the quality of care provided in healthcare facilities. EBP should no longer be considered an abstract notion of an idealized proficiency...

Healthcare Research

Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practice Project

Evidence-based practice is a therapeutic approach in the healthcare system that aids in bringing together past studies and gaps experienced. The aim of integrating challenges and practice is to improve care and reduce the morbidity and mortality of patients in healthcare organizations. For instance, infections and deaths resulting from CAUTI...

Healthcare Research

University Medical Center of Las Vegas

Introduction University Medical Center (UMC) acts as the cornerstone hospital of the Las Vegas Medical District, giving the highest quality of care to encourage excellent medical outcomes for patients. It is an academic medical center with a long tradition of providing life-saving treatment in Southern Nevada. UMC offers a wide...

Healthcare Research

Hospital-Acquired Infections: Literature Evaluation Table

Summary of Clinical Issue Hospital-acquired infections (HCAIs) are a fundamental health problem in the world, mainly in the intensive care units (ICUs). Hospitalized patients are susceptible to acquiring HCAIs, such as central line blood infection, surgical site infection, and catheter urinary tract infection when receiving care, jeopardizing patient safety. Research...

Healthcare Research

The Health Literacy: Sources of Information

Amount and types of health information available online The use of the internet by healthcare professionals and consumers has transformed the healthcare industry in many ways (Keselman, Logan, Smith, Leroy & Zeng-Treitler, 2008; Hannah et al., 2011). The internet is a major source of health information where healthcare consumers obtain...

Healthcare Research

Lack of Resources in Medical Care

The quality of medical care available for the people is extremely important. It remains one of the most significant factors that define the standards of living for the members of the society. If we digress into a subject of dental care, it becomes clear that there is certain lack of...

Healthcare Research

Aspects of Healthcare of the Future

Health care challenges are among the most important issues to solve at the governmental level. Although the U.S. spends more money on healthcare than any other country in the world, there is still a range of problems that need to be addressed. In the past decade, the Affordable Care Act...


Imogene M. King’s and Betty Neuman’s Contribution to Nursing

Imogene M. King’s contribution can not be overestimated, as her works transformed nursing from a craft into a scientific field of knowledge. The goal attainment theory played a crucial role in the evolution of nursing as it expanded the basis for interactions between nurses, their patients, and the healthcare system...

Healthcare Research

Reviewing the Literature on Bereavement in the Time of the Pandemic

Introduction Losing close people is always a psychologically painful experience. Bereavement and funerals allow people to find solace in the fact of death. However, the pandemic imposes certain restrictions, which compromise the ability to mourn the loss. The global tendency to move away from wakes for fear of the virus...

Healthcare Research

Recovery and Relapse Prevention Plan in Psychiatry

Introduction Allan’s case conceptualization incorporates the cognitive-behavioral theory (CBT) and social learning theory (SLT). The recovery and prevention plan strategies integrate action models, such as interventions and therapeutic strategies. Allan’s negative social and environmental risk factors may deteriorate his treatment plans. For instance, his inability to share his feelings with...

Healthcare Research

Healthcare Workers in Leadership

While being highly skilled professionals, healthcare workers in leadership and management demonstrate varying qualities and communication styles in the workplace, which define their responsibilities and, consequently, affect the procedures on a global scale. For example, nurse managers’ duties imply monitoring and maintaining the performance of day-to-day operations within nursing units...

Healthcare Research

Cell Phones and Health. Bibliography

Dongre, A. S., Inamdar, I. F., & Gattani, P. L. (2017). Nomophobia: A study to evaluate mobile phone dependence and impact of cell phone on health. National Journal of Community Medicine, 8(11), 688-693. Web. The article examines the dependence patterns, nomophobia prevalence, and health impacts of cell phone usage. The...

Healthcare Research

Euthanasia. Dimensions of Religion and Attitudes

The examination of the importance of human existence has been a significant issue, and the debate about ending the lives of individuals has existed for years. People have strived to find an absolute response to it. Some individuals argue that life is supernaturally given and that no one has the...

Healthcare Research

Validating Autoclave Sterilizing Efficiency

Introduction The autoclave is validated to ensure that it is functioning correctly and full sterilization is achieved after usage. This ensures that pharmaceutical products are free from microorganisms and they are fit for consumption. In addition, effectiveness of an autoclave determines the quality and purity of goods obtained, high standards...


Role Developmental Phases of Advanced Practice Nursing

Introduction The role of advanced practice nurses has been a matter of increased discussion among scholars, healthcare professionals, and policymakers. Currently, all the stakeholders have reached a consensus concerning benefits that advanced practice nurses (APNs) can bring to primary care. However, several barriers on federal, state, and organizational levels reduce...


The Institute of Medicine Report’s Impact on Nursing Practice

The American healthcare system is fragmented, as its elements such as private and public practice, service providers and their patients, training, and citizen’s needs are not sufficiently connected. Such gaps, the lack of cooperation between structures, leads to the fact that the patient does not receive the necessary treatment. Moreover,...

Healthcare Research

Access to Healthcare Indicator

Access to health care is the most critical factor that determines whether a state will achieve a Healthy People 2020 goal. It has an impact on the quality of one’s life, social, physical, and mental health status. Disparities in the economic status based on residential location, ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status,...

Healthcare Research

Perinatal, Oncology and Geriatric Nursing Care

Anna, F. I. and Mander, R. (2011). The relationship between first-time mothers and care providers in the early postnatal phase: an ethnographic study in a Swiss postnatal unit. Midwifery, 27(5), 716-22. These authors highlight the role of ‘caring relationship’ as a therapeutic intervention between first-time mothers and caregivers. They concluded...


Principles of Empowerment in Nursing

In the scope of nursing, empowerment may be one of the essential tools for the productive work of employees and the success of a health organization. There are many ways to empower the staff, implement assessment systems, and encourage employees with bonuses. For instance, money can be a reason for...


Charting Methods and Formats in Nursing

Healthcare professionals, including nurses, have the enormous responsibility of gathering accurate patient information consistent with the principle of patient-centered care. Moreover, clinical staff have the obligation of incorporating patient information with scientific evidence and professional expertise to deliver high-quality and safe patient care. Standard operating procedures and charts are essential...


Patient Care for Individuals With Cellulitis

Cellulitis is a disease mainly caused by bacterial infection to the skin that poor treatment leads to the spread across the skin. Therefore, it is important to address the issue with the aim of enhancing optimal patient care. As a medical practitioner, I recall an incident of a patient suffering...


Democratic Leadership in Nursing

Managing nursing staff in any medical unit involves adhering to a specific leadership style. Often, when taking on a new position, one can observe how nurses reproduce the management style in they developed as specialists. However, there is no arbitrary choice of the style of communication with subordinates, because the...


Nurses’ Educational Level Impact on Professional/Practical Competence

Researchers have found a certain relationship between a nurse’s educational level and their particular interest and participation in policy making. There are several entry points for nurses to start their professional career, which are associated with participating in the Licensed Practical Nurse Program, Registered Nurse Program, Associate Degree Program, and...


Patient Safety, Quality of Care, and Interdisciplinary Team

Introduction Due to a variety and number of errors stemming from the human factor, medical personnel needs not only wised-developed policies and guidelines but also reliable support from advanced technology. In this regard, healthcare providers possess health information systems (HIS), including electronic health records (EHRs) substituting the paper-based variety of...

Healthcare Research

Vaccines: Disadvantages and Advantages

Based on these articles, do you agree that vaccines are safe? Why or why not? After reading all three study materials, there is no reason to assume that vaccines could pose a health risk to the average patient. The safety of vaccines has a key priority in their development since...

Healthcare Research

Scientific Approach to Hospital-Acquired Infections

The key element addressed by the two articles pertains to the problem of hospital-acquired infections (HAI). The infections mainly occur due to contamination and dirtiness in the hospital environment. Bacteria are hatched and spread under a dirty surrounding that is then transmitted to visiting people and patients. The problem is...

Healthcare Research

Infant Mortality as an Indicator of Healthcare System Performance

Introduction Measuring healthcare system performance and its direct effect on population health is important for the evaluation of healthcare management. One of the most widespread proxy measures of doing so is the infant mortality rate (IMR). It stands for the number of deaths in children aged 12 months or below...

Healthcare Research

Healthcare Facilities Total Quality Management Development

Acknowledgements The ability to complete this research could never have achieved without the encouragement and understanding of my family and specially Rayan my brother, who endured from did not back to home country for long time. I wish to express my gratitude to my supervisors Carol Holder and Nasser Khan,...

Healthcare Research

Evidence-Based Practice Evaluation Process

Introduction The main objectives of this section are to explain the justification for the methods used in collecting outcome data for the EBP implementation, describe how the outcome measures are able to assess the extent to which intervention objectives are realized, and illustrate how project outcomes will be measured and...

Healthcare Research

Efficacy of Movement-Oriented Restorative Care

Critique of the Study’s Introduction Research Problem and Purpose The researchers concisely stated the problem they intended to investigate. The provided problem statement is clear, significant, and congruent with the study’s purpose. It contains a comprehensive description of the study’s background, pertinent variables, target populace, and an elucidation of the...

Healthcare Research

Computerized Provider Order Entry in the Healthcare System

Computerized provider entry has a positive effect on the quality and safety of the process of care. Anderson and Abrahamson (2017) state that “information technology can reduce errors,” but “hospitals have been slow to invest in these technologies” (p. 16). Despite the existence of unintended consequences and insignificant changes in...

Healthcare Research

Grounded Theory and Phenomenological Approach Methodologies

Introduction Creswell (1998) defines qualitative research as an inquiry process involving various methods which assist in understanding social as well as human problems. The process is very crucial when it comes to cases when insightful understanding on the various interactions between man and its environment is required. Interactive relationships existing...

Healthcare Research

Marie Stopes and Her Birth Control Movement in Britain in 1913-1943

Introduction The campaigns directed at advancing the state of birth control science are a significant topic of historical research. The work of Marie Stopes focused on improving the methods of birth prevention, as well as her contributions to the birth control movement, are an essential part of the historical and...

Healthcare Research

Post-Pandemic Projections for Healthcare Practices

COVID-19 has made it possible to adopt some new normal behaviors such as handwashing and social distance in the public and mandatory mask wearing by optometrists and other clinicians. The public will find it necessary to see medics in their personal protective gear at all times, except in rear situations....

Healthcare Research

Consumer Health: A Research on Cellulite Creams

Results of Internet Search The problem of unattractive skin dimples disturbs women all around the world. Hence, cosmetics manufacturers use to sell products of various efficacy to benefit from the situation. While conducting Internet research, I have chosen the topic of anti-cellulite items and narrowed the issue to the words...

Healthcare Research

Preventive Measures to Prevent the Development of Pathogenic Forms

In fact, a significant challenge in the clinical environment is not only to optimize treatment and find more effective and faster ways to treat the patient but also to take decisive preventive measures. Prophylaxis of clinical equipment, medical uniforms, and hand materials using highly reliable sterilizing agents is a priority...

Healthcare Research

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Causes and Treating

The definition of “attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder?” Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is defined as a common mental disorder that may be characterized by the continuous pattern of hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity that interferes with the person’s development and functioning. The characteristics of ADHD lead to difficult behavior Regardless of the...

Healthcare Research

A Response on Discriminative Healthcare Practices in the U.S.

Social discrimination is a regressive practice against progress, as evidenced in modern communities. Both liberal and conservative societies experience discriminative methods against minority populations. In the U.S., specifically, the American Indian and Alaskan Native persons have endured segregation in public institutions (Dickerson et al. 735). These individuals suffer limited access...


Nursing Shortage: Literature Review

The nursing shortage is a highly important issue and a critical challenge for national health care because it is one of the main causes of poor quality of medical services. The ratio of nurses to patients continues to decline, and there has been a plethora of authors addressing this issue...


Care of Client at Risk of Developing a Pressure Ulcer

Introduction The client is a sixty-five-year-old male, who suffered a condition, which left him bedridden. Due to impaired mobility, he cannot leave the bed. The patient currently resides in a nursing home, where all his basic needs are attended to by the nursing staff and healthcare assistants. The lack of...


Effective Handwashing in Catheterization

Evidence-based practice changes promote the transition of practice to enhance quality care provision. In evidence-based practice implementation, the financial, clinical, and quality aspects are taken into consideration. One financial aspect that should be taken into account is the medical bill of the patient. In terms of quality, it is salient...


Religion, Spirituality, and Culture in Nursing Practice

Introduction Nurses work in an increasingly complex environment that requires a multidimensional approach to practice. Differentiating between religious, spiritual, and cultural needs of patients contradicts many care practitioners. Spiritual, cultural, and religious beliefs or preferences differ across different people and are extremely important in providing high-quality care. Nurses should learn...


Annotated Articles Regarding the Nursing Experience

Introduction Nursing is a critical aspect in health care delivery. When patients are admitted into a health care institution, the doctors treat the patient, and he or she is left under the care of the nurse. At least it is expected that the nurse should be able to assist the...


The Problem of High Turnover among Nurses: Intervention and Outcomes

The nursing shortage is a significant problem in the US, especially during the time of the pandemic. According to Haddad et al. (2020), there are 3.9 million nurses in the United States, and the need for them keeps growing in all healthcare settings, including pediatrics. The primary reason for the...


Regulations for Nursing Practice in Virginia

Introduction “Every nurse in the U.S. is responsible for knowing the state’s NPA and regulatory requirements for nursing for every jurisdiction in which they hold a license” (NCSBN, 2018, p. 5). Numerous laws and regulations govern the nursing practice, and state boards of nursing carefully oversee nurses’ compliance with these...

Healthcare Research

Built Environment Role in Addressing Public Health Concerns

There has been little attention given to the role of the built environment in addressing public health concerns, such as Malaria and cholera (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, 2015). Particularly, there have been minimal efforts to appreciate the role of a dynamic built environment as a tool...


An Analysis of the “Future of Nursing” Report

Nurses play a major role in delivering healthcare services to patients and providing them with necessary assistance. “The Future of Nursing” is a report by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative, which was created to address the existing challenges of the American healthcare system and particularly of the nursing...


System-Based Practice and Leadership in Nursing

The main principle of system-based practice is to show awareness and responsiveness to a broad context of the healthcare system and use resources effectively to provide high-quality care for the patients. In healthcare, leaders frequently use system-based practice to empower other nurses. This essay will explain how I will use...


Use of Social Media Platforms in Nursing Practice

Introduction People use social media to connect with their peers, family, and professionals and receive new knowledge. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn have become the most popular platforms to share information and stay updated regarding the latest news. While social media websites have many benefits, careless usage can affect a person’s...


Nurse Turnover’s Impact on Quality of Care

Antwi, Y. A., & Bowblis, J. R. (2018). The impact of nurse turnover on quality of care and mortality in nursing homes: Evidence from the great recession. American Journal of Health Economics, 4(2), 131−163. This article focuses on the effects of turnover of nurses on the quality of nursing home...


Researching of Acid Disturbance Disease

The acid-base balance is an important parameter that is maintained in the human blood within certain limits. This is necessary for the normal functioning of various body systems, biochemical reactions, and the optimal functioning of enzymes. The body’s acid-base state includes three main mechanisms: the functioning of extracellular and intracellular...


Registered Nurse in the ICU Shadowing Proposal

In this proposal, an outline of goals and activities that pertain to shadowing a nurse leader within an ICU setting is presented. The goals and topics of interest are managed in three parts, which are overarching ICU nurse leadership roles, collaboration, conflict resolution in a hospital setting, and professionalism and...


Nursing Interventions for Pressure Injury Prevention

HAPUs are a fundamental challenge in the American healthcare industry. The rationale behind this statement is that numerous people suffer from this issue (Padula et al., 2019, Hultin et al., 2019; Latimer et al., 2019). Even though the problem affects many patients, it is considered preventable, and multiple articles prove...


Leaders vs. Managers in Nursing

Nursing leaders play an essential role in the process of care quality improvement by leading others. In their turn, managers bridge the gap between administrative and bedside care roles by dealing with a set of challenging daily tasks. Both roles require a high level of expertise, knowledge, and particular technical...


Aspects of Leaders: Power and Influence

Introduction One aspect that differentiates excellent leaders from terrible, efficient leaders from unproductive, and preferred leaders from hated ones is the aptitude to assemble organizational source of wealth to make things happen. These qualities of a good leader are clearly seen in Sister Carol Keehan’s influential power in the accomplishment...


Palliative Care Principles and Practices

With an aging population and shifts in the way people die, all nurses should prepare to care for a dying person at some point in their careers or personal lives. Integrating a palliative approach early in the disease phase for people with life-limiting illnesses across all care settings will improve...


Integrating Cultural Competency into Nursing

Introduction Cultural competency, defined as health professionals’ ability to effectively provide care that meets patients’ linguistic, social, and cultural demands, is among the emerging nursing trends. Incorporating cultural proficiency into nursing practice is essential in overcoming the wide variety of health literacy, cultural, and linguistic barriers. Cultural competency integration goes...


Leading and Managing in Nursing

The selected policy is the addition of the requirement that a bachelor’s degree in nursing serves as the entry level into the profession. There are numerous reasons why such a policy should be put in place. One such explanation is that it directly influences the quality of service that is...


Nurses’ Role in Preventing Medication Error

A medication error occurs as a result of the failure of a planned action to be completed as intended or the use of the wrong plan to achieve a specific aim. The rate of medication errors that occur as well as the consequences of those situations are frightening. In the...


Qualitative vs. Quantitative Methods in Nursing Studies

The difference between qualitative and quantitative research lies in their statistical analysis approach, type of data used, and purpose. While quantitative research deals with numerical data through its exploration, inductive logic, and information discovery to understand a phenomenon, quantitative research is inherently different as it deepens new knowledge. Quantitative research...


Career Opportunities for Aspiring Nurses

For aspiring nurses with a Master’s Degree, the next evident step in the career is to get either a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree or apply for the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) level. The primary difference between them is the approach to nursing. As seen from the name,...


Psychological Impact of Pressure Ulcers

Pressure ulcers represent a severe condition that immobilizes people and exposes them to additional health issues that are caused by the worsening of blood flow. Soft tissues deteriorate under pressure, which is also rather typical of individuals that are confined to wheelchairs. One of the ideas that are mentioned in...


Researching of Role Delineation in Nursing

Introduction Providing proper healthcare is important for the full recovery of patients. As such, hospitals assign patients to nurses who will ensure proper medical care and quick recovery. Nurse practitioners (NPs) help in preventing diseases, promoting health, diagnosis and health education. NPs play an essential role in patient recovery, although...


Responsibilities and Preparations of a Chief Nursing Officer

A chief nursing officer, or a CNO, is a practitioner that has a multitude of roles within the workplace. Apart from the guaranteed nursing duties, a CNO will also perform administrative roles, leadership duties, advisory functions, and links between physicians and the hospital’s nursing staff (Batcheller et al., 2017). A...


Handwashing Compliance Among Nurses

A substantial percentage of healthcare infections are attributable to the healthcare stakeholders’ actions. Hand hygiene is a crucial way in which healthcare facilities can prevent diseases, and improve the quality of care. The article evaluating hand hygiene compliance among healthcare staff in the intensive care unit discusses the role of...


Anxiety Levels of Nursing Students Toward Profession

One of the major demands in terms of current research studies on the matter of nursing concerns their relevance in both social and professional contexts. Hence, the vast majority of today’s studies focus on the nursing implications under the pressure of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, the research article chosen...


Leadership Styles and Nursing: Servant Leadership

Introduction Leadership qualities play a fundamental role in managing healthcare processes effectively by providing safe and comfortable conditions for both nursing professionals and their patients. More specifically, servant leadership is a distinctive approach to nurturing the inner leader for each nurse practitioner in their medical practice. Servant leadership represents a...


The Nursing Care: Technical Efficiency

The article written by Min et al., in 2016, researches the technical effectiveness of nursing care. The study also analyses the features of efficient and qualified facilities during the second part of the article (Min et al., 2016). Overall, the research questions focus on estimating the appropriate technical proficiency of...


Communication-Related Situation at the Hospital

I witnessed a situation at the hospital entailing poor communication between the nurses and the patient. The patient failed to understand the challenging situation that encompassed an obese individual’s surgical operation and carried on with the practice smoothly that later resulted in complications. This situation contributed to the patient’s ability...


Cultural Competency in Mental Health Nursing

Introduction Cultural competence is defined as organizations’ and providers’ ability to efficiently deliver health care services that meet social and cultural needs. Cultural factors can influence health and health care, such as language, communication, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. It is an essential component of quality nursing care that lays a...


The HIV and AIDS Treatment in Children

Introduction Healthcare services, unfortunately, are not free of pre-existing bias against socially stigmatized illnesses. HIV and AIDS are among these conditions and carry an associated history of discrimination towards the affected due to the sexual transmission of a significant part of the disease cases. Yet, as any immune disorder, HIV...


Brain Development in Early Childhood

Hutton, J., Horowitz-Kraus, T., Mendelsohn, A., DeWitt, T., & Holland, S. (2015). Home Reading Environment and Brain Activation in Preschool Children Listening to Stories. Pediatrics, 136(3). Web. The article aimed at illustrating the essence of home reading exposure on neural activation of the left side of the brain. The source...


Cystic Fibrosis and Polycystic Kidney Disease

Cystic Fibrosis Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a serious illness that was incurable children’s disorder in the past (American Lung Association, n.d.). Modern treatment helps children with fibrosis live long lives. CF causes the development of thick mucus that damages the organs of the respiratory and digestive systems of the human...


Chlamydia: Risk of Sequelae After Chlamydia Trachomatis Genital Infection

Chlamydia, a human sexually transmitted infection (STI), is caused by the chlamydia trachomatis bacteria. C. trachomatis is an obligate gram-negative intracellular pathogen that infects the respiratory, ocular, and genital tissues (O’Connell & Ferone, 2016). The disease is transmitted from one person to another through genital contact, meaning one can contract...


Kidney Disorders: Main Aspects

Health dimensions reveal challenges encountered in handling kidney disorders. The whole well being of an individual is affected by the kidneys which have the main life preserving role of maintaining the body’s chemical homeostasis. The implementation of a medical nutrition therapy while treating a kidney disorder helps in the enhancement...


Kidney Stone Disease. Advances in Urology

Kidney stones is a disease affecting the urinary tract. The medical term for kidney stones is renal calculi, urolithiasis or nephrolithiasis (Alelign & Petros, 2018). Kidney stones are generally described as hard crystalline objects that consist of chemicals in the urine. There are four types of renal calculi, and the...


Sober Living Program After Drug Rehabilitation

Introduction The fight against drug abuse is often lengthy and tiresome. It takes a lot of strength and determination for one to get off drugs and keep him/herself clean. This cannot happen overnight and even after one has completed a rehabilitation program, a lot of support is required to stay...


Acute Kidney Injury: Symptoms, Treatment and Management

Expected Signs and Symptoms Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is characterized by high levels of creatinine, urea, and accumulation of waste products due to decreased kidney function. The patient might report fatigue, oliguria, anuria, nephrotoxic insult, and nocturia. A full history and physical examination will be ordered to determine the etiology...


Renal Failure as Emergency Situation

Emergency Situation and Specific Criteria: Renal Acute kidney failure (AKF) is one of the scenarios that require immediate assistance. Seeing that the factors causing kidney failure are very numerous, it is crucial to diagnose the problem in a manner as accurate as possible; otherwise, the patient’s life may be in...


Protecting Oneself and Family From Foodborne Illness

Introduction Food-borne infections have drawn substantial attention among medical practitioners and society at large. According to Todd (2020), an estimated 76 million Americans fall sick from various consumables every year. Fundamentally, forborne illnesses are caused by 200 different microbes, which increases the rate of disease occurrence (Camino Feltes et al.,...


The Relationship Between HIV Treatment Compliance and Social Support

Introduction Human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, is a major global health concern that has profoundly adverse effects on the level of the infected people’s well-being, their life expectancy, and their life satisfaction. It is important that individuals who are affected by HIV also very often suffer from a serious problem...


Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among Adolescents

This paper discusses the problem of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among adolescents in Atlantic City and Atlantic County in New Jersey. People of ages from 10 to 19 are increasingly engaging in sexual intercourse without necessarily following the proper safety guidelines. As a result, the rate of STD infection among...


Sexually Transmitted Diseases Incidence in Mississippi

The intended study seeks to analyze the incidence of various sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in the state of Mississippi. The findings will be used to support the introduction of evidence-based measures to reduce infections. Background STDs are some of the common conditions that different health organizations need to take into...


Acute and Chronic Kidney Disease and Its Five Stages

Pyelonephritis is a bacterial-based kidney disease. It causes inflammatory processes in the human body, most often affecting one kidney. It can proceed in acute or chronic form; respectively, sometimes, it is hard to identify. Women are often exposed to pyelonephritis due to another disease, cystitis, after which kidney problems begin...


Physical Exercise During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Physical exercise has numerous benefits to the body including improving its immune response. The immune system comprises many white blood cells within the bone marrow that protect the body from diseases and infections. Exercising increases immune response by stimulating the production of white blood cells. Elevated temperatures during physical activity...

Family Planning

Hazards to Prenatal Development

Unfortunately, it is impossible to say that when a fetus is still in the developmental stage in its mother’s womb, it is completely protected from any negative influence. Quite the contrary, there are many factors, including environmental impacts and mothers’ various experiences and actions, that are adverse to unborn babies...


Psychedelics and Addiction Treatment

Introduction Psychedelic medications are a highly polarizing topic both within medical circles and for society at large. In the public eye, they are closely connected to addictive drugs and provoke general distrust. The two sections of this essay are dedicated to the psychedelic treatment for medical conditions and the comparison...


Diverticulitis: Causes and Treatment

In the United States, the cases of diverticulitis are frequent when patients suffer from pouches in their digestive system. Annually, about 180 out of 100,000 people are diagnosed with this condition, including those who are older than 50 years, women, and whites (Swanson & Strate, 2018). Its symptoms include abdominal...