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Medication Errors in Nursing: Causes, Consequences, and Prevention Strategies

Abstract This essay analyzes the problem associated with nurses’ incorrect prescription or administration of medications. The main hypothesis is that fatigue and psychosocial factors directly impact the efficiency of medical staff. This problem is relevant since its existence directly impacts patients and their health. Therefore, the main task of the...


Nursing and State-Level Regulations

The Board of Nursing makes these regulations a department of the state government. The Board of Nursing is in charge of the nursing regulation practice. It is also instructed to ensure that nurses follow existing laws and regulations. Comparison will be provided on the regulations in California and Minnesota state...


The Thomas Jefferson University Hospital: Emergency Nurses’ Psychological Safety

Psychological safety is an essential component of the well-being of people across all careers. The work environment can contribute to a person’s emotional health or cause them more stress. At the Thomas Jefferson University Hospital (TJUH), the nurses working in the emergency department have a lot of pressure to perform...


Patient Safety Culture and Communication

Patient Safety Culture Analysis Karen Viani’s case primarily demonstrates the lack of cooperation between nurses as the patient did not receive the Laxis IV as appointed, which made her potassium level low. It was identified by the hospitalist who arrived on site because the in-charge nurse was extremely busy. This...


The Environment Theory of Florence Nightingale

Introduction As a nurse, I will be able to develop a genuine connection with my patients and help provide them with high-quality treatment. My position will help me prepare patients for their care journey as well as what to expect after their treatment and for the rest of their lives....


Supporting Patients with Elimination Issues

When undergoing health problems causing elimination issues, patients face concurrent physical, psychological, and emotional challenges, the addressing of which might help patients improve their well-being. Elimination complexities are the problems related to natural bodily waste removal due to health issues. Indeed, researchers state that “toileting difficulties are known to be...


Nursing Grand Theory and Its Applications

Introduction Nursing theories help nurses to better understand what they need to do during their work. There are several levels of them based on their abstraction levels: from meta paradigms and grand theories to conceptual frameworks and middle-level theories. I think theories are essential for efficient nursing practice, so I...


Advanced Practice Registered Nurses: Barriers to Practice

Introduction This paper delves into the role of advanced practice registered nursing practitioners (APRNs) in reducing unnecessary institutional barriers to their practice. The goal is to ensure they can work as per their education and accreditation as healthcare team members while enhancing health outcomes. According to the recently released research...


Nursing Informatics Competencies

In nursing informatics, wisdom is defined as the use of knowledge, imagination, insight, and experience that is guided by ideals and directed toward achieving a common good. However, in some instances, nursing wisdom is typically based on a clinical judgment approach that revolves around the senses, emotions, and intuition (Booth...


Holistic Nursing and Provision of Holistic Care

Introduction Holistic nursing is an integrated approach adopted by caregivers to build positive relationships with patients and provide care in the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual domains. As a patient undergoes treatment, all the other factors affecting their lives are considered (Delaney & Bark, 2019). An example of holistic care...


Assessment of a Patient about the Social Determinants of Health

Introduction Social determinants of health mostly cause unjust and avoidable disparities in health status within and across nations. The social settings in which individuals are born, develop, live, work, and age are social determinants of health (SDOH). The allocation of wealth, authority, and resources at the international, governmental, and local...


Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Overcoming Barriers and Enhancing Patient Care

As a nurse, I aim to treat patients using the best evidence in my healthcare professional role. In this respect, evidence-based practice (EBP) is a systematic approach to problem-solving that improves public health quality and outcomes, reduces costs, and gives clinicians the freedom to fully perform their roles (Bianchi et...


Johnson’s Behavioral System Theory in Nursing

My specialty area as a DP nurse is comprehensive assessment of the patients using Johnson’s Behavioral System theory that allows me to gain insight into their health-related predispositions and possible issues. Dorothy Johnson proposed with her behavioral system model in 1968 to move away from the concept of human needs...


Educating Patient Providers on Phosphorus Management in Hemodialysis Patients

Patients with hemodialysis are often medically fragile and require support in many areas of their daily lives. Hemodialysis is a procedure to remove waste and fluid from one’s blood, just like their nephron did. There are several potential barriers to educating patients with hemodialysis. These barriers include the patient’s ability...


Patient-Centered Care: The Role of Communication

The theory by Imogene King highlighted offers a perspective in the healthcare practice that one can resonate with. The post emphasizes that it helps to create the nurse-patient relationship as they strive to improve on that connection to achieve pre-set goals. It is a process that works because there is...

Administration and Regulation

Critical Success Factors for the Healthcare Sector

The concept of TQM is closely related to critical success factors (CSFs), representing the aspects that should be given attention to achieve the desired outcome. Consideration of these elements is one of the guarantees that a unit will move towards further improvement and meet its clients’ diversified needs. For this...


Why Demographic Trends Make Us More Vulnerable to Pandemics

Demographic trends of population mobility, high density, overexploitation of natural resources, household size, and aging people increase pandemics’ vulnerability. The movement of people within and between countries enhances the spread of pandemics. In the Spanish pandemic of 1918, the soldiers’ mobility during the first-World War contributed to the spread of...

Healthcare Institution

Institute of Medicine and Quality and Safety Education

Such organizations as the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) play an essential role in forming the vision for the future of nursing. They identify major challenges existing in the practice of nursing today and the main competencies that practitioners will need to...


How Individual Nurses Influence Policy in Las Vegas, Nevada

Considering that Nevada, and in particular the city of Las Vegas, is home to people of diverse ethnic groups, a number of healthcare issues are inescapable, especially healthcare disparities among the minority groups and inadequate healthcare services for those who access it. This is attributable to the lack of commitment...


Nursing Involvement and Influence on Policy Development

Nursing has three powers that it can exercise to enhance its optimum contribution. The three domains are control over the substance of practice; that is, the content, the context of practice, and the control of the professionalism; competence. “The absence of power in the regulation of content and context of...


Effectiveness of Nursing Homes for the Mentally Ill

Given that the health costs have been rising year after year in the United States, about 15.5% of the nation’s gross domestic product. In 2005, this amount of spending was projected to reach about $1.9 trillion. This amount is twice what is being spent on education or even defense. In...

Healthcare Institution

Healthcare Reforms and Incremental Gains in the US

Despite all the debate that goes around the PPACA, the reform has demonstrated notable achievements in the US healthcare system. The improvements are primarily associated with the Medicaid expansion, increased assess to care, enhanced self-assessed health, and better health-related outcomes. In particular, due to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), in...

Other Medical Specialties

Excessive Alcohol Use and Move to Healthy Lifestyle

Two challenges may be faced while speaking with Steve about the correlation between his health and his drinking habits. First of all, it is difficult to convince the addicted that he is suffering from alcoholism. For example, Steve considers himself a social drinker, even though he has been arrested for...

Healthcare Research

Therapeutic and Non-therapeutic Communications in “When a Man Loves a Woman”

Patient-centeredness in healthcare provision is paramount, and I was able to understand the film in this light as I saw both Alice and Michael as victims in distinct ways. They did not acknowledge the problem as affecting the two of them. Instead, it was falsely perceived that Alice only had...


Mental Health Services for Healthcare Providers of Critical Patients

Introduction With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019, healthcare systems in several nations have been overloaded and strained beyond their finances and capability while people strive to provide high-quality care. Even while infection rates have weakened in several sections of the ecosphere, the glitches for health organizations are...

Healthcare Research

How an Adolescent Can Achieve a Healthy Identity

The conflict in the first stage which occurs within the first year is between trust and mistrust. Caregivers must be protective of the child throughout the stage because of that way the child develops trust in others. If the phase is accomplished the child will feel secure if not the...

Healthcare Research

Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health

Currently, mental health is one of the most significant medical and social issues, which has become even more critical during the spread of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19. In conditions of uncertainty, fear of contracting and becoming seriously ill, the need to comply with the restrictions, and the risk of...


Depression Causes During or After Pregnancy

From a theoretical perspective, depression during or after pregnancy is common among women aged 15 to 44. Full reference to the article is as follows: Parcells, D. A. (2010). The baby may have biological and behavioral defects. As the purpose of the study, the article raises this important topic to...

Medical Ethics

Confidentiality in Addiction Counseling

Confidentiality is a sensitive issue commonly addressed in terms of the provision of health care. This aspect is specifically relevant in addiction counseling that is associated with sensitive information and the need to solve ethical dilemmas. On the one hand, the counselor is obliged to act in the best interest...


Fight or Flight Response: Positive and Negative Aspects

The fight or flight response is an immediate psychological reaction to attacks, life hazards, and grave dangers. First described by Walter Bradford Cannon, this defense reflex saves living beings in extraordinary situations. Meanwhile, being a form of stress, it is an exhausting process that involves all systems of the body...


Trauma in Young Children

Core Concept The presented case describing the experience of Juan and his family is an example of how trauma can affect the mental health of the child and create severe problems for the relationship in the family. Based on the proposed situation, the boy who periodically remains with his father...


Gender Bias in Mental Health Care

The gender gaps in health care outcomes are an important issue that, until recently, has been overlooked by the medical community and lawmakers. Despite the fact that a life expectancy for women is higher than that for men when it comes to heart attacks, females are “about twice as likely...

Healthcare Research

The Lessons of the Tainted Blood Scandal in Canada

The tainted blood disaster that took place in Canada in the 1980s was a dramatic lesson to be learned by the country. Over 30,000 patients were infected with hepatitis C or HIV-AIDS due to the transfusions of contaminated blood. Since then, a set of policies and standards have been introduced...


The Genetic Mutation of Diabetes

Diabetes or diabetes mellitus (DM) includes wide-ranging metabolic disorders diagnosed by chronic hyperglycemia. The variants of this disease include type 1 DM (T1DM), type 2 DM (T2DM), gestational DM (GDM), and maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY). T2DM is a multifactorial condition caused by mutations involving multiple susceptible genes. Mutations...

Healthcare Research

Health Professional Assessing and Treating Pain

Due to the variety of sensory and emotional aspects of pain which need to be taken into account for understanding pain within a biopsychosocial framework, it can be stated that health professionals play a particularly important role in assessing the multifactorial presentations of pain and developing the most appropriate interventions....


Evolutionary Advantages Achieved by the Myelination of Nerves

Myelin refers to the insulating materials around the nerves whose function is to allow the movement of electrical signals through the nerve axons at high speed. Nerve Myelination is a continuous process that begins at the embryonic stage and continues until the child is one or two years old. The...


The Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Australia

Although there is no standardized practice for the hospital infection prevention and control programs in Australia or in international settings, some activities that have been agreed on by practitioners for promoting success in preventing and controlling nosocomial infections should be identified. Certain essential features should be considered as influencing the...

Public Health

Barriers to Health Care for Transgender Individuals

As one of the key healthcare providers, nurses should advocate for the elimination of discrimination regarding transgender community members. According to Bradford et al., there is an urgent need to provide culturally-competent and transgender-friendly health care services. In my point of view, nurses should receive the adequate education based on...

Healthcare Institution

Non-governmental Organizations (NGO) Involved in Global Health Advocacy and Nursing

There are multiple non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that work in the field of healthcare advocacy, and the Global Health Council (n.d.a) is one of them. The Global Health Council (n.d.a) was established in 1972, and nowadays, it comprises a network of organizations from 150 countries, which are united by the mission...


Understanding the Quality of Nursing

It has always been imperative to understand the quality of nursing because it is integral for providing care to patients and have a real impact on their health, especially in the realms of patient experience and safety. However, it is essential to note that not all work that nurses do...


Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare

Even though all evidence may be useful for medical practice, different types of evidence vary in their value for evidence-based practice (EBP). There are different levels of evidence, depending on its quality and methods. Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt provide a review of the strength-of-evidence rating pyramid that helps to visualize these...

Public Health

Managing Security and Safety During Disasters

To structure the hospital’s preparation for an emergency, a fire at a large factory, while maintaining regular functioning, it is essential to implement an emergency operation plan as well as the incident command system set in place at the facility. Also, the responders at the scene should be notified about...

Healthcare Research

How Much Control Should Patients Have Over EHR Data?

Various barriers surround the selection and implementation of new types of technology. The most evident concern is the cost of implementation and support of innovative technology. According to Kruse, Kristof, Jones, Mitchell, and Martinez, 18 out of 27 studies in the area mention initial cost as one of the most...

Healthcare Institution

Maintaining the Accreditation Status of a Healthcare Facility

Maintaining the accreditation status of a healthcare facility is possible through the continuous review of the quality of services that the organization provides to patients. As mentioned in the article by Alkhenizan and Shaw, accreditation refers to a voluntary program in which external peer reviewers evaluate the performance of an...


The Role of Nursing Educators

In the role of nurse educators, professionals are expected to fulfill a wide variety of competencies to facilitate the effective performance of nurses in their respective positions. The competencies are broad and interact with each other in a cycle as one process leads to the fulfillment of another. For example,...

Administration and Regulation

Managing Complex Situations as a Nursing Administrator

For a nursing administrator, managing complex situations such as violence at work are imperative for guaranteeing the high quality of care. However, it is more concerned with ensuring that nurses fulfill their responsibilities in proper and productive ways. According to the research by Friis, Larsen, and Lasgaard, there is a...

Healthcare Research

Identifying and Researching Addiction as a Biological Disease

There are several benefits of identifying and researching addiction as purely a biological disease. First, addiction has a medical component. For instance, substances influence the landscape of receptors in the brain, in addition to, playing the role of neurotransmitters. Hence, the addict behaves as if he or she requires the...


Risk Reduction Strategies for Post-operative Breast Cancer Patients

Mansooreh Rooeintan is a member of Iran’s Lorestan University of Medical Sciences student research committee. Mojgan Khademi and TaherehToulabi are Doctors at the Social Determinants of Health Research Center and School of Nursing and Midwifery in Iran. At the same time, Fatemeh Heshmati Nabavi is a doctor at the Evidence...


The Level of Self-Management of Type 2 Diabetes in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Specific Aims Diabetes decimates the lives of three people every two hours in Saudi Arabia, which is classified as having the world’s third-highest prevalence rate of the scourge, and the worst-hit country in the Middle East. Indeed, according to these authors, the prevalence of diabetes in the country is...

Health IT

The Need to Aggregate Data in Health Care

The primary reason and the need to aggregate data in health care is the normalization of the data and unification of it; subsequently, the queries, alerts, and reports are made possible. The main condition of this possibility is that the data is unified in a single format. For instance, the...


Vaccination Effect Debate and Fake News

A relevant example of an argument associated with fake news is the debate regarding the effect of vaccination on the health of individuals. Several individuals and activist groups have suggested a connection between the administration of vaccines and the occurrence of adverse health effects. For instance, the DTP (diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis) vaccine...


Nurse Policy Entrepreneurship in a Rural Community

To successfully advocate and influence the political community, community health nurses must be politically competent. To do this, they need to be aware of the fundamental political concepts and how politics relates to nurses, patients, and healthcare. They also need to be familiar with theories of political processes, one of...

Health IT

Use of Technology in Health and Caring Part of Nursing

I think that the increasing use of technology in health care has improved the caring part of nursing. Technology can improve the level of communication. Modern medical technologies have the potential to transform the nature of care. Nurses and medical practitioners can use such digital technologies to support the changing...

Medical Ethics

Why We Have the Doctrine of Informed Consent

The doctrine of informed consent is essential as it upholds the legal and ethical perspective in the treatment. It helps in the protection of the patient’s interest by giving the patient the legal authority to make decisions that relate to the treatment. In addition, the doctrine underpins the medical practice...


The Link Between Concept and Theory in Nursing

Nursing theory refers to a term within the body of knowledge that is utilized to promote nursing practices. The nursing theory offers the foundation for proficient nursing practices. In addition, it guides the nursing practice and offers insight into the future, present, and past of nursing. Nursing theory or practices...


Panic Attacks, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Social Anxiety

Introduction The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is a classification manual used by professionals in psychology. The profession requires knowledge of various branches of disorders to diagnose them and create a proper treatment plan. It can be achieved by analyzing three particular cases, examined according to DSM-5....

Healthcare Research

Relation Between Mental Health and Immigrant Life in the USA

The article written by Park, Nisch, and Baptiste discusses the relationship between the mental health and the length of stay in the U.S. in immigrant population. This research subject is a rather complicated one to analyze, since it exists within the overlap of scientific fields. Nevertheless, the article contains a...


Obesity as a Cause of Depression

First, I reviewed the article “Obesity and Depressive Symptoms in Mid-Life: A Population-Based Cohort Study” by Mulugeta, Zhou, Power, and Hyppönen. Mulugeta et al. questioned the relationship between obesity and depression due to the existence of conflicting data on this issue. Data were obtained from the British cohort born in...


Special Initiative for Mental Health: Why Is It Important?

The evolution of humanistic values and the shift of priorities towards the quality of life resulted in the significant reconsideration of priorities important for nations. Today, health has become a major concern for governments trying to provide people with chances for better living. In this regard, the most topical issues...

Healthcare Research

Evidence-Based Practice and Research Courses

The ability to use evidence-based practice in everyday work is central to the provision of nursing and medical services of appropriate quality. Taking this into account, when preparing future specialists to manage real cases, it is important to make sure that they have enough knowledge about the basics of medical...

Healthy Nutrition

Nutritional Practices Promoting Healthy Development

Healthy eating practices promotion is vital for children because it ensures their stable and optimal growth. Moreover, it gives them energy, motivation, and encouragement to learn. Not only does healthy eating imply eating vegetables, fruits, and meat, but also taking vitamins, building a healthy relationship with food, and establishing proper...


Criteria When Diagnosing Mental Illness

In psychology, to understand and classify the variety of mental disorders, one must carefully examine the patient to find specific signs and symptoms of illnesses. Many people try to lie about their state of sanity for various reasons. Thus, it is essential to learn particular signs of mental diseases to...


What Is Intermittent Fasting and Does It Really Work?

Whether intermittent fasting is applicable or not depends on the type of fasting, as some types of fasting have more strict requirements and require more effort. For instance, zero-calorie fasting would not work for me due to the necessity to find appropriate food and have long intervals of not eating....


Nurse’s Change Experience and Best Implementation Practices

Perhaps the most major change in my professional life came when I graduated and gained my first nursing position in a hospital. I went from being a student to a professional in what seemed like a short time. I was slightly nervous, but overall, I found it positive because it...


Miami Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners’ Activities

The activity of advanced registered nurse practitioners is crucial for every community. They can initiate and lead evidence-based projects to improve community members’ health, contributing both to the increase of the quality of care and improvement of patient outcomes. Thus, the activity of ARNPs is not limited to the hospital...

Healthcare Research

Theoretic Contributions of Smoking Study by Louka et al.

This is knowledgeable and theoretical research on the habitual attitudes of smokers when they are exposed to the social environment. It provides arguable theories and knowledge to authenticate all data collection and findings. A lot of research has gone into discovering the hazards of cigarettes. Every day many new discoveries...

Healthcare Research

Clinical Care Extender’s Assertiveness and Self-Sufficiency

Having realized the crucial duties required of a person in patient care, I do realize that it might involve a strenuous schedule and discipline because timely care and disciplined doses of medicine have no parallel in patient care. I am a budding youth with dreams in my eyes, lots of...


Streptococcus Pneumoniae Treatment Testing

A new drug that improves macrophage performance was to be tested for the treatment of pneumonia in humans by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae. As an animal model would be required for phase 1 clinical trial, suitability of animal and test bacterium and the test procedures were to be envisaged carefully...

Medical Ethics

Ethical Committee Findings Disclosure in Mental Health Field

I think ethical committee findings should be made known to the public. There is a need to discourage unethical people from practicing as well as to caution the public on the same. Other practicing professions would learn to respect their clients and exercise maximum precaution. Having the findings made public...


Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndromes and Body Systems

Hematologic system. The generalization of infection with the formation of foci of screening indicates its progressive spread by the hematogenous way. The timing of the occurrence of secondary foci and their localization can vary within wide limits, which corresponds to the acyclic course of sepsis. Endocrine system. Characterized by endotoxicosis,...

Public Health

Vulnerable Populations’ Healthcare: Why Is It Important?

A socially vulnerable group of the population is a layer of the community with a low level of income and accumulated property. The concept of “vulnerability” is a synonymous state of poverty arising from limited access to tangible and intangible resources. It is possible to note that the source of...

Healthcare Institution

Medical Care Culture Encourages High-Technology Solutions

The modern American healthcare culture is characterized by the shift of focus from disease treatment to prevention. Indeed, it is much easier and less expensive to prevent a disease or minimize the extent of its severity than to cure it. For example, nowadays, technological developments enable doctors to detect cancer...

Administration and Regulation

Healthcare Administration, Management and Leadership Roles

Healthcare administration is an integral part of providing high-quality services in a primary care setting. In particular, the work of healthcare administration includes such aspects as communication with patients, scheduling, work with documents and forms, as well as healthcare office management (Apaydin, 2020). Healthcare administration professionals provide the basics of...


Antimicrobial Medication and Patient Differences

The medicaments amoxicillin, ampicillin, and carbenicillin, in contrast to such typical drug groups as penicillin and mezlocillin, inhibit complete protein synthesis, which signifies the proliferation of cells. Therefore, the target groups of antimicrobial drugs are suitable for a wide range of patients. Nevertheless, the professionals, who develop hospital formularies, must...


Strategic Planning in Nursing

Strategic planning in nursing can be regarded as a critical element of the model for improvement. Application of a performance measure at the Veterans Administration Hospital in mental health required strategic planning for collecting the necessary data, minimizing the possible biases, comparing the retrieved data to the information from other...


Mental Illnesses Management in Andrea Pia Yate’s Case

Introduction Globally, mental illness has remained to be an issue of concern in the healthcare system. According to prior studies, mental disorders lead to reduced quality of life, domestic violence, incapacitating human behavior, and alteration of thought processes. Effective management of mental illnesses is critical in preventing the negative impacts...

Healthcare Institution

Main Purposes for a Health Care Delivery System

Health care systems play a significant role in any society. Their primary purpose, clearly, is to meet the health care needs of the members of the community and to advance their health. It includes not only treating the sick but also preventing disease among the now healthy persons. This primary...

Public Health

Mean Level of Health in the United States

The mean level of health stands for the overall ratio of healthy people, people with some health issues, and people with severe health issues. At that, the mean level of health also involves the ratio of people who receive basic healthcare services. Clearly, it is necessary to define ‘health’ and...

Healthcare Research

Health Care Tools to Determine Weight Status

Despite the obvious problems that BMI and waist circumference measurement have, there are no alternative solutions for addressing the weight assessment problem. Therefore, I also use the approaches in question as the means to identify the changes in the patients’ weight and the possible health issues that these alterations may...

Healthcare Institution

Consent vs. Refusal From Medical Treatment

Any person supposed to receive medical treatment can give either consent or refusal to receive it. Informed consent can be given by the person in case he/she agrees to receive the treatment suggested by the doctor and regards it as the most appropriate method of dealing with current health issues....

Healthcare Financing

The Primary Issue in Health Care Today

Health insurance forms an essential element in ensuring universal accessibility of healthcare and improvement of the general health of the population. The uninsured that lack health insurance cover is, therefore, more likely to have trouble accessing healthcare, particularly when in poor health. The uninsured are likely not to receive high-cost...


Decision Analytic Models in Nursing

A decision-analytic model assists decision-makers in getting a clear understanding of cost-effectiveness analysis and the consequences of incremental costs. Characterization of uncertainty such as parameter and methodological uncertainty is important when designing and interpreting any decision-analytic model. A good decision-analytic model addresses various aspects of health economic evaluation. Shared governance...


Factors of Increase in Asthmatic Mortality Rates

Statistics showed by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention state that despite the amount of particulate matter in the air decreases, the overall mortality rates for asthmatics during the period from 2007 to 2010 have increased. The reason why these statistics seem surprising to some is that the graph...


Antimicrobial Medication and Patient Education

Though the optimal selection of the medication for hospital formulary contributes to the maximal aligning of community interests to drugs’ use, it is critical to describe cautionary characteristics of the medicaments. In fact, despite the relative optimization of amoxicillin, ampicillin, and carbenicillin use, three-drug groups have contraindications, which must be...

Public Health

The Reasons for the Increase in Chronic Illness in the United States

The increase in chronic illnesses in the United States can be attributed to a number of reasons. Besides, the chronic illnesses in my community pose some significant epidemiological implications. Community health is extremely essential since it propagates a healthy working environment. Lack of good health and inappropriate health behaviors can...


BSN Leader Identity and Professional Socialization

Since the development of nursing into a full-fledged profession, it has undergone numerous changes to get to its current status. Key among these changes was the restructuring of nursing education, which led to the emergence of the baccalaureate (BSN) nurses. These nurses are highly valued for their overall efficiency and...


Hospital Formulary as a Resource to Prescribe to Patients

The main objective of using hospital formularies in clinical conditions is providing complete satisfaction with the medication needs of a certain group of patients. In this study, we provide the criteria for selecting a specific drug group, which is represented in a hospital formulary. In fact, one can state that...

Healthcare Research

Critical Thinking Skills in the Clinical Setting

Critical thinking skills are vital for almost any profession, but their significance is increased in clinical settings. Doctors and nurses need to analyze a variety of issues within a short time, which makes the ability to perceive the information and find solutions quickly a treasure. Nurse students’ thinking incorporates two...


Deinstitutionalization in the Healthcare Sector

According to Bazelon and Kyoyanagi, over a million and a half individuals are on Medicaid in various nursing homes, and over half of all the nursing home costs are taken care of by Medicaid. Since the late 1950s, there has been a transition from state and local psychiatric institutions to...

Healthcare Research

Meta-Analyses or Systematic Reviews in Healthcare Practice

Systematic reviews provide an overview of research conducted during health care activities. As such, these reviews aim at synthesizing and identifying evidence on research that has been conducted. Since they are systematically done, it makes it possible to eliminate bias. As a health care reader, the use of systematic reviews...

Healthcare Research

Methods of Determining Body Composition

Bioelectrical Impedance It is the measure of the resistance of body muscles against the flow of trifling, mild electrical indicators. The ratio of body fats can simply be computed by using body parts that are made up of water, such as urine, blood, and muscle. For instance, it is to...


Aerobic vs. Anaerobic and Three Examples of Exercises

Aerobic and anaerobic are critical forms of exercise in a fitness environment. They present general maintenance of the well-being of people involved. However, aerobic and anaerobic systems differ from each other. The common definition of aerobics is oxygen. Thus, aerobic exercise can be termed as an exercise involving the use...

Healthy Nutrition

Nutrients’ Role in Maintaining Human Health

Carbohydrates are also referred to as energy-giving foods, which play a big role in providing the body with energy. Carbohydrates usually take the form of sugars and starch, with common examples being foods such as maize meal, arrow roots, sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, etc. Proteins play the role of bodybuilding...


An Infant at Each Sub Stage of Sensorimotor Development

In the first stage, I as the infant will use my sucking reflexes to satisfy my need for food. My parents will pay close attention, talk to me and feed me when I require it. During the next stage, I will be able to enhance my sucking techniques and adjust...

Healthcare Research

Delaying the Aging Process and Possibly Extending Life

The pros of the delayed aging process are people get more time to contribute a lot to society, enjoy their wealth, and increase economic growth. As death robes, the society of its contributors, delayed aging process will give people extra time to contribute to the development of the world. People...

Healthcare Research

Indirect Assessment Tools: Interval Recording

There is a series of procedures that allow collecting data through direct observation. According to specialists, the most commonly used types are frequency, duration, and interval recording. Thus, for instance, if an observer intends to measure aggressiveness, a frequency-related recording might be employed. In this case, it is critical to...


Taking Care of the Mentally Challenged

In the USA, according to Harrington & Terres, mental hospitalizations have been on the decrease from about 400 to 200mper every 100,000 people. He goes on to mention that there are various alternatives to institutionalized life in the many mental hospitals. These have recently been established in the communities and...

Public Health

The Issue of Equity as It Relates to Global Health

The issue of equity in the access to quality health care services has prevailed across the world. It is apparent that many private entities across the world have invested in the healthcare system through the development of healthcare facilities and insurance companies. The inequality in the access to health care...

Public Health

Urbanization: How Does It Impact Health?

Urbanization is the increase of the people migrating from the rural areas to the urban areas in a nation. The process of urbanization has both positive and negative impacts on the quality of health in a nation. For instance, it is apparent that access to health care in rural areas...

Public Health

Indicator of the Quality of Health Care in Poor Countries

The child mortality rate is one of the most reliable measures of the quality of health care in developing nations. This measure is relevant to poor communities because it reveals the quality of health care services for children. In most populations, the child mortality rate is a significant indicator of...

Healthcare Institution

Global Health and Critical Global Health Issues

Global health refers to the quality of health from a global perspective. Global health is a particular discipline that deals with the development of studies and practices aimed at enhancing the quality of health in the global society. The discipline is actively involved in dealing with health issues that affect...


Patient’s Elimination and Dignity from Nurses’ Viewpoint

The topic of elimination as a basic bodily function is very important to discuss and to raise awareness of due to the imposed psychological burden on patients who experience issues with it. Indeed, the health problems related to urinary or bowel emptying in patients of all ages and health histories...