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Popular Essay Samples

Healthy Nutrition

A Child’s Critical Nutritional Issues and Nutrient Needs

For the child’s body, it is especial to receive such minerals as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, which contribute to the normal development of bone tissue and teeth. They play a massive role in the processes of hematopoiesis. The largest number of trace elements and minerals is found in the following products....

Healthcare Research

Healthcare Employees’ Protection from Workplace Violence

Workplace violence against healthcare professionals may be a significant concern as it can lead to severe consequences for both personnel and patients. It is vital for healthcare organizations to ensure the safety of workers and clients. My current workplace has several measures aimed to protect employees from workplace violence. First,...

Other Medical Specialties

Advances in Genetics & Their Application to Health Screening

The emergence of modern technologies has delivered new procedures for learning more about human genetics and genomics. Medical professionals are using these innovations to screen, diagnose, and treat a wide range of conditions. Personally, I believe that CRISPR-Cas9 technology is the best innovation that will support or meet the health...

Other Medical Specialties

Principal Routes of Transmission of Nosocomial Infections

The concept of nosocomial infections includes infections of a different nature. However, its most optimal definition can be presented as follows. A nosocomial infection is any pathological condition, clinically expressed, caused by microorganisms, which arose in a patient as a result of his hospitalization or visiting a health care institution...


Why Colorectal Cancer Is the Most Common Cancer

The prevalence of cancer types is associated with the specifics of its detection and diagnosis. Colorectal cancer is difficult to diagnose, and most often, it is detected already at advanced stages. The decline in the prevalence of cervical cancer is due to the development of regular screening of women, as...

Medical Ethics

The Hippocratic Oath in the Modern World

The Hippocratic Oath is an oath by medics and young specialists ready to take up their duties. The text establishes the ethical principles of behavior of the prospective specialist. However, the Hippocratic Oath in its original form has long since been disused. Many matters of the document no longer have...

Health IT

Electronic Health Records Implementation

The implementation of electronic health records, or EHR, poses both advantages and disadvantages when introduced on both a regional and national scale. EHR can benefit the overall quality of care, as it allows medical professionals to observe better accuracy in the documentation of clinical information. Similarly, such a system allows...

Healthcare Research

Personal Health Information Usage for Purposes Unrelated to Health Care

When there is a belief that the patients’ medical records will be used for purposes outside of medical care, the patient must receive a notice that informs them about how their health information will be utilized and shared with other entitles (US Department of Health and Human Services). In addition...


Why Autism Studies Lean More Toward Males

A number of authors agree that there is no definite agreeable cause of autism. However, research has shown that our genetic composition plays a great role in determining the chances of developing that condition that affects development in certain areas of our lives. This is supported by the fact that...

Healthcare Research

Regression Analysis in a Hospital Setting

Regression analysis is a statistical method of the estimation of relationships between a dependent variable and one or several independent variables. It is widely used for two main purposes: description and prediction. The second purpose is especially useful in healthcare and hospital settings as it helps in the prevention of...

Healthcare Research

The Sequence of Stages in a Typical First Cycle of a Night’s Sleep

The alternating periods of Slow-Wave Sleep (SWS) and Rapid-Wave Sleep (REM) are the ones that characterize a typical sleep. Generally, a person starts sleeping in the first stage of SWS. It is difficult to differentiate the EEG of a person in this stage from that of a person who is...

Health IT

Health Information Technology & Electronic Records

Introduction The increasing role of information systems keeps impacting the nursing practice and all of its derivatives. The main reason for it is that healthcare providers have to store and manage a vast amount of patient data that keeps increasing. Therefore, health information technologies serve as an instrument to facilitate...


Surgical Procedures: Descriptions and Examples

Elective surgery It is a non-emergency surgery that is medically necessary, although it is possible to delay it for a minimum of a day. Examples of such surgery include vision correction interventions or procedures that improve heart function. Emergency surgery It is a surgery that is impossible to delay as...

Healthcare Institution

Young People’s Consent for Medical Treatment

While providing services for children and young people, doctors need to obtain their consent for receiving medical treatment. However, there are certain limitations defining the situations when consent can be obtained from parents or caregivers. There are certain factors revealing whether a child or a young person has the capacity...

Healthcare Research

Guidelines for Reporting the Results of an Evaluation

When planning for an evaluation in nursing, it is important to ensure that the results are made available to the most appropriate people in a timely manner and in a form that is usable. According to Bastable, the following guidelines are crucial for ensuring that the objectives mentioned above are...


Leadership in Nursing and Experience in the Agency

I have been working in a small clinic. This non-profit organization supports the health needs of low-income families. The caregivers, nurses, and medical practitioners in the organization embrace the best health practices. I have identified powerful practices and competencies that have the potential to improve the quality of care. I...


Nursing Unionization and Professional Status

The issue of unionization has several disadvantages and advantages. Such unions “are aimed at representing the socio-economic issues affecting specific classes of people.” These unions can present several benefits to nurses. For example, a union can improve the bargaining power of nurses. This approach will result in new benefits and...


American Cancer Society Education and Support

The American Cancer Society (ACS) has been at the forefront of educating and supporting cancer patients. In this aspect, the ACS has initiated programs that have seen their functions implemented effectively. These programs focus on educating the community on aspects such as cancer prevention, detecting cancer symptoms, and treatment. Society...

Healthy Food

Illnesses and Ailments Caused by Lack of Food Safety

Across the world, people wage regular battles against food contamination, food-borne disease, and food wastage. Despite the considerable advancements in food preservation techniques, food safety is still a matter of concern in the 21st century. Health experts assert that diseases caused by contaminated food are among the major health problems....

Healthy Nutrition

Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of a New Fitness Plan

An appropriate fitness plan can aid an individual in easing weight loss. Several fitness plans have been developed. With all these plans, the subjects are encouraged to use more calories than they can consume. Before settling on a specific fitness plan, an individual is advised to adopt specific guidelines that...

Healthcare Research

Chain of Events When a Patient Incident Occurs

My organization is always concerned with every patient incident. This is the case because the facility focuses on the best health outcomes. Patient incidents can produce many challenges that can affect the performance of different healthcare organizations. My health organization uses a powerful strategy whenever a patient incident occurs. The...

Healthcare Institution

Emergency Centers’ Disparities in Care Supply, Demand, Price

The major “health supplies include goods include time, funds, people, and materials.” The availability of such resources determines the quality of care availed to different patients. Changes in human services and technologies tend to affect the quality of health services. Modern technologies also affect the nature of emergency care. The...

Healthcare Institution

Emergency Centers’ Disparities in Supply, Demand, and Price

Emergency centers are faced with disparities in supply, demand as well as the price for the patients who use these centers for treatment. The genesis of the differences can be attributed to various issues. There is a limited supply of emergency centers despite the high need for their services. The...


CD4+ Cell Counts Classifying Stages of HIV Disease and AIDS

CD4 cell counts are used in the CDC staging system to track the development of HIV in an effort to manage the epidemic. A patient is diagnosed with AIDS once the CD4 count of such a patient falls below 200mm3 (or the CD4 percentage is less than 14%), or certain...


Obesity: Common Causes and Medical Interventions

The leading cause of obesity is bad dietary habits. Taking foods containing excess fats, starches, and sugars can lead to weight gain. Junk foods often contain large amounts of these ingredients, which the body cannot process in time, causing them to accumulate in the body and lead to weight gain....


The Modern Mental Health Issues

Communication is an important part of human life, and it can become vital in clinical settings. However, patients and healthcare professionals often speak different languages, which leads to misunderstandings and misconceptions. For instance, if a patient hears the word depressed, they may associate this diagnosis with such symptoms as suicidal...

Public Health

The Most Important Principles of a Healthy Community

Health depends on many social, biological, psychological, and medical factors. When speaking of community health determinants, social ones play a major role. Suppose a community is characterized by social instability and tension. In that case, various social conflicts and catastrophes occur in it, the social sphere is not developed, there...

Healthcare Research

Effective Interpreter Services in Healthcare Organizations

Studies show that quality service delivery and provision of safety are critical in all healthcare organizations. Quality healthcare is defined as one that aims at improving the living standards of individuals through access to quality medical and other health services in caregiving institutions. For this to happen, the services offered...


Interventions to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease Risks

Several interventions could reverse the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. The first is the consumption of a low-fat and low-cholesterol diet. It is important to maintain a healthy heart diet by replacing fried foods and dairy products with vegetables and fruits. Cholesterol is needed in the body for the production...

Administration and Regulation

A SMART Goal of a Healthcare Leader

Specific The goal will involve personnel within my current healthcare organization. The top management will oversee the execution of the goal. It will aim to build stronger communication frameworks to enhance the quality and safety of care. If better structures of communication were established and followed within the facility, then...


Common Complications Associated With Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus complications develop slowly; they can cause disability and even death. Some of these complications are: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Pathophysiology Diabetes: Hyperglycemia, which is described as: Pre-Diabetes is described as: Diabetes is a metabolic illness typified by irregular fuel metabolism, which particularly results in dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia because...


Recommendations for Reducing the Risks of Heart Chronic Disease

Chronic diseases are a major concern across the world. In the United States, for instance, the Center for Disease Control estimates that chronic diseases account for seven out of the ten leading causes of death in the country. It is also a known fact that these diseases affect one’s quality...

Healthcare Research

The Health Implications of Employment or Unemployment

Using a broad definition of health, an individual’s socioeconomic status needs to be taken into account for making appropriate observations of health conditions and developing effective interventions if needed. Individual’s employment or unemployment as well as corresponding income and access to insurance programs can have health implications for an individual...

Healthcare Institution

Has the Hippocratic Oath Become the Hypocrite Oath?

While the Hippocratic Oath was written over 2000 years ago and taken by medical practitioners to express their dedication to practicing medicine in an ethical and honest manner, it is still held as sacred by physicians today. However, I am of the opinion that the Hippocratic Oath has become the...

Medical Ethics

Kohlberg’s Theory in Health Care Practice

Kohlberg’s theory of moral reasoning can be applied to health care practice for providing patients with high-quality and ethical medical services and identifying the mechanisms through which doctors can make the most appropriate ethical decisions in their professional practice. According to Kohlberg’s theory of moral reasoning, an individual can pass...

Healthcare Financing

Intermountain Health Care: Improving Clinical and Financial Outcomes

Intermountain Health Care uses Clinical Quality Guidance Teams (CQGT) to improve the clinical outcomes of patients. The Guidance teams’ vital role is to identify clinical areas that need immediate improvement through analysis of patients’ data. Foremost, Intermountain records the clinical outcomes of patients which are stored in a data depository...


Characteristics Educators Look for in a Staff Nurse

Staff nurses have become an integral component in the learning environment particularly regarding aiding students on clinical placement. Medical training colleges have continually started embracing competent staff nurses who have the capability of offering high quality care while offering mentoring classes to the clinical students. The staff nurses must exhibit...

Healthcare Institution

Different Types of Personnel in the United States Health Care System

The US health care system consists of physicians, nurses, dentists, and orthoptists as well as psychiatrists and clinical psychologists among others. Physicians are important in the health care system since they examine the sick, organize and carry out diagnostic procedures and interpret the findings to provide treatment. In addition, they...


Quality Indicators of Nursing Practice

All nursing profession practitioners are bound by rules and regulations that govern how they go about their duties. In addition, they are always expected to show a prominent level of professionalism and etiquette while doing their jobs. According to the Institute for Healthcare Improvement website, there are rules and guidelines...


Family Nursing Theories and Its Importance

Important Concepts in Family Nursing A family is an organism in that it is made up of different units/parts. Although each individual part is concerned with complete in itself, it is a member of the whole system. Just like an organic system, a family functions best when all of its...


Gender in Epidemiology of Covid-19: Krieger Diagram

The relationships between factors associated with gender and sex and the propensity toward contracting the COVID-19 virus, as well as the opportunity for recovering from it, appear to be very intricate. In her study, Rabin delves into the specifics of how COVID-19 management and factors such as gender and sex...


Krieger’s Model and Sex Differences in COVID-19 Infections

The threat that COVID-19 has been posing to the global community needs an immediate response along with long-term planning, which, in turn, demands a strictly analytical approach. In the specified situation, illustrating the current connections and correlations between variables is essential to convey the key message and outline the path...


The International Promotion of Drugs and Devices Regulation

According to the people in America, they are industries that the government should regulate more compared to others. These industries are the pharmaceutical and oil industries. In the United States, the representation of the people who believe pharmaceutical industries are more regulated is 51 percent. The pharmaceutical company is experiencing...

Healthcare Institution

Addressing Global Health Governance Challenges

A global health policy that would be the product of the various international organizations, governments, and non-governmental organizations working would go a long way in alleviating global well-being and productivity. Currently, several eminent health issues pose a widespread threat without regard to international borders. Examples include diseases such as HIV/AIDS...


The Pathogenesis of HIV Analyzed

The HIV virus only becomes effective upon the entry into the human body, normally through blood infection upon contact with infected blood. Upon entry, HIV targets the host T-Cells or primary lymphocytes. The T-Cells defend one’s body from common but potentially fatal infections. The HIV virus attaches itself to the...


Infant Mortality Rates in Honduras

The health care system of Honduras has worked hard to reduce infant mortality rates from about 5% in the 1990s to about 2% in 2014. Save the Children reports that the infant mortality rate in Honduras is 19 deaths in every 1000 live births. One of the major causes of...


Investment in the Early Years to Reduce Health Inequities

The health care system is grappling with the issue of health inequities because it varies from one population to another depending on their social and economic conditions. One of the effective ways of reducing health inequalities in a given population is improving the health conditions of children from their early...


The Prescription Drugs and Its Overseas Low Price

Several prescription medications are cheaper in other countries than in the United States. The variations in costs may be considerable. Many Americans as well as citizens from some other countries like Canada question why drugs manufactured by companies in the U.S. are less expensive overseas. The reason is that some...


Most Difficult Tasks for a Nurse Dealing With Geriatric Adults

The most difficult tasks for a nurse dealing with geriatric adults are the nutritional evaluation, mental condition, and functional status assessments. Nutrition is important in geriatric assessments since elderly people are vulnerable to nutritional deficiency. The vulnerability to inadequate nutrition comes as a result of lost appetite caused by loneliness,...


The Chronic Illnesses That Effect the Older Adult

The most common chronic illnesses that affect elderly people include asthma, arthritis, and diabetes. Cases of asthma illness are common among elderly people who have attained the age of 65 and above. According to research findings, asthma is very serious in this age group since it is the cause of...

Other Medical Specialties

Microorganism’s Entry into the Body, Symptoms of a Disease

The contamination process of infection follows a specific sequence based on the causative agent. Thus, every infection starts from the locus point of entry. The sequence of contamination includes a causative agent or pathogen, transmission channel, entry portal, and a susceptible host. The diagram below summarizes the sequence of infections....


Review of the Factors Causing Cancer

Several people from a single family are diagnosed with the same cancer type at an unusually early age. Factors causing cancer are either environmental or genetic (molecular). The general indication of cancer is abnormal cell division (when cells do not stick to the predesigned process of controlled cell division). Cancer...

Healthcare Research

Limits of the Principle of Autonomy

Autonomy refers to the ability to rule oneself and turns out to be a principle of biomedical ethics that claims that patients have a right freely to choose the best option for their health. It means that a patient can decline a certain form of treatment prescribed by a doctor....

Healthcare Financing

The Concept of Health Insurance Risk Pooling

A risk pool can be defined as a form of managing risk where different parties come together to form a pool of protection against catastrophic risks like floods. Risk pooling is a term mainly used in insurance. It refers to the act of the parties coming together to hedge against...

Healthcare Financing

The Concepts and Roles of the USA Managed Care

Managed care, also known as managed healthcare, entails the provision of quality healthcare services to the community at a reduced cost. Managed care is a program in the Health System of the United States of America. Its main objective is to reduce unnecessary costs incurred by US citizens on healthcare....


Skilled Nurses, Assisted Living, and Home Care: Differences

Skilled Nurses Facility (SNYF) is a healthcare facility certified to provide healthcare services to members of Medicare. As such, Medicare reimburses SNF once they provide the services. Medicare is a program for retirees who contributed to the program during their term of service. SNFs are ranked highest in terms of...


Prevention of Infection in the Health Care Environment

The theory of reasoned action, which is a behavioral theory, holds that before individuals perform certain actions, they weigh available options and choose one depending on the prevailing attitudes and subjective norms. Fundamentally, attitudes and subjective norms are parameters of reasoned action that determine behavioral intentions among individuals. In this...

Healthcare Research

Rape in Conflict Areas as Health Issues

In conflict zones, rape and other forms of sexual abuse are gender-based violence that women experience because they are unable to defend themselves. The rates of violence against women are higher in conflict zones than in non-conflict zones, which implies that conflicts predispose women to sexual abuses such as rape...


Maternal Literacy and Family Well-Being

Maternal literacy and family wellbeing are two factors that correlate positively. Maternal literacy determines the well-being of a family because women play a significant role in protecting and maintaining the health conditions of their families. Since hygienic conditions in the family are important in controlling contagious diseases, women have the...


Women’s Breast Cancer and Alcohol Relationship

Intake of alcohol has been linked to a large number of health impairments, chronic diseases, and death worldwide. Research by the International Agency for Research on Cancer established the carcinogenicity of alcoholic beverages based on the increased risk of liver cancer. Alcohol’s relationship to cancer was established twenty years ago....


Problem of Water-Borne Parasites in Borneo

The threat of water-borne parasites is a burning question for people of Borneo. For a long period of time, the inhabitants of this island have been eating exotic food and drinking water without paying attention to the possible threats and illnesses. Nowadays, people face an impressive variety of intestinal diseases....

Public Health

The Problem of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases

The problem of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) has already touched upon many countries worldwide. A number of developing nations suffer from the impossibilities to determine, understand, and prevent diseases. Millions of people die from NCDs annually, and globalization is one of the factors that lead to the spreading of this...


More Choices of Food for Residents With Dementia

Normally, people suffering from dementia have a problem with their brain function. This is due to degeneration of the brain caused by various conditions. These people are often agitated due to frustration caused by their forgetfulness. They often forget to eat or drink and even have a problem with swallowing,...

Healthcare Research

Increasing the Likelihood of Collecting Patients Data

Special skills and procedures are necessary in order to collect primary data from patients, families, or community members. Given that the primary data collection scope is limited, researchers should employ the latest methods of data collection. The key informant strategy is one such approach to collecting primary data. Researchers employ...

Healthcare Research

CDSS and Evidence-Based Medicine

Computer-based CDSS has the potential value of advancing patient treatment and outcomes. The support system entails the input of patient-specific clinical variables by the clinician and the provision of a patient-specific recommendation. For example, the most common form of support systems are drug dosing calculators which facilitate appropriate doses of...

Medical Ethics

The Nurse’s Primary Ethical Responsibility

Nurse’s primary responsibility consists in ensuring emotional, psychological, and physical wellness of patients with regard to the peculiarities of their cultural and social backgrounds. Nurses should be fully committed to the duties they have in front of the managerial staff and patients. Proving high-quality healthcare services should ensure social wellbeing...

Medical Ethics

The Ethical Behavior and Outside Considerations

Each hospital has a unique set of goals, objectives, and philosophy, which are shaped with regard both internal and external processes. At this point, considering outside influences is vital because external competition has a direct impact on the quality of healthcare. This is of particular concern to patients’ social and...

Medical Ethics

The Significance of Morality in the Healthcare Industry

Morality refers to the principal’s of determining the behavior and appropriate conduct in a setting. Each profession has its own ethics. Ethics are vital for healthcare leadership and require two areas of focus, biomedical ethics and managerial ethics. Biomedical ethics is concerned with the way a health care professional should...

Public Health

Blood Test and Controversies on It

A patient should consult a doctor to establish if a blood test is good for his health. This will help a patient to understand benefits and risks which are associated with blood tests. Patients who undergo blood tests are able to understand their health conditions which allows them to make...

Healthcare Research

Medical Screening Images With Gradient Echo Pulse Sequences

GE T1 weighted GE T1 weighted images usually use the following order depending on the scanner used: SPGR (General Electric), RF-FAST (Marconi, formerly Picker), FLASH (Siemens), and T1-FFE (Philips). The flip angle should be considered when you want to obtain T1 weighted images. Small flip angles, normally those less than...

Other Medical Specialties

Injecting Drug Users in Asia: Data Collection Challenges

Biological and behavioral surveillance data about injecting drug users may prove to be very helpful in HIV prevention. First, this data may help in identifying the percentage proportion of individuals infected by HIV through needles. This might help the government to plan a preventive program geared to these individuals that...


HIV Prevention Challenges in Treatment-Oriented Climate

The treatment-oriented world that has been developing after the production of ARVs and other drugs poses several dangers to HIV prevention programs. First, most of the prevention programs nowadays are medicine-driven. This may occur in several ways, but the most important method is the change from prevention programs to treatment...


Low Prevalence of HIV in Some Asia Pacific Countries

Of the Asia Pacific countries with populations of more than 10 million people, very few have escaped significant epidemics of HIV. To date, however Bangladesh, Japan, the Philippines and South Korea are four very different countries with low prevalence. Posit a brief explanation why each of these countries has a...


War as a Cause of Spread of Sexually Transmitted Infections

It has usually been noted that HIV prevalence in war-torn countries or those that are recovering from conflicts is usually very high. This can be seen in several African countries, such as Burundi and Zaire. One of the main factors that may lead to this situation is the increased levels...


Nurse-to-Patient Ratios and Alternatives to Mandate

The majority of the population is greatly dissatisfied with the current health care system provided. While an effective system can be deemed to be one that is efficient, acceptable and at the same time equitable, the current system has been observed to be lacking in these attributes. Even though many...

Healthcare Institution

Health Care Organizations Identified as Being High on Performance

The Pan American Health Organization is a well-known international organization for its high performance of healthcare delivery to Americans, and the main objective of this organization, with a legacy of over a hundred years, is to raise the living standards of the American nationals. The headquarter of this organization is...


Psychoneuroimmunology Course and a “Flu” Shot

The peculiar feature of such diseases like flu is that people do not have appropriate native defenses, which will help to minimize the infection as soon as it gets to the human body. It is very important to pay more attention to the time and the conditions under which flu...


Health and Safety Discussion With Children During Daily Health Checks

Health, safety, and nutrition are closely connected with each other. When children are healthy and fed, they can play, learn, and fully enjoy their childhood. On the other hand, sickness, malnutrition leads to “fatigue, diminished alertness, growth and academic failure”, which can disrupt the children’s mood and be an obstacle...

Healthcare Institution

Adopted Quality and Safety Measure

Measurements to evaluate the existing healthcare practices and their outcomes are critical elements of the model for improvement. The quality and safety measures can be used in assessing the performance of separate clinical settings and the healthcare system as a whole. The standard adopted by the Veterans Administration Hospital in...

Public Health

Criteria for the Evaluation of Health Systems in Developing Countries

Evaluation of the health system should not use different criteria in developing and developed countries.A good health system is one where inequalities should be removed. The health system has the responsibility to remove the inequalities, if necessary, through interventions. Goodness and fairness are the principles of good health. Whatever sources...

Healthcare Institution

Managed Care in the U.S. Health Care System

In 2010, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was enacted to expand access to care, make coverage more affordable, and reduce the number of uninsured. By 2014, approximately 77% of Medicaid recipients had signed up for various forms of managed care. Moreover, it is a requirement that for a hospital to...

Healthcare Institution

Disclosing Counseling Relationship Without Consent

Counselors are obliged to protect the client’s information because it is confidential. The data can be only be disclosed without his or her consent with sound ethical or legal justifications. Otherwise, the client’s consent is needed in order to reveal any confidential information. The subject of confidentiality is the diagnosis...

Public Health

Promoting Health in Global Communities

The state of healthcare in global communities is far from perfect. The effectiveness of healthcare is based on many factors, such as access to necessities, education, literacy, the availability of funds and resources, and technology. The introduction of modern practices and technologies in rural communities often faces difficulties and barriers...


Global Health Agencies and Nursing

The World Health Organization (n.d.) is one of the largest health agencies that are concerned with global leadership in health matters. The projects of the World Health Organization (n.d.) are multiple, and they are aimed at the promotion of health and equality globally. Primary health care is one of the...

Healthcare Research

Social Norms in Healthcare and Disease Prevention

It goes without saying that social norms played a substantial role in people’s awareness concerning health care and their perception of certain diseases. From the time of the European colonization of India and Africa, native populations were regarded as primitive, dirty, and contaminated due to their skin color. Colonial governments...


Professional Mentorship and Its Role in Nursing Career

Professionalism in nursing encompasses an extensive set of qualities including academic and experience-based knowledge, professional, ethical attitude based on responsibility, and the skills of clinical practice and decision-making. According to Daly, Speedy, and Jackson, the primary purpose of nursing leadership is “to engage staff in a way that instills a...

Healthcare Institution

Sustainable Health System and Its Three Key Attributes

There are times in everyone’s life when medical help is essential. Unfortunately, the health system is not ideal and has many disadvantages. That is the reason why many people avoid asking for medical help. According to Fineberg, there are some recommendations that can help to ensure the efficiency and sustainability...


Bipolar Disorder Identification and Treatment

I have recently watched an interesting episode from “Doctor House” where a journalist who lost the ability to speak and had a specific neurological disorder was described. He had serious problems with health, but the problem was that he could not speak distinctly and mixed basic concepts in his mind,...

Public Health

Public, Community, Population Health & Community-Based Care

The four terms, public health, community health, population health, and community-based care, all refer to approaches that are used for promoting positive health outcomes within a specific group. Yet, some distinctions should be mentioned. For instance, community and population health are similar but unique approaches to the promotion of public...

Healthcare Research

Drug-Related Commercials and Their Impact on Consumption

Since the invention of advertisement as a marketing tool, its main purpose was to attract the recipients and encourage them to do a particular action, whether it is a purchase or lecture attendance. The advertisements concerning alcohol and tobacco are no exception, and their primary purpose is to make people...

Healthcare Institution

Three Clinical Institutions Comparison

Physician’s Office in Riyadh The first systems to be implemented will be the source systems. In this case, they will include the registration-admission, discharge, and transfer, the practice management, the patients’ financial services, electronic document management, and order communications systems. These applications ensure a smooth flow of patient information from...

Healthcare Institution

Culturally Sensitive Care in Clinical Practice

Culturally insensitive care can be regarded as one of the contributors to healthcare disparities in the United States because medical professionals’ approach defines patients’ perceived relationships with them and the overall quality of care. For example, according to Cuevas, O’Brien, and Saha, many practitioners tend to provide less patient-centered care...


Nursing Education Levels and Improved Patient Care

The availability of various pathways to becoming a registered nurse is definitely a positive factor, and one can argue that it contributes to the improvement of care quality. All of the mentioned educational pathways – the bachelor’s degree of science in nursing (BSN); the associate’s degree in nursing (ADN); the...

Public Health

Public Health Services: Wellness, Prevention, Bioterrorism

Wellness Public health services are charged with the detection and prevention of disease from spreading. They are also supposed to perform disease surveillance activities such as checking for any outbreaks or immunizing patients in case of a probable outbreak. The detection of unusual diseases or outbreaks is very crucial as...

Healthcare Institution

The Emergency Department’s Duties of Care

The emergency department offers stewardship to patients by ensuring that they offer them quality emergency care through prudent management of scarce health care resources. Emergency physicians have an obligation to effectively use the available resources for the long-term benefit of the patient; thus emergency department has a duty to avoid...

Administration and Regulation

How a Health Care Administrator Can Protect Patient Rights

Morrison informs that in cases of abuse like domestic violence, the healthcare administrator can encourage the victims to report the matter themselves to the law enforcement officers. Alternatively, the healthcare administrator can consult with the victim and thereafter offer to report the matter to police on behalf of the victim....


Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care

Education is crucial for all career people in practicing their professions. This does not exclude the nurses for they are career individuals. The education for the nurses is offered through the nurse’s educators who ought to be trained clinicians and offer the education in an academic and clinical setting. Nurses...


Challenges in the Multigenerational Nursing Workforce

It is advisable that the nurses should demeanor generational inventory of their working units. They should look at a team that considers generational mix, generational issues, and age profile. This is quite important for it helps to lock out the gaps that would be created by the aging staff. The...

Healthcare Financing

Various Payment Regimens on Health Care Delivery

An upward trend of the costs of health care delivery is still imminent unless a complete overhaul of the health care system is accomplished. The introduction of health insurance as a way of prepaying health care costs in the beginning of the 20th century has not yielded fruits as such...


Conceptual Models of Nursing

The factors, which influenced the development of the nursing theory, are closely associated with the history of nursing and the development of medical science in general. Originally, nursing presupposed only caring for the deceased and wounded by creating the necessary environment for recovery. The appearance of Florence Nightingale in the...

Healthcare Financing

Nations Health Care: Costs and Reform

“One needs to structure a system by which efforts must be made to deliver value to patients in terms of patient results, or outcomes per $ on health care costs, or in other words “lower costs without impairing quality.” In the present scenario, the most important drawback has been that,...

Healthcare Financing

Medicare: Classifications for Rural Hospitals

Rural hospitals can be subdivided into several categories or classifications, for instance: sole community hospitals (SCH), Medicare-dependent hospitals, and rural referral centers. In this section, it is necessary to discuss their peculiarities. At first, we need to mention that the funding provided to each of these institutions as well as...