🏥 Essays on Healthcare Institution

Any location, organization, structure, or agency that offers health-related services is considered a healthcare institution. Such facilities include hospitals, home health agencies, and hospice service organizations. These provide medical care, nursing care, health screening, and more.

In these places, patients can receive supervisory, personal, and directed care services. You can find plenty of academic works on this topic in our database. Use our free essay samples to gain inspiration, gather information, or find out how to spotlight a healthcare institution in an assignment.

Healthcare Institution

Institute of Medicine and Quality and Safety Education

Such organizations as the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) play an essential role in forming the vision for the future of nursing. They identify major challenges existing in the practice of nursing today and the main competencies that practitioners will need to...

Healthcare Institution

Healthcare Reforms and Incremental Gains in the US

Despite all the debate that goes around the PPACA, the reform has demonstrated notable achievements in the US healthcare system. The improvements are primarily associated with the Medicaid expansion, increased assess to care, enhanced self-assessed health, and better health-related outcomes. In particular, due to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), in...

Healthcare Institution

Non-governmental Organizations (NGO) Involved in Global Health Advocacy and Nursing

There are multiple non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that work in the field of healthcare advocacy, and the Global Health Council (n.d.a) is one of them. The Global Health Council (n.d.a) was established in 1972, and nowadays, it comprises a network of organizations from 150 countries, which are united by the mission...

Healthcare Institution

Maintaining the Accreditation Status of a Healthcare Facility

Maintaining the accreditation status of a healthcare facility is possible through the continuous review of the quality of services that the organization provides to patients. As mentioned in the article by Alkhenizan and Shaw, accreditation refers to a voluntary program in which external peer reviewers evaluate the performance of an...

Healthcare Institution

Medical Care Culture Encourages High-Technology Solutions

The modern American healthcare culture is characterized by the shift of focus from disease treatment to prevention. Indeed, it is much easier and less expensive to prevent a disease or minimize the extent of its severity than to cure it. For example, nowadays, technological developments enable doctors to detect cancer...

Healthcare Institution

Main Purposes for a Health Care Delivery System

Health care systems play a significant role in any society. Their primary purpose, clearly, is to meet the health care needs of the members of the community and to advance their health. It includes not only treating the sick but also preventing disease among the now healthy persons. This primary...

Healthcare Institution

Consent vs. Refusal From Medical Treatment

Any person supposed to receive medical treatment can give either consent or refusal to receive it. Informed consent can be given by the person in case he/she agrees to receive the treatment suggested by the doctor and regards it as the most appropriate method of dealing with current health issues....

Healthcare Institution

Global Health and Critical Global Health Issues

Global health refers to the quality of health from a global perspective. Global health is a particular discipline that deals with the development of studies and practices aimed at enhancing the quality of health in the global society. The discipline is actively involved in dealing with health issues that affect...

Healthcare Institution

The Doctrine of Informed Consent and Its Importance

The Doctrine of Informed Consent refers to the legal right of an individual. It is based on an individual’s mandate to decide what should be done with his/her body during a medical treatment such as surgery. The doctrine is based on the patient’s entitlement to adequate information. The information allows...

Healthcare Institution

Young People’s Consent for Medical Treatment

While providing services for children and young people, doctors need to obtain their consent for receiving medical treatment. However, there are certain limitations defining the situations when consent can be obtained from parents or caregivers. There are certain factors revealing whether a child or a young person has the capacity...

Healthcare Institution

Emergency Centers’ Disparities in Care Supply, Demand, Price

The major “health supplies include goods include time, funds, people, and materials.” The availability of such resources determines the quality of care availed to different patients. Changes in human services and technologies tend to affect the quality of health services. Modern technologies also affect the nature of emergency care. The...

Healthcare Institution

Emergency Centers’ Disparities in Supply, Demand, and Price

Emergency centers are faced with disparities in supply, demand as well as the price for the patients who use these centers for treatment. The genesis of the differences can be attributed to various issues. There is a limited supply of emergency centers despite the high need for their services. The...

Healthcare Institution

Has the Hippocratic Oath Become the Hypocrite Oath?

While the Hippocratic Oath was written over 2000 years ago and taken by medical practitioners to express their dedication to practicing medicine in an ethical and honest manner, it is still held as sacred by physicians today. However, I am of the opinion that the Hippocratic Oath has become the...

Healthcare Institution

Different Types of Personnel in the United States Health Care System

The US health care system consists of physicians, nurses, dentists, and orthoptists as well as psychiatrists and clinical psychologists among others. Physicians are important in the health care system since they examine the sick, organize and carry out diagnostic procedures and interpret the findings to provide treatment. In addition, they...

Healthcare Institution

Addressing Global Health Governance Challenges

A global health policy that would be the product of the various international organizations, governments, and non-governmental organizations working would go a long way in alleviating global well-being and productivity. Currently, several eminent health issues pose a widespread threat without regard to international borders. Examples include diseases such as HIV/AIDS...

Healthcare Institution

Health Care Organizations Identified as Being High on Performance

The Pan American Health Organization is a well-known international organization for its high performance of healthcare delivery to Americans, and the main objective of this organization, with a legacy of over a hundred years, is to raise the living standards of the American nationals. The headquarter of this organization is...

Healthcare Institution

Adopted Quality and Safety Measure

Measurements to evaluate the existing healthcare practices and their outcomes are critical elements of the model for improvement. The quality and safety measures can be used in assessing the performance of separate clinical settings and the healthcare system as a whole. The standard adopted by the Veterans Administration Hospital in...

Healthcare Institution

Managed Care in the U.S. Health Care System

In 2010, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was enacted to expand access to care, make coverage more affordable, and reduce the number of uninsured. By 2014, approximately 77% of Medicaid recipients had signed up for various forms of managed care. Moreover, it is a requirement that for a hospital to...

Healthcare Institution

Disclosing Counseling Relationship Without Consent

Counselors are obliged to protect the client’s information because it is confidential. The data can be only be disclosed without his or her consent with sound ethical or legal justifications. Otherwise, the client’s consent is needed in order to reveal any confidential information. The subject of confidentiality is the diagnosis...

Healthcare Institution

Sustainable Health System and Its Three Key Attributes

There are times in everyone’s life when medical help is essential. Unfortunately, the health system is not ideal and has many disadvantages. That is the reason why many people avoid asking for medical help. According to Fineberg, there are some recommendations that can help to ensure the efficiency and sustainability...

Healthcare Institution

Three Clinical Institutions Comparison

Physician’s Office in Riyadh The first systems to be implemented will be the source systems. In this case, they will include the registration-admission, discharge, and transfer, the practice management, the patients’ financial services, electronic document management, and order communications systems. These applications ensure a smooth flow of patient information from...

Healthcare Institution

Culturally Sensitive Care in Clinical Practice

Culturally insensitive care can be regarded as one of the contributors to healthcare disparities in the United States because medical professionals’ approach defines patients’ perceived relationships with them and the overall quality of care. For example, according to Cuevas, O’Brien, and Saha, many practitioners tend to provide less patient-centered care...

Healthcare Institution

The Emergency Department’s Duties of Care

The emergency department offers stewardship to patients by ensuring that they offer them quality emergency care through prudent management of scarce health care resources. Emergency physicians have an obligation to effectively use the available resources for the long-term benefit of the patient; thus emergency department has a duty to avoid...

Healthcare Institution

Health Information in Developing Countries

Information traditionally obtained from health facilities serves to assist in the health care system in developing nations. However, this data is not fully useful as it is fragmentary and biased. “The health care challenges facing developing countries are many in number, broad in scope and fundamental in nature.” Several factors...

Healthcare Institution

The Quality of Health Care Importance

Summary Physicians and nurses strive to provide quality medical care to their clients to ensure better patient outcomes and satisfaction. Quality care in healthcare institutions has significant benefits at individual and community levels since it increases chances of realizing anticipated health outcomes. An evaluation of various dimensions of quality care...

Healthcare Institution

Healthcare Disparities in the U.S.: Challenges and Solutions

In the U.S, there exist differences in the access of the quality health care especially among the minority groups and non-minorities that amounts to healthcare disparities. The root causes of these disparities are varied and as such resolving them, needs interventions of many stakeholders. Recent research efforts that focused on...

Healthcare Institution

Patient-Centric Health Information Management System

A patient-centric health information management system ensures patient safety in several ways, including reducing medical errors, facilitating communication among healthcare providers, and providing access to health information. Throughout patient hospital stay, healthcare personnel is involved in patient care, which increases the risk of miscommunication error. Implementing this system will reduce...

Healthcare Institution

Specific Type of Tort Action in the Health Care Arena

Tort reform in the health arena came into effect at the time of Bush’s reign, and the word tort means that a person, who is a victim of a civil wrong, can legally go for the redress from whom he has caused damage to. A specific type of tort action...

Healthcare Institution

The Most Significant Global Health Policy Issue

As a starting point, it can be argued that the most significant global health policy issue is the high instance of nutritional diseases, which have endlessly affected many people globally, especially with the take-up of a modern sedentary lifestyle. In this case, undernourishment is a disproportion or insufficiency of nutrients,...

Healthcare Institution

The Total Quality Management in the Healthcare Facilities

Pareto Chart A Pareto chart is a form of a pie chart used to identify areas that require attention and priority in process improvement. In healthcare, Pareto Charts help identify the most frequent outcome of a categorical variable that establishes the root of a healthcare problem. The chart displays ordered...

Healthcare Institution

Urgent Health Care in the United States

Multiple frameworks that constitute the cornerstone of the healthcare system in the US differ substantially from those in high-income European countries. The US healthcare system provides clients with high-quality services and can boast of unique, highly efficient equipment. Nevertheless, the high costs of medical care, the complicated insurance system, and...

Healthcare Institution

Lac + USC Medical Center: Facility’s Population

The guest speaker’s name is Gracie Gonzalez, and she currently works at LAC + USC Medical Center as a recreational therapist. Gonzalez describes the facility’s population as adults and pediatric patients. The needs addressed in this facility include the mental well-being of the patients. The speaker currently works in a...

Healthcare Institution

Middlefield Hospital’s Workforce Shortages

Introduction Employee retention and morale are some of the most significant metrics that affect the overall efficiency and productivity of organizations. An employee turnover rate of more than 15% indicates evident problems in either compensation policies or company culture (Stowers, 2020). In the current case, Middlefield Hospital has more than...

Healthcare Institution

The Phoenix Hospital’s Strategic Planning

Introduction Phoenix is the most well-known private healthcare provider in the United Kingdom. Its vision and mission are all focused on providing clients with the best services possible. Phoenix’s advantages include a favorable geographic position and reliable information systems. However, extensive hours for nurses and inflation are two of the...

Healthcare Institution

Organizational Communication Plan for Metropolitan Health

The availability of the dissatisfied patients is an indication that Metropolitan Health is failing to uphold its vision and mission statements. 60% of the respondents are not likely to recommend the health facility to their close associates, including their families and friends (Gopi et al., 2019). The patient survey data...

Healthcare Institution

Interprofessional Collaboration in Health Care: Article Review

The research in the article Interprofessional collaboration and integration as experienced by social workers in health care was aimed at studying social workers who work in the healthcare sector and are involved in interprofessional collaboration. The study, which took place in the form of surveys and observation, showed that many...

Healthcare Institution

Market Entry Strategies for Ajo Medical Center

SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) is a widely used strategic analysis tool that can help identify and evaluate the internal and external factors that significantly impact an enterprise. Strengths and weaknesses are internal components under the control of a company. Strengths involve the positive, unique aspects that highlight the...

Healthcare Institution

The Irish Public Healthcare Sector

Ireland offers one of the highly competitive healthcare structures and systems for the citizens. One of the proficient indicators for the concept enshrine the determination of the taxation rates among the citizens. In a report, it is established that Ireland is ranked lowest among other European nations based on the...

Healthcare Institution

United Health Group Inc.’s Healthcare Management

Introduction The major forces affecting the delivery of healthcare in present-day organizations are numerous and, therefore, should be carefully analyzed for proposing strategic plans. They primarily include the increase in prices of medical goods, adverse customer feedback, the complexity of services, technological innovation, and emerging regulations (Wake Forest School of...

Healthcare Institution

Medication Errors: Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan

Introduction The problem of errors in prescribing and administering drugs remains relevant for many medical organizations throughout the country. Given that there have been cases of misuse of medications with adverse patient outcomes in Minnesota, a plan to improve the quality and safety of nursing services is required. The critical...

Healthcare Institution

Interdisciplinary Teams in Medical Facilities

Introduction Medical facilities should consider the best strategies to continue delivering sustainable health services. The identified ambulatory surgery center (ASC) intends to retain its 12 workers. Such professionals are presently compelled to work elsewhere to increase their hours. This issue is capable of affecting organizational performance. Organizational Issue The absence...

Healthcare Institution

Paramedic: Role and Responsibilities

A paramedic is a specialist with a higher medical education who specializes in providing emergency medical care. Such a specialist can save a person’s life before his hospitalization. They are responsible for complex medical manipulations, in particular, artificial ventilation of the lungs. In addition, the paramedic is able to take...

Healthcare Institution

Medical Errors: Types and Causes

Introduction Medical errors remain in the list of serious problems that the modern healthcare industry is facing. Notably, the amount of fatal cases that result from not adhering to standards or prescriptions is slightly smaller than 100,000 per year (Saljoughian, 2020, p. 10). Work injuries, vehicle accidents, and AIDS, which...

Healthcare Institution

The US Healthcare System Analysis

Compared to Switzerland, the US spends twice as much on health. In 2019, the average cost of health care in the US was $11,582 per person (Chen et al., 2020). This expenditure is a result of the increased pay-outs to physicians and hospitals. Moreover, the expense also results from higher...

Healthcare Institution

East Orange General Hospital as a Clinical Site

The clinical site of my practice is East Orange General Hospital of New Jersey, and working there contains opportunities to involve in multiple specialties. The facility has three main Centers of Excellence: Family health, Weight loss, and Female health, and includes diagnostic, emergency, behavioral, and outpatient services (East Orange General...

Healthcare Institution

United States Health Care Reform Analysis

Introduction The health care system in the US addresses the citizens’ access to the relevant services, financing of the workforce, and the development of related industries. Executing such a vital segment is challenging, and the regulations such as private insurance or unequal costs result in additional obstacles to the government’s...

Healthcare Institution

Changes to Reform the US Healthcare Delivery System

In recent years, the American health care delivery system has faced tremendous changes to deliver quality health care to Americans and find solutions for the emerging medical complications. America faces a high-aged population due to the increased life expectancy, poor lifestyles, and consumption of processed foods that have endangered American...

Healthcare Institution

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Report

The report is about St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, which specializes in advancing knowledge and treatment for children suffering from cancer and life-threatening illnesses. First, it analyzes historic legislation by the US Congress that has influenced the hospital’s operations. Second, it talks about how the services provided by the hospital...

Healthcare Institution

Evaluation of Health System Development Plan

Communication is a vital aspect in all organizations, including health care institutes. It enhances the maximization of the utilization of company resources as well as saves time when conducted in the right manner. A health care organization involves a variety of people who have diverse age groups, tribes, ethnicity, religious...

Healthcare Institution

Community-Based Clinic: Case Study

Modern medicine has many and varied opportunities for development. A particular case is small medical organizations, which, thanks to the work of employees and state funding, are becoming more prominent and changing direction. This allows organizations to provide better medical services and treat more people. An example of such an...

Healthcare Institution

The Role of SNS in a Situation of a Disaster

The strategic national stockpile (SNS) is a national supply of life-support medications and equipment used in disastrous situations. SNS’s mission is to provide vitally needed medical resources to a national emergency site while local public health resources are overloaded. Stockpiles usually contain 12-hour push packages which include bandages, antibiotics, airway...

Healthcare Institution

Healthcare Delivery and Various Types of Structures

Introduction Efforts to maximize healthcare organizations’ ability to deliver high-quality services developed with reference to patient needs are critically important. Nowadays, multiple types of structures, including client-centered and organic ones, informal hierarchies, and social networks, are regarded as promising tools for care delivery improvement. The purpose of this paper is...

Healthcare Institution

Culture of Safety and High Reliability in Healthcare

Introduction The quality of work of healthcare organizations depends not only on the specific professional qualities of employees but also on the culture of institutions and their effective management. For this reason, this presentation will study the main elements that shape the organizational culture of healthcare institutions and methods of...

Healthcare Institution

Healthcare in Somalia: Economic & Cultural Impacts

Somalia’s healthcare system has been weakened by three decades of instability and civil war, the limited capacity of the state, and poverty-related deprivation. Indeed, out of the country’s 15 million people, it is estimated that close to 70% are living below the poverty line with 2.6 million have been internally...

Healthcare Institution

The Lincoln Medical Health Center: Marketing Discussion

Introduction The Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center has successfully rolled out two programs called the Taxi and Limousine Health Screening and Lincoln Art Exchange to reach out to the community. These programs, from a marketing perspective, are ideal in promoting the facility as that which cares for the community....

Healthcare Institution

Safety and Disaster Training for Healthcare Workers

There are dozens of safety and disaster training that every healthcare worker must undergo. The most essential are induction training, such as workplace orientation, equipment training, fire safety training, etc. They provide the staff’s competence improvement and significantly reduce time spent on getting to know the new environment, which can...

Healthcare Institution

Physician Assistant Studies at Colorado Mesa University

The Physician Assistant Program (PA) is an upstanding course provided by the Colorado Mesa University (CMU) to enhance patient’s care through quality education provision (Master of Physician Assistant Studies, n.d). The course intends to model compassionate, collaborative and innovative physician assistants who are competent in this field. The mission of...

Healthcare Institution

Quality in Health Care Organizations

Aggarwal, A., Aeran, H., & Rathee, M. (2019). Quality management in healthcare: The pivotal desideratum. Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research, 9(2), 180–182. In this article, the authors argue that a Health Care Organization (HCO), is an intricate entity since its service outcomes are intangible and the fact that...

Healthcare Institution

Health Policymaking: Key Aspects

Introduction A policy is a form of plan, governing principle, or a course of action adopted by the government to improve life quality and to solve problems affecting the citizens. There are five steps in the policymaking process, which are agenda building, formulation and adoption, implementation, evaluation, and termination. A...

Healthcare Institution

“Sico” Documentary: Main Claims

In the documentary Sico, Michael Moore makes four major claims regarding the existing health system of the USA. First of all, it is the low effectiveness of the approach, regardless of high spending or attention devoted to it; second, Moore states that National Health Service (NHS) would be more effective...

Healthcare Institution

Quality Measures Description

Introduction Continuous quality improvement is a concept that healthcare organizations should pursue in order to meet the changing demands of their patients. The selected institution has decided to create a dashboard to display various measures each month. Such items are necessary since they will give a clear picture of the...

Healthcare Institution

Health and Safety Legislations in Organisations

Legislations Touching on Healthcare Communication of Policy and Procedures The changes envisioned at North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust are likely to affect the communication system in place. For example, the director is required to come up with an open door policy in the process of monitoring whether or not...

Healthcare Institution

Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

Introduction A preliminary Care Coordination Plan is a vital part of treatment, as it ensures the appropriate integration of services into the process and effective interactions between care professionals and their patients. The purpose of care coordination is to maintain the mentioned constituents’ correct functioning, intended to facilitate the recovery...

Healthcare Institution

23andMe Company: The Informed Consent and Health Care Delivery

Introduction Most patients consider the issue of informed consent as a broken promise in healthcare provisions. Informed consent covers all pieces of information the physician should allow the patient to know, alternatives, and pros and cons of such options, and then the physician should go with the patient’s option. This...

Healthcare Institution

United Healthcare Case Study

To win the confidence and trust of customers, it is important for an organization to assure them that it can address their needs in an efficient manner. In this case, an organization should notify its customers about the measures that it wishes to adopt in order to handle their needs...

Healthcare Institution

Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity

Introduction Health care providers are constantly in contact with people from diverse communities and religions. In fact the provision of health care demands that providers interact with individuals from diverse backgrounds with varying spiritual and religious beliefs. The beliefs affect the provision of health to these patients (Cadge & Bandini,...

Healthcare Institution

Spirituality Assignment in Healthcare

Healing Hospital Traditionally, health institutions utilized the cure model in the provision of care. This model focused on disease eradication in patients with minimal consideration of their social and religious values (Berger, 2015). Hospitals and other health institutions currently focus on the healing hospital paradigm that focuses on the physical...

Healthcare Institution

Hand Hygiene as HAIs Prevention Measure in Intensive Care Units

Introduction Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are a fundamental health problem that affects millions of patients, mainly in intensive care units. HAIs include central line blood infections, surgical site infections, and catheter urinary tract infections. Research statistics show that in the United States, approximately 1.7 million people are diagnosed with HAIs per...

Healthcare Institution

Value of Interprofessional Care in Healthcare Team

The value of working with other healthcare professionals lies in the sharing of experiences of best practices that are only accessible to certain areas of practice. Some professionals are exposed to the emotional side of care while others to physical, and the exchange of experiences leads to the formulation of...

Healthcare Institution

Change in a Healthcare Organization

Organizational Change: Nurse Retention and to decrease turnover Healthcare organizational change implies the transition from its current state towards future state in order to boost service delivery. The healthcare industry is dynamic and in order to preserve the quality of healthcare delivered to their clients, it must adapt to the...

Healthcare Institution

Health Insurance Exchange Analysis

Introduction A health insurance exchange is a subsidized health insurance plan provided by the federal government. The concept was included in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to increase health insurance access. The Accountable Care Act (ACA) was established to create a market where exchange in health insurance can...

Healthcare Institution

Legal Issues in Health Care

Introduction Healthcare is an important industry in any given society. Governments are actively involved in the dispensation of health. This is achieved through government regulations in the healthcare industry and the Public Health Service where the government protects the nation’s physical and mental health. The industry has legal issues and...

Healthcare Institution

Quality and Safety in Healthcare Management

Introduction For a variety of reasons that include professionals, patients and policymakers, healthcare organizations nowadays seek to establish solid systems for managing quality and safety in the industry (Bowie & Bradley 2012). After the publishing of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report, “To Err is Human: Building a Better Health...

Healthcare Institution

Effects of Quality Healthcare

Introduction Many nations are highly concerned about the quality of health offered to their citizens because the productivity of a nation directly depends on good health. Different policies and programs have been instituted to put in to check the quality of healthcare by different states, as well as the federal...

Healthcare Institution

Health Care as a Business Domain

The study reviews the case of starting a health care clinic in a rural area. The practical nurse, Jennifer Kowal, who intends to find a center of medical assistance in a detached district, is motivated to undertake the project on her own. However, it should be kept in mind that...

Healthcare Institution

Application of Change Models to Healthcare Organizations

Name of the Model: John Kotter’s Eight Steps to Change Model Description of the Model John Kotter’s model of change outlines eight steps that managers can take to bring about change in their organizations. The first step involves creating a sense of urgency. Kotter argues that urgency is a necessity...

Healthcare Institution

Power Acquisition in Health Care Settings

Bruce, F. (1989). Power Acquisition in Health Care Setting: An Application of Strategic Contingencies Theory Human Relations, 41(12), 915-927. In this article, the author has put emphasis on Substitute Tactical contingency theories suggesting the uncertainty managing, non-changeability and centrality predict intra-managerial grouping power. The theory was put to test in twenty...

Healthcare Institution

Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm

Introduction The ability to restore, repair, cure, and return to wholeness is called healing. However, cure can be defined as the restoration or recovery from illness. Cure can be described as the process, mechanism, practice, and agent of healing. The healing hospital is a conceptual model that employs healing designs...

Healthcare Institution

The Degree to Which Clinicians Are Engaged in Health Care Anagement

Introduction The background of the management problem Health care management has been the preserve of qualified and trained managers since time immemorial. The advent of specialisation in health care has opened doors for the incorporation of professional health workers in management. Although little achievement has happened in this direction, debate...

Healthcare Institution

Diabetes Consultants in Holistic Medicine

Introduction There is a significant challenge in the management of diabetes within the limits of the global population. Health stakeholders around the world are working hard to find out new methods of curbing the rising cases of diabetes around the world. That is why it is important to approach the...

Healthcare Institution

Quality in the Healthcare Services Sector

Introduction Quality for services has always been a concern for all professional services. It determines how customers respond to the services provided, and finally, the success of the whole thing. Healthcare providers in the public scene have tried to provide quality services, which are essential, not only for the well-being...

Healthcare Institution

King Faisal Specialist Hospital: Evaluation of Promotion System

Abstract The structure of incentives must be clear and simple enough to be easily understood by employees and should also provide measurable and realistic targets to be achieved. Promotion system helps improve services provision across a wide range of departments including health domains in terms of technical and allocative efficiency...

Healthcare Institution

Healthcare Delivery Changes for Nursing Practice

Recent healthcare reforms have focused on disease prevention, population health, access, cost control, and quality. These changes have significant implications for nursing practice and roles. This essay examines how changes in the healthcare delivery system could transform nursing practice, compares and contrasts the US model to that of another country,...

Healthcare Institution

Health Models and Healing Environments

Introduction Health, unlike other phenomena in this world, is not easy to grasp and reason about. Ideas about health emerged not because of spontaneous thinking activities, but because there was a purpose. A surrounding cultural context significantly influenced each notion (Swinton et al., 2015). It is not possible to offer...

Healthcare Institution

US Healthcare System Compared to World Practices

The US healthcare system is complex, and its efficiency is questionable due to high costs, low health indicators, errors, and other issues affecting the population of the country. While the practices applied by the US medical professionals are considered to be among the most effective in the world, the high...

Healthcare Institution

Healthcare Access in the 19th-21st Centuries

Introduction Access to healthcare is one of the inalienable human rights, and today, the principle of freedom in relation to receiving competent medical assistance is a significant aspect of civilized society. However, in American history, there is much evidence that this practice has not always been followed, and a number...

Healthcare Institution

Healthcare in the United States Today

Traditional medical ideology not only does not disappear but develops and deepens on a new basis. A number of classic philosophical questions remain in the doctrine of medicine, such as the question of the essence of medicine as a science, the purpose of health care as a system, and the...

Healthcare Institution

Healthcare Systems and Their Challenges

Despite serious advancements in medical technology and successful transition to evidence-based practice, healthcare systems in the United States and a variety of other countries continue to face challenges. The present paper analyzes the problem of challenges within health systems by reviewing a number of scholarly articles that pay maximum attention...

Healthcare Institution

Hospital Review: Communicating About Changes

The hospital that will be reviewed within the framework of this paper is Bath Community Hospital located in Hot Springs, VA. From the information that was found it can be concluded that there are several issues that have to be addressed as soon as possible in order to stabilize the...

Healthcare Institution

Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health Organization

Organizational Systems and Structures Evaluation Purpose of the Paper This paper explores the systems and structures of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth (SCL) Health Organization. The institution is faith-based with centers in Colorado, Kansas, and Montana (Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health System, 2018). In this paper, key aspects...

Healthcare Institution

American Health Agencies and Their Services

Health Agencies Level Location Website Information Surveillance Data Change National United States www.hhs.gov Table of contents, diseases, preparedness, families, secretary The survey, self report, and statistics. Regular updates as Information comes Canada www.hc-sc.gc.ca Outline of health services provided in Canada, consumer products & drug safety, environmental health, food & nutrition,...

Healthcare Institution

Health System’s Issues and Management

The term “health system” refers to the “organization of institutions, resources, and professionals that offer sustainable services to support the medical needs of the target population” (Morris, 2014, p. 16). This definition explains why there are numerous types of health systems. For instance, the nature of laws and care delivery...

Healthcare Institution

Healthcare Benchmarking of the US and Canada

A health-care system is a complex arrangement of health services. The essence of any health-care system is to provide access to health-care services for all people. Different organizational structures, institutions, and resources are involved in this process. A diverse array of health-care systems can be found all across the globe...

Healthcare Institution

ACA Performance Based Healthcare Standards

Initial Post The article ACA’s Performance-Based Health Care Standards – Accreditation Based on Results by Kathleen McKim is devoted to the changes in the health care program. In particular, the author pays attention to the ACA Performance-Based Health Care Standards, which have been developing to coordinate the work of the...

Healthcare Institution

Healthcare Systems in the United States and Japan

Nowadays, many countries continue taking steps to move their healthcare systems to achieve a universal level with all options and opportunities available to people. However, despite numerous attempts to improve the field, millions of people remain uninsured and face considerable challenges in receiving medical services. In this paper, special attention...

Healthcare Institution

The Lifeline Blood Services Quality Assurance

AABB quality systems are important to the facilities that seek to improve the outcomes of their facilities. However, the most efficient facilities do not dwell on one method of quality assurance but they take a holistic approach when embracing compliance. According to administrators, quality assurance goes beyond the basic guidelines...

Healthcare Institution

Canada’s vs. the United States’ Health Care

The healthcare system of a given country dictates the quality of medical services available to its citizens. The United States and Canada have adopted diverse models and policies to ensure that more people have access to superior care. This paper compares and contrasts the health care systems of these two...

Healthcare Institution

HealthPartners Organization’s Strategic Direction Changes

The points proposed to be discussed in the presentation address the idea of unity because all the sections relate to the thesis. It is important to discuss the necessity of the merger for HealthPartners, the situation of the strategic shift, and the impact observed as a result of the merger...

Healthcare Institution

AlAmal Complex for Mental Health

If lack of mental health awareness is related to the society’s acceptance of mental institutes, then raising mental health awareness among the Saudi society will make them accept AlAmal complex for mental health According to Jorm (1), failing to provide health literacy to the public may result into lack of...

Healthcare Institution

Changes in the Healthcare Organization’s Strategic Direction

HealthPartners merged with Park Nicollet Health Services in 2013, and the organization has undergone a significant strategic shift because of the merger (HealthPartners, 2014). The purpose of this project is to state what impact the strategic shift had on the progress of this non-profit health care provider. Thus, the focus...

Healthcare Institution

Bourke Aboriginal Health Service in Australia

Introduction According to Bourke Health Service (n. d.), Bourke is located to the northwest of Sydney along the Darling River. is a town with a population of about 4000 people (Linke n.d). The area boasts of a health facility which is referred to as the Bourke Health service. This facility...

Healthcare Institution

Healthcare Organization: Strategic Direction Changes

Research Proposal HealthPartners merged with Park Nicollet Health Services of St. Louis Park in Minnesota in 2013 (HealthPartners, 2014). The leaders’ focus on the cooperation strategy is explained with references to expectations regarding the improvement of the delivery system and expansion of services in the community. The selected cooperation strategy...