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War as a Cause of Spread of Sexually Transmitted Infections

It has usually been noted that HIV prevalence in war-torn countries or those that are recovering from conflicts is usually very high. This can be seen in several African countries, such as Burundi and Zaire. One of the main factors that may lead to this situation is the increased levels...


Nurse-to-Patient Ratios and Alternatives to Mandate

The majority of the population is greatly dissatisfied with the current health care system provided. While an effective system can be deemed to be one that is efficient, acceptable and at the same time equitable, the current system has been observed to be lacking in these attributes. Even though many...

Healthcare Institution

Health Care Organizations Identified as Being High on Performance

The Pan American Health Organization is a well-known international organization for its high performance of healthcare delivery to Americans, and the main objective of this organization, with a legacy of over a hundred years, is to raise the living standards of the American nationals. The headquarter of this organization is...


Psychoneuroimmunology Course and a “Flu” Shot

The peculiar feature of such diseases like flu is that people do not have appropriate native defenses, which will help to minimize the infection as soon as it gets to the human body. It is very important to pay more attention to the time and the conditions under which flu...


Health and Safety Discussion With Children During Daily Health Checks

Health, safety, and nutrition are closely connected with each other. When children are healthy and fed, they can play, learn, and fully enjoy their childhood. On the other hand, sickness, malnutrition leads to “fatigue, diminished alertness, growth and academic failure”, which can disrupt the children’s mood and be an obstacle...

Healthcare Institution

Adopted Quality and Safety Measure

Measurements to evaluate the existing healthcare practices and their outcomes are critical elements of the model for improvement. The quality and safety measures can be used in assessing the performance of separate clinical settings and the healthcare system as a whole. The standard adopted by the Veterans Administration Hospital in...

Public Health

Criteria for the Evaluation of Health Systems in Developing Countries

Evaluation of the health system should not use different criteria in developing and developed countries.A good health system is one where inequalities should be removed. The health system has the responsibility to remove the inequalities, if necessary, through interventions. Goodness and fairness are the principles of good health. Whatever sources...

Healthcare Institution

Managed Care in the U.S. Health Care System

In 2010, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was enacted to expand access to care, make coverage more affordable, and reduce the number of uninsured. By 2014, approximately 77% of Medicaid recipients had signed up for various forms of managed care. Moreover, it is a requirement that for a hospital to...

Healthcare Institution

Disclosing Counseling Relationship Without Consent

Counselors are obliged to protect the client’s information because it is confidential. The data can be only be disclosed without his or her consent with sound ethical or legal justifications. Otherwise, the client’s consent is needed in order to reveal any confidential information. The subject of confidentiality is the diagnosis...

Public Health

Promoting Health in Global Communities

The state of healthcare in global communities is far from perfect. The effectiveness of healthcare is based on many factors, such as access to necessities, education, literacy, the availability of funds and resources, and technology. The introduction of modern practices and technologies in rural communities often faces difficulties and barriers...


Global Health Agencies and Nursing

The World Health Organization (n.d.) is one of the largest health agencies that are concerned with global leadership in health matters. The projects of the World Health Organization (n.d.) are multiple, and they are aimed at the promotion of health and equality globally. Primary health care is one of the...

Healthcare Research

Social Norms in Healthcare and Disease Prevention

It goes without saying that social norms played a substantial role in people’s awareness concerning health care and their perception of certain diseases. From the time of the European colonization of India and Africa, native populations were regarded as primitive, dirty, and contaminated due to their skin color. Colonial governments...


Professional Mentorship and Its Role in Nursing Career

Professionalism in nursing encompasses an extensive set of qualities including academic and experience-based knowledge, professional, ethical attitude based on responsibility, and the skills of clinical practice and decision-making. According to Daly, Speedy, and Jackson, the primary purpose of nursing leadership is “to engage staff in a way that instills a...

Healthcare Institution

Sustainable Health System and Its Three Key Attributes

There are times in everyone’s life when medical help is essential. Unfortunately, the health system is not ideal and has many disadvantages. That is the reason why many people avoid asking for medical help. According to Fineberg, there are some recommendations that can help to ensure the efficiency and sustainability...


Bipolar Disorder Identification and Treatment

I have recently watched an interesting episode from “Doctor House” where a journalist who lost the ability to speak and had a specific neurological disorder was described. He had serious problems with health, but the problem was that he could not speak distinctly and mixed basic concepts in his mind,...

Public Health

Public, Community, Population Health & Community-Based Care

The four terms, public health, community health, population health, and community-based care, all refer to approaches that are used for promoting positive health outcomes within a specific group. Yet, some distinctions should be mentioned. For instance, community and population health are similar but unique approaches to the promotion of public...

Healthcare Research

Drug-Related Commercials and Their Impact on Consumption

Since the invention of advertisement as a marketing tool, its main purpose was to attract the recipients and encourage them to do a particular action, whether it is a purchase or lecture attendance. The advertisements concerning alcohol and tobacco are no exception, and their primary purpose is to make people...

Healthcare Institution

Three Clinical Institutions Comparison

Physician’s Office in Riyadh The first systems to be implemented will be the source systems. In this case, they will include the registration-admission, discharge, and transfer, the practice management, the patients’ financial services, electronic document management, and order communications systems. These applications ensure a smooth flow of patient information from...

Healthcare Institution

Culturally Sensitive Care in Clinical Practice

Culturally insensitive care can be regarded as one of the contributors to healthcare disparities in the United States because medical professionals’ approach defines patients’ perceived relationships with them and the overall quality of care. For example, according to Cuevas, O’Brien, and Saha, many practitioners tend to provide less patient-centered care...


Nursing Education Levels and Improved Patient Care

The availability of various pathways to becoming a registered nurse is definitely a positive factor, and one can argue that it contributes to the improvement of care quality. All of the mentioned educational pathways – the bachelor’s degree of science in nursing (BSN); the associate’s degree in nursing (ADN); the...

Public Health

Public Health Services: Wellness, Prevention, Bioterrorism

Wellness Public health services are charged with the detection and prevention of disease from spreading. They are also supposed to perform disease surveillance activities such as checking for any outbreaks or immunizing patients in case of a probable outbreak. The detection of unusual diseases or outbreaks is very crucial as...

Healthcare Institution

The Emergency Department’s Duties of Care

The emergency department offers stewardship to patients by ensuring that they offer them quality emergency care through prudent management of scarce health care resources. Emergency physicians have an obligation to effectively use the available resources for the long-term benefit of the patient; thus emergency department has a duty to avoid...

Administration and Regulation

How a Health Care Administrator Can Protect Patient Rights

Morrison informs that in cases of abuse like domestic violence, the healthcare administrator can encourage the victims to report the matter themselves to the law enforcement officers. Alternatively, the healthcare administrator can consult with the victim and thereafter offer to report the matter to police on behalf of the victim....


Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care

Education is crucial for all career people in practicing their professions. This does not exclude the nurses for they are career individuals. The education for the nurses is offered through the nurse’s educators who ought to be trained clinicians and offer the education in an academic and clinical setting. Nurses...


Challenges in the Multigenerational Nursing Workforce

It is advisable that the nurses should demeanor generational inventory of their working units. They should look at a team that considers generational mix, generational issues, and age profile. This is quite important for it helps to lock out the gaps that would be created by the aging staff. The...

Healthcare Financing

Various Payment Regimens on Health Care Delivery

An upward trend of the costs of health care delivery is still imminent unless a complete overhaul of the health care system is accomplished. The introduction of health insurance as a way of prepaying health care costs in the beginning of the 20th century has not yielded fruits as such...


Conceptual Models of Nursing

The factors, which influenced the development of the nursing theory, are closely associated with the history of nursing and the development of medical science in general. Originally, nursing presupposed only caring for the deceased and wounded by creating the necessary environment for recovery. The appearance of Florence Nightingale in the...

Healthcare Financing

Nations Health Care: Costs and Reform

“One needs to structure a system by which efforts must be made to deliver value to patients in terms of patient results, or outcomes per $ on health care costs, or in other words “lower costs without impairing quality.” In the present scenario, the most important drawback has been that,...

Healthcare Financing

Medicare: Classifications for Rural Hospitals

Rural hospitals can be subdivided into several categories or classifications, for instance: sole community hospitals (SCH), Medicare-dependent hospitals, and rural referral centers. In this section, it is necessary to discuss their peculiarities. At first, we need to mention that the funding provided to each of these institutions as well as...

Healthcare Institution

Health Information in Developing Countries

Information traditionally obtained from health facilities serves to assist in the health care system in developing nations. However, this data is not fully useful as it is fragmentary and biased. “The health care challenges facing developing countries are many in number, broad in scope and fundamental in nature.” Several factors...

Healthcare Research

Screening Tools Used for Assessing Substance Abuse

Alcohol and drug screening AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test), is a screening tool that is heavily effective in the identification of heavy consumption of alcohol among women who are not pregnant. It consists of around 10 questions that are related to the harmful consumption of alcohol. On the other...


Differences Between Innate & Adaptive Immunity

The foremost function of the immune system is to protect organisms from exogenous agents that cause infection using layered defenses, namely the physical barriers, the innate immune system, and, on the last line of defense, the adaptive immune system. Each of the three has a critical role to play if...

Healthcare Institution

The Quality of Health Care Importance

Summary Physicians and nurses strive to provide quality medical care to their clients to ensure better patient outcomes and satisfaction. Quality care in healthcare institutions has significant benefits at individual and community levels since it increases chances of realizing anticipated health outcomes. An evaluation of various dimensions of quality care...

Health IT

Barcode Medication Administration (BCMA) Presentation

Summary Healthcare information technology has played a critical role in enhancing the quality of service delivery and assuring positive results from interventions. Unfortunately, most healthcare practitioners do not know the scope of some technologies and how to adapt them for effective medical practices. However, a bar-code medication administration system is...


COVID-19 Impact on the Multiplier in Canada

COVID-19 has affected the economics of the countries all other the world, and Canada is not an exception. Business experiences serious problems: due to the quarantine, many cafes and restaurants are closed, the travel industry is paralyzed, and the entertainment sphere is overcoming difficulties of moving to online production. The...


Nursing Advanced Practice Roles Comparison

There are numerous roles in nursing that require different approaches and education that prepares nurses for the necessary tasks that lie within their duties. All the nurses have at least an RN allowing them to offer basic primary care. Most of the specialized types of nurses described in this essay...


Nursing Practice Environment and Turnover

The main factor in the overall practice environment that influenced RN turnover was the practice environment as a whole. This variable was measured by the PES-NWI score after correcting for RN features, units, and hospitals. Specific attributes under the overall practice environment included the tenure, age, and education level of...


Mood Disorders: Major Depressive vs. Bipolar Disorder

Mental health problems nowadays are treated with as much precision, attention, and importance as physical health. However, for the longest time, people were unaware of the necessity of addressing and treating them. Mental health issues, specifically mood disorders, can be defined as psychological disturbances that evoke periods of excessive emotional...

Healthcare Research

Informed Consent in Case of Sundowners Syndrome

The main elements of informed consent could be seen in that the concerned patient should be fully aware and involved in treatment and procedures that are being carried out on them. Further, it is also necessary that patients need to be informed and appraised about the medical treatment meted out...

Healthcare Research

The United States Should Adopt a Public Health Approach Instead of Incarcerating Drug Users

The federal government of the United States has spent most of its drug control dollars on interdiction and law enforcement with substantially smaller amounts of funds directed to prevention and treatment. Scientific knowledge would be used as the foundation for developing drug policy. This knowledge base would be multidisciplinary, depending...

Other Medical Specialties

Drug, Its Use, Abuse and Dependence

Humans and drug addicts have used or consumed drugs for many years since the history of humanity, but as regards this, the scientific study of drugs is more recent. According to research that was conducted by researchers, it was discovered that pharmacology is the scientific study of drugs, which deals...


The Similarity of Illicit Drug Use and Prescribed Pharmaceutical Drugs

Abuse of substances has been approximated to be the actual cause of close to 120,000 deaths per year in the United States, while more 80% of them imputed to alcohol and about 20% imputed to other drug use. Alcohol and other drugs have become more likely the cause of unpremeditated...

Healthcare Research

Transgender Patients and Discrimination in Healthcare

Transgender people are considered to be among vulnerable populations due to their increased need for high-quality healthcare. According to the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, transgender patients are at a higher risk of health issues associated with abuse, violence, and substance misuse than the general population. This population...


The Role of Vaccination on Society

The modern world exists in the way we know to a greater degree due to the discovery and mass use of vaccination. The given practice helped to attain significant improvement in the quality of people’s lives by eliminating the danger of being killed by smallpox, polio, diphtheria, and hepatitis. It...

Healthy Nutrition

Nutrition Telemedicine Program for Older Adults

Proper eating is known to play a significant role in the wellbeing of any person, and dieting is vital for a healthy lifestyle. This is especially important for older adults who have diabetes, as the quality of their life depends on what they eat. Telemedicine can offer a solution to...

Healthcare Research

Cultural Competence Seminars for Healthcare Staff

Scientific medicine has long been perceived as an effective and the only accurate method of medical care, and there remain proponents of the traditional way of treatment. However, practice shows that not only science is beneficial to doctors’ performance and their patients’ health but also other less evident factors such...

Other Medical Specialties

Zika Virus Disease Prevention from Coming into the US

Nowadays, people have to be concerned not only about diseases in their communities but also about outbreaks in other parts of the world. As the transportation system becomes more sophisticated with time passing, so increases the chance of being infected by a virus from another corner of a planet. Today,...

Healthcare Research

Changing Reimbursement Environment Based on Clinical Quality

Pay for performance is an approach to reimbursement within the clinical environment in which a provider is compensated based on safety and quality of care, and client satisfaction. It should be noted that the complexity of the set lies in the fact that the focus is shifting towards attempts to...


Nurses’ Participation in Legislation and Policy Amendment

It should be stressed that nurses should participate in healthcare legislation and policy amendment actively because, this way, they will be advocating for their clients. To effect change at the state level, nurses need to collaborate with other professionals since, first, they need to get experienced in interdisciplinary cooperation, informatics,...

Other Medical Specialties

Salmonella Bacterium and Antibiotics

Salmonella is a bacterium commonly associated with a foodborne illness caused by the salmonellosis infection. The disease is responsible for 1.2 million infections and 450 deaths in the United States annually. There are more than 2,500 various serotypes identified. This paper will discuss a relatively common Salmonella enterica. It is...

Other Medical Specialties

Allelic Disorders and Genome Sequencing

Alleles are the variations or alternatives for a gene locus, and they can be classified into two main categories. There are dominant and recessive alleles, where the latter’s effect is overridden by the former’s expression. If an organism possesses either two dominant or two recessive alleles, it is considered to...

Other Medical Specialties

Drug Consumption and Dopamine Release

Frequently, when people get the desire to try any drug, they are willing to achieve a sense of pleasure and relaxation. While a person injects drugs into the body, the brain system releases the neurotransmitter called dopamine. It helps drug consumers feel the desired effect of pleasure and reward and,...


Side Effects of Psychopharmacological Agents

Firstly, these are antianxiety agents commonly used for treating anxiety disorders and symptoms. The names of drugs belonging to this class are benzodiazepines such as alprazolam (Xanax), and other medications including buspirone (BuSpar) and paroxetine (Paxil). Antidepressant drugs are intended for treating the major depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder, and bipolar...


Controversy Over Dieting

Dieting becomes a factor in the daily life of everyone who wishes to control his and her weight. But there are many incorrect popular beliefs regarding dieting, especially regarding how and what to eat. Many people do believe that they must eat the less possible and substitute fats with carbohydrates...

Healthcare Institution

Disparities in the U.S. Healthcare System

In the U.S, there exist differences in the access of the quality health care especially among the minority groups and non-minorities that amounts to healthcare disparities. The root causes of these disparities are varied and as such resolving them, needs interventions of many stakeholders. Recent research efforts that focused on...


Western Assumptions About Disease, Its Causes, and Treatment

The majority of developed nations including the western world have for many years explained the emergence of infectious diseases using the production-of-disease theory. However, the disparity in society has affected both the spread patterns of infectious diseases as well as the causative agent. The outbreak of new strains of infectious...

Administration and Regulation

The Affordable Care Act Governing Health Care Management

The Affordable Care Act is one of the most effective laws governing health care management in the United States of America. The act deals with the funding and spending docket as well as the delivery of healthcare services to the public. President Obama signed the Act into law in March...

Administration and Regulation

Risk Management Efforts in Healthcare Organizations

Risks to the staff, patients, and the institution are prevalent in healthcare. Organizations have different risk management programs aimed at safeguarding the institution and the patients. Patient safety and risk management program is some of the common risk management programs that I have encountered in healthcare institutions. The patient safety...


Nurse Aide in a Long-Term Care Unit

In the provided scenario, I am one of three nurse aides (NAs) assigned to a long-term care unit with thirty-five residents and staffed with two registered nurses (RNs). I was instructed to cover the registered nurses’ (RN) patients while they distribute morning medications with my co-worker, Linda Evans. However, Linda...

Public Health

Health Disparities, Determinants, and Vulnerable Populations

Health Disparities These are inconsistencies in health determinants between population subgroups, resulting in differences in key indicators, such as immunization rates, life expectancy, morbidity, and mortality, among others. They exist in health outcomes, healthcare access, health-seeking behaviors, and risk exposure. Implicit provider stereotypes and prejudice against minority groups contribute to...


Role of a Nurse Manager in Maintaining the Accreditation Status

Working as a nurse manager, it is possible to act as a change agent to maintain the accreditation status of a particular clinic. The use of control methods and those leadership standards that exist today contributes to increased monitoring over the productivity of subordinates and, as a consequence, the quality...

Healthcare Financing

Managed Care Organization, Medicare and Medicaid Programs

Introduction Medicare and Medicare services, as well as managed care companies, are often used phrases in the United States’ insurance and affordable health care programs. These insurance programs are experiencing financial difficulties that must be addressed through a variety of alternate techniques. Thus, this essay will discuss both Medicare and...


Case Study: Health History

Twenty-two-year-old white American, finishing her undergraduate degree, not working at the moment. She was raised and developed normally as a child and was not behind her peers. Financially well-off lives in a 3-room apartment with a family of five. Meals are regular, three times a day, nutritious, varied. A young...


Upper Respiratory Infection and Antibiotics

Pharmacology is developing rapidly, and the persistent opinion that any strong antibiotic causes much harm to the body can no longer be considered consistent. Antibiotics of the new generation, among other vital advantages, show that they can work carefully about vital human systems and effectively against pathogenic bacteria. The abstract...


The Use of Metformin in the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus

Introduction Many diseases are treated with specific medications, but the advantages and great results are not evident to some healthcare providers. This is a major shortcoming of evidence-based healthcare practice, and the information must be spread as soon as possible so that medics begin to treat their patients with useful...

Healthcare Research

Social Determinants of Health and Health Inequities

Socioeconomic and environmental influences play a role in determining health outcomes, and these are known as social determinants of health (SDH). Life circumstances comprise everything from how a person is born to how they grow, work, live, and retire. Economic systems, development goals, social standards, social programs, and political systems...

Healthcare Research

Phenomena, Concepts, Propositions, and Assumptions

Introduction A phenomenon denotes the things people experience through their senses. Problems are the daily phenomena individuals involve in their practices. Some of the phenomena challenges individuals may face daily include uncontrollable blood pressure stimulated by the stress people incur due to certain illnesses or incidents (Dahlberg & Dahlberg, 2019)....

Healthy Nutrition

Ideal Nutritional Requirements

Introduction The Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated by dividing a person’s weight (kgs) by their height (m2). My weight is 230 pounds (104kgs) and height is 5’5 feet (1.65 meters), therefore; BMI = 104/2.725 = 37.82 The result indicates that my BMI is way above the recommended range for...

Health IT

HITECH Act: Nursing Practice

HITECH act, or Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, is an important part of current nursing practice. Signed into practice by President Obama in 2009, the program aimed to establish the use of new technology in medical practice (What is the Hitech act, 2021). In particular, the...

Public Health

African American & Amish Healthcare-Related Cultural Beliefs

Both Amish and African American cultural heritage is characterized by a set of cultural beliefs that shape their members’ experiences and define the efficacy of its delivery. The African American cultural heritage has made it possible to focus on the importance of family relationships as the vehicle for building health...

Other Medical Specialties

Heroin and Cocaine Overdose in Drug Users

Since the 19th century, drugs can both be used for instrumental or medical purposes and recreational use, when people only consume illegal substances to achieve some satisfaction. Speaking of instrumental drugs, medicals are obliged to follow specific rules on drug injection, which include dose calculations and ratio. In such a...

Healthcare Research

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design of a Hospital

Crime Prevention through Environmental Design principles focus on the relationship between the physical environment and behavioral tendencies with respect to crime. CPTED principles provide the necessary physical security assessments and professional certifications within the built environment. The principles and coupled to design systems that ensure the physical environment of a...

Other Medical Specialties

Blood Brotherhood Program and Genetic Information Protection

Other people with hemophilia can be found through community counts and support networks, which only involve members who are voluntarily willing to assist hemophilia patients. It is important to remember that the hemophilia occurrence rate is significantly higher among men than women because it is an X-chromosome-linked gene. The Hemophilia...


Probability Approach in Diagnostics

Many patients decide to visit a doctor when the same symptom occurs for several days, and the situation does not change or even gets worse. In this case, a new patient informs about a fever for three days and asks for help. To come to one correct diagnosis, it is...

Public Health

Miami-Dade County’s Community Health Promotion Media

Media are used in the community to promote health and prevent disease. The most effective approach is the use of the Internet for health-promotional purposes. Community members have access to a variety of websites, such as healthymiamidade, floridahealth, miamidade, and others. At these websites, citizens can find out the location...


Bias in Wakefield et al.’s Study on Vaccine and Autism

Biasness in a research study is known to cause a distortion between the exposure and outcome. Bias in a study results from errors in design method employed, method of data collection, as well as data analysis. According to a critical review of the controversial paper published (and later retracted) by...


Influenza Virus Infection in Humans and Poultry

H5N1 is highly contagious between birds of different species. H5N1 easily mutates creating variants which are capable of infecting birds across different species. There are some of these variants which infect human beings. The avian virus is transmitted between birds by binding to galactose receptors located in their respiratory tract....


The Different Processes of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

Substance in the organism, whereas bioavailability is a subcategory of the former concept. It is based on the portion of the drug that reaches the final circulatory system. Both of them are highly dependent on the nature of the chemical. Distribution is the process of transferring the drug through the...

Health IT

Electronic Medical Recordkeeping System Features

Features to include Physical security Electronic medical records should occupy limited physical space available. Computers should occupy limited space within health facilities where patients can interact with physicians nicely and update the status of their health profiles. Medical practitioners are the only qualified people to interpret or manipulate the medical...

Health IT

Digitizing Patient Records: Pros and Cons

The safekeeping of medical records entails the task of compiling, storing, typing, and retrieving patients’ data in health institutions. Data is documented from different sources for the purpose of facilitating ongoing medication to various patients. Patients’ data is not only important in supporting sustainable medication; it also facilitates proper health...

Healthcare Research

Daily Care Organization Models

Daily care can be organized in several ways: The team leader approach. Registered practitioner leads a team of professionals who provide all major types of services. Patient satisfaction increases as the contact with the staff improve. However, a leader’s characteristics can affect group performance adversely. This approach can be used...


The Major Structures and Functions of the Hindbrain, Midbrain, and Forebrain

The Hindbrain or rhombencephalon is located a little over the spinal cord and is a developmental classification of parts of the vertebrates as forming part of the central nervous system. The hindbrain functions collectively in coordinating sleep patterns, equilibrium, posture, and motor activity as also regulates some unconscious but vital...

Healthcare Financing

Preventive Health Care Services Financing

Preventative healthcare interventions are an essential part of the process of health care improvement. Moreover, preventive measures lead to managing healthcare resources in an increasingly cost-effective way. Since the U.S.’s healthcare expenditures are among the highest in the world, with the quality of care leaving much to be desired, preventative...

Healthy Nutrition

Carbohydrate Ingredients in Recipes

Monosaccharides are the smallest molecules of carbohydrates that the body absorbs after digestion of food and utilize them in the production of energy during cellular respiration. Glucose, galactose, and fructose are the three types of monosaccharides that exist in nature for they originate from cane sugar, milk sugar, and fruit...

Healthcare Research

Calcium and Vitamin D Intakes in Children Study

Cosenza et al.’s article “Calcium and vitamin D intakes in children: A randomized controlled trial” is about a study, randomized controlled trial, done to determine the role of adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D in the prevention of rickets and mineralization of bones. The study aimed to demonstrate how...

Healthy Nutrition

Soluble Vitamins, Fat-Soluble Vitamins, and Minerals

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin and its functions are to improve vision and prevent clinical eye disease called xerophthalmia, maintain healthy skin, ensure the growth of healthy teeth and bones, and enhance the immune system. Fortified milk, butter, eggs, liver, and cream are animal sources of vitamin A while...

Healthy Nutrition

How Body Uses Proteins and Where It Gets Them From

Primarily, the body uses proteins in growth and development for they are building blocks of cells, tissues, and organs. Moreover, the body uses proteins for repairing worn-out cells, tissues, and organs and maintaining their integrity. As the body requires chemical messengers, it uses proteins in the production of hormones such...

Healthcare Research

How Can Case Management Be Used in the Treatment for Addictions?

The term case management has been constantly used over the past decades in the world of literature, referring to everything that revolves around the legislative system to the medical management of a patient’s care. The use of case management to counter the use of drugs has been a constantly debated...

Administration and Regulation

Healthcare Human Resources Management Course for Career

The healthcare sector is integral to the development and advancement of any society in the world. The HR function is fundamental and can be considered the most valuable asset in any organization in the healthcare sector. To achieve their set objectives, healthcare institutions require a robust human resources manager or...

Medical Ethics

Ethically Wrong Act in a Professional Nurse’s Practice

Ethical conduct is an essential part of high-quality nursing care. According to Haddad and Geiger, ethical principles in medicine are meant to ensure that practitioners are committed to the well-being of patients (individuals, communities, and the population as a whole). While such ethical principles as accountability and beneficence seem clear...


Nurse-Patient Interactions and Outcomes in Clinical Practice

The quality of patient-nurse interaction can significantly define the overall patient outcomes. As stated by Nilsen et al., “the use of verbal and nonverbal interaction behaviors can help establish a synergistic care relationship between nurses and patients.” Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to both verbal and nonverbal communication...


Glomerular Blood Pressure and Renal Blood Flow

Glomerular blood pressure together with renal blood flow (RBF) is considered as the determining factor that defines the proper glomerular filtration. The decreased renal blood flow and renal venous congestion mainly caused by heart failure episodes might result in impaired kidney function. Therefore, kidney disease and diminished renal function commonly...

Healthcare Research

Recreational Therapy Specialist: Interview Analysis

The guest speaker in the video is a recreation therapist who works at the Jackson Recreation Center in Miami, Florida. The speaker’s name is Kelly Messett, and she graduated from college in 1997. The Jackson Recreation Center is a state-of-the-art facility where medical professionals help people with different types of...


The Nurse Retention Problem in the US

Introduction The nurse retention crisis has become a pertinent issue that must be addressed sooner rather than later for the welfare of the American people. The role of nurses in the healthcare process cannot be overlooked and their retention is a priority to prevent a full-blown overload of the entire...


The Organization of the Immune System

The immune system is principally organized around three-layered defenses of increasing specificity – the physical barriers, innate immune system, and the adaptive immune system. The physical barriers form the outermost protection layer and include the skin, eyelids, mucous membranes, normal flow of urine, tears, linings of the mouth, lungs, and...


Ways of the Effectiveness of Immune System

The immune system is a complex process that involves the interaction of various biological components in the body that are involved in defending the body against infections. As such, because of this immune system complexity, there is no single approach that can be reliably used in the determination of this...


IgA, IgE Antibodies and Its Function

Both IgA and IgE are important immunoglobulin isotopes that play significant key roles in body defense mechanisms. Like most other site-specific antibodies found in the body, IgA is selective in nature and its functions are largely limited within the mucosa sites of the body which makes it one of the...


The Impact That Psychosocial Stressors Have On Immunity in the Elderly

Psychosocial stressors may be of different forms, including a number of factors like working conditions, decision-making processes, or even the level of social support. This type of stress takes place as soon as a person understands what some threats to self-esteem or self-respect are possible, and these threats influence considerably...


Safety Management System and COVID-19

The Safety Management System, or SMS, of an organization, is a set of rules and guidelines that define the proper procedures for an organization to follow in order to achieve optimal safety levels. In addition to general safety policies that cover the daily operation of an organization, a Safety Management...


Barcoded Medication Administration System Against Errors

Introduction Medication administration errors may threaten patients’ safety and lead to negative health outcomes. When nurses administer and dispense medications to their patients, they should confirm the “five rights” of drug administration: “right patient, right medication, right dose, right route and right time” (Mulac et al., 2021, p. 1021). Therefore,...


Antibiotics for Patients With Acute Bronchitis

PIO Question: In patients suffering from acute bronchitis, do antibiotics reduce sputum production, cough or days off? Patient: patients with acute bronchitis Intervention: antibiotics Outcome: reduction of sputum production, cough and/or days off. I found it somewhat difficult to effectively find relevant information for my PIO question originally. Bronchitis is...