200-Word Essay Examples: Health & Medicine

A 200-word essay is not a long assignment. A paper of such a length requires creativity and clarity of thought rather than serious research. 200 words essays about health care, medicine, and nursing might be required for your college or scholarship application. For instance, a 200-word essay on why I want to be a nurse is a typical assignment when one is applying to a nursing school.

You might be assigned a 200-word essay in almost any medical subdiscipline. For instance: cardiology, surgery, urology, pediatrics, or immunology. Good luck with your paper! Check 200 words essay examples below to get inspired.


Organizational Culture Barriers to Patient Safety

In the work environment, nurses often face barriers to the patients ’safety and the services’ quality that are truly hard to overcome. Farokhzadian et al. (2018) performed the study that helped them to uncover the most widespread challenges nurses face that impede the creation of a safe patient environment, and...


Nursing Leadership and Advocacy

The vocation of a nursing leader, besides managerial and organizational tasks, encompasses the importance of being a role model and public supporter of one’s followers. Thus, when interacting with nurses, one of the primary leader’s responsibilities is to accumulate data on the staff’s concerns and expectations from the job. These...


Assertive Communication Styles

Nurses can be more assertive by training to speak and listen in a way that helps them express their views and by paying attention to what their patients and colleagues are saying. According to Yoshinaga et al. (2017), assertiveness is typically defined as the ability to express one’s opinion freely...


Resources for Plan Implementation

A nursing intervention of any scope requires having adequate resources to improve the chances of success as well as provide the basis upon which further quality improvement changes will occur. In the effort to educate CHF patients about precautions they should take when traveling to prevent adverse events, the first...

200 Word Essay FAQ

You can write a 200-word essay about medicine, health care, and nursing on many topics. For example: asthma, obesity, pneumonia, HIV, tuberculosis, or dementia. It is worth choosing an inspiring topic because writing a 200 words nursing essay requires time and effort.

Medicine is a quite a complicated topic to write about. Working on a 200-word essay about health care or nursing will typically require time and effort to conduct research and read literature on the topic. Moreover, you’ll have to edit and format the text and probably prepare graphic materials. You’ll need not less than 1 hour for 200 words.

A 200-word essay, be it an academic paper on medicine or any other topic, typically contains 1 to 2 paragraphs. It is a rough estimate considering that an academic writing paragraph usually consists of about 100 words.

A 200-word essay usually spans 1 page, assuming that it is written in one of the common citation formats (APA, MLA, or Chicago). This means that the text is double-spaced and typed with a standard font (Times New Roman or Arial) of 12 points. The exact length of a 200 words essay will depend on the formatting requirements.


Dissemination Strategies in Evidence-Based Practice

The combination of external and internal evidence-based practice (EBP) dissemination strategies seems to be a useful solution. The primary goal of dissemination is to make relevant information available to the members of interdisciplinary teams, while it is especially valuable for nurses, who are the main person responsible for direct care....


Research and Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

There is a clear distinction between evidence-based practice and research as far as project research in nursing is concerned. Research deals with testing hypotheses to create new knowledge, while evidence-based practices appraise research-based evidence and try to implement it (Thomas, 2017). Therefore, this leads to the conclusion that research generates...


Emotional Intelligence in Nursing Professional Relationships

The role of emotional intelligence or EI cannot be underestimated since nursing professionals are constantly in direct contact with individuals who require care and support. However, the importance of EI extends beyond the interaction between a nurse and patient because it can also be critical among nursing specialists themselves. Professional...


Transformative Changes in the Health Care System

In general, people’s health and vitality are critical not only for their products but for the nation’s future as well. For instance, healthy children will be healthy adults in the future, healthy students learn better, and healthy employees work more productively and help to develop and strengthen the country’s economy....


“Hazardous Response Capabilities” by FEMA

The area that is most helpful for a public health nurse to use is the “hazardous response capabilities” (FEMA, 2020, para. 1). This is an important area of public health that has received little attention from practitioners and policymakers since the focus has shifted towards epidemic preparedness. Nevertheless, communities can...


Public Health: Resilience in Nursing

The worldwide demand for nurses due to the shortage crisis is critical and of great interest. The Bureau of Labor Statistics suggest an increment rise of 12% demand of nurses in the next eight years as compared to any other professions (Rajamohan et al., 2020). Globally, nurses are complaining of...


Nursing Education and Positive Patient Outcomes

Nursing Education and Positive Patient Outcomes Nursing is the only healthcare discipline with numerous entrance work paths. Treatment and expertise are important to ensure the quality of service and patient protection. There is a beneficial impact on the medical outcome as it promotes quality service delivery (Weber, Yingling, Jones &...


Nursing Engagement into Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-based practices (EBP) are diligent, problem-solving clinical studies incorporating the best evidence from adequately conducted research, the patient needs and beliefs, and a clinician’s skills to make choices on the treatment of a patient. EBP focuses on analyzing past evidence developed by past clinical research and applying the propositions in...


Community Nursing and Its Relation to Nursing Practitioner Practice

Community nursing includes nursing practice and primary health care in communities. It combines preventive care, health services, intervention, and related education in the population. A nurse practitioner’s role is to focus on health within a particular community. For instance, the primary objectives are to provide health education and ensure a...


Treatment of Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections

The proposed algorithm for addressing the health problems of patients with CLABSI, particularly a patient checklist supplemented by an electronic medical record (EMR), is a justified approach to observing all the required principles of care. The listed advantages of this practice explain the value of utilizing digital tools to record...


Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing Profession

When confronting ethical issues, nurses should always strictly distinguish the difference between morality and ethics. Ethics and morality are two different ideas, and dilemmas related to ethics or morality should not be confused (Rainer et al., 2018). Ethical dilemmas include the decision that should be made for or against one...

Healthcare Research

Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practice Project

Evidence-based practice is a therapeutic approach in the healthcare system that aids in bringing together past studies and gaps experienced. The aim of integrating challenges and practice is to improve care and reduce the morbidity and mortality of patients in healthcare organizations. For instance, infections and deaths resulting from CAUTI...

Healthcare Research

Healthcare Workers in Leadership

While being highly skilled professionals, healthcare workers in leadership and management demonstrate varying qualities and communication styles in the workplace, which define their responsibilities and, consequently, affect the procedures on a global scale. For example, nurse managers’ duties imply monitoring and maintaining the performance of day-to-day operations within nursing units...


Nurses’ Educational Level Impact on Professional/Practical Competence

Researchers have found a certain relationship between a nurse’s educational level and their particular interest and participation in policy making. There are several entry points for nurses to start their professional career, which are associated with participating in the Licensed Practical Nurse Program, Registered Nurse Program, Associate Degree Program, and...

Healthcare Research

Computerized Provider Order Entry in the Healthcare System

Computerized provider entry has a positive effect on the quality and safety of the process of care. Anderson and Abrahamson (2017) state that “information technology can reduce errors,” but “hospitals have been slow to invest in these technologies” (p. 16). Despite the existence of unintended consequences and insignificant changes in...

Healthcare Research

Post-Pandemic Projections for Healthcare Practices

COVID-19 has made it possible to adopt some new normal behaviors such as handwashing and social distance in the public and mandatory mask wearing by optometrists and other clinicians. The public will find it necessary to see medics in their personal protective gear at all times, except in rear situations....

Healthcare Research

A Response on Discriminative Healthcare Practices in the U.S.

Social discrimination is a regressive practice against progress, as evidenced in modern communities. Both liberal and conservative societies experience discriminative methods against minority populations. In the U.S., specifically, the American Indian and Alaskan Native persons have endured segregation in public institutions (Dickerson et al. 735). These individuals suffer limited access...


Effective Handwashing in Catheterization

Evidence-based practice changes promote the transition of practice to enhance quality care provision. In evidence-based practice implementation, the financial, clinical, and quality aspects are taken into consideration. One financial aspect that should be taken into account is the medical bill of the patient. In terms of quality, it is salient...


The Problem of High Turnover among Nurses: Intervention and Outcomes

The nursing shortage is a significant problem in the US, especially during the time of the pandemic. According to Haddad et al. (2020), there are 3.9 million nurses in the United States, and the need for them keeps growing in all healthcare settings, including pediatrics. The primary reason for the...


Career Opportunities for Aspiring Nurses

For aspiring nurses with a Master’s Degree, the next evident step in the career is to get either a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree or apply for the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) level. The primary difference between them is the approach to nursing. As seen from the name,...


Responsibilities and Preparations of a Chief Nursing Officer

A chief nursing officer, or a CNO, is a practitioner that has a multitude of roles within the workplace. Apart from the guaranteed nursing duties, a CNO will also perform administrative roles, leadership duties, advisory functions, and links between physicians and the hospital’s nursing staff (Batcheller et al., 2017). A...


Handwashing Compliance Among Nurses

A substantial percentage of healthcare infections are attributable to the healthcare stakeholders’ actions. Hand hygiene is a crucial way in which healthcare facilities can prevent diseases, and improve the quality of care. The article evaluating hand hygiene compliance among healthcare staff in the intensive care unit discusses the role of...


Acute Kidney Injury: Symptoms, Treatment and Management

Expected Signs and Symptoms Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is characterized by high levels of creatinine, urea, and accumulation of waste products due to decreased kidney function. The patient might report fatigue, oliguria, anuria, nephrotoxic insult, and nocturia. A full history and physical examination will be ordered to determine the etiology...


Physical Exercise During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Physical exercise has numerous benefits to the body including improving its immune response. The immune system comprises many white blood cells within the bone marrow that protect the body from diseases and infections. Exercising increases immune response by stimulating the production of white blood cells. Elevated temperatures during physical activity...


Specifics of Using Different Catheters

For the patients with urinary incontinence, there are some specifics of using different catheters while patients are in acute care settings. In adult patients, intermittent urinary catheters of groups P, C, O, and I are used for different purposes, and there is a tendency that the introduction of such classification...


“Hand Washing: An Essential Infection Control Practice”: Article Analysis

Hands touch unclear surfaces where they get germs which cause infections. Unwashed hands transfer germs to other parts of the body, such as the mouth, ears, eyes, and nose, where they become harmful. Hand washing removes germs from the hands and reduces the chances of being infected (Damilare, 2020). This...


Nurse Advocacy Legislation

Nurse advocacy is an essential element of nurses’ work because it allows these professionals to address current healthcare issues, which they face in their daily work. Addiction Treatment Access Improvement Act of 2017 was introduced to help nurses assess the patients when prescribing and administering opioids (Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation...


Nurses’ Role in Emergency Department Management

Indeed, charge nurses play a huge role in the effective performance and management of emergency departments. Each Registered Nurse must be a competent specialist in his or her field and have a set of well-developed skills to acquire a charge nurse’s position. One of these skills, as noted by the...


Credentialing Process for Nursing Practice

The completion of the training and the passing of the exams are exciting events, but the search for a workplace to apply the acquired knowledge and skills lies ahead. Even after finding a workplace, nurse practitioners (NPs) cannot immediately start work – they need to go through the credentialing process....


The Role of Professional Nursing Organizations

The nursing profession, being one of the most challenging occupations in terms of its formation, requires much support to comply with both the patients’ and medical sphere’s expectations. Thus, in order to make nurses feel as a part of a supportive and understanding community, various professional nursing organizations were introduced....


Scholarly Discussion in an Online Environment

The principles of scholarly discussion in an online environment amount to the importance of being brief, specific, contributing to the point, follow the scholarly writing style and cite sources to credit other authors’ efforts (Cole and Watson 115). All these aspects refer to the only main principle in online scholarly...


Problem of Discrimination in Nursing

Discrimination and bias are problems faced by people in many professions. At the same time, although bias and prejudice are prohibited by law, in medicine and nursing, it has exceptions, since in most cases patients have the right to ask about replacing their doctor or nurse. Consequently, the problem of...


The Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Practice

Each Nurse Practice Act (NPA) presents the provision for the creation of a State Board of Nursing (BON). As was mentioned, this body is granted the right to produce regulatory rules that interpret the NPA requirements and provide more precise directions on nurse practitioners’ scope-of-practice (Salako, 2019). However, the regulations...


Humanism in Nursing Practice

By its very nature, nursing implies caring for others and aspiring to the greater good of patients and the community. These functions require a nurse to apply a humane and ethical approach. According to the definition by the American Humanist Association (n.d.), humanism is motivated by compassion and “supports the...


Scholarly Communication: Education in Nursing Care

Continuing education to achieve personal and professional development is not only critical to safe and effective nursing care but also acts to fulfill the professional and legal responsibility of nurses to update their knowledge (Ewin, Rowles, & Watkins, 2012; Kumar, 2007; Witt, 2011). This paper demonstrates how professional values, service,...


Reproductive System Learning

Information to Provide Students With In a Reproductive System Class First, the nurse has to ensure that students understand the structure of the reproductive systems of males and females. The students must know various organs in the female reproductive system, like the uterus, vagina, urethra, cervix, ovary oviduct, and bladder....


Knowledge of Theoretical Psychology in Nursing

Providing optimal healthcare to all patients is possible with a high level of staff professionalism. Each person who comes to a medical facility needs an individual approach. This is necessary to provide him or her with timely assistance and a comfortable stay in the clinic and better understand the patient’s...


E-Folio: Essential IV for Nursing

Summary While following Essential IV: Information Management and Application of Patient Care Technology, it is important to note that the nurses should focus on developing their technical skills and competency in order to respond to the modern trends in nursing. It is stated in the Standard that the nurses’ technical...

Healthcare Research

The Relationship that Exists between Healthcare and Education

The article explains the relationship that exists between healthcare and education. The whole process of health care requires constant learning and teaching for the purposes of enhancing and developing appropriate skills. The method used to generate data in this research was both flexible and very sensitive to the area where...


The Bullying Aspect of Workplace Violence in Nursing

The article suggested for consideration deals with the topic of workplace violence in healthcare on the whole, and bullying in the sphere of nursing in particular. In this work, Johnston et al. (2009) touch upon the issues of importance of fighting workplace violence, the effects bullying has on nurses and...


Social Media: Liability Issues by the Nurse and the Effects of it

Social media can be used to promote associations, expand professional health networks, education, public health education, and patient care. However, it also creates certain liability issues for the nurse and student nurse. At the same time, non-compliance with requirements can lead to risks in relation to damage to the professional...


What Is the American Nurse Association?

The American Nurse Association is a specialized organization, which was originally created to prevent incompetence among nurses and currently it promotes nurses’ interests, proves their worth, raises their education standards, and protects patients. ANA’s primary goals include professional practice and excellence, health and public policy, knowledge, and research. As a...


Nurses Promoting Wellness in Older Adults

Older adults are individuals who portray unique and complex characteristics that are mostly influenced by internal and external factors. Nurses are therefore required to be competent in order to address the unique care needs of older adults. Nurses play a major role in implementing nursing interventions and evaluating the effectiveness...


The Importance of Communication in Palliative Nursing

The article “Palliative Care and the Importance of Communication Between Nurse and Patient, Family and Caregiver” by Andrade et al. (2019) is based on the research of 14 articles about the communication’s importance in nursing. The study aims to both assess and understand the existing research on palliative care (PC)...


Professional Commitment of Nurse

For a nurse, professional commitment means a desire and an intention to stay in a nursing profession for the purpose of providing effective care and services to patients. As a complex phenomenon, professional commitment is associated with a nurse’s understanding and acceptance of their professional roles, duties, and responsibilities, as...


Nurses as Lobbyists Are Essential to the Growth of Nursing as a Profession

In many cases, nurses can be viewed as lobbyists because they tend to represent the interests of patients and community members when lobbying for the improvement of services and practices. Furthermore, it is also possible to agree that nurses performing as lobbyists play an essential role in the advancement of...


Cardiac Surgery in Elderly Patients: Strategies to Optimize Outcomes

The article under analysis is dedicated to the topic of cardiac surgery in elderly patients and the role of nurses in organizing and developing care programs needed by elderly patients after cardiac surgeries. In more detail, Rosborough (2006) argues that the proportion of people aged 80 and older is growing...


Pre-Developed Nursing Care Plan For the Elderly

The paper titled A practice development initiative supporting care home staff delivers high-quality end-of-life care reflects upon the nurses’ role in older adult care. There is of great importance to meet the needs of the elderly population living in nursing homes. However, end-of-life practices still require improvements and concrete nursing...


Nursing Professional Development

Professional Development Goals My primary professional development goal as a family nurse practitioner (FNP) is to improve my standard of care for patients. As this is a complex and multifaceted task, working towards it requires developing multiple skills and areas of practice. The first and obvious area is receiving more...


Socializing With Colleagues: Better Learning Environment for Nurses

Socialization with colleagues means the development of effective professional networks of peers who can provide guidance and support for each other in a certain field. Socializing is extremely important in nursing because nurses usually cooperate in teams during their shifts, and they also develop as professionals when collaborating and communicating...


The Issue of Professional Appearance

Medical assistants and members of healthcare teams need to take the issue of professional appearance seriously. Every individual should consider the right apparel and dress decently to appear smart. The professional can wear the required uniform and have the relevant badges to streamline patient-caregiver relations. Medical assistants should also consider...


Nursing Future: Transformational Leadership

Patients deserve care that is focused on their particular needs rather than what healthcare professionals regard as convenient for them. A shift in the healthcare system is required to realise this objective. As a result, transforming the health industry calls for a reconsideration of roles among healthcare professionals, including nurses...


Professional Issues in Nursing

Professional nurses have many opportunities to provide assistance and care to community members who have limited access to the healthcare reform or have no access to services. Firstly, it is necessary to contact all the local non-profit organizations providing support to such members of a community and apply for participation...


Authoritarian Leadership Style in Nursing

Like in any field that relies on cooperation between specialists, leadership plays a crucial part in nursing practice. A skilled leader can ensure a unit’s performance by distributing tasks and responsibilities, and maintaining morale and discipline. A poor leader allows tasks and responsibilities to overlap, interfering with the unit’s ability...


Walden’s Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Specialty

Nurse Practitioner is a profession that requires a high level of specialized knowledge combined with stress-resistance and a clear understanding of the ethics of the profession. The specialization has a number of subtypes that, despite their similarities, require different efforts and motivations from the students who want to pursue them....


Goal Setting in Nursing Leadership

The SMART goal framework is used for guiding the goal setting, it implies that the goals that are being set are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. When creating and using SMART goals, it is recommended to set up milestones that would help continually generate the feeling of winning among...


Nursing: The Most Trusted Profession

The introduction of positive changes in nursing practice helps improve the quality of care and allows realizing valuable perspectives that make it possible to improve patient outcomes. For instance, according to the Institute of Medicine (2010), a course towards the promotion of education among nursing staff contributes to expanding nurses’...


The Nursing Process and Critical Skills

The focus of this week’s lessons was an analysis of the nursing process and critical and diagnostic skills that both lead to better clinical judgment and patient outcomes. Firstly, as per the nursing process, six stages of “assessment, diagnosis, outcome identification, planning, implementation, and evaluation” have been identified (Claywell, 2018,...


The Assessment of the Anthropomorphic Measurements

The assessment of the anthropomorphic measurements of the 9-month old female patient shows that she is underweight. Namely, she is in the fifth percentile for weight and in the 25th percentile for head circumference and height, which is disproportionate. According to the data from the Centers for Disease Control and...


Simulations in Nursing

In the university context, compounds of processors with simulation devices present students with opportunities for interactive participation. Simulations reproduce actual events in secure surroundings. Simulations hold various applications, such as introduction or in-service programs, a real classroom or clinical workroom environment, or section of a study task (Sewell, 2013). Practical...


Characteristics of a Professional Registered Nurse

The article by Swan et al. (2019) examines what characteristics registered nurses need to possess to perform their job functions and assigned responsibilities effectively. According to the researchers, these professionals should have extensive knowledge across different healthcare disciplines to provide comprehensive care and make appropriate changes to the treatment process...


Nurse Leader: What You Need to Know

The first week covered many important topics related to nursing practice. Among these, understanding informed consent and advanced directives, learning about considerations for psychiatric settings and patients, and prioritization and delegation are the three topics worth emphasizing. The healthcare system is built around patients’ needs and desires. They should have...


Nursing Home and Subacute Care

The idea of the changes in the terminology of nursing homes to nursing facilities does not seem to be quite rationalized. Nursing homes are private institutions that provide health care and residential accommodations, mostly for elderly people (Chisholm, 2018). At the same time, nursing facilities provide disabled or sick people...

Healthcare Research

The Healing Effect of Yoga

Originated in India thousands of years ago, yoga may be regarded as one of the most prominent physical, mental, philosophical, and spiritual practices in the modern world. In the United States, more than 30 million adults have used yoga at least one in their lives (Cramer et al, p. 230)....

Healthcare Research

Reasons for Medical Experts Popularity

In the period from 1890 to 1930, the role of medical experts in society became more significant. As a result, numerous health care professionals were the most suitable individuals to consult concerning various issues, including feeding a family, raising children, and others. Thus, this process was called the medicalization of...


Capstone Project on Patient Education for Chronic Heart Failure

Introduction Congestive heart failure (CHF) requires patients to self-manage at home once they are discharged from the hospital The existing guide is too complex and extensive, requiring scientific knowledge or medical background to understand it The extensive Spanish-speaking population does not receive any information from the hospital Lack of proper...


Current Trends in Various Areas of Nursing: An Overview of the Present Evidence

Similar to other numerous fields, nursing is experiencing major changes that shape the manner of managing patients’ needs and key tasks in various nursing contexts. Therefore, it is important to observe how these changes occur. The dynamics of the specified alterations are evident in the domains of Nursing Administration, Nursing...


The Oncology Nurses’ Burnout and Their Personality Traits

The article in question, published in 2017, dwells upon the relationship between oncology nurses’ burnout and their personality traits. The purpose of the study was to measure the level of oncology nurses’ burnout, evaluate the stage of their burnout suffering, and analyze the correlation between personality traits and burnout (De...


Roles of a Nurse in Hospital Environment

A clear understanding of the roles that a nurse plays in the hospital environment allows making the performance as effective as possible. The communicative aspect of a nurse’s role is particularly important since it helps to obtain crucial information about a patient’s well-being faster (Norouzinia, Aghabarari, Shiri, Karimi, & Samami,...

Healthcare Research

Role of Men and Women in the Medical System of USA

In the period from 1890 to 1930, the American nation witnessed significant changes that influenced numerous individuals. Medical experts became essential members of society, and they addressed many crucial issues. For example, historical documents demonstrate that women were a focus of many studies and experiments of that time. Thus, appropriate...

Healthcare Research

Spanish Flu: Cause and Effect

One of the most aggressive types of influenza viruses caused Spanish flu. It differed from other infections by its ability to destroy human organs in no time, and the post-war world was not ready for such an epidemic. In the case of Spanish flu, there were several reasons why it...

Healthcare Research

HRM Metrics in Healthcare Organizations

Healthcare is a complex economic system that balances in an unpredictable and rapidly changing external environment, and the harsh climate complicates healthcare management practices. In order to maintain a balance, it is necessary to adapt to the circumstances through innovative activities, in particular, by applying innovative human resource management. HR...


Nursing: Conceptual Operation Frameworks

Nurses are guided by nursing theories that are recognized as organized and systematic claims concerning principal issues in the nursing profession. Nursing models aim at describing relationships between nursing problems, predicting impacts, and improving care. In other words, a theory can be viewed as a way in which reality in...

Healthcare Research

Patient Safety Project Findings Dissemination

The main problem addressed by the practicum project plan is patient safety. It is defined by the absence of preventable harm to individuals who receive emergency or medical care. Relative to this assertion, the World Health Organization (2019) posits that about 25% of patients who seek health services are often...

Healthcare Research

Validity Threats in Radiology Training Evaluation

Internal and external validity are important concepts in training evaluation, as they prove that its results are meaningful and relevant. Threats to validity are the factors that might affect the level of believability of the study outcomes and the extent of their generalization. Internal validity is an important featur as...

Administration and Regulation

Effective Team Collaboration for Patient Safety

This paper highlights interdisciplinary team communication as a tool for improving patient safety. The research topic stems from my practicum experience where I detected poor communication among different interdisciplinary teams. Relative to this assertion, the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (2017) contends that proper communication is...

Healthcare Research

Hypertension Management and Education Program

Introduction Patient education is an essential aspect of contemporary care and disease management that can improve the outcomes of treatment. This element is especially crucial in the context of chronic conditions that require continuous monitoring and adherence to the recommendations of medical professionals. This paper aims to outline an issue...

Healthcare Research

Evidence-Based Medical Practice: Useful or Not?

Introduction Evidence-based medical practice allows to facilitate the decision-making process and improve patients’ health outcomes by using the best available information from high-quality clinical research. Despite the effectiveness of this approach, many medical institutions in the United States have not embraced it yet. The purpose of this paper is to...

Healthcare Research

Patient Satisfaction and Favorable Outcomes

The aim of the study conducted by Kennedy, Trevis, and Kent correlated with the research question and was the following: are there connections between measures of patient satisfaction and favorable health outcomes? The sample of the study includes 171 hospitals that offered data through the University HealthSystem Consortium (UHC) database....

Public Health

Racial and Ethnic Minorities in the United States and Their Health Care Problems

Health care problem In the US, racial and ethnic minorities experience considerable disparities in health care services. According to Fiscella and Sanders (2016), ethnic minorities have limited access to preventative care, chronic disease control, hospitalization, obstetrician care, and behavioral healthcare. In particular, American Indian (AI) and Alaska Native (AN) people...

Administration and Regulation

S-P-O Model of Healthcare Quality

The quality of healthcare services is the crucial concept of the S-P-O model. Structure, process, and outcome, the principal components of the model base on the quality in all aspects. The structure is the competence of caregivers and medical equipment, the process includes all the elements such as treatment and...


Acute Care Nurse Practitioners and Primary Care Nurse Practitioners Differences

ACNPs and PCNPCs differences Acute care nurse practitioners (ACNPs) and primary care nurse practitioners (PCNPs) differ in their scope of practice, training, and practice settings. PCNPs aims at providing continuous care with particular emphasis put on health promotion, treating chronic conditions, and creating long-term relationships with patients and their families...

Administration and Regulation

Training Programs Evaluation Motives in a Hospital

Companies are investing vast amounts of money in training programs to gain a competitive advantage. Studies on the effectiveness of such programs revealed that “companies that conduct training are likely to have more positive human resource outcomes and greater performance outcomes” (Noe, 2010, p. 217). However, it is also essential...

Public Health

Health Literacy Concern Among Healthcare Professionals

Health literacy is a growing concern among healthcare professionals, and the provided presentation helps to appreciate the importance of the subject. Indeed, in clinical practice, there are many barriers that care providers face in order to deliver high-quality, patient-centered care. According to the presentation, 36% of adult Americans are identified...

Healthcare Research

Screening for Hypertension in Adolescents

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a considerable bother for the US healthcare system due to high prevalence and morbidity and mortality implications. However, the US Preventative Service Task Force (USPSTF, 2019b) concludes that there is not enough evidence to suggest screening for primary hypertension in adolescents due to the...

Healthcare Research

Parents’ Responsibility for Children’s Medical Care

A key area of ​​medical care for children is the active monitoring of children’s health and the implementation of comprehensive preventive measures. The medical needs of children with disabilities should be taken into account. These actions require the involvement of a large number of medical workers, and, accordingly, funds and...

Healthcare Research

Therapeutic Adherence

Therapeutic adherence is assumed as one of the critical factors that influence the success of the treatment. Patients’ therapeutic adherence depends on several factors, such as patient-centered, disease-related, or therapy-oriented issues. The exploration of the factors that affect the adherence to antihypertensive treatment among Afro-Caribbean in South Florida is the...

Healthcare Research

Anticipatory Guidelines in Adolescents

Early adolescence is a period of remarkable transformations of the body on all levels. Body image is greatly influenced by hormonal and neurodevelopmental changes, which lead to the rapid growth of cognitive and intellectual capacities and the development of secondary sexual characteristics (World Health Organization, n.d.). Moreover, environmental factors (for...

Administration and Regulation

Creating Shared Value in the Hospitality Industry

The proposed title of the research is The impact of creating shared value (CSV) on hotels’ and restaurants’ performance. The study will identify the effect of CSV as a part of the management process on the performance of hotels and restaurants. The primary suggestion and the thesis statement of the...

Administration and Regulation

Quality Director in Healthcare

A quality director is the first position that I was a CEO need to identify after management commitment has been achieved. Since this job is an authoritative one, only experienced candidates with relevant hospital backgrounds in patient safety, quality, or performance improvement should be considered. The level of education should...


Nurse-Patient Ratios: Lobbying a Policy Change

Improper nurse-patient ratios in many hospitals indeed represent a significant problem. It is one of the workplace factors that are associated with burnout and job dissatisfaction, often leading nurses to quit the profession and, in this way, aggravating the issue of workforce shortage (McHugh & Ma, 2014). In addition, nurse...

Alternative Medicine

Non-Traditional Treatment Options and Awareness

Patients become increasingly informed about various medical practices nowadays and many of them prefer non-traditional treatment options due to personal attitudes and cultural beliefs. Considering this trend, healthcare practitioners should have extensive knowledge of complementary and alternative medicine in order to educate patients about potential risks, such as side effects...


AIDS in South Africa and Denialism

Highlights The spread of HIV in South Africa is a critical issue addressed in the analyzed source. According to statistical information, this issue was relevant as early as 2000 when 4.2 million local people were infected with this dangerous disease (“State of Denial”). Based on the review of other videos,...


Nurses’ Experiences During Advanced Level Nursing Education

An article by Graue, Rasmussen, Iversen, and Dunning (2015) described an empirical study that investigated whether increasing the educational levels of nurses in rural Norway would improve the quality of their work. This process was deemed mutually beneficial to nurses and patients because both parties gained from improved competence and...

Medical Ethics

Chapter 4 of “Principles of Biomedical Ethics” by Beauchamp & Childress

Autonomy in biomedical research and medicine is a key ethical principle that should be considered by patients, participants of studies, and medical workers. This is important because, in some cases, individuals have less autonomy that needs an in-depth examination. Respect for an individual’s freedom requires one to accept the right...


Dose-Response Concept in Toxicology

The concept of dose-response is widely used in many biological disciplines and, in particular, in toxicology. According to Calabrese (2016), this dependency reflects the relationship between a specific dose of a particular substance and the number of those affected. In toxicology, this concept is utilized to identify the tendency to...

Public Health

Homeless People and African Americans’ Health Issues

I would like to identify some additional challenges associated with the health issues of the homeless people. Those who belong to this vulnerable population face many health problems as well as the difficulties in accessing healthcare facilities (Edidin, Ganim, Hunter, & Karnik, 2012). Health issues of this population include sexually...